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Benign tumor of the small intestine causing recurrent hemorrhage]   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors reported a 56-year-old man, who suffered from repeated massive gastrointestinal bleeding. The source of the bleeding was leiomyoma of the ileum. Abdominal computertomography and selective enterography confirmed the tumour's localisation. After partial resection of the ileum the patient had no more complaints.  相似文献   

目的探讨小肠间质瘤造成妇科误诊的原因和误诊后手术原则及治疗方案。方法对误诊4例女性小肠间质瘤患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果4例患者行腹部彩色超声检查,1例患者误诊为子宫肌瘤,3例患者误诊为卵巢肿瘤,均未进一步行腹部CT或者磁共振检查,由妇科开腹手术后转入普外科诊治。4例患者均病理证实为小肠间质瘤。结论对于考虑卵巢或子宫肿瘤伴有黑便的患者,必须进行小肠间质瘤的鉴别,进一步CT检查对明确女性小肠间质瘤的诊断减少妇科误诊有较高价值,必须坚持手术原则及术后口服甲磺酸伊马替尼。  相似文献   

目的探讨老年前列腺小细胞神经内分泌癌临床特点及预后。方法回顾性总结5例老年前列腺小细胞神经内分泌癌患者的临床资料.分析免疫组化、前列腺特异抗原(PSA)值、前列腺癌病理(Gleason评分)分级、出现激素非依赖时间等指标的相互关系及与患者生存的关系。结果5例前列腺癌活检标本均有嗜铬素A、神经特异性烯醇化酶、突触素不同程度的表达.符合前列腺小细胞神经内分泌癌诊断;4例患者确诊时有转移;5例中1例1个月死亡,1例6个月死亡,3例3年内死亡。患者5年生存率(0)明显低于同期不伴有神经内分泌分化的前列腺癌患者(67%)。确诊时(未治疗)PSA值(4.10-18.25ng/ml)均高于正常.但并非随疾病进展而升高。患者最初对全雄激素阻断治疗有效,但很快出现激素非依赖情况。小细胞前列腺癌神经内分泌分化表达水平与前列腺癌病理(Gleason评分)分级相关。结论老年前列腺小组胞神经内分泌癌患者预后差,前列腺癌神经内分泌分化相关的免疫组化和Gleason积分等指标有助于早期诊断前列腺小细胞神经。内分泌癌及判断预后。  相似文献   

Three patients, a woman aged 46 years and two men aged 81 and 62 years, presented with abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and/or weight loss. A small intestine follow-through series revealed a significant stenosis in all 3 patients. A laparotomic partial resection of the affected jejunum and corresponding mesentery was performed. A primary adenocarcinoma of the small intestine was diagnosed; pathology revealed that the resections were radical, and pT3N0, pT2N0 and pT3N0 stage tumours respectively. The first patient underwent a repeat operation four months later due to similar complaints caused by a tumour recurrence; fifteen months later she died from recurrent disease. The second patient was disease-free 3 years after surgery. In the third patient, liver and peritoneal metastases developed 16 months after surgery; he died 10 months after palliative chemotherapy had been initiated. Adenocarcinoma of the small intestine is a rare disease and patients often present late with aspecific complaints. This, combined with the fact that these tumours tend to follow an aggressive course, results in a poor five-year survival rate of 10-35%. Surgery is the only curative treatment currently available. A greater awareness of this type of tumour is needed for treatment results to improve.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of double-balloon enteroscopy (DBE), the small intestine has come into easy reach for endoscopy. By the 'push and pull' technique, the endoscope can be introduced far into the small intestine. Diagnostic endoscopy can be combined with endoscopic treatment in the small intestine, for example in patients with intestinal bleeding (angiodysplasia), polyps, tumours, or stenosis of the small intestine. DBE is especially important for patients with gastrointestinal blood loss that cannot be explained by the results of gastroscopy and colonoscopy. The added value of DBE in patients with other possible diseases of the small intestine, such as refractory coeliac disease or Crohn's disease, seems certain and is currently under investigation. In patients with Crohn's disease, endoscopic dilation of strictures may eliminate the need for surgical intervention. DBE can be performed on an outpatient basis. The complication rate of diagnostic DBE seems low, but in therapeutic sessions the complication rate is higher than for therapeutic colonoscopy.  相似文献   

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