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The cytoarchitecture and axonal projection pattern of pallial areas was studied in the fire-bellied toad Bombina orientalis by intracellular injection of biocytin into a total of 326 neurons forming 204 clusters. Five pallial regions were identified, differing in morphology and projection pattern of neurons. The rostral pallium receiving the bulk of dorsal thalamic afferents has reciprocal connections with all other pallial areas and projects to the septum, nucleus accumbens, and anterior dorsal striatum. The medial pallium projects bilaterally to the medial pallium, septum, nucleus accumbens, mediocentral amygdala, and hypothalamus and ipsilaterally to the rostral, dorsal, and lateral pallium. The ventral part of the medial pallium is distinguished by efferents to the eminentia thalami and the absence of contralateral projections. The dorsal pallium has only ipsilateral projections running to the rostral, medial, and lateral pallium; septum; nucleus accumbens; and eminentia thalami. The lateral pallium has ipsilateral projections to the olfactory bulbs and to the rostral, medial, dorsal, and ventral pallium. The ventral pallium including the striatopallial transition area (SPTA) has ipsilateral projections to the olfactory bulbs, rostral and lateral pallium, dorsal striatopallidum, vomeronasal amygdala, and hypothalamus. The medial pallium can be tentatively homologized with the mammalian hippocampal formation, the dorsal pallium with allocortical areas, the lateral pallium rostrally with the piriform and caudally with the entorhinal cortex, the ventral pallium with the accessory olfactory amygdala. The rostral pallium, with its projections to the dorsal and ventral striatopallidum, resembles the mammalian frontal cortex.  相似文献   

The functional organization of sensory activity in the amphibian telencephalon is poorly understood. We used an in vitro brain preparation to compare the anatomy of afferent pathways with the localization of electrically evoked sensory potentials and single neuron intracellular responses in the telencephalon of the toad Bombina orientalis. Anatomical tracing showed that the anterior thalamic nucleus innervates the anterior parts of the medial, dorsal, and lateral pallia and the rostralmost part of the pallium in addition to the subpallial amygdala/ventral pallidum region. Additional afferents to the medial telencephalon originate from the thalamic eminence. Electrical stimulation of diverse sensory nerves and brain regions generated evoked potentials with distinct characteristics in the pallium, subpallial amygdala/ventral pallidum, and dorsal striatopallidum. In the pallium, this sensory activity is generated in the anterior medial region. In the case of olfaction, evoked potentials were recorded at all sites, but displayed different characteristics across telencephalic regions. Stimulation of the anterior dorsal thalamus generated a pattern of activity comparable to olfactory evoked potentials, but it became similar to stimulation of the optic nerve or brainstem after bilateral lesion of the lateral olfactory tract, which interrupted the antidromic activation of the olfactohabenular tract. Intracellular bimodal sensory responses were obtained in the anterior pallium, medial amygdala, ventral pallidum, and dorsal striatopallidum. Our results demonstrate that the amphibian anterior pallium, medial amygdala/ventral pallidum, and dorsal striatopallidum are multimodal sensory centers. The organization of the amphibian telencephalon displays striking similarities with the brain pathways recently implicated in mammalian goal-directed behavior.  相似文献   

Intracellular recording and biocytin labeling were carried out in the fire-bellied toad Bombina orientalis to study the morphology and axonal projections of thalamic (TH) neurons and their responses to electrical optic nerve stimulation. Labeled neurons (n = 142) were divided into the following groups: TH1 neurons projecting to the dorsal striatum; TH2 neurons projecting to the amygdala, nucleus accumbens, and septal nuclei; TH3 neurons projecting to the medial or dorsal pallium; TH4 neurons with projections ascending to the dorsal striatum or ventral striatum/amygdala and descending to the optic tectum, tegmentum, and rostral medulla oblongata; TH5 neurons with projections to the tegmentum, rostral medulla oblongata, prectectum, or tectum; and TH6 neurons projecting to the hypothalamus. TH1 neurons are found in the central, TH2 neurons in the anterior and central, TH3 neurons in the anterior dorsal nucleus, and TH4 and TH5 neurons in the posterior dorsal or ventral nucleus. Neurons with descending projections arborize in restricted parts of retinal afferents; neurons with ascending projections do not substantially arborize within retinal afferents. At electrical optic nerve stimulation, neurons in the ventral thalamus respond with excitation at latencies of 10.8 msec; one-third of them follow repetitive stimulation and possibly are monosynaptically driven. Neurons in the dorsal thalamus respond mostly with inhibition at latencies of 42.3 msec and are polysynaptically driven. This corroborates the view that neurons in the dorsal thalamus projecting to the telencephalon receive no substantial direct retinal input and that the thalamopallial pathway of amphibians is not homologous to the mammalian retinogeniculocortical pathway.  相似文献   

The connectivity and cytoarchitecture of telencephalic centers except dorsal and medial pallium were studied in the fire-bellied toad Bombina orientalis by anterograde and retrograde biocytin labeling and intracellular biocytin injection (total of 148 intracellularly labeled neurons or neuron clusters). Our findings suggest the following telencephalic divisions: (1) a central amygdala-bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in the caudal midventral telencephalon, connected to visceral-autonomic centers; (2) a vomeronasal amygdala in the caudolateral ventral telencephalon receiving input from the accessory olfactory bulb and projecting mainly to the preoptic region/hypothalamus; (3) an olfactory amygdala in the caudal pole of the telencephalon lateral to the vomeronasal amygdala receiving input from the main olfactory bulb and projecting to the hypothalamus; (4) a medial amygdala receiving input from the anterior dorsal thalamus and projecting to the medial pallium, septum, and hypothalamus; (5) a ventromedial column formed by a nucleus accumbens and a ventral pallidum projecting to the central amygdala, hypothalamus, and posterior tubercle; (6) a lateral column constituting the dorsal striatum proper rostrally and the dorsal pallidum caudally, and a ventrolateral column constituting the ventral striatum. We conclude that the caudal mediolateral complex consisting of the extended central, vomeronasal, and olfactory amygdala of anurans represents the ancestral condition of the amygdaloid complex. During the evolution of the mammalian telencephalon this complex was shifted medially and involuted. The mammalian basolateral amygdala apparently is an evolutionary new structure, but the medial portion of the amygdalar complex of anurans reveals similarities in input and output with this structure and may serve similar functions.  相似文献   

In the fire-bellied toad Bombina orientalis, the connectivity and cytoarchitecture of telencephalic structures were studied by intracellular, anterograde and retrograde biocytin labelling in order to elucidate the neuronal basis of fear conditioning and context learning in amphibians. Our findings suggest the existence of a central amygdala-bed nucleus of the stria terminalis complex in the caudal mid-ventral telencephalon, a vomeronasal amygdala in the caudolateral ventral telencephalon, an olfactory amygdala in the caudal pole of the telencephalon lateral of the vomeronasal amygdala, and a ventromedially situated "medial" amygdala, which is assumed to be functionally equivalent to the basolateral amygdala of mammals. A ventromedial cellular column forms a nucleus accumbens rostrally and continues caudally into a shell-like ventral pallidum. A lateral column constitutes a dorsal striatum proper rostrally, a dorsal pallidum caudally, and a mixed striato-pallidum at intermediate levels. We conclude that the caudal mediolateral complex consisting of an extended central, vomeronasal and olfactory amygdala of anurans represents the ancestral equivalent of the amygdaloid complex of tetrapods. During the evolution of the mammalian telencephalon, this complex apparently was shifted medially and involuted.  相似文献   

An immunohistochemically distinct zone was identified in the superficial aspect of trigeminal nucleus caudalis of the New World owl monkey that is not immunoreactive for substance P or serotonin, in stark contrast to the dense staining present in the surrounding laminae I and II. Thionin-stained sections in different planes showed that this is a subregion of lamina I containing clusters of neurons that appear to have pyramidal or polygonal somata. Extracellular microelectrode recordings in this region revealed clusters of thermoreceptive-specific (COLD) cells with nasal or labial receptive fields, whereas nociceptive neurons were found in the adjacent portions of lamina I. Anterograde tracer injections in this region produced trigeminothalamic terminal labeling in the site homologous to the lamina I spino-thalamo-cortical relay nucleus identified previously in the Old World macaque monkey and in humans. Retrograde tracer injections involving this thalamic site, where recordings of trigeminal COLD-like neurons were obtained, produced clusters of retrogradely labeled trigeminothalamic neurons in this immunohistochemically distinct subregion of lamina I, nearly all of which are pyramidal neurons. We conclude that the nocturnal owl monkey has a specialized perinasal thermoreceptive trigeminothalamic sensory pathway that is probably of behavioral significance during olfactory sniffing. In addition, these observations corroborate other findings that have indicated that lamina I COLD cells are pyramidal neurons and are not physiologically modulated by substance P or serotonin, in contrast to nociceptive neurons. J. Comp. Neurol. 404:221–234, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Double labeling experiments with the retrogradely transported fluorescent tracers bisbenzimide and True blue indicate that separate populations of cells in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus project to the median eminence and to the dorsomedial medulla or spinal cord in the rat. The cell populations giving rise to each projection are, however, at least partially intermixed in different parts of the nucleus.  相似文献   

Fiber connections of the rostrolateral region of the lateral preglomerular nucleus (PGlr) were studied by tract-tracing methods in carp and goldfish. The PGlr receives fibers from the optic tectum, ventrolateral nucleus of semicircular torus, ventromedial thalamic nucleus, medial pretoral nucleus, anterior tuberal nucleus, subglomerular nucleus, and (unexpectedly) also from the retina. Dendritic morphology of tecto-preglomerular neurons suggests that they receive retinal inputs. The PGlr can be further subdivided into dorsal (PGlr-d) and ventral (PGlr-v) zones, both of which are composed of somata and neuropil layers. Retinal and tectal fibers terminate mostly in the neuropil layer of the PGlr-d with the retinal terminals concentrated medially and tectal terminals laterally. Lateral line toral fibers terminate mainly in a lateral portion and ventromedial thalamic fibers in a medial portion of the somata layer of the PGlr-d. Auditory fibers from the medial pretoral nucleus and anterior tuberal nucleus terminate in the PGlr-v. The central nucleus of the semicircular torus also projects sparse fibers to the PGlr-v. The PGlr projects to the lateral, central, and medial parts of the dorsal telencephalic area, and the latter telencephalic part sends descending fibers to the PGlr. Differential distribution patterns of PGlr-d and PGlr-v fibers are noted within the dorsal telencephalic parts, suggesting that different sensory modalities may be represented in distinct regions at least to a certain degree.  相似文献   

The perigeniculate nucleus of carnivores is thought to be a part of the thalamic reticular nucleus related to visual centers of the thalamus. Physiological studies show that perigeniculate neurons, which are primarily GABAergic, provide feedback inhibition onto neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus. However, little is known about the anatomical organization of this feedback pathway. To address this, we used two complementary tracing methods to label perigeniculate axons for electron microscopic study in the geniculate A-laminae: intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) to fill an individual perigeniculate cell and its axon; and anterograde transport of Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin to label a population of perigeniculate axons. Labeled perigeniculate terminals display features of F1 terminals in the geniculate neuropil: they are small, contain dark mitochondria, and form symmetric synaptic contacts. We found that most of the perigeniculate terminals (greater than 90%) contact geniculate cell dendrites in regions that also receive a rich innervation from terminals deriving from visual cortex (e.g., "cortico-recipient" dendrites). The remainder of the perigeniculate synapses (10%) contacted dendrites in regions that also received direct retinal input (e.g., "retino-recipient" dendrites). Serial reconstruction of segments of dendrites postsynaptic to perigeniculate terminals suggests that these terminals contact both classes of relay cell in the A-laminae (X and Y), although our preliminary conclusion is that an individual perigeniculate cell contacts only one class. Finally, our quantitative comparison between labeled perigeniculate terminals and unlabeled F1 terminals indicates that these perigeniculate terminals form a distinct subset of F1 terminals. We quantitatively compared the labeled perigeniculate terminals to unlabeled F1 terminals. Although the parameters of the perigeniculate terminals fell entirely within the range of those for the unlabeled F1 terminals, as populations, we found consistent differences between these two groups. We thus conclude that, as populations, other sources of F1 terminals are morphologically distinct from perigeniculate terminals and innervate different targets.  相似文献   

Complexities in the Thalamocortical and Corticothalamic Pathways   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is now a century since Kölliker ( Handbuch der Gewebelehre des Menschen. Nervensystemen des Menschen und der Thiere, Vol. 2 , 6th edn. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1896) described the thalamic reticular nucleus as the 'Gitterkern' or lattice nucleus on the basis of the fibrous latticework that is the characteristic feature of this part of the ventral thalamus and adjacent parts of the internal capsule. We suggest that the fibre reorganization produced in this lattice is a fundamental requirement for linking orderly maps in the thalamus to corresponding cortical maps by two-way thalamocortical and corticothalamic connections; these connections involve divergence, convergence and mirror reversals, which all have to occur between the thalamus and the cortex. Apart from the thalamic reticular nucleus, two transient groups of cells, the perireticular nucleus (located in the internal capsule lateral to the reticular nucleus) and the cells of the cortical subplate, are prominent along the course of axons linking the cortex and thalamus early in development. The functions of these two cell groups are not known. However, since early in development complex patterns of reorganization, defasciculation and crossings occur in the regions of these cells, it is likely that they play a role in creating the latticework of the adult. The latticework that characterizes the thalamic reticular nucleus of mammals can also be identified in the ventral thalamus of non-mammalian brains, formed along the course of the fibres that join the dorsal thalamus to the telencephalon. We suggest that the ubiquitous presence of such a zone of fibre reorganization is integral to the functioning of the thalamocortical pathways, and that the complexity of thalamic connections produced in the lattice has been central to the evolutionary success of the thalamotelencephalic system.  相似文献   

The γ-aminobutyric acid-ergic thalamic reticular nucleus (Rt), which carries matching topographical maps of both the thalamus and cortex and in which constituent cells can synaptically communicate between each other, is the major extrinsic source of thalamic inhibitions and disinhibitions. Whether all the Rt axonal projections into the thalamus are similarly organized and have common projection and innervation patterns are questions of great interest to further our knowledge of the functioning of the Rt. The present study provides architectural and morphometric data of individual, anterogradely labeled axonal arbors that arose from distinct parts of the Rt. One hundred twenty-seven Rt neurons from all regions of Rt were marked juxtacellularly with biocytin or Neurobiotin in urethane-anesthetized adult rats. Eighteen two-dimensional and 14 three-dimensional reconstructions of single tracer-filled Rt neurons were made from serial, frontal, horizontal, or sagittal sections. Both the somatodendritic and axonal fields of tracer-filled Rt cells were mapped in three dimensions and illustrated to provide a complementary stereotaxic reference for future studies. Most marked units projected to a single nucleus of the anterior, dorsal, intralaminar, posterior, or ventral thalamus. Axons emerging from cells in distinct sectors of the Rt projected to distinct nuclei. Within a sector, neurons with separate dendritic fields innervated separate regions either in a single nucleus or into different but functionally related thalamic nuclei. Neurons with an overlap of their dendritic fields gave rise either to overlapping axonal arborizations or, more rarely, to distinct axonal arbors within two different thalamic nuclei implicated in the same function. In rare instances, an Rt axon could project within these two nuclei. Thalamic reticular axons commonly displayed a single well-circumscribed arbor containing a total of about 4,000 ± 1,000 boutons. Every arbor was composed of a dense central core, which encompassed a thalamic volume of 5–63 × 106 μm3 and was made up of patches of maximal innervation density (10 ± 4 boutons/tissue cube of 25 μm each side), surrounded by a sparse component. The metric relationships between the Rt axonal arbors and the dendrites of their target thalamocortical neurons were determined. Both the size and maximal innervation density of the axonal patches were found to fit in with the somatodendritic architecture of the target cells. The Rt axonal projections of adult rats are thus characterized by their (1) well-focused terminal field with a patchy distribution of boutons and (2) parallel organization with a certain degree of divergence. The role of the Rt-mediated thalamic inhibition and disinhibition may be to contrast significant with nonrelevant ongoing thalamocortical information. J. Comp. Neurol. 391:180–203, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We injected tracer into wide regions of visual cortex in the cat to produce retrograde and orthograde labeling in the thalamus, chiefly in the lateral geniculate nucleus and lateral posterior-pulvinar complex (LP-Pulvinar). We used the electron microscope to measure the sizes of orthogradely labeled terminals in thalamus and used these measurements to help determine whether the terminals were "RL" (large, presumed excitatory) or "RS" (small, presumed excitatory). We also distinguished reciprocal regions, which were zones of corticothalamic feedback defined by the presence of many retrogradely labeled cell bodies and orthogradely labeled terminals, from nonreciprocal regions, which were zones of feedforward corticothalamic projections defined by the presence of orthogradely labeled terminals alone. The lateral geniculate nucleus, a reciprocal region, had retrogradely labeled cell bodies as well as labeled RS terminals. Likewise, reciprocal regions in LP-Pulvinar were dominated by labeled RS terminals. In contrast, nonreciprocal regions were dominated by labeled RL terminals. Based on other evidence of corticothalamic projections that RL and RS terminals derive, respectively, from layer 5 and layer 6, we suggest the same relationship here, leading to the conclusion that the corticothalamic input from layer 6 is largely feedback, whereas that from layer 5 is largely feedforward. This finding lends credence to a recent hypothesis that layer 5 corticothalamic axons represent the afferent limb of a cortico-thalamo-cortical pathway that is critical for corticocortical communication.  相似文献   

The fluorescent carbocyanine dye 1,1'-dioctadecyl 3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI) was used in fixed tissue to comprehensively analyze the connections of the olfactory bulbs and the different regions of the ventral (V) area of the telencephalic lobes (subpallium) of the rainbow trout. With this goal, DiI was applied to the different telencephalic nuclei and zones, as well as to the olfactory nerve, the olfactory bulb, the retina, and to several structures in the diencephalon and brainstem of juvenile trout. The olfactory bulbs maintain reciprocal connections with several regions of the telencephalon [ventral nucleus of V (Vv), supracommissural nucleus (Vs), posterior zone of D (Dp), preoptic nucleus], and also project to the diencephalon (posterior tuberal nucleus, posterior hypothalamic lobe). Vv receives afferents from Vs, the dorsal nucleus of V (Vd), the preoptic nucleus, and from several nuclei in the diencephalon and brainstem (suprachiasmatic nucleus, anterior and lateral tuberal nuclei, preglomerular complex, tertiary gustatory nucleus, posterior tubercle, inferior hypothalamic lobes, thalamus, torus semicircularis, secondary gustatory nucleus, locus coeruleus, superior raphe nucleus, central gray, and reticular formation), and projects to dorsal (pallial) regions and most of the nuclei afferent to Vv. The dorsal nucleus of V (Vd) and Vs mainly project to the dorsal area. In an accompanying article (Folgueira et al., 2004), we present the results of application of DiI to dorsal (pallial) telencephalic regions, as well as of several experiments of tracer application to extratelencephalic regions. The results presented here, together with those of the accompanying article, reveal a complex connectional pattern of the rainbow trout ventral telencephalon, most of these connections having not been described previously in salmonids.  相似文献   

The present study represents a detailed spatiotemporal analysis of the localization of calbindin‐D28k (CB) and calretinin (CR) immunoreactive structures in the brain of Xenopus laevis throughout development, conducted with the aim to correlate the onset of the immunoreactivity with the development of compartmentalization of distinct subdivisions recently identified in the brain of adult amphibians and primarily highlighted when analyzed within a segmental paradigm. CR and CB are expressed early in the brain and showed a progressively increasing expression throughout development, although transient expression in some neuronal subpopulations was also noted. Common and distinct characteristics in Xenopus, as compared with reported features during development in the brain of mammals, were observed. The development of specific regions in the forebrain such as the olfactory bulbs, the components of the basal ganglia and the amygdaloid complex, the alar and basal hypothalamic regions, and the distinct diencephalic neuromeres could be analyzed on the basis of the distinct expression of CB and CR in subregions. Similarly, the compartments of the mesencephalon and the main rhombencephalic regions, including the cerebellum, were differently highlighted by their specific content in CB and CR throughout development. Our results show the usefulness of the analysis of the distribution of these proteins as a tool in neuroanatomy to interpret developmental aspects of many brain regions. J. Comp. Neurol. 521:79–108, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Previous studies in the pigeon (Karten and Revzin: Brain Res. 2:368-377, '66; Karten and Hodos: J. Comp. Neurol. 140:35-52, '70) have described an ascending tectofugal visual pathway from the optic tectum to the ectostriatum by way of the nucleus rotundus of the thalamus. This present study used anterograde autoradiographic and retrograde horseradish peroxidase pathway-tracing techniques to investigate another ascending tectofugal pathway in the pigeon. Injections of 3H-proline/leucine confirmed a previous report that the optic tectum projects to the nucleus dorsolateralis posterior of the thalamus (DLP). This projection is predominantly ipsilateral and is confined to a large-celled caudal region of the nucleus (DLPc); the rostral region of the nucleus (DLPr) is not tectorecipient. Injections of horseradish peroxidase in DLPc labeled cells predominantly ipsilaterally in layers 8-15 of the optic tectum. Injections of 3H-proline/leucine placed in the DLPc labeled a discrete region of the ipsilateral telencephalon. Similar injections of DLPr labeled a contiguous, but more rostral, region of the neostriatum intermedium. Nissl- and silver-stained material indicated that the region in which DLP terminates is cytoarchitecturally distinct from ventromedial ectostriatal core and belt. Injections of horseradish peroxidase at various locations in the neostriatal DLP terminal field demonstrated a rostrocaudal ordering of the DLP projection upon the neostriatum intermedium. Single-unit recording demonstrated that cells in DLPc respond to whole-field illumination at the same latency as cells in the nucleus rotundus, indicating that the tecto-DLPc-neostriatal pathway transmits visual information to the telencephalon. We suggest that comparable pathways may exist in both reptiles and mammals.  相似文献   

The reticular nucleus of the thalamus (NRT) projects to virtually all thalamic nuclei ipsilaterally. In addition, recent studies suggest that NRT sends contralateral projections through an intrathalamic commissural fiber system to several thalamic nuclei, including the NRT itself. In the present study we used retrograde cell labeling, multi-unit anterograde labeling and immunohistochemical methods to study both ipsi- and contralateral NRT projection to the parafascicular nucleus (Pf) in the rat. Injections of the fluorescent tracers true blue or fluorogold in Pf led to massive retrograde cell labeling in rostral and dorsal portions of the ipsilateral NRT, whereas the same sectors of the contralateral NRT were devoid of labeling. Some retrogradely labeled cells were nevertheless present on the contralateral side in the borderline region between NRT and the zona incerta (ZI). Retrograde cell labeling experiments with cholera toxin B subunit (CTb) combined to immunohistochemistry for parvalbumin (PV) and calbindin D-28k (CB) indicated that the few retrogradely labeled cells encountered at the border between NRT and ZI displayed immunoreactivity for CB but not for PV. Since PV and CB label neurons belonging to NRT and ZI, respectively, it is concluded that these contralateral retrogradely labeled cells belong to ZI and not to NRT. Multi-unit cell anterograde labeling experiments with biocytin showed that NRT cells that project to Pf arborize extensively only on the ipsilateral side. The same approach, however, has revealed NRT cells projecting to both ipsi- and contralateral ventromedial thalamic nuclei. The axon of these NRT neurons arborizes more profusely ipsilaterally than contralaterally. These results reveal that the NRT projection to Pf in rodents is strictly unilateral. These findings are at variance with the emerging concept that NRT exerts a prominent bilateral influence upon most thalamic nuclei.  相似文献   

The detailed morphology of thalamocortical (TC) and corticothalamic (CT) pathways connecting the ventral posterolateral nucleus (VPLc) with the primary somatosensory cortex (areas 3b and 1) and the thalamic pulvinar with the posterior parietal cortex (primarily area 7a), was compared. Each pathway processes information relevant to directed reaching tasks, but whereas VPLc receives its major input from the spinal cord and external environment, the primary afferent to the pulvinar is cortical. Using combined tracer and thick fixed slice procedures, the soma/dendritic morphology of TC neuron populations (with known destination) was shown to be quantitatively similar within VPLc and the pulvinar. This implies that differences in information processing in VPLc (a primary relay) and the pulvinar (an integrative thalamic nucleus) are not defined by a distinctive TC morphology, but rather by the connections of these neuron populations. Two morphologically distinct types of CT axon were observed within the medial pulvinar and VPLc. The more common "Type E" were fine, had boutons en passant and diffuse terminal bifurcations ending in masses of tiny boutons. "Type R" axons were thicker, smooth, and terminated in localised clusters of large terminal boutons. Each type had a unique pattern of termination reflecting a distinct action on target neuron populations. The spatial relationship between TC distribution territories and CT terminal fields was examined within the medial pulvinar and VPLc by using anterograde and retrograde tracers injected together within cortical areas 7a, and 3b/1, respectively. Spatial overlap was incomplete within both thalamic nuclei. Our findings show a more complex relationship between TC and CT neuron populations than previously demonstrated.  相似文献   

The neuropsychopharmacological basis of fear‐ or panic‐related behavior has been the focus of several studies. Some mesencephalic tectum (MT) structures, such as the superior colliculus (SC) and dorsal periaqueductal gray matter (dPAG), are considered to be responsible for the control of defensive responses evoked during threatening situations. Furthermore, the pars reticulata of the substantia nigra (SNpr) sends inputs to the SC that can work as a sensory channel to MT neurons fundamental for the elaboration of defensive responses. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the role of striato‐nigral GABAergic inputs in the activity of nigro‐tectal outputs during the elaboration of defensive behavior using a GABAA receptor selective blockade in the MT of mice confronted pre‐treated with Bothrops alternatus. Mice with injections of physiological saline into the SNpr and treated with a GABAA receptor selective antagonist in the MT displayed an increase in panic‐related behavior, expressed by an increase in the duration of freezing, frequency of nonoriented escape and frequency of total escape responses during the confrontation with the snake. However, intra‐SNpr injections of cobalt chloride followed by MT injections of bicuculline caused a significant decrease in the duration of freezing and total escape responses. In addition, intra‐SNpr injections of lidocaine followed by MT injections of bicuculline caused an increase in panic‐related behavior. The results highlight the involvement of SNpr and MT structures in the organization of defensive behaviors and suggest an inhibitory control of striatonigral‐nigrotectal pathways during the elaboration of fear‐ and panic‐related behavior. Synapse 69:299–313, 2015 . © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Thalamic projections to retrosplenial cortex in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The topographic relationships between anterior thalamic neurons and their terminal projection fields in the retrosplenial cortex of the rat were characterized by experiments with the fluorescent dye retrograde labeling technique. The results demonstrate that the anterodorsal (DAD) and anteroventral (AV) nuclei project heavily to retrosplenial granular cortex (Rg) and to a lesser extent to retrosplenial agranular cortex (Rag). In contrast, the anteromedial (AM) and lateral dorsal (LD) nuclei project heavily to Rag and more lightly to Rg. Irrespective of terminal field in Rg or Rag, the neuronal cell bodies in AD and AV are organized topographically so that the neurons in the caudal part of each nucleus project to rostral retrosplenial cortex and the neurons in the rostral portion of each nucleus project to the caudal retrosplenial cortex. Further, the ventromedial AD and AV neurons project to rostral retrosplenial cortex, whereas dorsolateral neurons in both nuclei project to caudal retrosplenial cortex. LD neurons display a different topographic organization. The neurons in the medioventral part of LD project primarily to the rostral retrosplenial cortex, and the neurons in lateral LD project to the caudal retrosplenial cortex. This latter projection to the caudal retrosplenial cortex is also contributed to by neurons residing in the mediodorsal part of caudal LD. The neurons in AM that project to the retrosplenial cortex display less segregation than the AV, AD, or LD neurons. In all experiments, a number of neurons in the dorsal ventro-anterolateral nucleus were labeled by retrosplenial injections. The largest number of cells in this nucleus were labeled after Rag injections, and these were topographically organized such that the neurons projecting to the rostral Rag were located immediately deep to the internal medullary lamina, and the neurons projecting to the caudal Rag were more ventrally located. Very few thalamic neurons have axon collaterals to different areas of the retrosplenial cortex as shown by double labeling experiments. Together, these results demonstrate a highly organized thalamic projection to the retrosplenial cortex.  相似文献   

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