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CBS基因变异与血清同型半胱氨酸水平及先天性心脏病的关系研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的探讨核心家庭胱硫脒β-合酶(CBS)基因变异与子代发生先天性心脏病(CHDs)的关系。方法选择辽宁省234名CHDs患者(男116人,女118人)及其生物学父母作为病例组;选取同地区无出生缺陷病史及家族史的136名正常人(男78人,女58人)及其生物学父母作为对照组。所有研究对象均采集血样,提取血凝块DNA,分别以PCR和PCR-ARMS方法检测CBS基因844ins68和G919A位点基因型;对部分家庭的母亲和子代以荧光免疫偏振法检测血清tHcy水平。结果各组人群CBS基因844ins68和G919A位点基因型分布已达到Hardy-Weinberg遗传平衡。CBS 844ins68位点分析表明,与纯合野生型(DD)相比,母亲、父亲、子代杂合子(DI)的比值比[ORs(95%CI)]值分别为14.19(2.21,591.52)、4.37(1.24,23.47)和4.77(1.38,25.37)。CBS基因G919A位点分析表明,与GG基因型相比,杂合子GA和纯合子AA的ORs(95%CI)值分别为0.45(0.23,0.87)和0.34(0.11,1.01);母亲GA、父亲GA和AA基因型携带者其子代罹患先心病的危险性均明显降低,ORs(95%CI)值分别为0.44(0.23,0.84)、0.54(0.29,1.00)和0.24(0.08,0.71)。基因型联合分析表明,与无危险等位基因的基因型组合(0组)相比,母亲、父亲、子代携带2个危险等位基因者(组2)的ORs(95%CI)值分别为4.32(1.07,20.66)、3.43(0.88,13.71)和8.62(1.69,82.72),且均有统计学意义。不同组别血清tHcy水平比较表明,病理组与对照组tHcy水平无明显差异,CBS不同基因型间tHcy水平差异亦无显著性(P>0.05)。结论CBS基因844ins68位点杂合子(DI)以及G919A位点突变等位基因(A)与先心病高危险性有关,但对血清tHcy水平无明显影响。 相似文献
先天性心脏病复合畸形的临床介入治疗策略探讨及评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的研究先天性心脏病复合畸形经心导管介入治疗的病例选择、手术方法、疗效、安全性及评价。方法选择2008年1月至2008年12月在本院接受同期介入治疗的11例复合型先天性心脏病患儿为研究对象。其中,男性患儿为3例,女性为8例,平均年龄为(4.08±2.64)岁,最小为5个月,最大为10岁。本组先天性心脏病复合畸形类型包括:3例室间隔缺损(ventricular septal defect,VSD)合并动脉导管未闭(patent ductus arteriosus,PDA),3例房间隔缺损(atrial septal defect,ASD)合并肺动脉瓣狭窄(pulmonary stenosis,PS),2例房间隔缺损合并动脉导管未闭,1例房间隔缺损合并室间隔缺损,2例动脉导管未闭合并主动脉缩窄(coarctation of aorta,COA),其中1例为同期介入治疗。介入治疗复合畸形的顺序为:肺动脉瓣球囊扩张术或主动脉球囊扩张术、室间隔缺损封堵术、动脉导管未闭封堵术、房间隔缺损封堵术(本研究遵循的程序符合本院人体试验委员会所制定的伦理学标准,得到该委员会批准,取得受试对象的知情同意,并与试验患儿监护人签署临床研究知情同意书)。结果11例患儿均成功封堵,手术顺利。术后X射线心脏造影及彩超提示,封堵器成形好,未见残余分流。术中、术后均未见严重并发症。其中,1例室间隔缺损术后心电图提示不完全右束支传导阻滞,给予地塞米松治疗后,心电图复查正常。结论介入治疗单纯性先天性心脏病的技术目前比较成熟,成功率高,但复合型先天性心脏病同期进行介入治疗,其操作较复杂,技术难度较高。本研究证明,若掌握恰当手术指征,制定合理操作策略,手术过程仔细、谨慎,介入治疗的可行性、安全性是较肯定的。 相似文献
Kristin Palmsten Jonathan Suhl Kristin M. Conway Elyse O. Kharbanda Thomas D. Scholz Elizabeth C. Ailes Janet D. Cragan Eirini Nestoridi Eleni A. Papadopoulos Stephen M. Kerr Sean G. Young Christine Olson Paul A. Romitti The National Birth Defects Prevention Study 《Birth Defects Research》2023,115(1):88-95
Sandra M. Gonzlez-Pea Geovana Calvo-Anguiano Laura E. Martínez-de-Villarreal Patricia R. Ancer-Rodríguez Jos J. Lugo-Trampe Donato Saldivar-Rodríguez María D. Hernndez-Almaguer Melissa Calzada-Dvila Ligia S. Guerrero-Orjuela Luis D. Campos-Acevedo 《Nutrients》2021,13(6)
Background: DNA methylation is the best epigenetic mechanism for explaining the interactions between nutrients and genes involved in intrauterine growth and development programming. A possible contributor of methylation abnormalities to congenital heart disease is the folate methylation regulatory pathway; however, the mechanisms and methylation patterns of VSD-associated genes are not fully understood. Objective: To determine if maternal dietary intake of folic acid (FA) is related to the methylation status (MS) of VSD-associated genes (AXIN1, MTHFR, TBX1, and TBX20). Methods: Prospective case–control study; 48 mothers and their children were evaluated. The mothers’ dietary variables were collected through a food frequency questionnaire focusing on FA and the consumption of supplements with FA. The MS of promoters of genes was determined in the children. Results: The intake of FA supplements was significantly higher in the control mothers. In terms of maternal folic acid consumption, significant differences were found in the first trimester of pregnancy. Significant differences were observed in the MS of MTHFR and AXIN1 genes in VSD and control children. A correlation between maternal FA supplementation and MS of AXIN1 and TBX20 genes was found in control and VSD children, respectively. Conclusions: A lower MS of AXIN1 genes and a higher MS of TBX20 genes is associated with FA maternal supplementation. 相似文献
血清同型半胱氨酸及叶酸水平与先天性心脏病的关系 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
目的了解先天性心脏病(CHD)患者及其父母血清同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)及叶酸水平与CHD发生的关系。方法以核心家庭为基础的病例对照设计,在辽宁省选择CHD患者151人及其生物学父母作为病例组,另选取同地区无出生缺陷病史及家族史的98名正常人及其生物学父母作为相应对照。采用荧光免疫偏振法检测部分子代及其母亲的血清总Hcy(tHcy)水平,放射免疫法测定全部对象血清叶酸和维生素B12(VB12)水平。结果CHD患者及其母亲血清tHcy水平与对照组相比无明显差异;两组血清叶酸水平及叶酸缺乏率(<7nmolL)差异亦无显著性;与对照组相比,CHD患者血清VB12水平明显较高(315.36pmolL和185.34pmolL,P<0.05),VB12缺乏率(<150pmolL)明显较低,CHD组父亲血清VB12缺乏率也低于相应对照。分类型分析显示室间隔缺损患者血清tHcy水平明显低于对照组,而VB12水平明显高于对照;动脉导管未闭组父母血清叶酸水平均高于相应对照(P<0.05)。相关性分析表明亲代叶酸、VB12水平与子代呈明显正相关;病例组母亲tHcy水平与子代tHcy正相关,子代tHcy与叶酸水平负相关;对照组子代tHcy与VB12水平负相关(P<0.05)。结论叶酸及VB12是影响血清Hcy水平的重要因素,呈明显负相关;本研究尚不能得出叶酸及Hcy与CHD相关的结论,有待进一步研究。 相似文献
父母MTHFR基因型与子代先天性心脏病的关系 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
目的 探讨父母双方 MTHFR基因型对子代发生先天性心脏病的影响。方法 采用病例对照研究方法 ,研究对象来自辽宁省十余个市县 ,收集其肘静脉血液 ,用 PCR- RFL P方法确定MTHFR基因型。结果 两组父、母亲单独比较其基因型构成、等位基因频率 ,其差异无显著性 ;父母各种基因型组合两两比较也无统计学意义。将父母的等位基因合在一起 ,则病例组的 T等位基因频率 (5 7.94 % )高于对照组 (5 1.0 3% ) ,P <0 .0 5 ,OR值 1.32 ;父母双方均是纯合突变会增加后代患 CHD的危险 ,χ2 =6 .2 6 ,P <0 .0 5 ,OR值为 4 .33(95 % CI :1.18~ 18.77) ;通过计算后代纯合突变的概率 ,发现后代纯合突变的概率越大 ,患 CHD的风险性越大。结论 父母双方 MTH-FR6 77TT基因型与后代 CHD的发生有关 ,后代 TT基因型是 CHD发生的危险因素之一 相似文献
Yilin Chen Lulu Yang Yannis Yan Liang Zhixuan He Qi-Yong H Ai Wenqian Chen Huachen Xue Mingqing Zhou Yu Wang Huan Ma Qingshan Geng 《Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health》2022,48(5):372
ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to investigate whether melatonin receptor type 1B (MTNR1B) rs10830963 polymorphism interacts with night shift work on the risk of incident stroke.MethodsThis study included individuals free of stroke at baseline from the UK Biobank. Night-shift work was assessed by the self-reported questions. MTNR1B rs10830963 was directly genotyped (CC, GC, and GG). Incident stroke was ascertained through hospital records and death registries. Cox proportional hazards models were employed to examine the associations of night shift work and MTNR1B rs10830963 with the risk of incident stroke.ResultsA total of 242 194 participants were finally included (mean age: 52.95 years; 51.63% women). Over 12-year follow-up, 3287 incident stroke events occurred. Night shift work increased the risk of incident stroke [hazard ratio (HR) 1.13, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.00–1.28] after adjusting for socio-demographics, and this association attenuated after additional adjustment for lifestyle factors (HR 1.06, 95% CI 0.94–1.20). MTNR1B rs10830963 polymorphism modified the association between night shift work and incident stroke (Pfor interaction =0.010). In the Cox models adjusted for socio-demographics and lifestyle factors, among night-shift workers, minor allele G was associated with a reduced risk of incident stroke (GC versus CC, HR 0.74, 95% CI 0.58–0.95; GG versus CC, HR 0.65, 95% CI 0.40–1.06; Pfor trend=0.010); while night shift work was associated with a higher stroke risk only among MTNR1B rs10830963 CC carriers (HR 1.23, 95% CI 1.05–1.44) but not GC/GG carriers.ConclusionsThese results suggest that MTNR1B rs10830963 may potentially modify the associations between night shift work and incident stroke. 相似文献
目的 分析巴彦淖尔市市医院和妇幼保健院两家医院出生缺陷病例的检出情况及流行病学特征,为制定预防措施提供依据.方法 选取2017年1月-2018年12月209例不良妊娠病例(包括活产、死胎、死产和生后7天内死亡)为研究对象,统计出生缺陷的一般情况,并对母亲的生育年龄、妊娠期合并症、不良孕产史、孕期服药史、既往慢病史以及胎... 相似文献
亚甲基四氢叶酸脱氢酶G1958A基因多态性与先天性心脏病的遗传易感性 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
探讨MTHFD基因多态性在先天性心脏病(CHD)遗传易感性中的作用。方法选择辽宁省179例CHD患者及其父母作为病例组,同一地区年龄、性别匹配的122名正常人及其父母作为对照组,采用PCR-RFLP方法检测其MTHFD基因型,放射免疫法和荧光偏振免疫法测定血清叶酸和同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)水平,比较两组差异,并进行CHD核心家庭分析。结果中国北方正常人群中,存在着该位点的基因多态性,GG、GA和AA基因型频率分别为57.98%、35.57%和6.45%,A等位基因频率为24.23%,与西方人群有差异;CHD患者总体和分类型的基因型频率和等位基因频率与对照组相比差异无显著性;遗传失衡检验分析结果表明,MTHFD G1958A位点在CHD核心家庭中不存在传递失衡现象;CHD患者血清叶酸水平高于对照组,Hcy水平与对照组相比差异无显著性。结论MTHFD G1958A位点基因多态性可能不是CHD的遗传易感因素。 相似文献
Cardiovascular malformations and organic solvent exposure during pregnancy in Finland 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
In order to investigate the possible association between cardiovascular malformations and maternal exposure to organic solvents during the first trimester of pregnancy, 569 cases and 1,052 controls were retrospectively studied. The cases represented all infants with diagnosed cardiovascular malformations born in Finland in 1982-1984, and the controls were randomly selected from all normal births in the country during the same period. All mothers were interviewed approximately 3 months after delivery by a midwife using a structured questionnaire. Exposures to organic solvents at work during the first trimester of pregnancy were slightly more prevalent among the mothers of affected infants (10.4%) than among those of controls (7.8%). Logistic regression analysis of exposure to organic solvents showed an adjusted relative odds ratio of 1.3 (95% confidence interval, 0.8-2.2). In the analysis of ventricular septal defect, exposure to organic solvents showed an adjusted relative odds ratio of 1.5 (95% confidence interval, 1.0-3.7). 相似文献
目的:分析在高血压左室肥厚并左心力衰竭患者诊断中应用心脏彩色多普勒超声的诊断价值.方法:随机抽取2017年8月~2019年9月本院73例高血压左室肥厚并左心力衰竭病例并纳入观察组,另选择健康体检者70例并纳入对照组.均进行心脏彩色多普勒超声诊断,对比组间各指标的差异以及不同心功能分级患者的心脏彩超指标测定结果.结果:观... 相似文献
Diet, particularly vitamin deficiency, is associated with the risk of birth defects. The aim of this review paper is to show the characteristics of common and severe neural-tube defects together with congenital heart defects (CHD) as vitamin deficiencies play a role in their origin. The findings of the Hungarian intervention (randomized double-blind and cohort controlled) trials indicated that periconceptional folic acid (FA)-containing multivitamin supplementation prevented the major proportion (about 90%) of neural-tube defects (NTD) as well as a certain proportion (about 40%) of congenital heart defects. Finally the benefits and drawbacks of three main practical applications of folic acid/multivitamin treatment such as (i) dietary intake; (ii) periconceptional supplementation; and (iii) flour fortification are discussed. The conclusion arrived at is indeed confirmation of Benjamin Franklin’s statement: “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of care”. 相似文献
Marisa Garcia Rodrigues;José Daniel Rodrigues;Jorge Antunes Moreira;Fátima Clemente;Cláudia Camila Dias;Luís Filipe Azevedo;Pedro Pereira Rodrigues;José Carlos Areias;Maria Emília Areias; 《Child: care, health and development》2024,50(1):e13199
To develop, implement and assess the results of psychoeducation to improve the QoL of parents with CHD newborns. 相似文献
Felix Guenther Caroline Brandl Thomas W. Winkler Veronika Wanner Klaus Stark Helmut Kuechenhoff Iris M. Heid 《Genetic epidemiology》2020,44(7):759-777
Imaging technology and machine learning algorithms for disease classification set the stage for high-throughput phenotyping and promising new avenues for genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Despite emerging algorithms, there has been no successful application in GWAS so far. We establish machine learning-based phenotyping in genetic association analysis as misclassification problem. To evaluate chances and challenges, we performed a GWAS based on automatically classified age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in UK Biobank (images from 135,500 eyes; 68,400 persons). We quantified misclassification of automatically derived AMD in internal validation data (4,001 eyes; 2,013 persons) and developed a maximum likelihood approach (MLA) to account for it when estimating genetic association. We demonstrate that our MLA guards against bias and artifacts in simulation studies. By combining a GWAS on automatically derived AMD and our MLA in UK Biobank data, we were able to dissect true association (ARMS2/HTRA1, CFH) from artifacts (near HERC2) and identified eye color as associated with the misclassification. On this example, we provide a proof-of-concept that a GWAS using machine learning-derived disease classification yields relevant results and that misclassification needs to be considered in analysis. These findings generalize to other phenotypes and emphasize the utility of genetic data for understanding misclassification structure of machine learning algorithms. 相似文献
Analysis of host genetic components provides insights into the susceptibility and response to viral infection such as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). To reveal genetic determinants of susceptibility to COVID-19 related mortality, we train a deep learning model to identify groups of genetic variants and their interactions that contribute to the COVID-19 related mortality risk using the UK Biobank data (28,097 affected cases and 1656 deaths). We refer to such groups of variants as super variants. We identify 15 super variants with various levels of significance as susceptibility loci for COVID-19 mortality. Specifically, we identify a super variant (odds ratio [OR] = 1.594, p = 5.47 × 10−9) on Chromosome 7 that consists of the minor allele of rs76398985, rs6943608, rs2052130, 7:150989011_CT_C, rs118033050, and rs12540488. We also discover a super variant (OR = 1.353, p = 2.87 × 10−8) on Chromosome 5 that contains rs12517344, rs72733036, rs190052994, rs34723029, rs72734818, 5:9305797_GTA_G, and rs180899355. 相似文献
Nandini Mukherjee;Elijah H. Bolin;Amna Qasim;Mohammed S. Orloff;Philip J. Lupo;Wendy N. Nembhard; 《Birth Defects Research》2024,116(7):e2381
Prior studies report associations of maternal serum Lamin A, encoded by the LMNA gene, with fetal congenital heart disease (CHD). It is unknown whether DNA methylation (DNAm) of cytosine-phosphate-guanine (CpG) sites in LMNA impacts the CHD susceptibility. 相似文献