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为了解乐陵市中小学生视力低下及沙眼的发病情况,为各种疾病的防治提供科学依据,于2002年对我市25个乡镇及市直中小学的45344名学生进行了健康体检,现将结果报道如下。 相似文献
为了解清镇市某中学学生视力低下状况,以便采取有效的措施对学生视力低下进行预防,我们于2005年10月对该中学在校学生的视力进行了检查,并与1999年度该校在校学生视力低下状况作了比较.现将结果报告如下. 相似文献
视力低下是目前儿童最常见病之一,发病率呈逐年增高趋势,为全面了解儿童视力低下的原因,控制儿童视力低下率,保障儿童身心健康,我研究所于2005年对李村社区、浮山路社区、虎山路社区、九水路社区的儿童视力情况进行了调查,并对儿童视力低下的原因进行了综合分析。现报告如下。 相似文献
目的了解入校新生视力状况,探讨食用蔬菜对视力健康的影响,为近视防治提供科学依据。方法整群抽取本校2008、2009年全体维汉新生,由专业技术人员使用标准对数视力表检测双眼裸视力,并对其习惯性食用蔬菜进行问卷调查。结果新疆某高校新生视力低下率汉族74.9%,维吾尔族19.2%;汉族新生习惯食用蔬菜种类为辣椒、茄子、芹菜等,维吾尔族新生习惯性食用蔬菜为芜菁、萝卜、洋葱等。结论维吾尔族新生视力低下率明显低于汉族新生,这与其经常摄食富含维生素、钙、氨基酸以及粗纤维的蔬菜关系密切。汉族城市新生视力低下率显著高于农村新生,其食用蔬菜种类明显少于后者。可见,偏食蔬菜不利于视力的保养。 相似文献
对某大专学生连续四年化验测定乙肝病毒感染及肝功能情况。调查结果显示:受检学生3899人,HBsAg携带率为18.3%,明显高于全国水平。肝功能异常者有1.67%。本文针对乙肝病毒感染率高的现状,提出采取可行的预防和处理对策。 相似文献
目的:了解新乡市部分中小学生视力低下现状及发展规律,为防治工作提供依据。方法对2013年新乡市三所学校中小学生视力监测资料进行分析。结果新乡市部分中小学生视力低下率为45.7%,女生视力低下率(56.1%)和男生视力低下率(46.8%)之间比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.3086, P〉0.05),不同学习阶段学生的视力低下率随着学习阶段的提高而升高(χ2=791.6400, P〈0.05)。结论新乡市部分中小学生视力低下率随年级增高呈上升趋势,应采取综合性预防措施。 相似文献
为掌握中小学生视力低下、龋齿、沙眼三种常见病的变化动态,分析造成三种常见病的危险因素,制定综合防治措施,现将我县2000至2002年中小学生上述三种常见病情况进行比较分析,现将资料整理报道如下. 相似文献
通过对本校高中学生视力现状进行问卷调查及统计分析,皆在了解高中学生视力低下率逐年上升的主要原因及相关因素,为预防学生视力低下,保护学生良好视力提供依据。 相似文献
目的 了解清远市区学龄前儿童的视力情况.方法 采用美国伟伦(WELLCH.ALLYN)最新视力筛查仪,对清远市区18所幼儿园的4195名学龄前儿童进行视力筛查,对其结果进行统计分析.结果 :637名儿童存在视力问题,其中散光占72.52%,远视 散光占18.21%,远视占6.28%,近视 散光占1.73%,近视占0.63%,斜视占0.63%,已配镜占7.37%;检出视力异常发生率女童略高于男童;随着年龄的增长视力异常率下降.结论 学龄前儿童的视力问题日趋严重,为保护儿童的眼健康,各级政府、妇幼保健院、幼儿园及家长都应引起足够的重视,对儿童的视力问题要做到"早预防、早发现、早治疗". 相似文献
目的调查分析番禺区南村镇学校学生视力健康状况及变化趋势,为采取有效措施预防中小学生的视力减退提供依据。方法整群抽取于番禺区南村镇2005~2011年在校学生,对其视力状况进行了调查。结果视力低下率初中生高于小学生,女生高于男生,且视力低下率随着时间的推移而逐年升高。结论番禺区南村镇学生的视力低下的患病率有逐年增高的趋势,应引起有关部门的重视,加强学生的健康教育。 相似文献
高校扩招使贫困大学生数量不断增加,又因贫富差距不断的加大,从而使贫困大学生的心理问题日益加剧。主要原因是经济困难,由此产生的心理压力也不容忽视。通过研究贫困大学生心理问题产生的原因,提出应对策略,试图帮助贫困大学生营造一个良好的生活与学习环境,改善他们的生活质量。 相似文献
目的:通过对某校药学系学生学习状况的问卷调查分析,更好地把握学生的整体学习状态和影响因素,从中发现问题、解决问题,提高学生的学习效果。方法:以问卷形式,对武汉科技大学医学院药学专业2006~2009级学生进行有关专业认知、学习目的、学习态度以及学习方法等方面的调查,并对数据进行统计分析。结果:大部分学生对药学专业的发展前景有信心,学习目的明确,学习态度较为端正,但近半数学生的学习方法欠妥。结论:药学系学生总体学习状况较好,但尚需教师进行更多的督促及引导。 相似文献
Background: College student alcohol use is a public health problem. Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine associations between residence and drinking behaviors among college students. We hypothesized that living off-campus independently or with peers would be associated with riskier drinking than living on-campus, and living with parents would be associated with less risky drinking than living on-campus. Methods: We analyzed data from two separate studies conducted at two four-year universities in the Northeast. Study 1 examined data from 1286 students (57% female) attending a private university. In Study 2, analyses were replicated and extended with 2408 students (67% female) from a public university. We conducted regression analyses that controlled for age, race, gender, and class year to determine the unique association of residence on typical and peak drinking, frequency of heavy drinking, and alcohol-related consequences. Results: In both samples, students living off-campus without parents reported more frequent alcohol consumption, larger drinking quantities, more frequent heavy drinking, and a greater number of alcohol-related consequences than students living on-campus (ps <.001). In Study 2, students living off-campus with their parents exhibited significantly fewer risky drinking behaviors than those living on-campus (ps <.001). Conclusions: Living off-campus – either independently or with peers – is a risk factor for heavy drinking and consequences. This group exhibits more risky drinking behaviors and alcohol-related consequences than students living on-campus, independent of age and class year. Therefore, students moving off-campus may be appropriate targets for alcohol misuse prevention programs. 相似文献
Background: Past studies have shown that heavy marijuana use can impact student outcomes. Frequent use and misuse of marijuana have been associated with a range of psychological and personality factors in young adults, but there has been limited research focused on the college environment in states where marijuana has been legalized for recreational purposes. Objectives: We examined whether marijuana use and problems were associated with a range of demographic, personality, and psychological variables among college students at a midsized Colorado university. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 300 university students who submitted a urine screen and completed measures on marijuana use, problem marijuana use, anxiety, depression, impulsivity, and openness to experience. Results: Last year and recent marijuana use were high (65%, 29%; respectively), as assessed through self-report and a urine screen. Using logistic regression, male sex and greater openness to experience were associated with greater marijuana use when assessed with a urine screen, while greater openness to experience and impulsivity were associated with greater self-reported marijuana use within the last year. In the final step of a hierarchical linear regression model, male sex and greater impulsivity and depression–but not openness to experience, general anxiety or social anxiety–were associated with greater problem marijuana use. Conclusions: This study extends the literature on psychological and personality correlates of marijuana use among college students. It may be useful to assess these correlates to identify students who are at risk of developing problems and in intervening with students with problem use. 相似文献
采用SCL-90量表[1] 对药学院大学生 133人进行心理健康调查。结果显示 ,SCL-90除躯体化一项外 ,其余各因子分及总分均高于国内常模 ,主要心理问题为强迫、人际关系、抑郁、偏执 ,男生睡眠饮食因子分高于女生。提示应加强贫困大学生的心理健康教育 ,完善社会资助体系 ,帮助贫困大学生摆脱困境 ,渡过心理难关 相似文献
Research on college substance use and mental illness is limited and inconsistent. Measures of substance use, and anxiety and depressive symptoms, were completed by 1,316 undergraduates within a major drug transportation corridor. Hierarchical linear regressions were used to test associations between anxious and depressive symptoms and substance use (i.e., alcohol, cannabis, tobacco, cocaine, other amphetamines, sedatives, hallucinogens, and designer drugs). Depressive symptoms were associated with use of cannabis, tobacco, amphetamines, cocaine, sedatives, and hallucinogens. Anxiety symptoms were unrelated to substance use. These findings support the need for education and prevention at universities, emphasizing tobacco, cannabis, and certain “harder” drugs. 相似文献
ABSTRACT The prevalence of marijuana use and perceptions of the prevalence of marijuana use was assessed in a sample of intercollegiate athletes and a separate sample of primarily first-year non-athlete students at a northwestern public university. Marijuana use prevalence in the non-athlete sample was higher than the prevalence found in nationwide surveys of drug use on college campuses. Current use of marijuana was greater in non-athletes than athletes, however, lifetime use was equivalent. The perceptions of prevalence of marijuana use among both athletes and non-athletes exceeded self-reported use in these groups. Students who used marijuana held higher perceptions of the prevalence of marijuana use among their campus peers and those believing that marijuana use was normative on campus were more likely to be current marijuana users themselves. The findings from this study have important implications for designing college drug prevention programs. 相似文献
Background: The misuse of stimulant medications, commonly used for the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), is a concern on college campuses. Objective: This study sought to examine the relations between the misuse of stimulant medications and symptoms of depression and ADHD. Method: Eight hundred and ninety students ages 18–26 from one public university took a web-based survey including rating scales measuring symptoms of depression and ADHD. Results: The prevalence rate of misuse in the past year was 23%. Symptoms of depression were significantly related to misuse; however, once symptoms of ADHD were included in the analysis, depression was no longer a significant predictor. Further, there was not a significant interaction between ADHD and depression, but symptoms of ADHD were significantly related to misuse. Conclusions/Importance: Results suggest that attention difficulties may be one of the most important factors in predicting stimulant medication misuse. Therefore, prevention efforts to reduce the misuse of stimulant medication would be most successful when targeting students with symptoms of inattention. 相似文献
目的:了解某校大学生蠕形螨感染情况,探讨蠕形螨感染与面部皮肤疾病的关系。方法:采用透明胶纸粘贴法对489名在校大学生进行蠕形螨检查,同时对面部皮肤状况进行调查。结果:在校大学生蠕形螨感染率为25.77%,且男性28.74%(48/167),女性24.22%(78/322),男女感染率上无明显差异;有面部皮肤疾病者蠕形螨感染率明显高于面部皮肤正常者。结论:该校大学生蠕形螨感染较为普遍,痤疮、酒渣鼻、脂溢性皮炎等与蠕形螨感染确实有一定关联。 相似文献