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Access of safe, effective, convenient and affordable medical and health care services to the people is set as the goal of public hospitals health services as stated in the "Guidelines for Public Hospitals Pilot Reform". Such a goal, however, can hardly be achieved by mechanism changes within the public hospitals. The input and output of public hospitals rely critically on such factors as the input mechanism, regional pattern of healthcare system, the economic and industrial conditions of the region,payment quota and payment approval procedures of medical insurance. This paper set off from the input compensation mechanism of public hospitals in China and analyzed the input and output characteristics of the hospitals. Furthermore, the paper proposed to establish an input compensation mechanism based on public welfare performance for such hospitals. This provided further reference for improving the management of public hospitals and building a public welfare-oriented operation mechanism of public hospitals.  相似文献   

Social governance is a novel form of public administration made based on the analysis and judgment for the power pattern in the course of social administration, a model advocated in the premise of a clearly positioned relationship among the government, marketplace, society and citizens.Social evaluation is an effective carrier and means leveraging the social governance theory, which has found extensive and outstanding use in such issues as expression of public interests and responsibilities,and in tackling sharp social problems. The authors called into play the scenario analysis based on public hospital management reforms with the social governance theory. In addition, they explored social governance at home and abroad as well as the theories, meaning and progress of social evaluation, and analyzed the pathways and probes in social evaluation and governance in the fields in question. On such basis, the paper proposed to explore and develop the social evaluation strategies and study framework for public hospitals in terms of healthcare management, aiming at building the social governance system and policies for public hospitals.  相似文献   

The paper introduced the organization culture building of a private hospital, in creating the Aikang hospital as your home culture and Aikang values for building a harmonious workplace for the hospital. The management system reform features the separation between regulations and management,building of the supporting system and operating system, for better quality of care with advanced management practice. The social rewards feature great efforts in supporting the disadvantageous population, and undertaking public health service and charity activities. These care and love to the community help the hospital to fulfill its social responsibilities.  相似文献   

This paper studied the present governance practice in public hospitals in Wenzhou,Zhejiang province. Points made in the paper cover the following: failure of the check-and-balance of the three powers due to defects of the existing governance mechanism of public hospitals, absolute power and limitation of the hospital director as well as the patriarchal tendency of the director responsibility system.The author also demonstrated the director responsibility system under the board of directors, holding that the reform of the public hospital governance is a process of ongoing improvements, for which the mechanism of effective incentives, supervision and competition mechanism plays a key role for efficient hospital operations.  相似文献   

To explore how to create and optimize a promotion index system of medical quality evaluation, this article focuses on the hospital visiting process from patients, using analyzing collected those index system from couples of Grade Ⅲ hospitals in Beijing, and combining the results of literal study, field study and specialist consult, according to the different situation of general hospitals and specially hospitals, with the spirit of "maintaining the patients benefits, safeguarding the patients safety,and enhancing the medical quality", introduces the framework of the promotion index system, the rules to select the indicator, and so on, and discusses several problerns related to creating the index system.  相似文献   

To explore how to create and optimize a promotion index system of medical quality evaluation, this article focuses on the hospital visiting process from patients, using analyzing collected those index system from couples of Grade Ⅲ hospitals in Beijing, and combining the results of literal study, field study and specialist consult, according to the different situation of general hospitals and specially hospitals, with the spirit of "maintaining the patients benefits, safeguarding the patients safety,and enhancing the medical quality", introduces the framework of the promotion index system, the rules to select the indicator, and so on, and discusses several problerns related to creating the index system.  相似文献   

Between members of a network, interorganizational resilience is favored by effective collaboration and coordination during a crisis. The quality of that collaboration depends on various iterative factors present between these organizations before the occurrence of a crisis.We find that these factors are iterative since collaboration factors follow a mutually reinforcing cycle: collaboration within a crisis management network is conditioned by a general agreement, which is in turn conditioned by the extent to which the institutions coordinate themselves prior to crisis. We evaluated the factors that promote collaboration between public and private organizations that manage the Greater Montréal transportation infrastructure.These factors are based on adaptive management processes such as mutual agreements, common organizational culture, knowledge and financial resources, levers of power,regulations, and pressure. Crisis management coordination represents the ability to build and assess the effectiveness of common response plans to risks to which they are exposed. We show how these processes vary depending on the links between private and public organizations.  相似文献   

王宇 《健康大视野》2006,14(5):16-18
China's entry into WTO has had a tremendous effect on Chinese public hospitals as it introduced some challenges and, ushered in an opportunity to provide a new development space. This report aims at to analyze and evaluate the initial impact of China's entry into the WTO on Chinese public hospitals, particularly in the field of the human resources department, financial department and quality service control department. As well as make feasible recommendations to the Chinese government.  相似文献   

湖北省6家公立医院的经济运行现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解湖北省公立医院的经济运行现状,分析其对公立医院公益性的影响.方法 采用现场调查的方法收集数据,结合相关统计资料对湖北省公立医院的经济运行现状进行分析.结果 湖北省公立医院的财务收支不断增加并趋于平衡;政府财政补助有限,90%以上的公立医院收入来源于医疗收入和药品收入;公立医院人均业务收入呈逐年增长的趋势;湖北省公立医院的资产负债率相对较高.结论 宏观经济体制和卫生政策的变革、经济利益的诱导阻碍了公立医院公益性的实现.完善公立医院的财政补偿机制,规范公立医院的财务管理机制.
Objective To understand the current economical operation of public hospitals in Hubei province and its effect on their public welfare performance. Methods To collect data in field survey and to analyze the current economic situation of such hospitals in the province based on relevant statistics.Results Financial revenue and expenditure of these hospitals keep rising and achieving a balance in general; for the insufficient government financial subsidy, 90% of the revenue of such hospitals come from their medical services and drugs sold; the per capita revenue of these public hospitals maintains a yearly rising trend; their asset-liability ratio was relatively high. Conclusions The public welfare performance of these hospitals tends to be impeded by the reform on the macro economic system and health policy changes, on top of the attraction of economic interests. Improving the government subsidy mechanism for public hospitals and standardizing the financial management mechanism of public hospitals.  相似文献   

公立医院组织文化与医院绩效的关联性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究分析了我国公立综合性医院的文化现状及其与6大医院绩效指标间的关联,结果发现,制度规范、社会责任和竞争意识文化评分最高,授权、组织协调和能力发展评分最低,且不同级别、不同地区医院间差异不显著;关联性分析显示,多个组织文化维度对医院绩效指标有显著关联,且管理者与非管理者之间这种文化-绩效的关联性存在一定差异.  相似文献   

现代医院管理制度对我国公立医院的发展方向、治理机制、管理控制和过程等几个方面提出了全新的要求,为了实现这些新要求,公立医院领导能力至关重要。本研究提出公立医院领导的职责与定位和领导者需要满足的五项通用胜任能力要求,具体包括公共服务意识、战略规划能力、影响力、创新能力和变革能力。建议打破传统的"医而优则仕"的选拔方法,以本研究提出的公立医院院长胜任能力模型作为选拔的标准,采用科学的测评方法选拔与岗位要求匹配的医院高层领导者。本研究为公立医院领导力开发的理论研究贡献了评价标准和培养目标,也为公立医院高层领导班子选拔、配置和培养等管理实践提供了理论支撑。  相似文献   

公立医院治理公法人化刍议   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
公立医院公法人是一项重要的组织手段与法律制度,其目的在于通过法人的身份独立与行为自主,实现公立医院的自治与绩效,使公立医院由官僚化的单位治理模式向自主化的法人治理模式演变;使公立医院在以法人化的方式应对行政科层制的弊端的同时,须强化对公立医院的监督,实现公益性。介绍了公立医院事业法人的弊端、公立医院治理公法人化的时代背景及意义,构建了我国公立医院公法人化的基本框架。  相似文献   

目的:了解我国医生对正向执业环境的评价,从卫生服务供方角度提出对医改的建议。方法:采用自行设计的医务人员正向执业环境调查表,对全国7个省/直辖市的77家公立医院的3 564医生进行问卷调查。正向执业环境包括组织管理和医患关系两个维度。结果:医生的正向执业环境评分仅18.02±4.86分(满分40分),组织管理维度的评分高于医患关系;组织管理维度中,评分最低的是组织对个人建议的重视(2.24±1.04);医患关系维度中,评分最低的是规避医疗风险(1.59±0.81);不同地区医生的正向执业环境评分存在差异,西部地区医生的评分最低(P0.001);中医的正向执业环境评分高于西医(P=0.002)。结论:目前医生的执业环境不容乐观,医院外部紧张的医患关系比医院内部低效的组织管理更严重;促进正向执业环境,医院应采用参与式决策管理模式、建立向医院基层倾斜的宽带绩效薪酬制度;政府应以促进医患信任为基本价值取向,建立合理的医院补偿激励机制。  相似文献   

我国公立医院改革历程及基于公司治理理论的审视   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
文章回顾了我国公立医院改革的历程和特征,基于公司治理理论的视角对公立医院当前存在的问题和既有的改革探索进行了分析和评述,提出应当着力建立与国家医药卫生体制改革整体相适应的公立医院治理模式.  相似文献   

Portfolio analysis is a business management tool that can assist health care managers to develop new organizational strategies. The application of portfolio analysis to US hospital settings has been frequently reported. In Europe however, the application of this technique has received little attention, especially concerning public hospitals. Therefore, this paper examines the peculiarities of portfolio analysis and its applicability to the strategic management of European public hospitals. The analysis is based on a pilot application of a multi-factor portfolio analysis in a Dutch university hospital. The nature of portfolio analysis and the steps in a multi-factor portfolio analysis are reviewed along with the characteristics of the research setting. Based on these data, a multi-factor portfolio model is developed and operationalized. The portfolio model is applied in a pilot investigation to analyze the market attractiveness and hospital strengths with regard to the provision of three orthopedic services: knee surgery, hip surgery, and arthroscopy. The pilot portfolio analysis is discussed to draw conclusions about potential barriers to the overall adoption of portfolio analysis in the management of a public hospital.  相似文献   

Focusing on organizational culture as a “soft” factor, the authors pursue the question of how the hospital can increase its competitiveness. They attempt to determine which characteristics are present in an organizational culture that enhances the organizational members’ willingness to change and thereby increases the ability to innovate as a competitive factor. The distinction between an open and a closed organizational culture (Gebert/ Boerner 1999) serves as the basis for developing the hypothesis that a relatively open organizational culture promotes the organizational members’ willingness to change and an organization’s innovativeness and can be interpreted as a response to competitive pressure. This hypothesis is empirically tested on organizations outside the realm of hospitals. The authors then seek to find the extent to which a relatively open organizational culture is salient to innovativeness and competitiveness in hospitals as well and try to ascertain the current degree of openness in hospitals. The results of the investigation are used to draw conclusions for hospital management.  相似文献   

In recent years, governments and other stakeholders have increasingly used administrative data for measuring healthcare outcomes and building rankings of health care providers. However, the accuracy of such data sources has often been questioned. Starting in 2002, the Lombardy (Italy) regional administration began monitoring hospital care effectiveness on administrative databases using seven outcome measures related to mortality and readmissions. The present study describes the use of benchmarking results of risk-standardized mortality from Lombardy regional hospitals. The data usage is part of a general program of continuous improvement directed to health care service and organizational learning, rather than at penalizing or rewarding hospitals. In particular, hierarchical regression analyses - taking into account mortality variation across hospitals - were conducted separately for each of the most relevant clinical disciplines. Overall mortality was used as the outcome variable and the mix of the hospitals’ output was taken into account by means of Diagnosis Related Group data, while also adjusting for both patient and hospital characteristics. Yearly adjusted mortality rates for each hospital were translated into a reporting tool that indicates to healthcare managers at a glance, in a user-friendly and non-threatening format, underachieving and over-performing hospitals. Even considering that benchmarking on risk-adjusted outcomes tend to elicit contrasting public opinions and diverging policymaking, we show that repeated outcome measurements and the development and dissemination of organizational best practices have promoted in Lombardy region implementation of outcome measures in healthcare management and stimulated interest and involvement of healthcare stakeholders.  相似文献   

This article discusses management practices in public hospitals (general hospitals with emergency services) in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, based on a psychosociological approach to organizational analysis. Of the 12 existing hospitals, 8 were included in the current study, conducted from July 2003 to April 2004. The research, drawing on hospital directors' narratives, identified three management models. The first focuses on processes of change, highlighting symbolic and imaginative elements for building a vision of the future for the hospitals. The second concentrates on specific projects, which absorbs all the management efforts. A third pattern (predominant in the study) is marked by the struggle to keep the hospital working, with the image of urgency as the driving force. The imposition of continuous action leaves no room for reflection. The crisis in Rio de Janeiro's public hospitals has led to a "wartime" environment and thus the dissemination of the urgency-based model.  相似文献   

国外公立医院改革路径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在"新公共管理"改革的背景下,国外公立医院改革即以市场化为基本特征的组织变革主要采取自主化和法人化的改革路径。公立医院组织变革的目的是提高效率和增强对患者需求的回应性。对改革设计和评价可从投资决策权、剩余索取权、市场风险、问责制和社会功能五个维度的匹配程度来衡量。公立医院改革还必须考虑影响医院组织行为变化的治理、市场环境和筹资安排与支付三个外部环境因素。  相似文献   

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