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High pH is known to be associated with normal cell growth and neoplastic transformation. We observed that Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells grown under sustained alkaline stress (pH 7.7) develop foci composed of spindle-shaped cells lacking contact inhibition and exhibiting only poor adhesion to the culture support. Foci-developing (F) cells were cloned and grown in control medium (pH 7.4), where they maintained their neoplastic features indicating a stable pH-induced genetic transformation. After F cells had been fused to giant cells with polyethylene glycol, the cell membrane potential (V m) was measured by means of microelectrodes. In contrast to non-transformed MDCK cells, V M of F cells showed spontaneous biorhythmicity caused by periodic opening of Ca2+-activated K+ channels. Spiking activity was blunted by the Ca2+ channel blocker nifedipine, by the K+ channel blocker Ba2+, by the Na+/H+ exchange blocker amiloride and its analogue ethylisopropylamiloride, and by an extracellular pH of 7.6 and 6.8. We conclude that MDCK cells transformed by sustained alkaline stress have lost their stable plasma membrane potential but, instead, exhibit endogenous Ca2+- and pH-sensitive oscillations.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of endothelin-1 (ET-1) on Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, a cell line originating from the renal collecting duct. The activity of transepithelial transport was assessed as the rate of dome formation in monolayers grown on solid support. The pH value of the dome fluid (dome pH) was measured by means of pH-selective microelectrodes. Differentiation of monolayer cells was estimated as the peanut-lectin(PNA)-binding capacity of the apical membrane. Confluent monolayers were incubated for 12–72 h in serum-free medium at various concentrations of ET-1. Exposure to 1 nmol/l ET-1 reduced dome formation by a maximum of 41±8% (n=4; P<0.02) after 24 h. ET-1 (10 nmol/l; 24 h) decreased dome pH from 7.52±0.02 (n=53) to 7.36±0.03 (n=51; P<0.02). Apical application of amiloride (1 mmol/l) reduced dome pH in both ET-1-treated and non-treated domes to essentially the same level, 7.25±0.03 (n=19) and 7.23±0.03 (n=17) respectively. ET-1 (10 nmol/l; 24 h) reduced PNA-binding capacity by 19±3% (n=5; P < 0.02). Moreover, ET-1 prevented the increase in PNA binding (+53±7%; n=5) induced by 0.1 mol/l aldosterone. We conclude that ET-1 inhibits transepithelial transport and PNA binding via inhibition of apical Na+/H+ exchange, thus antagonizing aldosterone action in MDCK cells.  相似文献   

 Madin Darby canine kidney cells transformed by alkaline stress (MDCK-F cells) constitutively migrate at a rate of about 1 μm·min–1. Migration depends on the intermittent activity of a Ca2+-stimulated, 53-pS K+ channel (KCa channel) that is inhibitable by charybdotoxin. In the present study we examined whether this intermittent KCa channel activity results in a significant K+ loss across the plasma membrane. K+ efflux from MDCK-F cells should result in a transient increase of extracellular K+ ([K+]e) in the close vicinity of a migrating cell. However, due to the rapid diffusion of K+ ions into the virtually infinite extracellular space, such a transient increase in [K+]e was too small to be detected by conventional K+-selective electrodes. Therefore, we developed a ”shielded ion-sensitive microelectrode” (SIM) that limited diffusion to a small compartment, formed by a shielding pipette which surrounded the tip of the K+-sensitive microelectrode. The SIM improved the signal to noise ratio by a factor of at least three, thus transient increases of [K+]e in the vicinity of MDCK-F cells became detectable. They occurred at a rate of 1.3 min–1. The cell releases 40 fmol K+ during each burst of intermittent KCa channel activity, which corresponds to about 15% of the total cellular K+ content. Since transmembrane K+ loss must be accompanied by anion loss and therefore leads to a decrease of cell volume, these findings support the hypothesis that intermittent volume changes are a prerequisite for the migration of MDCK-F cells. Received: 15 April 1996 / Received after revision: 18 June 1996 / Accepted: 23 July 1996  相似文献   

Polarized targeting of ion channels in neurons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Since the time of Cajal it has been understood that axons and dendrites perform distinct electrophysiological functions that require unique sets of proteins [Cajal SR Histology of the nervous system, Oxford University Press, New York, (1995)]. To establish and maintain functional polarity, neurons localize many proteins specifically to either the axonal or the somatodendritic compartment. In particular, ion channels, which are the major regulators of electrical activity in neurons, are often distributed in a polarized fashion. Recently, the ability to introduce tagged proteins into neurons in culture has allowed the molecular mechanisms underlying axon- and dendrite-specific targeting of ion channels to be explored. These investigations have identified peptide signals from voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels that direct trafficking to either axonal or dendritic compartments. In this article we will discuss the molecular mechanisms underlying polarized targeting of voltage-gated ion channels from the Kv4, Kv1, and Nav1 families.  相似文献   

We investigated mechanisms of regulatory volume increase in fused Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, a cell line originally derived from renal collecting duct. The intracellular ion concentrations as well as the concentration of the volume marker tetramethylammonium+ were measured by means of ion-selective microelectrodes. Application of hypertonic Ringer bicarbonate solution (+150 mmol/l mannitol) resulted in cell shrinkage to 84±2% of the initial cell volume (shrinkage expected for an ideal osmometer = 66%), indicating a significant regulatory volume increase. During the first 90 s of the hypertonic stress, a transient increase in intracellular Na+ and HCO 3 concentrations was observed. It was followed by a sustained increase in intracellular K+ and Cl concentrations. Ouabain (0.1 mmol/l) as well as amiloride (1 mmol/l) reduced K+ accumulation significantly, whereas the H+ /K+-ATPase inhibitor SCH 28080 had no effect. Hypertonic stress hyperpolarized the cell membrane potential by 19±2 mV, owing to the decrease of the ratio of Cl conductance to K+ conductance of the cell membrane. We conclude: (a) acute hypertonic stress activates Na+/H+ exchange in MDCK cells; (b) transient alteration of intracellular Na+ and pH stimulates Na+/K+-ATPase and Cl/HCO 3 exchange, both leading to the sustained intracellular accumulation of KCl; (c) a high intracellular KCl concentration is maintained by the partial reversion of the Cl/K+ conductance ratio of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

In recent studies, there has been a re-evaluation of the polarity of Na+/H+ exchange in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. This study was designed to examine aldosterone actions on basolaterally located Na+/H+ exchange of MDCK cell monolayers grown on permeant filter supports; pHi was analysed in the absence of bicarbonate by using the pH-sensitive fluorescent probe 2,7-bis(carboxyethyl)-5,6-carboxyfluorescein. Pre-exposure of MDCK cells to aldosterone led within 10–20 min to an alkalization of pHi ( 0.3 pH unit); this effect is prevented by an addition of dimethylamiloride to the basolateral superfusate. Addition of aldosterone led to stimulation of the basolaterally located Na+/H+ exchange activity (Na+-dependent recovery from an acid load); this effect required preincubation (more then 3 min) and was observed at 0.1 nM aldosterone. Preexposure (15 min) of MDCK monolayers to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate also led to an activation of Na+/H+ exchange; pre-exposure to 8-bromo-cAMP led to inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange activity. An inhibitory effect of aldosterone was observed if Na+/H+ exchange activity was analysed in the presence of aldosterone; the highest inhibitory effects (20%–30%) occurred at concentrations of 5 nM and higher. Aldosterone-dependent inhibition does not require preincubation and is fully reversible; it was only observed at low (20 mM) but not at high Na+ concentrations (130 mM). The data suggest that aldosterone has an instantaneous inhibitory effect on basolaterally located Na+/H+ exchange activity under conditions of low Na+, but stimulates the rate of transport activity upon preincubation under conditions of physiological Na+ concentrations.  相似文献   

Summary Intracellular pH (pHi) plays a critical role in the entry of cells into the DNA-synthesis phase of the cell cycle. Alterations in pHi may contribute to abnormal proliferative responses such as those seen in tumorigenic cells. We observed that alkaline stress leads to genomic transformation of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Transformed cells (F cells) form foci in culture, lack contact inhibition, and are able to migrate, typical characteristics of dedifferentiated tumorigenic cells. F cells exhibit spontaneous biorhythmicity. Rhythmic transmembrane Ca2+ flux activates plasma membrane K+ channels and Na+/H+ exchange. This leads to periodic changes of membrane voltage and pHi at about one cycle per minute. We conclude that endogenous oscillatory activity could be a trigger mechanism for DNA synthesis, proliferation, and abnormal growth of renal epithelial cells in culture.Abbreviations CICR calcium-induced calcium release - IP3a inositol triphosphate - MDCK Madin-Darby canine kidney - pHia intracellular pH Dedicated to our friend and teacher Prof. Dr. Gerhard Giebisch in gratitude for his long standing support  相似文献   

Summary Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells resemble intercalated cells of the renal collecting duct. In these cultured epithelial cells aldosterone activates apical Na+/H+ exchange, initiating a cascade of intracellular events such as cell growth, epithelial cell polarity, and stimulation of transepithelial ion transport. Transepithelial K+ secretion is triggered by the insertion of new ion channels and the activation of previously quiescent channels with increasing cytoplasmic pH. Aldosterone supplies the cell with ion transporters necessary for adequate function of the renal collecting duct when the organism is metabolically challenged.  相似文献   

In frog diluting segment transepithelial K+ net flux (J te K ) occurs via trans- and paracellular transport routes. Inhibition of transcellular K+ transport disclosesJ te K across the shunt-pathway. By means of K+-sensitive microelectrodes we have measured secretoryJ te K induced by an acute K+ load, in the diluting segment of the isolated and doublyperfused frog kidney. Transcellular K+ transport was inhibited by blocking the luminal K+ permeability either directly by barium or indirectly by the diuretic drug amiloride (via intracellular acidification induced by inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange), by the the Na+/K+ pump inhibitor ouabain or by inducing an acute acid load. All experimental maneouvers led to a reduction of secretoryJ te K to about 50% of the controlJ te K . The apparent permeability coefficient for K+ of this nephron portion after inhibition of transcellular secretoryJ te K was reduced to a similar extent. We conclude: In frog diluting segment the ratio of trans- over paracellularJ te K is close to unity. This ratio represents a minimum estimate because inhibition of the transcellular K+ pathway by barium, amiloride or an acute acid load may have been incomplete. Acidosis and/or amiloride exert large antikaliuretic effects due to the inhibition of the luminal K+ permeability.  相似文献   

The effects of intracellular pH on an inwardly rectifying K+ channel (Kin channel) in opossum kidney (OK) cells were examined using the patch-clamp technique. Experiments with inside-out patches were first carried out in Mg2+-and adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-free conditions, where Mg2+-induced inactivation and ATP-induced reactivation of Kin channels were suppressed. When the bath (cytoplasmic side) pH was decreased from 7.3 to either 6.8 or 6.3, Kin channels were markedly inhibited. The effect of acid pH was not fully reversible. When the bath pH was increased from 7.3 to 7.8, 8.3 or 8.8, the channels were activated reversibly. The channel activity exhibited a sigmoidal pH dependence with a maximum sensitivity at pH 7.5. Inside-out experiments were also carried out with a solution containing 3 mM Mg-ATP and a similar pH sensitivity was observed. However, in contrast with the results obtained in the absence of Mg2+ and ATP, the effect of acid pH was fully reversible. Experiments with cell-attached patches demonstrated that changes in intracellular pH, which were induced by changing extracellular pH in the presence of an H+ ionophore, could influence the channel activity reversibly. It is concluded that the activity of Kin channels can be controlled by the intracellular pH under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

The intracellular K+ activity of rat kidney proximal tubular cells was determined in vivo, using intracellular microelectrodes. In order to minimize damage from the impaling electrodes, separate measurements on separate cells, were performed with single-barrelled KCl-filled non-selective electrodes and single-barrelled, K+-sensitive microelectrodes, which were filled with a liquid K+-exchanger resin that has also a small sensitivity to Na+. Both electrodes had tip diameters of 0.2 m or below. The proper intracellular localization of the electrodes was ascertained by recording the cell potential response to intermittent luminal perfusions with glucose. The membrane potential measured with the non-selective microelectrodes was –76.3±8.1 mV (n=81) and the potential difference measured with the K+-sensitive microelectrode was –7.2±5.8 mV (n=32). Based on the activity of K+ in the extracellular fluid of 3 mmol/l the intracellular K+ activity was estimated to be 82 mmol/l. Assuming equal K+-activity coefficients to prevail inside and outside the cell, this figure suggests that the intracellular K+ concentration is 113 mmol/l which must be considered as a lower estimate, however. The data indicate that the K+-ion distribution between cytoplasm and extracellular fluid is not in equilibrium with the membrane potential, but that K+ is actively accumulated inside the cell. This result provides direct evidence for the presence of an active K+ pump in the tubular cell membranes, which in view of other observations, must be envisaged as a (not necessarily electroneutral) Na+/K+-exchange pump which operates in the peritubular cell membrane and is eventually responsible for the major part of the tubular solute and water absorption.  相似文献   

Transepithelial H+ transport was studied in diluting segments of the isolated-perfused kidney ofrana esculenta. The experiments were performed in controls as well as in K+-adapted and Na+-adapted animals (exposed to 50 mmol/l KCl or NaCl, resp. for at least 3 days). Conventional and single-barreled, liquid ion-exchanger H+-sensitive microelectrodes were applied in the tubule lumen to evaluate transepithelial H+ net flux (J te H ) as well as limiting transepithelial electrical and H+ electrochemical potential differences (PD te ,E te H ) and luminal pH at zero net flux conditions. The measurements were made in absence (control) and presence of furosemide (5·10–5 mol/l) or amiloride (10–3 mol/l). E te H (lumen positive vs ground) was 19±3 mV in controls, 43±3 mV in K+ adapted but about zero in Na+ adapted animals. Using the correspondingPD te -values, steady state luminal pH of 7.63±0.05, 7.13±0.05 and 8.02±0.02 was calculated for the respective groups of animals (peritubular pH 7.80). In parallel, significant secretoryJ te H (from blood to lumen) was found in controls (14±2 pmol·cm–2·S–1) which was stimulated by K+ adaptation (61±8 pmol·cm–2·s–1) but reversed in direction by Na+-adaptation (–8±1 pmol·cm–2·s–1). Amiloride inhibited secretoryJ te H . Elimination of the lumen positivePD te by furosemide did not affect significantlyE te H andJ te H in control and K+ adapted animals but abolished reabsorptiveJ te H in Na+ adapted animals.We conclude that in frog diluting segment H+ secretion is an active, amiloride-sensitive, furosemide-insensitive transport process. The data are consistent with luminal Na+/H+ exchange. The activity of this system depends critically on the metabolic state of the animal.Parts of the data were presented at the 16th Ann. Meeting of the Am. Soc. Nephrol., Washington (1983)This work was supported by österr. Forschungsrat, Proj. No.: 4366 and by Dr. Legerlotz Stiftung  相似文献   

H441 cells are a model of absorptive airway epithelia that are characterised by a pronounced apical Na+ flux through amiloride-sensitive Na+ channels. The flux of Na+ is intimately linked to Na+ handling by the cell as well as the membrane potential across the apical membrane. As KCNQ-encoded K+ channels influence chloride secretion in gastrointestinal epithelia, the goal of the present study was to ascertain the expression of KCNQ genes in H441 cells and determine the functional role of the expression products. Message for KCNQ3 and KCNQ5 was detected by RT-polymerase chain reaction and the translated proteins were observed by immunocytochemistry. Ussing experiments showed that the pan-KCNQ channel blocker XE991, but not KCNQ1 selective blockers, reduced the short circuit current and the amiloride-sensitive component. These data show for the first time that potassium channels encoded by KCNQ3 or KCNQ5 are crucial determinants of epithelial Na+ flux.  相似文献   

To provide a cell model for studying specifically the regulation of Ca2+ entry by the epithelial calcium channel transient receptor potential-vanilloid-5 (TRPV5), green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged TRPV5 was expressed stably in Madin-Darby canine kidney type I (MDCK) cells. The localization of GFP-TRPV5 in this cell line showed an intracellular granular distribution. Ca2+ uptake in GFP-TRPV5-MDCK cells cultured on plastic supports was threefold higher than in non-transfected cells. Moreover, apical Ca2+ uptake in GFP-TRPV5-MDCK cells cultured on permeable supports was eightfold higher than basolateral Ca2+ uptake, indicating that GFP-TRPV5 is expressed predominantly in the apical membrane. Patch-clamp analysis showed the presence of typical electrophysiological features of GFP-TRPV5, such as inwardly rectifying currents, inhibition by divalent cations and Ca2+-dependent inactivation. Moreover, the TRPV5 inhibitor ruthenium red completely inhibited Ca2+ uptake in GFP-TRPV5-MDCK cells, whereas Ca2+ uptake in non-transfected cells was not inhibited. The characterized GFP-TRPV5-MDCK cell line was used to assess the regulation of TRPV5. The protein kinase C activator phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and the cAMP-elevating compounds forskolin/3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, 8-Br-cAMP and PGE2 stimulated TRPV5 activity in GFP-TRPV5-MDCK cells by 121±7, 79±5, 55±4 and 61±7%, respectively. These compounds did not affect Ca2+ uptake in non-transfected cells. In conclusion, the GFP-TRPV5-MDCK cell line provides a model to specifically study the regulation of TRPV5 activity.  相似文献   

Homocellular regulation of K+ at increased transcellular Na+ transport implies an increase in K+ exit to match the intracellular K+ load. Increased K+ conductance, gK, was suggested to account for this gain. We tested whether such a mechanism is operational in A6 monolayers. Na+ transport was increased from 5.1±1.0 A/cm2 to 20.7±1.3 A/cm2 by preincubation with 0.1 mol/l dexamethasone for 24 h. Basolateral K+ conductances were derived from transference numbers of K+, t K, and basolateral membrane conductances, gb, using conventional microelectrodes and circuit analysis with application of amiloride. Activation of Na+ transport induced an increase in gb from 0.333±0.067 mS/ cm2 to 1.160±0.196 mS/cm2 and t K was reduced to 0.22±0.01 from a value of 0.70±0.05 in untreated control tissues. As a result, gK remained virtually unchanged at increased Na+ transport rates. The increase in gb after dexamethasone was due to activation of a conductive leak pathway presumably for Cl. Increased K+ efflux, I K, was a consequence of the larger driving force for K+ exit due to depolarization at an elevated Na+ transport rate. The relationship between calculated K+ fluxes and Na+ transport rate, measured as the I sc, is described by the linear function I K=0.624×I Na–0.079, which conforms with a stoichiometry 23 for the fluxes of K+ and Na+ in the Na+/K+-ATPase pathway. Our data show that homocellular regulation of K+ in A6 cells is not due to up-regulation of g K .  相似文献   

The present study examined whether a basolateral potassium ion (K+) channel is activated by membrane-stretching in the cell-attached patch. A K+ channel of conductance of 27.5 pS was most commonly observed in the basolateral membrane ofXenopus kidney proximal tubule cells. Channel activity increased with hyperpolarizing membrane potentials [at more positive pipette potentials (V p)]. Open probability (P o) was 0.03, 0.13, and 0.21 atV p values of 0, 40, and 80 mV, respectively. Barium (0.1 mM) in the pipette reducedP o by 79% at aV p of 40 mV. Application of negative hydraulic pressure (−16 to −32 cm H2O) to the pipette markedly activated outward currents (fromP o=0.01 to 0.75) at aV p of −80 mV, but not inward currents at aV p of 80 mV. The size of the activated outward currents (from cell to pipette) did not change by replacing chloride with gluconate in the pipette. These results indicate that a stretch-activated K+ channel exists in the basolateral membrane of proximal tubule cells. It may play an important role as a K+ exit pathway when the cell membrane is stretched (for example, by cell swelling).  相似文献   

We intend to develop a bioartificial kidney using tubular epithelial cells and artificial membranes, and to evaluate the reabsorptive function of the confluent layers. Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells were cultured on a nucleopore polycarbonate membrane for up to 4 weeks after confluence to examine the influence of culture period on their properties, such as the localization of Na+/K+-ATPase and active Na+ transport. The results were as follows. Ouabain-sensitive Na+ active transport declined at 3 to 4 weeks after confluence in each matrix. The localization of Na+/K+-ATPase indicated depolarization in the cell membrane 3 to 4 weeks after confluence. Prolongation of the culture period increased the formation of an upheaving cell mass after the formation of the confluent monolayer. Scanning electron microscopy revealed fewer microvilli and more flat cells after 3 to 4 weeks of confluency. We conclude that the decline of Na+ active transport in the MDCK cells was due to both the formation of multilayers and a decline of cell function throughout the long period of culture following the formation of the confluent monolayers. Further study for selection of membrane material, the extracellular matrix, and species of cells should be continued. Laboratories for Structure and Function Research Department of Physiology  相似文献   

The relation between transcellular Na+ absorption, intracellular Na+ concentration and Na+/K+-ATPase activity (the last estimated by the rubidium uptake across the basolateral cell membrane) was examined in the different cell types of the rabbit cortical collecting duct (CCD). Experiments were performed on isolated perfused CCD in which Na+ absorption was varied by perfusing the tubule with solutions containing different Na+ concentrations (nominally Na+-free, 30 mM and 144 mM). Experiments were terminated by shock-freezing the tubules during perfusion. Precisely 30 s before shock-freezing, the K+ in the bathing solution was exchanged for Rb+. Intracellular element concentrations, including Rb+, were determined in freeze-dried cryosections of the tubules using energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. Increasing Na+ concentration in the perfusion solution caused significant rises in intracellular Na+ concentration and Rb+ uptake of principal cells. Principal cell Na+ and Rb+ concentrations were 7.8±0.9 and 7.0±0.8 mmol/kg wet weight respectively, when the perfusion solution was Na+-free, 10.1±0.7 and 11.6±0.6 mmol/kg wet weight with 30 mM Na+ in the perfusion solution, and 14.5±1.5 and 14.9 ±0.9 mmol/kg wet weight with 144 mM Na+ in the perfusion solution. In contrast, a comparable relationship between lumen Na+ concentration, intracellular Na+ concentration and basolateral Rb+ uptake was not seen in intercalated cells. These results support the notion that principal, but not intercalated, cells are involved in transepithelial Na+ absorption. In addition, the data demonstrate that apical Na+ entry and basolateral Na+/K+-AT-Pase activity are closely coupled in principal cells of the rabbit CCD. A rise in lumen Na+ concentration leads to increased Na+ entry and augmented intracellular Na+ concentration, which then secondarily stimulates active basolateral Na+/K+(Rb+) exchange.  相似文献   

Using the patch clamp technique, one type of K+ channel was identified in the apical cell membrane of cultured principal cells of rabbit renal collecting ducts in the cell-attached or excised-patch configuration. The channel was highly selective for K+ over Na+ (typically 30-70-fold) and had a conductance of 180, SD±39 pS (n=6), referred to a situation of 140 mmolar K+-Ringer solution present on either surface of the patch membrane. Channel activity was completely blocked by Ba2+ (5 mmol/l) and partially inhibited by Na+. The latter was evidenced by a deviation from Goldman rectification at high cytoplasm-positive membrane potentials, which was observed when Na+ competed with K+ for channel entrace from the cytoplasmic surface. Channel open probability depended strongly on membrane voltage and cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration. Open-close kinetics exhibited double exponential behaviour, with a strong voltage dependence of the slow open time constant. Infrequently also a substate conductance level was identified. The voltage and calcium dependence suggest that the channel plays a role in adjusting K+ secretion to Na+ absorption in the fine regulation of cation excretion in renal collecting ducts.  相似文献   

Infection of Chlorella NC64A cells by PBCV-1 produces a rapid depolarization of the host probably by incorporation of a viral-encoded K(+) channel (Kcv) into the host membrane. To examine the effect of an elevated conductance, we monitored the virus-stimulated efflux of K(+) from the chlorella cells. The results indicate that all 8 chlorella viruses tested evoked a host specific K(+) efflux with a concomitant decrease in the intracellular K(+). This K(+) efflux is partially reduced by blockers of the Kcv channel. Qualitatively these results support the hypothesis that depolarization and K(+) efflux are at least partially mediated by Kcv. The virus-triggered K(+) efflux occurs in the same time frame as host cell wall degradation and ejection of viral DNA. Therefore, it is reasonable to postulate that loss of K(+) and associated water fluxes from the host lower the pressure barrier to aid ejection of DNA from the virus particles into the host.  相似文献   

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