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将性别教育引入学校性教育的思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
方刚 《中国性科学》2007,16(10):6-7,13
作者认为应该在sexuality和gender相结合的基础上谈性教育,性是有性别的性,许多性的问题本质上是性别问题。性别教育不应该是社会性别刻板化的教育,而应该是性别平等、性别公正的教育。性别教育应该强调对性别少数人群(跨性别人群)的尊重。  相似文献   

本文通过对一些女同性恋生活史和感情史的访谈,对她们的性别认同和身份认同过程进行了研究。研究发现她们最初性别意识是在男性-女性的性别社会化框架中正常进行的,当意识到自己爱的是同性时,她们的性别认同开始出现障碍。同性恋意识越早,性别认同障碍越早。反过来,性别认同越定型,同性恋身份认同越困难。已经肯定自己同性恋身份的女同性恋往往以中性行为来折衷男性角色和女性角色的冲突,从而求得心理平衡。但即使如此,根深蒂固的二分性别框架也极大地影响了她们的家庭生活,以至于她们仍然按照传统异性恋家庭男女角色分工框架来定义她们同性家庭的角色分工。  相似文献   

目的:了解中国社会性别规范与男同性恋者性身份认同的关系,为心理咨询和心理治疗领域帮助自我不和谐同性恋者提供参考依据。方法:采用方便取样,选取20名男同性恋者进行半结构式荫’谈,选取189名男同性恋者运用男同性恋性身份认同问卷(The Gay Identity Questionnaire),以及自编社会性别情况调刍浓进行调查。结果:男同性恋者普遍认同1和0的划分代表了性交模式的不同(3.35±1.27),但并不认同1和O的划分代表了社会性别特征(2.44±0.80)。男同群体认为0的社会压力大于1(3.05±1.20),并且倾向于向异性恋者隐瞒自己的1、0身份(3.09±0.08),而不向同性恋者隐瞒自己的1、0身份(2.54±0.86)。性身份认同第三阶段在“对于1、0身份的理解”、“隐瞒1、0身份”及“对具有女性特质的看法”方面多题的得分高于第四阶段(P〈0.05)。结论:社会性别规范以及社会文化赋予1、0身份的额外含义会给男同性恋者带来压力。第三阶段到第四阶段的发展是同性恋者内心接纳自己性身份的重要转折,也是从自我不和谐状态到和谐状态的重要过渡。  相似文献   

胡莎 《中国性科学》2014,(4):103-107
运用社会性别分析的方法,从性别与刑法的角度,通过分析三个有关双性人的刑事案件,提出双性人在刑法中地位缺失的问题。之后详细论述双性人的定义、判断标准、在人口中所占的比例和性别身份等问题,最后得出应该构建双性人的社会性别,法律构建手段之一就是在刑法中确实双性人的身份地位,从而做到运用刑法更好地应对具有紧迫性、严重社会危害性的双性人案件,保护双性人的合法权益,真正实现适用刑法人人平等。  相似文献   

性别认同障碍(gender identity disorder,GID),指对于自己的性别认同与生物解剖学上的性别不一致的情况,并且常伴随内心痛苦想要改变生物学上的性别,心理治疗对性别认同障碍的干预,即想要使患者的性别认同与生物性别一致的情况早已被证实无效,性别认同障碍的患者往往会选择荷尔蒙治疗甚至手术来使自己的生物性别与性别认同趋向一致。2013年5月美国《精神疾病诊断及统计手册》第五版(DSM-Ⅴ)将性别认同障碍修改为性别烦恼(gender dysphoria),不再认为性别认同问题是障碍或疾病,承认性别多样性的存在。本文从对日本性别认同障碍患者的一般调查研究数据,包括荷尔蒙疗法及性别转变手术在内的性别认同障碍的治疗以及生殖医疗三个方面来描述日本性别认同障碍目前的发展状况。  相似文献   

鲍玉珩 《中国性科学》2015,30(1):123-126
随着软科学技术史研究的发展,当代考古学研究也进入一个新阶段,其中女性主义学术在考古学领域的兴起虽然不过30多年,但却对西方考古学研究产生了重大的影响;中国考古学界虽然不乏对于性与性别问题的探讨,但是运用"性与性别考古学"理论和视角进行研究尚处于起步阶段。本文作者集目前西方有关"性与性别考古学"的资料进行梳理,将这一新兴学科介绍给国内,希望引起中国有关学术领域界-特别是考古学界对于性与性别研究的关注,以促进中国性与性别考古学的发展,同时也为中国科学技术史、性学研究及文化人类学研究提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

儿童性别认同状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石玲 《中国性科学》2005,14(9):37-38
目的:了解儿童对性别认同程度和家长对性别认同教育的态度。方法:对315名儿童和200名家长进行问卷调查。结果:儿童在5岁时性别认同可达94.23%,并有84.54%能准确说出3条以上男孩和女孩的区别,而女孩在以上两方面又明显优于男孩(P<0.01),家长对儿童的性别认同教育不容乐观。结论:为减少性别认同障碍的发生,有利于儿童社会化的形成,从0岁起对幼儿进行性别认同教育非常必要。  相似文献   

本文主要从当前性健康教育中性别教育现状出发,指出教师在性健康教育中存在对性别教育的忽视、性别形象刻板化等问题及其对青少年产生可能带来的不良影响。影响主要表现为:限制生命更好更自由发展的可能性;传递性别刻板形象其结果是宣传男尊女卑的思想,压制女生的创造性,同时也增加了男生的心理压力;强化女生的外貌,忽视女生的人格尊严。建议教育行政部门在中小学性健康教育教师中加强性别平等意识的培训。  相似文献   

崔乐 《中国性科学》2016,(11):145-149
本文应用批判话语分析方法实践多元性别平等教育,可以分为四部分。首先,作者引导学生为"爱情"一词撰写词典释义,进而分析形形色色的释义所展现的性别意识形态,通过一定的言语反馈引导学生批判性地思考关于爱情的主流意识形态。其次,文章比较了《现代汉语词典》与《朗文当代高级英语辞典》中"爱情/love"的释义区别与优劣,并进一步考察《现代汉语词典》以"爱、恋、情、性"打头的词条中关涉性别的释义,揭示出释义渗透异性恋正统性(heteronormativity)的三种方式:(1)直接以"夫妻、男女、异性、两性"等用语展现异性恋关系;(2)不明示异性恋关系,但释义采用上述被限定在异性恋关系中的词语,因而语义被间接地限定在异性恋关系内;(3)释义没有完全限定在异性恋关系内,但以"多指、一般"等用语,或直接或间接地凸显异性恋关系。第三,文章回应了学生提出的若干具有代表性的质疑,呈现了教师如何在教学实践的师生互动中破解性别迷思,通过阐述语言、身份与社会结构的关系,展示了这一基于词典释义话语分析的多元性别教育的实践策略与方法。最后,文章介绍了除词典之外,对教材领域中"爱情"定义与同性恋呈现方式的批判实践。  相似文献   

刘振中 《中国性科学》2011,20(2):34-36,41
易性症是一种强烈想改变自己性别的性心理障碍。本文从易性症的病因出发,分别介绍性别认同的先天后天之争,即生理决定论和社会建构主义对性别认同的诠释,指出性别的概念将走向整合,健康的个人功能需超越其性别角色本身。  相似文献   

Acne is a known side effect of masculinizing hormonal therapy used in transgender men. In all people with acne, it can contribute to depression, body image issues and even suicidal ideation. Hormones, particularly testosterone, are often the first treatment for gender dysphoria - the distress that can be caused by feeling and living a different gender to one's assigned gender - in transgender men. These hormones can exacerbate acne, among other hair and skin issues. The aim of this article, from the USA, is to promote understanding for advising and treating transgender men who have acne as a result of masculinizing hormonal therapy. Studies suggest that the severity of acne peaks within the first 4 months of treatment. Although gradual improvement is noted within the first year, acne can be persistent, lasting years after testosterone therapy is started. Severity of acne is variable, with most patients experiencing milder lesions (spots). Acne tends to be most prominent on the back and chest, an area that may already be one of the greatest sources of dissatisfaction among transgender men. Standard acne treatments such as topical medications (creams) and antibiotics can be used, but hormonal therapy is likely to interact with the desired effects of testosterone in transgender men, which requires careful consideration and discussion. In cases that don't improve after these first-line treatments, a powerful drug called isotretinoin is effective in patients on masculinizing therapy, though multiple courses of treatment may be needed. This drug can have unwanted side-effects and doctors have to closely monitor patients on this drug. The study discusses other important considerations for doctors. Although the options for treating acne are similar to those used in cis-gender patients (i.e. whose sense of personal identity and gender corresponds with their birth sex), several medical, social, and psychological considerations must be noted when treating transgender patients.  相似文献   


Purpose of Review

The goal of this paper is to give current understanding of non-binary/genderqueer identities, non-binary mental health trends and identity development, unique experiences of non-binary individuals, and recommendations for clinicians and researchers.

Recent Findings

About one third of individuals who identify as transgender primarily identify as non-binary. Recent studies found that non-binary people are at higher risk for suicide, experience more psychological distress, and experience higher levels of depression and anxiety. New studies on identity development of non-binary individuals provide explicit and fluid understandings of gender identity development outside of male/female, man/woman, and boy/girl.


Overall, little research is focused on non-binary individuals even though non-binary people make up a significant portion of the transgender community and experience even greater negative mental health risks. Non-binary people face several challenges in a society that is structured around binary gender identities. We encourage psychologists to challenge the dominant binary assumption about gender and create environments that include and affirm non-binary individuals.

Sexual fluidity has been defined as a capacity for situation-dependent flexibility in sexual responsiveness, which allows individuals to experience changes in same-sex or other-sex desire across both short-term and long-term time periods. I review recent evidence for sexual fluidity and consider the extent of gender differences in sexual fluidity by examining the prevalence of three phenomena: nonexclusive (bisexual) patterns of attraction, longitudinal change in sexual attractions, and inconsistencies among sexual attraction, behavior, and identity. All three of these phenomena appear to be widespread across a large body of independent, representative studies conducted in numerous countries, supporting an emerging understanding of sexuality as fluid rather than rigid and categorical. These studies also provide evidence for gender differences in sexual fluidity, but the extent and cause of these gender differences remain unclear and are an important topic for future research.  相似文献   

Sexual and gender minority (SGM) persons, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/gender diverse, questioning/queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA) individuals, represent a historically underserved population within the field of medicine, though their unique health needs are increasingly recognized. Unfortunately, our understanding of these needs as they relate to dermatology is still nascent, particularly with respect to children and adolescents. This two‐part review will discuss the dermatologic care of SGM youth, with Part 1 providing practical advice for dermatologists seeking to provide more culturally mindful and accessible care for SGM children and adolescents. A more comprehensive understanding of the psychosocial and physical needs of SGM youth will allow dermatologists to more actively and compassionately care for this health disparity population.  相似文献   

As the transgender community has become increasingly visible in public life, a greater awareness of this group's unique health needs and obstacles to optimal medical care has developed. Unfortunately, transgender youth face multiple barriers within the health care system, including access to equitable and gender‐affirming care. As dermatologists who care for children and adolescents, we must be aware of the challenges facing transgender youth and work to correct the disparities that exist for this vulnerable group. An initial step in supporting our transgender patients is to advocate for changes to the iPLEDGE system for prescribing isotretinoin (and other Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy systems), specifically requesting a change to its gender‐binary categorization model that compromises an individual's right to self‐identify. By promoting a gender‐neutral patient categorization that is based instead upon reproductive potential, a simple change to the iPLEDGE program allows us to safely treat all of our patients requiring isotretinoin, while preserving our transgender patients’ rights to self‐determination and self‐identification.  相似文献   

当今社会存在较典型的性犯罪形式包括网络性犯罪、变性人的性犯罪、同性性犯罪等.本文论述了当今社会中存在的这几种性犯罪形式,同时指出相应的解决建议,引出普及健康性认知的必要性.健康科学的认识"性",有助于在一定程度上减少或避免性犯罪的发生.  相似文献   

第三性别现象拟可以分为七种基本形态:一是第三性别,具有生物遗传学存在,总量增多,不成主流的特点;二是中性,具有社会、心理角色改变而生物解剖生理状态未变的特点;三是变性,具有解剖生理学人工改变,社会心理角色亦变的特点;四是装扮性变,具有职业特征明显,表演特征显著,历史地域局限的特点;五是角色惯性变,具有以日常性、习惯性、行为性改变为主的特点;六是同性恋,具有可能有生物、生理学改变,明显心理角色改变伴性社会角色变异的特点;七是误解性别角色,具有社会和行为误解的特点。从生物及心理社会学角度归类,第三性别、变性、同性恋以生物遗传及解剖学改变为主;装扮性变、角色惯性变、误解性别角色以心理社会学改变为主;中性也许二者兼。未来趋势受生物技术、医药技术、计算机技术、纳米技术及生命观、价值观、审美观和心理定位、社会角色、婚姻家庭、环境因素的影响,具有主流和支流、传统和时新、单一和多样、渐变和突变、现实和虚拟、有性和无性、生物和心理(行为)、生物和社会(存在)共存共融的形态。  相似文献   

There is a considerable degree of connection between psychiatry and dermatology. This connection is relevant both for diagnosis and management of dermatological pathology. This article summarises common psychiatric conditions seen in patients with skin disease, both primary psychiatric disorders and psychiatric disorders secondary to dermatological pathology. Diagnosis of relevant psychiatric conditions such as anxiety, depression, obsessive–compulsive disorder, delusional parasitosis and dermatitis artefacta, and psychiatric treatments are discussed. It gives an update of psychopharmacology relevant to the dermatologist including important interactions between psychotropic and dermatological agents.  相似文献   

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