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Summary Sixty male workers in a lindane (-hexachlorocyclohexane) producing factory were examined with regard to functions of nervous system in comparison with two external control groups having no contact with hazardous substances.Examinations of reflexes and sensibility revealed no pathological signs. Mean values of amplitude and frequency of forefinger tremor were found at about 20 m and 10 Hz respectively without significant differences between groups. Manual skill tested by means of a tracking task was nearly the same in HCH-workers and a control group of dairy workers. On the contrary, a control group of clerks showed significantly better results in the tracking test, a probable consequence of their occupational practice.In electromyography no pathologic patterns were observed. The maximal motor nerve conduction velocity of ulnar nerves showed nearly identical mean values of 59.5 m/s in HCH-workers and controls. Neuromuscular conduction as revealed by distal latencies was not impaired.Furthermore, electroencephalographic recordings taken in spot-checks of HCH-workers and controls did not show any specific pathological signs. Only small abnormalities in rhythm could be observed in some cases of workers as well as of control persons indicating no increased incidence in the HCH exposed group.In conclusion, even after years or decades of occupational HCH exposure, in this study no signs of neurological impairment or perturbation of neuromuscular function could be ascertained.  相似文献   

Summary In a lindane (-hexachlorocyclohexane =-benzenehexachloride)-producing factory 57 workers were studied with regard to their blood levels of the three hexachlorocyclohexane isomers:-, -, and-HCH. The TLV-TWA (MAK value 1979) for-HCH of 0.5 mg/m3 was not exceeded at any of the workplaces where HCH is synthesized and purified to lindane. Additionally, in some of the workers samples of s.c. adipose tissue were taken for determination of HCH-isomer content. An external group of 20 clerks was examined in the same way for control purposes.In contrast to the control persons, none of whom had HCH-concentrations in serum above the respective detection limits, the values determined in serum of the exposed workers were in the following ranges:-HCH: 10–273 g/l,-HCH: 17–760 g/l, and-HCH: 5-188 g/l. Of special interest is the observation of a significant increase of-HCH-concentration in serum with the time of employment in lindane production, indicating a pronounced accumulation of this substance in the human organism. Concentrations of this isomer in s.c. adipose tissues were about 300-fold higher than in serum. A significant correlation between both parameters could be established.The results of this study show that adherence to the TLV-TWA of-HCH is not sufficient for control of HCH-exposure. Furthermore, biological monitoring of exposed workers is necessary taking into account the three more important isomers-, -, and-HCH.  相似文献   

Summary In a lindane (-hexachlorocyclohexane)-producing factory 54 male workers (mean age 40 years, mean duration of exposure 8 years) were studied with regard to their blood levels of testosterone, LH, and FSH. Twenty clerks of nearly the same age were examined for control purposes in the same way. Serum-LH concentrations of the exposed workers were significantly higher than in controls. Geometric mean values were 8.8 mIU/ml and 5.7 mIU/ml respectively. On the other hand, FSH levels were insignificantly higher. Concerning testosterone concentrations in serum, these were found to be slightly lower in the group of workers than in control persons but this difference could not be proved to be statistically significant.These results indicate certain perturbations in sex hormone regulation probably as a consequence of HCH-exposure. To judge the pathological significance of these alterations further investigation will be necessary.  相似文献   

Summary A sensitive and specific gas chromatographic method is described for the simultaneous determination of ten chlorinated phenols that appear in the urine of persons exposed to hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH). The phenolic compounds in the urinary samples are hydrolysed in an acidic medium and derivatised with acetic anhydride. This sample treatment permits routine application. The stationary phase (8% DC 200 on Chromosorb G AW-DMCS possesses a high separating capability for the acetic esters of the chlorophenols. The detection limits lie between 4.9 and 18.6 g/l and allow determinations even in the environmentally interesting concentration range. The recoveries determined using aqueous standards range between 87 and 119% and the relative standard deviations are between 4.4 and 10.1%.Technical assistance  相似文献   

Summary Metabolism of -Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) was studied examining 21 workers producing this insecticide. Using gas chromatography in combination with ECD and mass spectrometry 14 mono-, di-, tri- and tetrachlorophenols were identified in the urine samples of the workers. Seven dihydroxychlorobenzenes of still unknown configuration were detected by mass spectrometry. Ten of the more abundant metabolites, di-, tri- and tetrachlorophenols were determined quantitatively in all urine samples. 2,4,6-; 2,3,5- and 2,4,5-trichlorophenol turned out to be the main metabolites of -HCH. They were excreted in nearly equal quantities. On account of their potential liver toxicity, the determination of chlorophenols in urine should be part of a biological monitoring program of HCH-exposed persons.  相似文献   

Summary A study was carried out among 20 workers employed in a printing, office at three different work places (methanol concentration: 85, 101, and 134 ppm) to determine whether the concentration of formic acid in blood or urine and the methanol content of alveolar air permit the estimation of methanol exposure.For this purpose blood, urine, and end expiratory air were collected at the beginning and the end of the shift. For comparison formic acid concentrations were determined in the morning and in the afternoon in blood and urine of 36 and 15 control persons, respectively.The concentration of formic acid in blood increased significantly from 3.2 ± 2.4 mg/l before to 7.9 ± 3.2 mg/l after the shift in the exposed workers (mean increase 4.7 ± 3.8 mg/l). The corresponding concentrations in urine were 13.1 ± 3.9 mg/l and 20.2 ± 7 mg/l, respectively, with a mean increase of 7.1 ± 5.3 mg/l. This difference is also significant. On the contrary, in the control groups there was a small but significant decrease of formic acid concentration in blood from 5.6 ±4.5 mg/l in the morning to 4.9 ± 4.2 mg/l in the afternoon. In urine, the formic acid concentrations in the morning (11.9 ± 6.4 mg/l) and in the afternoon (11.7 ±5.6 mg/l) were not significantly different. The increase of formic acid concentration in blood during the shift is the most useful parameter for monitoring methanol exposed persons. In contrast determinations of methanol concentrations in the ambient air or in the exhaled air are only crude estimates.(Direktor: Prof. Dr. G. Lehnert)  相似文献   

Occupational exposure to cholinesterase inhibiting pesticides: a Greek case   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The determination of plasma or serum cholinesterase is absolute and it is considered as a reliable index of exposure in workers of organophosphorus pesticides industries. In the present study the plasma cholinesterase of 28 persons working in the packaging of an ortho-thio-phosphate was determined, before and after their exposure to this agent. The results of this study showed a plasma cholinesterase depression of 37%, a decrease which was statistically significant (P<0.001).  相似文献   

Summary On the basis of the use of insecticides in agri culture and vector control programmes, two locations were selected in Gujarat state, India. In location 1 the insecticides are used in both agriculture and vector control programmes while in location 2 they are used only in agriculture. Raw food commodities, water, soil and blood samples were collected from the people residing in these locations, and analysed for total dichloro-diphenyl trichloroethane and total benzenehexachloride residues. Residue levels were significantly lower in location 2 than in location 1.  相似文献   

该文综述了国内外有关加油站职业卫生调查状况以及加油站员工健康研究现状,阐述了加油站汽油污染的特点,加油站员工出现的各种健康效应及目前国内外加油站职业卫生监管存在的问题,并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

农药职业接触的生物监测指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着生产环境的改善,有效管理和防护措施的采取,农药职业接触中急性中毒病例已较前明显减少,而长期低剂量接触农药所致的健康危害则越来越引起重视.这些危害通常在临床症状出现前即已发生,因此对农药职业接触者进行生物监测不仅有助于对农药这一职业性有害因素进行全面评价,而且对控制和降低人体接触水平、预防职业危害有着重要意义.该文总结了可以用于农药职业接触者的生物监测指标,期望对实际工作有所帮助.  相似文献   

[目的]了解企业对《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》贯彻执行情况,进一步加强职业卫生监督管理,保障和促进劳动者身心健康。[方法]随机抽取长治市204家企业作为调查对象,委派专业人员通过现场实地考察、访谈、查阅有关资料,填写调查表。[结果]企业职业病危害项目申报率71.5%,职业病危害告知率为43.6%,岗前体检率为40.3%,上岗前进行职业卫生培训率为41.6%,设置警示标识率为17.2%,作业场所职业病危害因素监测率为44.7%。[结论]长治市职业卫生状况不容乐观,今后应加强《职业病防治法》及相关法律、法规的宣传,加大职业病防治人力和物力投入。  相似文献   

叶佳萍  郑步云 《职业与健康》2011,27(23):2689-2690
目的 对2010年嘉兴市职业病危害监测情况进行分析,为今后有针对性地促进职业病防治工作提供依据.方法 根据健康危害因素监测信息系统资料,对2010年嘉兴市职业病危害监测情况进行分析.结果 2010年该市职业健康检查疑似职业病检出率为0.98%(73/74 829),职业禁忌检出率为1.40%(1 050/74 829),作业场所职业病危害因素检测合格率85.18% (13 904/16 323).结论 2010年嘉兴市职业病防治有关工作推进较为明显,但仍需进一步巩固与加强,应突出重点、狠抓落实.  相似文献   

目的了解企业职业卫生管理人员对职业卫生工作的认识、态度和对卫生监督的态度等情况,以更好地开展职业卫生教育和卫生监督。方法对上海市浦东新区内300余家的企业职业卫生管理人员进行问卷调查。结果312家企业职业卫生管理人员多为兼职(70.2%),从事职业卫生工作时间短(1年以下占25.3%),对职业卫生知识自我评价为熟悉和掌握的仅35%,同时也出现企业领导不支持(10.3%)和员工不理解(19.9%)的困难。对卫生监督员重要的素质分别是法律与专业知识(57.1%)、良好的沟通技能(56.7%)、认真严谨的工作方法(32.4%)、同情心和同理心等(31.4%),获取职业卫生的知识途径以卫生部门培训(83.7%)和网络(59.6%)为主。结论企业应设置专职的职业卫生管理岗位并进行专业培训,理顺利益相关者关系,探讨职业卫生监管模式和执法理念,改进职业卫生教育途径、加强卫生监督员的业务素质和人文素质。  相似文献   

Summary Stainless steel welders (n = 103) were examined. To estimate external exposure, personal air sampling was used. Internal exposure was quantified by the determination of nickel levels in erythrocytes, plasma and urine. Men and women (n = 123) were examined for control purposes. In the plasma and erythrocytes of the controls the nickel concentration was below the level of detection (< 1.81 μg/l). The element concentrations in urine were between < 0.1 and 13.3 μg/l. Of the controls 95% showed nickel levels in urine below 2.2 μg/l (reference value). The average concentration of nickel in the air was 93 ± 81 μg/m3. The average concentration of nickel in the plasma samples was 4.9 ± 4.0 μg/l (95th percentile 12.8 μg/L). In erythrocytes nickel could not be detected. The nickel concentrations in the urine of the welders were 18.5 ± 28.5 μg/l on average (95th percentile 52.5 μg/l). Only a weak correlation between the nickel levels of plasma and urine could be detected (Curine = 2.07 + 8.45 Cplasma; r = 0.294; p < 0.01). Based on our results and on the reported literature a future limit value for the nickel concentration in urine should lay between 30 and 50 μg/l. This value corresponds to an external exposure of 500 μg nickel per cubic metre.  相似文献   

Summary External and internal chromate exposure of 103 stainless steel welders who were using manual metal arc welding (MMA), metal inert gas welding (MIG) and both methods, were measured by ambient and biological monitoring. At the working places the maximum chromium trioxide concentrations were 80 g/m3. The median values were 4 g/m3 (MMA) and 10 g/m3 (MIG). The median chromium concentrations in erythrocytes, plasma and urine of all welders were < 0.60, 9.00 and 32.50 g/l. For biological monitoring purposes, chromium levels in erythrocytes and simultaneously in plasma seem to be suitable parameters. According to our results, chromium levels in plasma and urine in the order of 10 and 40 g/l seem to correspond to an external exposure of 100 g chromium trioxide per cubic metre, the technical guiding concentration (TRK-value). Chromium concentrations in erythrocytes greater than 0.60 g/l indicate an external chromate exposure greater than the TRK-value.  相似文献   

Occupational chronic exposure to metals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stainless steel welders (n = 103) were examined. To estimate external exposure, personal air sampling was used. Internal exposure was quantified by the determination of nickel levels in erythrocytes, plasma and urine. Men and women (n = 123) were examined for control purposes. In the plasma and erythrocytes of the controls the nickel concentration was below the level of detection (less than 1.8 micrograms/l). The element concentrations in urine were between less than 0.1 and 13.3 micrograms/l. Of the controls 95% showed nickel levels in urine below 2.2 micrograms/l (reference value). The average concentration of nickel in the air was 93 +/- 81 micrograms/m3. The average concentration of nickel in the plasma samples was 4.9 +/- 4.0 micrograms/l (95th percentile 12.8 micrograms/l). In erythrocytes nickel could not be detected. The nickel concentrations in the urine of the welders were 18.5 +/- 28.5 micrograms/l on average (95th percentile 52.5 micrograms/l). Only a weak correlation between the nickel levels of plasma and urine could be detected (Curine = 2.07 + 8.45 Cplasma; r = 0.294; p less than 0.01). Based on our results and on the reported literature a future limit value for the nickel concentration in urine should lay between 30 and 50 micrograms/l. This value corresponds to an external exposure of 500 micrograms nickel per cubic metre.  相似文献   

Occupational exposure to manganese.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The relationship between the degree of exposure and biological effects of manganese was studied in a group of 369 workers employed in the production of ferroalloys. Two other groups of workers, from an electrode plant and from an aluminium rolling mill, served as controls. Mean manganese concentrations at work places where ferroalloys were produced varied from 0-301 to 20-442 mg/m3. The exposure level of the two control groups was from 2 to 30 microgram/m3 and from 0-05 to 0-07 microgram/m3, in the electrode plant and rolling mill respectively. Sixty-two (16-8%) manganese alloy workers showed some signs of neurological impairment. These signs were noticeably less in the two control groups (5-8% and 0%) than in the occupationally exposed group. Subjective symptoms, which are nonspecific but may be symptoms of subclinical manganism, were not markedly different in the three groups. However, in the manganese alloy workers some of the subjective symptoms occurred more frequently in heavier smokers than in light smokers or nonsmokers. Heavier smokers engaged in manganese alloy production showed some of the subjective symptoms more often than heavier smokers from the control groups.  相似文献   

The Japan Society for Occupational Health started to recommend an occupational exposure limit based on biological monitoring (OEL-B) in 1993. Up to 1998, OEL-Bs for mercury, lead, hexane and 3,3′-dichloro-4,4′-diaminodiphenylmethane had been adopted and those for 17 chemical substances (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, nickel, acetone, methanol, benzene, toluene, xylene, styrene, tetrachloroethylene, trichloroethylene, N,N-dimethylacetoamide, N,N-dimethylformamide,carbon disulfide, carbon monoxide, and organophospate insecticides) are in preparation. Received: 13 January 1999 / Accepted: 16 January 1999  相似文献   

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