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广州地区某高校医学生心理状况的调查及对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的了解广州地区医学生的心理状况及探讨其相应对策。方法以SAS(焦虑自评量表)及SDS(抑郁自评量表)调查82名南方医科大学在校学生的心理状况。结果医学生的SAS得分高于一般人群(P〈0.05),女学生得分高于男学生(P〈0.05);SDS得分和一般人群相比无明显差异(P〉0.05),男女学生之间无明显差异(P〉0.05)。结论医学生的心理问题越来越严重,应该采取措施对学生进一步加强心理健康教育。  相似文献   

中师毕业生心理健康测试分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用SCL-90,对焦作市师范学校、沁阳师范学校542名毕业生心理健康状况进行测试,结果显示,心理健康状况不容乐观,强迫、人际关系紧张、焦虑、偏执等分值高于全国常模。男生人际关系紧张、偏执、精神病性比女生明显,名类心理问题以人际关系敏感较为突出。  相似文献   

刘婷  祖晨曦  王辉  陶慧 《医学信息》2019,(3):145-147
目的 将某综合医院2017年200例门诊投诉进行汇总,根据门诊投诉现状分析门诊投诉分类及原因并提出减少投诉的途径。方法 采用回顾法对我院2017年1月1日~12月31日整年的投诉进行分析,主要包括投诉内容、投诉主体、投诉科室占比。结果 在投诉类型中,投诉占比居前3位的为服务态度57例(28.50%),门诊流程35例(17.50%),医患沟通32例(16.00%)。在人员方面,投诉量居首位的是医生124例(62.00%)。在科室方面,投诉量最多的科室为皮肤科(8.00%)、放射科(7.50%)、口腔科(6.50%)。结论 根据门诊投诉现状及原因,提出践行患者至上的价值观,建立良好的沟通渠道,定期召开门诊医务人员动员会,优化门诊服务流程。  相似文献   

在高等职业教育发展的今天,高等职业教育如何办出特色一直是关注的热点,其中包括中职与高职的相互衔接。为了对现阶段中高职衔接存在的问题、原因与改进思路进行探讨,我们在福建卫生职业技术学院2010级至2012级医学专科护理、检验、药学系11个高职单招班级学生中开展问卷调查,内容围绕中、高职课程衔接、教育资源衔接等热点问题。经过对数据的分析处理表明,二者之间存在课程体系衔接不够紧、课程内容有重复及文化基础课脱节等情况。基于此,我们提出中高职教育有效衔接的对策:实施分类培养和弹性教学,着重培养学生的实际操作和动手能力,适度扩大对口招生,突破中高职生源衔接的瓶颈,加强中高职一体化的大专直通车的教学管理。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study reports on career intentions of U.S medical graduate (USMG) and international medical graduate (IMG) residents who completed residency training from 2000 to 2003 in California. METHODS: A retrospective study of 3178 responses to the Survey of Residents Completing Training in California. RESULTS: USMGs were 86% and 14% were IMGs. IMG holders of temporary visas had the highest obligation to serve in health professional shortage areas (HPSA) and were also the most likely to serve in HPSAs (p = 0.012). Underserved residency program location (OR = 2.7, p = 0.000), HPSA obligation (OR = 5.93, p = 0.001) and postresidency training (OR = 0.561, p = 0.048) were independently predictive of practice in underserved location, HPSA or public hospital. In addition, underrepresented minorities, primary care specialty and income were independently predictive of HPSA practice. CONCLUSION: In California, HPSA obligation, residency training programs characteristics and underrepresented minorities are important predictors of residents choosing to work in underserved areas.  相似文献   



To understand the communication strategies international medical graduates use in medical interactions to overcome language and cultural barriers.


In-depth interviews were conducted with 12 international physicians completing their residency training in internal medicine in a large hospital in Midwestern Ohio. The interview explored (a) barriers participants encountered while communicating with their patients regarding language, affect, and culture, and (b) communication convergence strategies used to make the interaction meaningful.


International physicians use multiple convergence strategies when interacting with their patients to account for the intercultural and intergroup differences, including repeating information, changing speaking styles, and using non-verbal communication.

Practice implications

Understanding barriers to communication faced by international physicians and recognizing accommodation strategies they employ in the interaction could help in training of future international doctors who come to the U.S. to practice medicine. Early intervention could reduce the time international physicians spend navigating through the system and trying to learn by experimenting with different strategies which will allow these physicians to devote more time to patient care. We recommend developing a training manual that is instructive of the socio-cultural practices of the region where international physician will start practicing medicine.  相似文献   

护理专业毕业生就业意向调查分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为正确引导护理专业毕业生顺利就业,本文通过对我院2013届243名五年制护理专业毕业生开展就业意向调查,了解毕业生的择业心态,分析其求职意向,指导教育教学改革,针对性地开展就业创业指导与服务,从而提升毕业生就业率与就业质量。  相似文献   

目的 针对国际旅行者在旅途中出现精神弄常状况,本文旨在对旅行者精神障碍进行医学观察和分析研究。方法 根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的ICD-10、CCMD-3对旅行者在旅途中出现的精神异常状况进行分类。结果 旅行者在旅途中由于受到自然环境、政治、经济、文化和风俗习惯差异等带来的影响,以及躯体疾病、旅行劳顿、时差效应等因素的图扰或意外事件应激,诱发精神障碍的发生或精神病的复发。结论 旅行者的心理卫生问题应引起卫生保健医生的重视和关注,为了保障旅行者的身心健康,防止旅行者对自己和他人造伤伤害,有必要开展对旅行者旅行前和旅行后的心理状况的咨询指导。  相似文献   

医学检验人员身心健康状况的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解医学检验人员这一特殊职业群体的身心健康状况,为该群体身心健康和心理危机干预方法及身心疾病的防治措施提供理论支持;为检验人力资源管理政策或措施的制定、实施提供理论依据.方法 采用医学上通用的症状自评量表(SCL-90)对焦作市的医院、血站和防疫站的医学检验人员进行问卷调查.结果 ①所有医学检验人员的调查数据与全国常模比较,医学检验人员的心理健康状况相对较好.②女性的心理健康状况比男性差,尤其是在抑郁、恐怖、偏执等因子方面呈显著性差异.③工作在防疫站的检验人员心理健康状况相对较好,工作在血站和医院的检验人员心理健康状况较差.结论 医学检验人员的心理健康状况整体较好.女性逊于男性;防疫站的检验人员心理健康状况相对较好.  相似文献   



This paper presents a randomized controlled trial on assimilative integration, which is aimed at integrating elements from other orientations within one approach to enrich its conceptual and practical repertoire. Elements from Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) were integrated into a form of cognitive behavior therapy: Psychological Therapy (PT). In one treatment condition, EFT was added to PT (+EFT) with the intent to enhance therapists' working with emotions. In the other condition, concepts and interventions based on the socialpsychological self-regulation approach were added to PT (+SR). Our assumption was that the +EFT would lead to greater and deeper change, particularly in the follow-up assessments.


Patients (n = 104) with anxiety, depression, or adjustment disorders were randomized to the two conditions and treated by 38 therapists who self-selected between the conditions. Primary outcome was symptom severity at 12-month follow-up; secondary outcomes included several measures such as interpersonal problems and quality of life. Variables were assessed at baseline, after 8 and 16 sessions, at posttreatment, and at 6- and 12-month follow-up.


Contrary to our hypothesis, no significant between-group effects were found.


The findings first suggest the difficulty of topping an already very effective approach to psychotherapy. Alternative interpretations were that the EFT training, while corresponding to regular practice in AI, was not sufficient to make a difference in outcome, or that while profiting from the enhancement of abilities for working with emotions, this was outbalanced by negative effects of difficulties related to the implementation of the new elements.  相似文献   

目的探讨检验前不合格标本产生的原因及解决对策。方法统计2018年1月至12月我院检验科拒收的不合格标本1131份进行回顾性分析,分析临床采集不合格标本的相关因素及对策,为日后采集标本的质量提升提供更多依据。结果标本送检不合格中,送检不及时占67.3%,采集量错误占6.4%,溶血5.4%,抗凝标本凝集4.7%,痰培养口水痰4.7%,标本类型错误2.8%,重复送检2.6%,容器错误1.9%,脂血1.7%。送检不及时成为不合格的主要原因。结论加强护士人员培训,增强责任意识;联合护理部、院感办制定标本采集规范及考核办法;同时加强科室间的有效沟通,对不合格标本坚决拒收,避免检验差错的发生。  相似文献   

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