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目的:探讨减少新护士临床护理差错事故发生的举措。方法新护士分到外科后,实施1年的“新护士临床护理安全管理培训计划”,培训完毕,每人撰写1篇新护士护理安全演讲稿件,组织护士长对稿件质量与选手进行层层筛选,在“5·12”国际护士节期间举行新护士“护理安全在我心中”演讲比赛,设立奖项对表现优秀的新护士给予奖励。结果通过开展演讲活动,新护士临床护理安全意识与行为明显增强,护理差错事故明显降低。结论新护士护理安全演讲在提升新护士安全护理能力方面具有较明显的作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨对护理人员进行患者安全培训的方法及效果。方法成立培训小组,构建患者安全文化氛围,制订不良事件上报制度及安全管理制度,对典型案例进行全院护理安全大讨论,开展安全护理技能培训及加强新护士岗前培训。结果实行患者安全护理培训后4年护士在口服给药、静脉给药、静脉采血、输血、患者身份辨识等安全操作评分较培训前4年均显著提高(P<0.05或P<0.01);建立护理不良事件报告系统前后4年,护理不良事件发生例次、护士对不良事件报告制度的知晓率、护理缺陷例次较实施前有所增加(P<0.05或P<0.01),护理差错例次较前降低(P<0.05)。结论加强护理人员的患者安全培训,有利于提高患者满意度,规范护士的安全护理行为,降低护理差错的发生,保障患者安全,提升护理服务质量。  相似文献   

目的了解儿科护士对患者安全文化认知现状并探讨其影响因素。方法采用一般资料调查表、医院患者安全文化量表对273名在职儿科护士进行调查。结果儿科护士对患者安全文化认知总分为(3.11±0.39)分,处于中等水平。儿科护士安全文化认知的主要影响因素为学历、职称、工作年限、用工性质。结论儿科护士对患者安全文化认知水平还有很大提升空间,提示护理管理者应采用针对性的管理措施确保患者安全。  相似文献   

目的深入了解神经外科ICU护士对患者安全文化的认知与实践,为促进患者安全文化的构建提供参考。方法应用现象学研究方法,对12名神经外科ICU护士进行半结构式深度访谈,对访谈资料进行转录、编码、类属分析、描述和组织。结果神经外科ICU护士对患者安全文化的认知可归纳为高度的认同与肯定和支持患者参与患者安全2个主题;对影响患者安全文化构建实践中的障碍因素可提炼为护理人力资源配置不当、全员共同参与患者安全的氛围缺乏、患者安全的教育培训体系缺乏、不良事件非惩罚性上报机制的不完善和对护士的心理支持关注不足5个主题。结论护士在医院患者安全文化构建中发挥着引导和示范作用,了解护士对患者安全文化的认知及影响其实践行为的因素,可为制订科学、系统的患者安全文化管理体系提供参考。  相似文献   

文职护士的培训方法与效果   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
目的探索文职护士的培训程序,使其尽快转变角色,适应军队护理工作的需要。方法对某部队504名文职护士进行招聘后集中培训、上岗前培训,并对其进行考核。结果提高了文职护士培训科目考试合格率及业务素质和疗养员的满意度。结论对文职护士进行有针对性的培训,可以使其尽快适应新时期军队护理工作的需要。  相似文献   

陈叶  卢芳 《当代护士》2008,(6):28-29
目的探讨护理人员履行告知中存在的问题,开展护理告知培训的方法及效果。方法制定系统培训护理告知计划,通过院内、科内进行讲座、讨论、经验介绍等各种形式对护士进行告知知识培训。结果对告知培训前与培训后护理人员的告知技巧与能力、法律意识,护理告知有效率、病人及家属对护士告知满意度进行比较,具有统计学意义(p〈0.01)。结论护理告知知识培训,提高了护士告知技巧与能力,增强了工作责任心、法律意识,加强了护患沟通,提高了告知有效率、病人及家属满意度,有效减少了护患纠纷的发生。  相似文献   

汪小冬  章丽丽  张雅丽 《护理研究》2012,26(18):1710-1712
近年来,病人安全已成为公共卫生的热点议题之一[1,2],安全文化在医院安全管理中受到越来越多的关注和重视,营造积极的安全文化也逐渐成为提升病人安全管理水平的重要措施。本研究结合前期科室护士对病人安全文化测评的结果,以输液  相似文献   

安全文化研究及其对我国护理的启示   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
“安全”是人的基本需要之一,保证患者安全是广大医护人员的重要职责,也是衡量医疗护理质量的重要标志之一。然而,近年来随着《医疗事故处理条例》的出台以及公民法律意识的不断增强,医院所面临的医疗风险日益加大。因此,如何提高医护人员的安全意识,加强医疗护理安全的前瞻性管理,减少和杜绝护理缺陷造成的纠纷和差错,确保患者安全,已成为当前国内外学者关注的热点。[第一段]  相似文献   

目的 探索患者安全文化对护士第二受害者痛苦的影响。 方法 于2018年10月—2019年1月便利选取中国中西部3个省6所三级甲等医院经历患者安全事件的执业护士2 897名作为调查对象,采用一般资料问卷、医院患者安全文化调查问卷、第二受害者经验及支持量表进行调查。 结果 患者安全文化影响护士作为第二受害者的心理痛苦、生理痛苦和职业自我效能。护士心理痛苦的主要影响因素有差错的非惩罚性反应、交接班与转科、不同科室间合作、对差错的沟通反馈和安全的整体感知;生理痛苦的主要影响因素有差错的非惩罚性反应、交接班与转科、不同科室间合作、员工配置和护士职务;职业自我效能的主要影响因素有差错的非惩罚性反应、不同科室间合作、安全的整体感知、交接班与转科和护士工作年限。 结论 护士的第二受害者痛苦受到患者安全文化的影响,其中非惩罚性安全文化、医院跨科室的团队合作、患者交接对护士作为第二受害者的痛苦有重要影响。  相似文献   

目的调查我院新入职护士对患者安全文化的认知现状并分析影响因素。方法采用一般资料调查表、医院患者安全文化测量问卷,对新入职护士进行患者安全文化认知测评。结果患者安全文化积极反应率较高的维度为"科室内团队合作"(90.04%)"组织学习与持续改进"(86.45%)"沟通的开放性"(85.06%)与"对差错的反馈与沟通"(81.33%)。积极反应率较低的3个维度为"对差错的非惩罚性反应"(44.81%)"不良事件报告频率"(47.30%)及"人员配置"(56.43%)。拖班时长和月夜班数是护士评价患者安全文化的主要影响因素(P0.05)。结论新入职护士的整体患者安全文化偏正向,但是不良事件上报及护理人力资源配置方面积极反应率较低,医疗机构管理部门在以后工作中,应采取针对性的改进措施,以提升患者安全文化水平,保障医疗安全。  相似文献   

Positive perceptions of patient safety culture are associated with lower rates of adverse events, but they have not been widely established in many health care organizations. The purpose of this study is to examine the impacts of a safety culture training program (SCTP) on enhancing the perceptions of patient safety in nurse managers. This was a quasi-experimental design. 83 nurse managers were recruited from five randomly selected 2nd level hospitals. Sixty-seven nurse managers received training under the educational SCTP. The Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSPSC) and Chinese Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (C-SAQ) were administered just before and six months after the educational program. The data of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers, patient falls, and unplanned extubations were collected. The total positive scores of HSPSC were significantly improved and four dimensions of C-SAQ significantly increased six months after SCTP. The rate of patient falls and rate of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers decreased significantly six months post SCTP. In conclusion, nurse manager participation in a SCTP can enhance the perceptions of patient safety and reduce the rates of adverse events. More rigorous trials with larger numbers of participants and a control group are needed to strengthen the conclusions.  相似文献   

IntroductionCritical care nurses are considered the key to patient safety improvement and play a vital role in enhancing quality of care in intensive care units (ICUs) where adverse events are frequent and have severe consequences. Moreover, there is recognition of the importance of the assessment and the development of patient safety culture (PSC) as a strategic focus for the improvement of patient safety and healthcare quality, notably in critical care settings.ObjectivesThis study aimed to assess critical care nurses' perception of PSC and to determine its associated factors.MethodsThis cross-sectional study was conducted among nurses working in the ICUs of the Tunisian centre (six Tunisian governorates). The study instrument was the French validated version of the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture questionnaire, comprising 10 dimensions and a total of 50 items.ResultsA total of 249 nurses from 18 ICUs participated in the study, with a participation rate of 87.36%. The dimensions scores ranged between 17.2% for the dimension “frequency of events reported” and 50.1% for the dimension “teamwork within units”. Multivariable logistic regression indicated that respondents who worked in private hospitals were five times more likely to have a developed PSC (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]: 5.34; 95% confidence interval [CI], [2.28, 12.51]; p < 10–3). Similarly, participants who worked in a certified hospital were two times more likely to have a more developed PSC than respondents who work in noncertified hospitals (AOR: 2.51; 95% CI, [.92–6.82]; p = 0.041). In addition, an increased nurse-per-patient ratio (i.e., reduced workload) increased PSC (AOR: 1.10; 95% CI, [1.02–1.12]; p = 0.018).ConclusionThis study has shown that the state of critical care nurses' PSC is critically low and these baseline results can help to form a plan of actions for improvements.  相似文献   

目的:了解不良事件报告现况,探讨不良事件报告与病人安全文化相关性。方法:采用问卷调查方式对某三甲医院614名医务人员进行调查。结果:不良事件报告频率与医务人员的工龄、是否担任职务、病人安全文化有关,得分比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);不良事件报告频率与医务人员工作科室的差异比较有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:不同个人特征及工作性质的医务人员的不良事件报告频率不同,不良事件报告频率与病人安全文化具有相关性。-  相似文献   

目的:了解我国精神科护士的患者安全文化(PSC)认知现状,为护理管理者制订有效的护理措施以提高精神科护理服务质量提供参考。方法:采用便利抽样法,于2019年9月选取我国7个地区的2 624名精神科护士为研究对象。调查问卷采用自行设计的一般资料问卷及医院患者安全文化调查问卷(HSOPSC)。对精神科护士"不良事件报告频率...  相似文献   

AimTo synthesize and evaluate the cumulative effect of patient safety education intervention for health care professional staff in the hospital setting on their patient safety culture.BackgroundPatient security Culture is an important factor in ensuring patient safety and it is recommended as one of the pillars of preventive strategies in the healthcare system.DesignSystematic review and meta-analysis were prospectively registered with PROSPERO.MethodsThis review and meta-analysis were conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. We searched PubMed, EMBASE, Ovid, CINAHL, Cochran Library, Web of Science and randomized control trial registration databases from January 1999 to February 2021. Studies on patient safety culture intervention were included. We assessed research quality using the jadad scale for RCTs and the Methodological Index for Non-Randomized StudiesResultsSixteen studies with a total of 3438 participants in the intervention group and 3121 in the control group were included in the final analysis. The random-effect meta-analysis shows significant heterogeneity among studies that assessed patient safety culture as a mean percentage of positive responses or as a mean score of 1–5 scale. (I2 = 91% and 77%, respectively). Also, there was a significant difference between experimental and control group in the overall pooled effect of patient safety culture in the studies that used the mean percentage of positive response [Mean Difference = 5.24, 95% confidence interval (1.32, 9.16, Z = 2.62; P = 0.009] or the mean score [Mean Difference = 0.08, 95% confidence interval (0.01, 0.15), Z = 2.26; P = 0.02]. The difference was no longer significant in the mean score studies after excluding the studies with low-quality scores. Subgroup analysis showed no change in the pooled effect of the studies with quasi-experimental [Mean Difference = 7.84, 95% confidence interval (2.35, 13.33); Z = 2.80; p = 0.005) or before-after design [MD= 0.11, 95% confidence interval (0.07, 0.14); Z = 5.74; p = 0.000]. However, the patient safety education intervention remained effective after one year of follow-up.ConclusionsOur review Provides empirical evidence on current efforts in patient safety education to improve a healthcare professional-patient safety culture. The Patient safety education program could improve the patient safety culture of health care professionals.  相似文献   

目的 了解护士掌握的患者安全文化水平,为制定改善患者安全措施提供客观依据.方法 采用医院护士的患者安全文化调查问卷对某省6所三级医院1 866名护士进行调查.结果 护士的医院患者安全水平总分为(3.57±0.42)分,问卷5个维度得分按降序依次为团队氛围、安全氛围、工作满意、对管理的感受、压力认知.护士的医院患者安全文化处于中等水平,得分较低的条目是:对不良事件的惩罚、工作压力、工作强度、人员配置等.结论 护理管理者应着眼于改善护理安全系统,关注潜在的护理隐患,营造积极的患者安全文化,减少或防范护理不良事件,促进患者安全.  相似文献   

介绍了曼彻斯特病人安全框架(MaPSaF)的相关背景、理论依据等内容,简要说明了其测评流程,并提出了MaPSaF的测评优势及施测建议,以期为我国病人安全文化研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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