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详细介绍了美国最具权威性的营养师资质"注册营养师"的培训、资格认定和获得注册资格后的继续教育项目.并以美国康奈尔大学营养科学系本科营养师课程项目和营养师实习项目为例,介绍了美国注册营养师培养单位的资质认定和培养营养师过程,特别是康奈尔大学营养实习地点、实习内容和方式.还介绍了美国注册营养师的就业单位等方面内容.  相似文献   

本文着重分析了美国注册营养师的培养流程及注册考试情况,同时介绍了新增加的营养师个性化指导实习途径和职业继续教育。旨在为我国建立完整的、具有法律效力的营养师教育培养体系提供借鉴与帮助。  相似文献   

正2015年初,受中国营养学会委托,在上海营养学会和上海市卫生和计划生育委员会等单位的支持下,上海交通大学医学院营养系牵头启动了中国注册营养师资格认证试点工作。经过数次专家研讨会,中国注册营养师资格认证上海试点工作组初步确定了参加注册营养师考试的考生资格、考试科目和考试大纲等。考试科目包括专业基础知识和专业实践能力。专业基础知识包括生理、生化、营养学、食品卫生与安全、食品科学、统计学和流行病学;专业实践能力包括营养学、  相似文献   

2014年以来,中国营养学会启动并顺利开展了中国注册营养师水平评价工作,这一工作参考了其他国家和地区先进的注册营养师制度以及国际标准。本文选取比较有代表性的美国、日本、英国、我国台湾地区的注册营养师制度加以介绍,同时也介绍了国际营养师协会对营养师教育培养的最低标准,重点评价和分析我国刚试行的营养师水平评价制度。各国或地区注册营养师制度虽然略有差异,但其基本前提均为获得营养专业本科教育,经登记注册后的营养师被称为"注册营养师"。和国际标准及其他国家和地区相比,中国营养学会试行的注册营养师制度可以媲美,但需要进一步落实、完善和巩固。  相似文献   

目的为满足我国注册营养师制度对营养学专业人才培养的新要求,为食品卫生与营养学本科专业课程设置提供依据。方法采用文献检索法和比较法分析注册营养师制度的课程要求,并与西南医科大学食品卫生与营养学本科专业、重庆医科大学和中山大学的营养学专业本科课程设置比较,借鉴国外大学课程设置的经验,分析现有专业课程设置存在的问题。结果 3所高校专业课程设置均涵盖了注册营养师制度要求的课程模块,但部分模块的课程设置未达到其规定的最低标准。国外大学本科营养学专业课程设置兼顾了专业课程和注册营养师考试课程的要求。高校设置食品卫生与营养学本科专业课程时,应明确人才培养目标,增设注册营养师制度要求的课程,开设营养师选修课程。结论高校应顺应注册营养师制度的要求,调整课程设置。  相似文献   

目的分析2017至2021年注册营养师水平评价考试情况, 为增强营养专业人才队伍建设提供参考。方法系统梳理2017至2021年注册营养师水平评价考试考生构成和变化趋势, 分析不同性别、年龄、学历、专业背景和单位类型考生的通过率情况。结果参加考试人数总体呈上升趋势, 考生以女性为主, 年龄集中在26~35岁, 本科∶硕士∶博士的比例约为15∶9∶1, 营养类专业所占比例从32.1%下降到20.3%, 其他医学类和食品类专业占比上升, 医疗卫生机构来源的考生中, 营养科比例下降, 非营养科比例上升, 企业来源考生稳定在38.8%~50.2%。考试通过率平均为35.7%, 性别和年龄对通过率无显著性影响, 学历、专业背景和单位类型对通过率影响差异有统计学意义(P<0.05), 学历越高, 通过率越高;通过率最高的考生专业背景为营养类专业, 单位类型为营养科。结论应加强我国营养专业人才培养, 促进营养行业从业者终身学习, 推进营养师职业可持续发展。  相似文献   

中国营养学会六届六次常务理事会会议纪要中国营养学会六届六次常务理事会议于2005年12月13日在北京召开,荣誉理事顾景范、陈孝曙、李珏声、赵法伋、柳启沛出席了会议,20位常务理事及副秘书长蒋与刚参加了会议。会议由葛可佑理事长主持,进行了以下议程:一、讨论营养师资格认证工作并修改通过《营养师资格认证标准》与会者认为,中国营养学会开展营养师培训和认证工作,对于培养营养专业人才、加强营养学科建设、增加营养学会的社会知名度都具有重要意义。从一些培训基地反馈的信息表明,学员报名踊跃,表现出对专业团体开展培训和认证工作的信…  相似文献   

<正>为适应社会经济发展,落实"健康中国2030规划纲要"和国民营养计划,加强我国营养专业队伍建设,提高营养师职业知识和技能,规范营养师从业行为,以便更好的全方位、全周期保障居民营养健康。在借鉴国外营养师行业管理的基础上,依据中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发《中国科协所属学会有序承接政府转移职能扩大试点工作实施方案》及《中国科学技术协会章程》、《中国营养学会章程》等有关文件,特制订本规定。第一章总则第一条中国营养学会设立注册营养师水平评价制度,面向会员和全社会提供营养及营养相关专业从业人员能力水平评价服  相似文献   

<正>12月18日,"健康中国2030"第一届全国社区营养与健康管理大会暨首批注册营养师颁证仪式在北京全国政协礼堂盛大开幕。大会由中国营养学会、中华预防医学会主办,北京正生科技集团有限公司、北京营养师协会,北京青爱教育基金协会承办,中国社区卫生协会、中国健康促进教育协会、民进中央联络委员会、民进中央科技医卫委员会协办。大会由中国营养学会理事长杨月欣,副理事长马爱国主持。来自全国人大、政协以及相关部委领导,中国营养学会、中华预防医学会的专家学者,与100名首批注册营养师、30所2017年度注册营养师课程教学基地代表以及来自52个城市的社区营养师代表共同出席了大会。  相似文献   

职业能力标准是有效完成特定职业的一整套相关知识、技能和情感态度。营养师职业能力标准的确定是营养师职业发展的重要前提和保障。纵观世界,许多国家(地区)都制定了营养师职业能力标准。我国注册营养师工作刚刚起步,尚未进行能力标准建设。本文旨在通过梳理比较国内外营养师职业能力标准的制定情况,为我国注册营养师职业能力标准的制定提供参考意见。[营养学报,2020,42(2):111-114]  相似文献   

PL 99-457 mandates nutrition as one of eight disciplines to be included on the team providing services to handicapped infants (up to age 3) and their families. A case-managed range of services is required to enable the child to benefit from early interventions. Findings from a survey of a sample of entry-level Plan IV/V Programs, Coordinated Programs in Dietetics, and dietetic internships randomly selected from The American Dietetic Association's 1988 Directory of Dietetic Programs indicate that the growth and development of handicapped infants and their nutrition care are underexposed in most didactic and experiential components of the education of entry-level dietitians. A working group of nine nutritionists with expertise in both dietetic education and nutrition care of handicapped children met at a national conference and recommended competencies that they thought would enable entry-level registered dietitians to join interdisciplinary teams working with handicapped infants and their families. Registered dietitians on the team that prepares the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) can strive to ensure that infants are well nourished and therefore more responsive to the other therapies proposed in the plan.  相似文献   

An Ethics Opinion reflects the interpretation or application of the American Dietetic Association (ADA)/Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) Code of Ethics for the Profession of Dietetics by the Ethics Committee in response to a specific ethics issue facing dietetics professionals in practice. An ethics opinion is an educational guide for practitioner conduct; it is meant to be a comprehensive review of the issue. The Ethics Committee initiated the following opinion. The situations described are hypothetical.  相似文献   

It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that the quality of life and nutritional status of older adults residing in health care communities can be enhanced by individualization to less-restrictive diets. The American Dietetic Association advocates for registered dietitians to assess and evaluate the need for nutrition interventions tailored to each person's medical condition, needs, desires, and rights. Dietetic technicians, registered, assist registered dietitians in the assessment and implementation of individualized nutrition care. Health care practitioners must assess risks vs benefits of therapeutic diets, especially for older adults. Food is an essential component of quality of life; an unpalatable or unacceptable diet can lead to poor food and fluid intake, resulting in undernutrition and related negative health effects. Including older individuals in decisions about food can increase the desire to eat and improve quality of life. The Practice Paper of the American Dietetic Association: Individualized Nutrition Approaches for Older Adults in Health Care Communities provides guidance to practitioners on implementation of individualized diets and nutrition care.  相似文献   

It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that the quality of life and nutritional status of older adults residing in health care communities can be enhanced by individualization to less-restrictive diets. The Association advocates the use of qualified registered dietitians (RDs) to assess and evaluate the need for nutrition care according to each person's individual medical condition, needs, desires, and rights. Dietetic technicians, registered, provide support to RDs in the assessment and implementation of individualized nutrition care. Individual rights and freedom of choice are important components of the assessment process. An RD must assess each older adult's risks vs benefits for therapeutic diets. Older adults select housing options that provide a range of services from minimal assistance to 24-hour skilled nursing care. Food is an important part of any living arrangement and an essential component for quality of life. A therapeutic diet that limits seasoning options and food choices can lead to poor food and fluid intake, resulting in undernutrition and negative health effects. Including older individuals in decisions about food can increase the desire to eat and improve quality of life. The expansion of health care communities creates a multitude of options for RDs and dietetic technicians, registered, to promote the role of good food and nutrition in the overall quality of life for the older adults they serve.  相似文献   

It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that nutrition is an integral component of oral health. The American Dietetic Association supports the integration of oral health with nutrition services, education, and research. Collaboration between dietetics and dental professionals is recommended for oral health promotion and disease prevention and intervention. Scientific and epidemiological data suggest a lifelong synergy between nutrition and the integrity of the oral cavity in health and disease. Oral health and nutrition have a synergistic bidirectional relationship. Oral infectious diseases, as well as acute, chronic, and terminal systemic diseases with oral manifestations, impact the functional ability to eat as well as diet and nutrition status. Likewise, nutrition and diet may affect the development and integrity of the oral cavity as well as the progression of oral diseases. As we advance in our discoveries of the links between oral and nutrition health, practitioners of both disciplines must learn to provide screening, baseline education, and referral to each other as part of comprehensive client/patient care. Dietetics practice requires registered dietitians to provide medical nutrition therapy that incorporates a person's total health needs, including oral health. Inclusion of both didactic and clinical practice concepts that illustrate the role of nutrition in oral health is essential in both dental and dietetic education programs. Collaborative endeavors between dietetics and dentistry in research, education, and delineation of health provider practice roles are needed to ensure comprehensive health care. The multifaceted interactions between diet, nutrition, and oral health in practice, education, and research in both dietetics and dentistry merit continued, detailed delineation.  相似文献   

Medical, legal, and bioethical discussions have focused on withholding or withdrawing nourishment from adults who are terminally ill or in persistent vegetative states, yet few discussions have considered the dietitian's role. In June 1990, the Supreme Court upheld an individual's right to refuse life-prolonging procedures, provided those wishes had been clearly documented. This decision, and The American Dietetic Association's 1987 guidelines for feeding the terminally ill, may enable dietitians to evaluate complicated situations regarding feeding and nonfeeding of patients. A survey sent to 590 registered dietitians in The American Dietetic Association's Nutrition Support dietetic practice group resulted in a 42% (n = 250) response rate. In general, dietitians were more willing to discontinue total parenteral nutrition than to discontinue enteral, noninvasive enteral, or oral feedings. They thought that feeding could be discontinued if it causes pain or worsens the condition, if death is imminent, or if the patient has requested that feeding be stopped. University courses and continuing education programs on the ethics and legalities of feeding terminally or critically ill adults will enable dietitians to take active roles in the decision-making process and to promote awareness of relevant issues with patients and families.  相似文献   

Chronic kidney disease is classified in stages 1 to 5 by the National Kidney Foundation's Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative depending on the level of renal function by glomerular filtration rate and, more recently, using further categorization depending on the level of glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria by the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes initiative. Registered dietitian nutritionists can be reimbursed for medical nutrition therapy in chronic kidney disease stages 3 to 4 for specific clients under Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services coverage. This predialysis medical nutrition therapy counseling has been shown to both potentially delay progression to stage 5 (renal replacement therapy) and decrease first-year mortality after initiation of hemodialysis. The Joint Standards Task Force of the American Dietetic Association (now the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics), the Renal Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group, and the National Kidney Foundation Council on Renal Nutrition collaboratively published 2009 Standards of Practice and Standards of Professional Performance for generalist, specialty, and advanced practice registered dietitian nutritionists in nephrology care. The purpose of this article is to provide an update on current recommendations for screening, diagnosis, and treatment of adults with chronic kidney disease for application in clinical practice for the generalist registered dietitian nutritionist using the evidence-based library of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, published clinical practice guidelines (ie, National Kidney Foundation Council on Renal Nutrition, Renal Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group, Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative, and Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes), the Nutrition Care Process model, and peer-reviewed literature.  相似文献   

To better understand the reasons why minorities and males are underrepresented among registered dietitians (RDs) and dietetic technicians, registered, (DTRs) and to develop focuses for intervention, the investigators performed a telephone survey of newly credentialed RDs and DTRs and directors of RD and DTR education programs. Using lists of students recruited by the American Dietetic Association for participation in the survey, the investigators interviewed 83 RDs and DTRs and 20 education program directors. RDs and DTRs attributed minority underrepresentation primarily to the field's lack of visibility and underrepresentation of men to the traditional association with women. Education program directors attributed minority underrepresentation to educational disadvantages, particularly in scientific subjects. Findings from this study support program-level interventions such as increasing program flexibility, initiating outreach to K-12 schools and lower-division college students, providing tutoring in a nondemeaning atmosphere, and visibly expressing commitment to minority representation. More fundamental changes in the profession itself appear necessary for large-scale increases in minority representation. These include increasing internship opportunities; raising the profession's level of remuneration, prestige, and independence; increasing scholarship support; and advertising nationally through channels capable of reaching minorities.  相似文献   

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