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随着荷兰安乐死法案的通过,各国对安乐死问题的争论日趋激烈,安乐死开始成为当代世界的一个热点问题.文章在分析安乐死的概念及其相关问题分析研究的基础上,考察了各国各地区实际存在的大量事实,指出了实施安乐死的合理性,并列举了实施安乐死需要的条件,具体地说是要确认安乐死的对象、安乐死的形式和方法、以及实施安乐死的程序和法律后果.  相似文献   

曲娜 《医学与社会》2010,23(2):60-62
安乐死问题一直都是一个争议性话题。从学理上,安乐死可以分为自愿安乐死和无意愿安乐死。自由主义在伦理学上则可以分为两大立场,即义务论和功利主义。以自由主义哲学观来审视两类安乐死合法化问题:自愿安乐死体现病人自由意志的选择,是人格尊严之自主性的结果:无意愿安乐死是利益相关人意志的选择,符合社会利益的最大化。通过严格立法来规范安乐死行为,也应成为我国法律的理性选择。  相似文献   

随着疾病谱的转变与人类思想的进步,安乐死逐渐成为社会公众关注的热点问题。尽管各国对安乐死合法化问题持比较谨慎的态度,但一些国家相继出台了安乐死法案。本文从探讨安乐死的立法现状及立法必要性着手,分析实施安乐死与我国现行法律存在的冲突,提出我国安乐死立法的基本构想,即由全国人大首先对相关的法律进行修订,再由国务院制定具体的安乐死法规。  相似文献   

从对“谁”可以实施安乐死这一路径入手,揭示安乐死适用条件中所存在的、值得进一步思考和探究的问题。如果尚未从理论上界定安乐死及其相关概念的内涵,那么为安乐死立法或者使之合法化自然也就无从谈起。  相似文献   

浅谈东西方在安乐死基本认识上的差异   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
针对中国媒体参与荷兰安乐死合法化问题的讨论,认为东西方在 认识上存在相当大的差异。文章首先澄清了这一伦理问题讨论的相关概念、争论的焦点及核心的问题,其次客观地介绍了荷兰安乐死问题的来龙去脉、实施情况及荷兰的特殊国情,分析了英美等国讨论安乐死问题的 历史和审慎态度;最后指出:中国应借安乐死问题讨论引发公众对伦理、立法、医保制度等问题的关注,提高全民认识,而不是断然拥护和反对。  相似文献   

目的:了解河南省公众对安乐死的认知、态度及意向,为在该人群中开展有针对性的知识宣传及相关部门采取相应措施提供参考依据。方法:针对河南省公众特点,自行编制"河南省公众对自愿安乐死认知调查问卷",对1000位河南省公民进行调查,内容包括一般人口社会学特征,对安乐死的认知、态度及意向。结果:75.6%的被调查者对安乐死有一定了解,不同职业的被调查者对安乐死的认知差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);50.3%的被调查者赞成安乐死,52.6%的被调查者赞成安乐死合法化,并且学历越高者越倾向于赞成安乐死合法化(P〈0.05),医生的赞同率仅有36.8%。60.5%和58.8%的被调查者分别认为安乐死属于社会问题和伦理问题。结论:河南省公众对安乐死总体知晓率较高,多数人对实施安乐死和安乐死合法化持谨慎态度。普通公民应在现代医学伦理观的指导下正确看待安乐死。  相似文献   

80年代以来,我国医学界、法学界、哲学界、伦理学界、社会学界等对安乐死问题进行了较深入地研究.护士作为医务工作者,她们对安乐死的看法,在一定程度上将影响我国能否开展安乐死.为了搞清楚医院护士对安乐死的态度,我们对武汉大学人民医院等单位522名在岗护士进行了安乐死观念的调查,并进行相关分析.  相似文献   

80年代以来,我国医学界、法学界、哲学界、伦理学界、社会学界等对安乐死问题进行了较深入地研究。护士作为医务工作者,她们对安乐死的看法,在一定程度上将影响我国能否开展安乐死。为了搞清楚医院护士对安乐死的态度,我们对武汉大学人民医院等单位522名在岗护士进行了安乐死观念的调查,并进行相关分析。  相似文献   

记者:近些年来,社会上愈来愈多的人关心“安乐死”,各有不同的议论,请两位教授就这一问题谈谈你们的看法好吗?1“安乐死”的意义有哪些?答:“安乐死”是人类社会生消共存中一个古老而永恒的话题.古希腊哲学家苏格拉底在公元前就提出:“死亡是一个永恒的安息,是回归到甜蜜无争之乡.”安乐死的意义,它不仅能消除个人精神上的忧虑和肉体上的痛苦,静谧无痛地离开生命界,回归大自然去.且安乐死,是免除家庭、社会对毫无生存希望而又痛苦不  相似文献   

通过对北京地区部分医院的医务人员、患者和医学院在校学生以及社区人群等进行问卷调查,旨在从一个侧面反映社会对安乐死及相关问题的态度。从调查中发现,社会对安乐死的认知程度较高,并且人群对安乐死的不同态度与其文化程度和职业背景具有相关性。另外,通过对人们谈论死亡时的心态进行分析发现拥有健康生死观的人更倾向于赞同积极安乐死。  相似文献   

An agent who takes his own life acts in violation of the moral law, according to Kant; suicide, and, by extension, assisted suicide are therefore wrong. By a similar argument, and with a few important exceptions, killing is wrong; implicitly, then, voluntary euthanasia is also wrong. Kant's conclusions are uncompelling and his argument in these matters is undermined on considering other areas of his thought. Kant, in forbidding suicide and euthanasia, is conflating respect for persons and respect for people, and assuming that, in killing a person (either oneself or another), we are thereby undermining personhood. But an argument along these lines is faulty according to Kant's own standards. There is no reason why Kantians have to accept that self-killing and euthanasia are contrary to the moral law. Even if some Kantians adhere to this doctrine, others can reject it.  相似文献   

安乐死合法性的思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文对安乐死的合法性与合理民生进行了剖析,并运用罪弄法定原则驳斥了安乐死是故意杀人罪的误区,提出了在我国安乐死的法律依据。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore the experiences of people with a "terminal illness", focusing on the patients' perspective of euthanasia and assisted suicide. METHOD: A qualitative study using narrative interviews was conducted throughout the UK. The views of the 18 people who discussed euthanasia and assisted suicide were explored. These were drawn from a maximum variation sample, who said that they had a "terminal" illness, malignant or non-malignant. RESULTS: That UK law should be changed to allow assisted suicide or voluntary euthanasia was felt strongly by most people. Those who had seen others die were particularly convinced that this should be a right. Some had multiple reasons, including pain and anticipated pain, fear of indignity, loss of control and cognitive impairment. Those who did not want to be a burden also had other reasons for wanting euthanasia. Suicide was contemplated by a few, who would have preferred a change in the law to allow them to end their lives with medical help and in the company of family or friends. The few who opposed a change in UK law, or who felt ambivalent, focused on involuntary euthanasia, cited religious reasons or worried that new legislation might be open to abuse. CONCLUSION: Qualitative research conducted on people who know they are nearing death is an important addition to the international debate on euthanasia and assisted suicide. Those who had seen others die were particularly convinced that the law should be changed to allow assisted death.  相似文献   

安乐死的历史、现状与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安乐死已经成为全人类关注与选择的社会难点问题之一。从现实社会激烈争论的安乐死实例出发,从伦理和法律的视角,系统地回顾了安乐死的历史发展,综合地分析安乐死的社会心态,研究了安乐死的现状,阐述了安乐死的发展趋势。  相似文献   

安乐死涉及伦理、道德、医学、法律诸多领域,关乎生命权的处分.实施安乐死会带来一系列的社会和法律后果,但立法的历程举步维艰.通过对安乐死正反两方面的阐述,提出了自己鲜明的观点及安乐死立法建议,为安乐死早日走向合法化提供依据.  相似文献   

安乐死道德与法律关系浅探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
安乐死问题之所以受到关注,在于它的道德与法律之间的关系不很明朗.安乐死是否道德一定要根据具体情况而定,它是事实判断与价值判断的统一.道德先于法律而存在,安乐死道德也是如此,我们不能因为安乐死还未立法而在道德面前止步,这是当今人们对安乐死问题认识的一个主要障碍.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To ascertain the opinions of a sample of Alberta physicians about the morality and legalization of active euthanasia, the determinants of these opinions and the frequency and sources of requests for assistance in active euthanasia. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey of a random sample of Alberta physicians, grouped by site and type of practice. SETTING: Alberta. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 2002 (46%) of the licensed physicians in Alberta were mailed a 38-item questionnaire in May through July 1991; usable responses were returned by 1391 (69%). RESULTS: Of the respondents 44% did believe that it is sometimes right to practice active euthanasia; 46% did not. Moral acceptance of active euthanasia correlated with type of practice and religious affiliation and activity. In all, 28% of the physicians stated that they would practice active euthanasia if it were legalized, and 51% indicated that they would not. These opinions were significantly related to sex, religious affiliation and activity, and country of graduation. Just over half (51%) of the respondents stated that the law should be changed to permit patients to request active euthanasia. Requests (usually from patients) were reportedly received by 19% of the physicians, 78% of whom received fewer than five. CONCLUSIONS: This survey revealed severely disparate opinions among Alberta physicians about the morality of active euthanasia. In particular, religious affiliation and activity were associated with the polarized opinions. The desire for active euthanasia, as inferred from requests by patients, was not frequent. Overall, there was no strong support expressed by the physicians for the personal practice of legalized active euthanasia. These data will be vital to those involved in health education and public policy formation about active euthanasia in Alberta and the rest of Canada.  相似文献   

On 23 September 2002, the Belgian law on euthanasia came into force. This makes Belgium the second country in the world (after the Netherlands) to have an Act on euthanasia. Even though there is currently legal regulation of euthanasia in Belgium, very little is known about how this legal regulation could be translated into care for patients who request euthanasia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the opinions of Alberta physicians about active euthanasia had changed and to assess the determinants of potential changes in opinion. DESIGN: Follow-up survey (mailed questionnaire) of physicians included in the 1991 Alberta Euthanasia Survey. SETTING: Alberta. PARTICIPANTS: Of the 1391 physicians who participated in the 1991 survey 1291 (93%) had indicated that they were willing to take part in a follow-up survey. A follow-up questionnaire was mailed in 1994 to 1146 physicians who could be traced through the 1994 Medical Directory of the provincial college of physicians and surgeons; 25 questionnaires were returned because they could not be delivered. OUTCOME MEASURES: Physicians' opinions about (a) the morality of active euthanasia, (b) changes in the law to permit active euthanasia and (c) the practice of legalized euthanasia. RESULTS: Of the 1121 physicians sent a follow-up questionnaire 866 (77%) returned it completed. The responses of these same 866 physicians in 1991 provided a basis for comparison. Of the 866, 360 (42%) stated in the 1994 survey that it is sometimes right to practise active euthanasia; a similar proportion (384 [44%]) gave this response in 1991. However, other opinions changed significantly. In 1991, 250 of the respondents (29%) indicated that they would practise active euthanasia if it were legalized, as compared with 128 (15%) in 1994 (p < 0.01). In 1991, 429 (50%) of the respondents thought that the law should be changed to permit active euthanasia, as compared with 316 (37%) in 1994 (p < 0.01). Religious activity was the most important characteristic associated with changes in opinion. Despite the decrease in support for the practice and legalization of active euthanasia between 1991 and 1994, in both surveys at least 70% of those who responded to this question indicated that active euthanasia, if it were legalized, should be performed only by physicians and should be taught at medical sites. CONCLUSION: Alberta physicians' support for the practice and legalization of active euthanasia decreased considerably between 1991 and 1994. However, most physicians remain in favour of restricting active euthanasia, if it were legalized, to the medical profession. These results suggest a need for caution and deliberation when changes in the law concerning active euthanasia are examined.  相似文献   

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