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Background: A case series of 20 consecutive patients followed for a minimum of 54 months following craniofacial resection of anterior skull base tumours is presented, with the aim of identifying complications and factors influencing survival. Methods: A retrospective review of a case series of 20 consecutive patients was carried out. Results: Dural invasion was significantly correlated with poorer survival. There was also a tendency for tumour grade and positive resection margins to be associated with poorer outcome. Most local recurrences occurred within 6 months of surgery, with the exception of adenocarcinoma of the ethmoids, in which recurrence occurred up to 36 months postoperatively. A variety of complications were encountered, with a marked decrease in serious complications from midway through the series. Conclusions: The change in pattern of complications may be indicative of a learning curve, or the discontinuation of the use of lumbar drainage.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Malignant tumors of the superior sinonasal vault are rare, and, because of this and the varied histologic findings, most outcomes data reflect the experience of small patient cohorts. This International Collaborative study examines a large cohort of patients accumulated from multiple institutions experienced in craniofacial surgery, with the aim of reporting benchmark figures for outcomes and identifying patient-related and tumor-related predictors of prognosis after craniofacial resection (CFR). METHODS: Three hundred thirty-four patients from 17 institutions were analyzed for outcome. Patients with esthesioneuroblastoma were excluded and are being reported separately. The median age was 57 years (range, 3-98 years). One hundred eighty-eight patients (56.3%) had had prior single-modality or combined treatment, which included surgery in 120 (36%), radiation in 79 (23.7%), and chemotherapy in 56 (16.8%). The most common histologic findings were adenocarcinoma in 107 (32%) and squamous cell carcinoma in 101 (30.2%). The margins of resection were close or microscopically positive in 95 (30%). Adjuvant radiotherapy was given in 161 (48.2%) and chemotherapy in 16 (4.8%). Statistical analyses for outcomes were performed in relation to patient characteristics, tumor characteristics, including histologic findings and extent of disease, surgical resection margins, prior radiation, and prior chemotherapy to determine predictive factors. RESULTS: Postoperative mortality occurred in 15 patients (4.5%). Postoperative complications occurred in 110 patients (32.9%). The 5-year overall, disease-specific, and recurrence-free survival rates were 48.3%, 53.3%, and 45.8%, respectively. The status of surgical margins, histologic findings of the primary tumor, and intracranial extent were independent predictors of overall, disease-specific, and recurrence-free survival on multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: CFR for malignant paranasal sinus tumors is a safe surgical treatment with an overall mortality of 4.5% and complication rate of 33%. The status of surgical margins, histologic findings of the primary tumor, and intracranial extent are independent predictors of outcome.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to compare three systems of classification for malignant ethmoidal tumors in patients undergoing anterior craniofacial resection. METHODS: A radiologic locoregional evaluation of 241 patients with malignant ethmoid tumors was performed before patients underwent an anterior craniofacial resection. Disease in each case was staged according to the American Joint Committee on Cancer-Union Internationale Contre le Cancer (AJCC-UICC) 1997 classification, the AJCC-UICC 2002 classification, and the Istituto Nazionale Tumori (INT) classification. Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox models were used to investigate the prognostic value of each classification system on disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS). The classifications were compared in terms of prognostic discrimination capability, measured by use of an index of agreement between each classification and DFS or OS time. RESULTS: All three classification systems yielded statistically significant results in the Cox analysis, both for DFS and OS. In the AJCC-UICC 2002 system, minor differences were observed between T1 and T3 tumors. The INT classification showed a progressive worsening of the prognosis with increasing stage. The index of prognostic discrimination favored the INT classification over both the 1997 and 2002 AJCC-UICC classifications. CONCLUSIONS: Both the 1997 and 2002 AJCC-UICC classifications seemed to have limited prognostic value. By contrast, the INT classification satisfied one of the main goals of tumor staging, demonstrating the progressive worsening of prognosis with different tumor classes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Anterior craniofacial resection is a standardized procedure for the treatment of ethmoid and frontal orbital tumors with intracranial invasion. METHODS: A retrospective review of 100 patients with sinonasal tumors involving the anterior skull base who underwent combined craniofacial surgery at the Hospital Central de Asturias. RESULTS: The most frequent pathologic entity was adenocarcinoma (53 cases) and other epithelial tumors (29 cases). Five-year actuarial survival according to the Kaplan-Meier method was 40%. Factors such as involvement of surgical margins, orbital periosteum involvement, frontal sinus invasion, or spread into the dura had no significant effect on survival. Survival, however, was affected by the histologic findings of the tumor (p=.03), brain involvement (p=.04), deep soft tissue involvement of the orbit (p=.003), involvement of the sphenoid sinus (p=.001), previous treatment (p=.05), and postoperative recurrence (p=.0000). Neither the INT staging system nor the UICC system showed statistical prognostic significance. After multivariate analysis and Cox regression analysis, only recurrence after craniofacial resection, involvement of soft tissues of the orbit, and invasion of the sphenoid sinus significantly influenced survival. CONCLUSIONS: Standard staging systems did not show statistical prognostic significance. Only involvement of some critical areas was reliable as predictor of an unfavorable outcome.  相似文献   

Gil Z  Fliss DM  Cavel O  Shah JP  Kraus DH 《Head & neck》2012,34(9):1212-1217

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcome of patients who underwent craniofacial resection for tumour in the anterior skull base at the University of Hong Kong Medical Centre, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong between January 1993 and June 2003. METHODS: A retrospective review was conducted. The duration of follow up ranged from 1.7 to 119 months (median, 41.8 months). The setting was a tertiary referral centre. Thirty-nine patients, 23 males and 16 females, aged 8-79 years were included. Thirty-four patients had malignant tumour and five patients had benign pathology. The tumour pathology was diversified. Nineteen patients had no treatment before the surgery, and the remaining 20 patients had received surgery, radiotherapy or combined treatment before resection. Patients were given postoperative irradiation and/or chemotherapy depending on the pathology of the tumour and the extent of the disease and clearance at the time of surgery. RESULTS: There was no operative mortality. Complications occurred in 10 patients and among them, three required reoperation. The other complications were managed successfully with conservative measures. The 5-year actuarial disease-free survival for patients with benign and malignant pathology was 100 and 77.6%, respectively. For patients with malignant pathology, 5-year actuarial disease-free survival was 90% when the resection margin was negative at surgery. However, the survival dropped to 53.6% when the resection margin was involved macroscopically. CONCLUSION: Craniofacial resection was an appropriate surgical approach with acceptable morbidity in selected patients with tumour located at the anterior skull base. Complete excision of malignant tumour could achieve 90% 5-year disease-free actuarial survival.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The utility of preoperative and postoperative whole body integrated positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) scanning for staging and follow-up in patients with skull base tumors is undetermined. METHODS: We prospectively evaluated PET-CT findings in 47 patients using 57 scans. Most (35/47, 75%) had anterior skull base tumors and the majority (74%) had advanced-stage (III-IV) disease. RESULTS: The scans showed high sensitivity for detection of various types of malignant tumors and provided 39 items of additional information, changing the clinical staging and management of 11 patients (23%). Recurrence of primary tumors was detected in 8 patients, positive regional (neck) metastases in 3, and distant metastases in 3. The positive uptake was due to osteoradionecrosis in 2 other patients. The sensitivity of PET-CT was 0.77 and the specificity was 0.81 (0.83 positive predictive value and 0.76 negative predictive value). CONCLUSIONS: PET-CT provides accurate data on anatomy, tumor staging, and early disease recurrence in the skull base.  相似文献   

Objective To report complications occurring at least 6 months after completion of treatment for patients with anterior skull base malignancy undergoing anterior craniofacial resection (CFR). Design Retrospective review of medical records of all patients undergoing traditional CFR for treatment of anterior skull base malignancy from 2002 through 2011. Setting Massachusetts General Hospital/Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Cranial Base Center. Participants Thirty-one consecutive patients who had at least 18 months of follow-up for analysis were reviewed. All patients underwent traditional CFR. A total of 28 patients received postoperative proton beam radiation therapy. Eleven patients received adjuvant chemotherapy. Main Outcome Measures A delayed complication was any complication occurring at least 6 months after the completion of treatment. Results Seventeen patients had delayed complications. Orbital complications were the most common type (13 patients) followed by issues with wound healing (6 patients). The most common orbital complication was epiphora (7 patients). The most common wound complication was a nasocutaneous fistula (5 patients). Conclusions Patients with anterior skull malignancy can develop complications months to years after the completion of treatment. Therefore, it is important to continue to follow and report complications for several years when deciding on the optimal approach for treatment of these patients.  相似文献   


Howard DJ  Lund VJ  Wei WI 《Head & neck》2006,28(10):867-873
BACKGROUND: Craniofacial resection is the established \"gold standard\" for surgical treatment of tumors affecting the anterior skull base. METHODS: This study analyzed 308 patients (220 males, 88 females) who had undergone craniofacial resection for sinonasal neoplasia with up to 25-year follow-up. RESULTS: An overall actuarial survival of 65% at 5 years and 47% at 10 years was found for the cohort as a whole. For patients with malignant tumors, the 5-year actuarial survival was 59%, falling to 40% at 10 years. For patients with benign pathology, the actuarial survival was 92% at 5 years falling to 82% at 10 years. Statistical analysis again identified brain involvement, type of malignancy, and orbital involvement as the 3 most significant prognostic factors. CONCLUSION: Analysis of one of the largest single institution cohorts over a 25-year period provides a baseline against which other approaches such as an entirely endoscopic skull base resection must be judged.  相似文献   

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