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In this era of evolving health care systems throughout the world, technology remains the substance of health care. Medical informatics comprises a growing contribution to the technologies used in the delivery and management of health care. Diverse, evolving technologies include artificial neural networks, computer-assisted surgery, computer-based patient records, hospital information systems, and more. Decision-makers increasingly demand well-founded information to determine whether or how to develop these technologies, allow them on the market, acquire them, use them, pay for their use, and more. The development and wider use of health technology assessment (HTA) reflects this demand. While HTA offers systematic, well-founded approaches for determining the value of medical informatics technologies, HTA must continue to adapt and refine its methods in response to these evolving technologies. This paper provides a basic overview of HTA principles and methods.  相似文献   

In 1993 the International Medical Informatics Association approved a working group whose purpose focused on the people and organizational issues surrounding the use of computers in health care. This article outlines two key concepts that act as the guiding principles for the working group's efforts. The concepts are: applying the knowledge of human behaviors toward the use of information or information technology within a health care environment and effectively incorporating human factors, culture, change, and organizational and human engineering in the medical informatics processes. These concepts are further supported by functional statements and a strategy to ensure the principles are effectively diffused in the medical informatics community. The concepts, functional statements and process were adopted by the working group and are outlined in this article.  相似文献   

Recent developments in biomedical informatics research have afforded possibilities for great advances in health care delivery. These exciting opportunities also present a number of challenges to the implementation and integration of technologies in the workplace. As in most domains, there is a gulf between technologic artifacts and end users, which compromises the culture of safety in the workplace. Because clinical practice is a human endeavor, there is a need for bridging disciplines to enable clinicians to benefit from rapid technologic advances. This, in turn, necessitates a broadening of disciplinary boundaries to consider cognitive and social factors related to the design and use of technology. The authors argue for a place of prominence for cognitive science in understanding nursing factors associated with patient safety. Cognitive science provides a framework for the analysis and modeling of complex human performance. Studies of clinical cognition can meaningfully inform and shape design, development and assessment of information systems. Furthermore, they have a decisive impact on whether information technology has a positive influence on human performance and are especially important in understanding and promoting safe practices. These issues are discussed in the context of clinical informatics with a focus on nursing practice.  相似文献   

Telemedicine promises greater access to health care of higher quality, potentially at lower cost. The diverse applications of telemedicine technology developed to date have not been evaluated systematically in terms of their ability to achieve these goals. Furthermore, the great variety in telemedicine applications and the far-reaching consequences of new information systems for health care delivery pose challenges to traditional methods of technology assessment. Methods appropriate for mature technologies may not be suitable for emerging ones and, indeed, may risk stifling their development with premature negative conclusions. The staged approach to technology assessment proposed here matches the analysis to the technology's stage of development. It focuses on access, quality, and cost and considers the communication pathway employed in the telemedicine application. A staged approach to technology assessment can inform and foster the development of new telemedicine technology while allowing health care delivery systems to make rational decisions about adopting telemedicine.  相似文献   

In the light of an aging society, effective delivery of healthcare will be more dependent on different technological solutions supporting the decentralisation of healthcare, higher patient involvement and increased societal demands. The aim of this article is therefore, to describe the role of health informatics in the care of elderly people and to give an overview of the state of the art in this field. Based on a review of the existing scientific literature, 29 review articles from the last 15 years and 119 original articles from the last 5 years were selected and further analysed. Results show that review articles cover the fields of information technology in the home environment, integrated health information systems, public health systems, consumer health informatics and non-technology oriented topics such as nutrition, physical behaviour, medication and the aging process in general. Articles presenting original data can be divided into 5 major clusters: information systems and decision support, consumer health informatics, emerging technologies, home telehealth, and informatics methods. Results show that health informatics in elderly care is an expanding field of interest but we still do lack knowledge about the elderly person's needs of technology and how it should best be designed. Surprisingly, few studies cover gender differences related to technology use. Further cross-disciplinary research is needed that relates informatics and technology to different stages of the aging process and that evaluates the effects of technical solutions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Health care is entering the Information Society. It is evident that the use of modern information and communication technology offers tremendous opportunities to improve health care. However, there are also hazards associated with information technology in health care. Evaluation is a means to assess the quality, value, effects and impacts of information technology and applications in the health care environment, to improve health information applications and to enable the emergence of an evidence-based health informatics profession and practice. OBJECTIVE: In order to identify and address the frequent problems of getting evaluation understood and recognised, to promote transdisciplinary exchange within evaluation research, and to promote European cooperation, the Exploratory Workshop on "New Approaches to the Systematic Evaluation of Health Information Systems" (HIS-EVAL) was organized by the University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology (UMIT), Innsbruck, Austria, in April 2003 with sponsorship from the European Science Foundation (ESF). Methods: The overall program was structured in three main parts: (a). discussion of problems and barriers to evaluation; (b). defining our visions and strategies with regard to evaluation of health information systems; and (c). organizing short-term and long-term activities to reach those visions and strategies. RESULTS: The workshop participants agreed on the Declaration of Innsbruck (see ), comprising four observations and 12 recommendations with regard to evaluation of health information systems. Future activities comprise European networking as well as the development of guidelines and standards for evaluation studies. CONCLUSION: The HIS-EVAL workshop was intended to be the starting point for setting up a network of European scientists working on evaluation of health information systems, to obtain synergy effects by combining the research traditions from different evaluation fields, leading to a new dimension and collaboration on further research on information systems' evaluation.  相似文献   

Over the past 100 years, both diagnostic radiology and radiation therapy have grown from infancy to maturity. Accompanying this growth, the discipline of medical physics has evolved and advanced accordingly. New diagnostic and therapeutic procedures continue to be developed, for example, multidetector computed tomography, multileaf collimation, magnetic resonance imaging, dual-source computed tomography, and intensity-modulated radiation therapy. These are now incorporated in health care facilities throughout the world. Modern technologies such as these provide information on underlying pathology at increasingly higher resolutions, generating more information; thus requiring complex methods of image recording and storage. The management of the storage and retrieval of accumulated information is a domain of informatics. In this short review, we describe the different roles of medical physicists and the effective contribution of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine in the evolution of informatics. Medical physicists have contributed to the development of informatics in numerous ways, such as designing hospital information systems and infrastructures that better serve radiologists and other physicians. In addition, the positive exploitation of knowledge gathered in medical settings and effective interdisciplinary collaborations between scientists of different backgrounds have increased. These developments provide future medical physicists the opportunity to develop strategic roles in information technology and thus better contribute to health care.  相似文献   

Health information systems - past, present, future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1984, Peter Reichertz gave a lecture on the past, present and future of hospital information systems. In the meantime, there has been a tremendous progress in medicine as well as in informatics. One important benefit of this progress is that our life expectancy is nowadays significantly higher than it would have been even some few decades ago. This progress, leading to aging societies, is of influence to the organization of health care and to the future development of its information systems. Twenty years later, referring to Peter Reichertz' lecture, but now considering health information systems (HIS), two questions are discussed: which were lines of development in health information systems from the past until today? What are consequences for health information systems in the future? The following lines of development for HIS were considered as important: (1) the shift from paper-based to computer-based processing and storage, as well as the increase of data in health care settings; (2) the shift from institution-centered departmental and, later, hospital information systems towards regional and global HIS; (3) the inclusion of patients and health consumers as HIS users, besides health care professionals and administrators; (4) the use of HIS data not only for patient care and administrative purposes, but also for health care planning as well as clinical and epidemiological research; (5) the shift from focusing mainly on technical HIS problems to those of change management as well as of strategic information management; (6) the shift from mainly alpha-numeric data in HIS to images and now also to data on the molecular level; (7) the steady increase of new technologies to be included, now starting to include ubiquitous computing environments and sensor-based technologies for health monitoring. As consequences for HIS in the future, first the need for institutional and (inter-) national HIS-strategies is seen, second the need to explore new (transinstitutional) HIS architectural styles, third the need for education in health informatics and/or biomedical informatics, including appropriate knowledge and skills on HIS. As these new HIS are urgently needed for reorganizing health care in an aging society, as last consequence the need for research around HIS is seen. Research should include the development and investigation of appropriate transinstitutional information system architectures, of adequate methods for strategic information management, of methods for modeling and evaluating HIS, the development and investigation of comprehensive electronic patient records, providing appropriate access for health care professionals as well as for patients, in the broad sense as described here, e.g. including home care and health monitoring facilities. Comparing the world in 1984 and in 2004, we have to recognize that we imperceptibly, stepwise arrived at a new world. HIS have become one of the most challenging and promising fields of research, education and practice for medical informatics, with significant benefits to medicine and health care in general.  相似文献   

Whatever a future vision for health informatics entails, it must take into account the evolving nature of the field, a growing trend towards primary and preventive care and the explosive growth in global networking as exemplified by the Internet. While, historically, storage and retrieval of data has been the main target for information systems development, the need to capture knowledge itself is becoming the focus for development. In parallel, education in health informatics for tomorrow's healthcare professionals is now essential. The Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics (APAMI) is a regional group of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA). While the newest of the IMIA regional organizations, its growth and activities in the Asia Pacific region aim to advance health informatics. Its triennial conferences act as a means of promoting and monitoring the growth of our field in this region, APAMI itself is a part of the future of health informatics.  相似文献   

Promoting patient safety through informatics-based nursing education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) Committee on Quality of Health Care in America identified the critical role of information technology in designing safe and effective health care. In addition to technical aspects such as regional or national health information infrastructures, to achieve this goal, healthcare professionals must receive the requisite training during basic and advanced educational programs. In this article, we describe a two-pronged strategy to promote patient safety through an informatics-based approach to nursing education at the Columbia University School of Nursing: (1) use of a personal digital assistant (PDA) to document clinical encounters and to retrieve patient safety-related information at the point of care, and (2) enhancement of informatics competencies of students and faculty. These approaches may be useful to others wishing to promote patient safety through using informatics methods and technologies in healthcare curricula.  相似文献   

Health care in the information society. A prognosis for the year 2013   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Our society is increasingly influenced by modern information and communication technology (ICT). Health care has profited greatly by this development. How could health care provision look in the near future, in 10 years, or more precisely, in the year 2013? What measures must be undertaken by political and self-governing health institutions, and by medical informatics research, to ensure an efficient, medically advanced and yet affordable future health care system? Three factors will greatly influence the further development of information processing in health care within the near future: the development of the population, medical advances, and advances in informatics. These factors have motivated us to set up 30 theses for health care provision in the year 2013. The theses cover areas of health care, such as its people, its information systems, and its ICT tools. Three major goals requiring achievement have been identified: patient-centered recording and use of medical data for cooperative care, process-integrated decision support through current medical knowledge, comprehensive use of patient data for research and health care reporting. In consequence, political institutions should provide a framework for networked, patient-centered health care. They are called on to regulate the storage and exchange of health care data and of appropriate information system architectures. Finally, the health care institutions themselves must emphasize professional information management more strongly. Relevant research topics in medical informatics are: comprehensive electronic patient records, modern health information system architectures, architectures for medical knowledge centers, specific data processing methods ('medical data mining'), and multi-functional, mobile ICT tools.  相似文献   

This paper discusses aspects of information technologies for health care, in particular on transinstitutional health information systems (HIS) and on health-enabling technologies, with some consequences for the aim of medical informatics. It is argued that with the extended range of health information systems and the perspective of having adequate transinstitutional HIS architectures, a substantial contribution can be made to better patient-centered care, with possibilities ranging from regional, national to even global care. It is also argued that in applying health-enabling technologies, using ubiquitous, pervasive computing environments and ambient intelligence approaches, we can expect that in addition care will become more specific and tailored for the individual, and that we can achieve better personalized care. In developing health care systems towards transinstitutional HIS and health-enabling technologies, the aim of medical informatics, to contribute to the progress of the sciences and to high-quality, efficient, and affordable health care that does justice to the individual and to society, may be extended to also contributing to self-determined and self-sufficient (autonomous) life. Reference is made and examples are given from the Yearbook of Medical Informatics of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) and from the work of Professor Jochen Moehr.  相似文献   

PurposeThe aim of this paper is to demonstrate how informatics applications can support the assessment and visualization of older adults’ wellness. A theoretical framework is presented that informs the design of a technology enhanced screening platform for wellness. We highlight an ongoing pilot demonstration in an assisted living facility where a community room has been converted into a living laboratory for the use of diverse technologies (including a telehealth component to capture vital signs and customized questionnaires, a gait analysis component and cognitive assessment software) to assess the multiple aspects of wellness of older adults.MethodsA demonstration project was introduced in an independent retirement community to validate our theoretical framework of informatics and wellness assessment for older adults. Subjects are being recruited to attend a community room and engage in the use of diverse technologies to assess cognitive performance, physiological and gait variables as well as psychometrics pertaining to social and spiritual components of wellness for a period of eight weeks. Data are integrated from various sources into one study database and different visualization approaches are pursued to efficiently display potential correlations between different parameters and capture overall trends of wellness.ResultsPreliminary findings indicate that older adults are willing to participate in technology-enhanced interventions and embrace different information technology applications given appropriate and customized training and hardware and software features that address potential functional limitations and inexperience with computers.ConclusionInformatics can advance health care for older adults and support a holistic assessment of older adults’ wellness. The described framework can support decision making, link formal and informal caregiving networks and identify early trends and patterns that if addressed could reduce adverse health events.  相似文献   

Time of information in which the authors live resulted in the increase of the amount of the information exponential growth of the new kind of knowledge, flourishing of the familiar ones and the appearance of the new sciences. Medical (health) informatics occupies the central place in all the segments of modern medicine in the past 30 years—in practical work, education and scientific research. In all that, computers have taken over the most important role and are used intensively for the development of the health information systems. Following activities develop within the area of health informatics: health-documentation, health-statistics, health-informatics and big-medical, scientific and professional information. The pioneer in the development of the health statistics and informatics in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) was Dr Evgenije Sherstnew, who was the Chief of Health Statistics in the Ministry of Health of BiH from 1946–1952. and who founded and led, from 1952 to the end of his life, the Department of Medical Documentation and Health Statistics of the Central Health Institute of BiH, the core around which a group of experts for the development of this field have gathered. In the eighties computers were intensively used as a tool for the processing medical data and with them the development of health information systems at the level of the outpatient-clinics, hospitals, clinical centers, as well as the integral information system of health, health insurance and the social security system of BiH began. Finally, Society for Medical Informatics of BiH, which as a professional association gathers experts in the area of health informatics, actively propagates this profession in the Republic, was founded. With reform of the lectures and curriculum at the medical faculty in Sarajevo, the course in ‘Medical Informatics’ has been in 1992. into the second semester, since it was assumed that an early insight into the principles of information along with studies of so called basic pre-clinic sciences, especially basics of information, would make things easier for the students the more informative education is in the course of their medical studies. The medical faculty in Sarajevo also established and accepted a course of health informatics and economics of post-graduate studies in 1979, of which the main objective is education of experts for work informatics jobs in health care system and services, especially for needs of the future information systems in BiH.  相似文献   

The clinical information available to clinicians is expanding rapidly. It can enhance clinical decision-making, but it can also confuse the process. To be most useful, information should be available at the time and place it is needed and be specific to the task at hand. In the new paradigm of medicine, one based on continuous quality improvement, useful information must be relevant to both the processes and outcomes of care. Clinical practice guidelines have become increasingly popular for improving the quality of health care. The field of medical informatics can bring cogent information to the point where decisions are being made to augment quality improvement activities in general, and practice guidelines in particular. However, such innovations are dependent on the type, quantity, and quality of information available. This article discusses when guidelines can enhance the quality and outcomes of care and how medical informatics can help achieve these goals. In particular, the barriers to the broad implementation of electronic medical records in a variety of health care settings are explored.  相似文献   

IntroductionInformation and communication technologies support interventions directed at the prevention of HIV transmission and patient monitoring by promoting improved accessibility and quality of care.ObjectiveTo evaluate the efficacy of information and communication technologies in the adherence to antiretroviral treatment in adults with HIV/AIDS.MethodologySystematic review conducted from March to May of 2015 in three databases—the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL); the Latin-American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS/BIREME) and SCOPUS; and the Cochrane library and the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online portal (MEDLINE/PubMed). The sample consisted of nine randomized clinical trials based on the use of information and communication technologies for adherence to antiretroviral treatment in adults with HIV/AIDS.ResultsThree studies analysed the use of a short message service – SMS – two phone calls, two alarm devices, one web-enabled Hand-held device and one web electronic intervention. Improvements in the levels of adherence in the group subjected to the intervention were identified in seven studies. The phone was the type of information and communication technology with proven efficacy with respect to adherence. It was used to make calls, as well as to send alert messages and reminders about taking medications. Pagers were not considered to be effective regarding adherence to antiretroviral therapy.ConclusionThe integrated use of information and communication technologies with standard care promotes increased access to care, strengthening the relationship between patients and health services, with the possibility of mitigating the difficulties experienced by people with HIV in achieving optimal levels of adherence to drug therapy.  相似文献   

The burgeoning of consumer health informatics and virtual health care can help people improve their health. However, little is known about individuals' reactions to such systems. We conducted an evaluation of the telephone-linked care (TLC) system, a computer-based telecommunications system, that functions as an at home monitor, educator, and counselor for patients with chronic health conditions. Our multimethod assessment of individuals' reactions to using TLC included both quantitative and qualitative methods. Ethnographic in-depth open-ended interviews indicated more subtle and surprising reactions to TLC than the overall positive responses from surveys: individuals formed personal relationships with this technology. This relationship formation suggests that TLC designers may have been successful in their attempts to emulate a conversation with a human being. Our study adds to evidence that technology can serve as a projective device for peoples' values and psychological issues. Both designers and users project values and goals onto computer-based technologies and take on different identities through it. Different groups of users, therefore, may see the same technology differently. People also form relationships with technologies, as they did with TLC. These findings, as well as implications for system design and health outcomes, need to be explored in additional studies.  相似文献   

Physicians have considerable difficulty collecting and interpreting information from patients, dealing with the uncertainties associated with diagnosing and treating their patients, communicating precisely with one another, keeping up to date, and applying recommended procedures when indicated. Some of the advances in information technology may help physicians to manage information more effectively through more accessible, validated clinical indexes, data bases of diagnostic test characteristics, computerized audits of clinical activities with feedback, expert systems, on-line access to the medical literature, and other tools of medical informatics. Medical educators can catalyze this process by facilitating the introduction of information technology into academic clinical settings so that students can learn its use first-hand and by promoting the evolution of this and other aspects of medical informatics, a new discipline dedicated to the solution of information problems in health care. The potential roles for computer-aided instruction and centralized computer laboratories in medical schools are much less clear.  相似文献   

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