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Cultivation of CD4-CD8- double negative (DN) mouse thymocytes and splenocytes with recombinant interleukin 2 (IL2) in the absence of other stimulation results in the generation of DN- CD3/TCR+CD16+NK1.1+B220+ large granular lymphocytes (LGL). Purified DN alpha-beta TCR+ thymocytes and splenocytes are CD16+IL2R alpha-IL2R beta+NK1.1+B220-CD5high. These cells are unique in that they express both CD16 and T cell receptor (TCR) which are usually mutually exclusive. In addition, they express the natural killer (NK) marker, NK1.1. Cultivation of these cells with IL2 for several days results in the generation of DN alpha-beta TCR+CD16+NK1.1+B220+CD5- LGL, suggesting that DN alpha-beta TCR+ cells in thymus and spleen are the precursors of the DN LGL reported previously. DN gamma-delta TCR+CD16- NK1.1-B220-CD5high thymocytes and splenocytes also give rise to DN gamma-delta TCR+CD16+NK1.1+B220+CD5- LGL which, as shown previously with DN alpha-beta TCR+ LGL cells, are cytotoxic against NK-sensitive YAC-1 cells. Cytotoxic activity is also induced through either CD16 or the gamma-delta TCR. DN alpha-beta TCR+ and DN gamma-delta TCR+ LGL cells are thus similar in phenotype to TCR- NK cells. DN alpha-beta TCR+ thymocytes express low levels of the gamma subunit of the high affinity immunoglobulin E receptor (Fc epsilon RI gamma) molecule, an essential component of CD16 expression. Fc epsilon RI gamma expression is greatly enhanced after cultivation with IL2, resulting in a higher surface expression of CD16. In contrast to DN alpha-beta TCR+ thymocytes, DN gamma-delta TCR+ thymocytes do not express detectable CD16 or Fc epsilon RI gamma mRNA but expression of both is induced by cultivation with IL2, leading to the expression of CD16 on the surface. Whereas CD16 molecules on both DN alpha-beta TCR+ and DN gamma-delta TCR+ LGL are associated with only Fc epsilon RI gamma homodimers, the TCR on these cells are associated with an Fc epsilon RI gamma homodimer and/or CD3 zeta-Fc epsilon RI gamma heterodimers. These results demonstrate that the Fc epsilon RI gamma subunit is a component of the TCR in a fraction of T lineage cells.  相似文献   

CD8 is required during positive selection of CD4-/CD8+ T cells   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Interactions between self-MHC molecules and T cells are necessary for the proper development of mature T cells, in part due to an absolute requirement for self-MHC-TCR interactions. Recently, we showed that CD4-mediated interactions also participate in shaping the T cell repertoire during thymic maturation. We now examine the possible role of the CD8 molecule during in vivo T cell development. Our results demonstrate that perinatal thymi treated with intact anti-CD8 mAb fail to generate CD8 single-positive T cells, while the generation of the other main phenotypes remains unchanged. Most importantly, the use of F(ab')2 anti-CD8 mAb fragments gave identical results, i.e., lack of generation of CD4-/CD8+ cells, with no effect on the generation of CD4+/CD8+. Furthermore, selective blocking of one CD8 allele with F(ab')2 mAbs in F1 mice expressing both CD8 alleles did not interfere with the development of CD4-/CD8+ cells, demonstrating that the absence of CD8+ T cells in homozygous mice is not due to depletion, but rather is caused by a lack of positive selection. This is most likely attributable to a deficient CD8-MHC class I interaction. Our findings strongly advocate that CD8 molecules are vital to the selection process that leads to the development of mature single-positive CD8 T cells.  相似文献   

The lpr gene in homozygous form induces development of CD4-CD8-B220+ T cells and lymphadenopathy in MRL and C57BL/6 mice. Although the propensity for excessive production of T cells is related to an intrinsic T cell defect, a thymus is also required because neonatal thymectomy eliminates lymphadenopathy. Recent evidence suggests that excessive production and release of autoreactive T cells from the thymus of lpr/lpr mice might lead to downregulation of CD4 and CD8 as a "fail safe" tolerance mechanism that occurs during late thymic or post-thymic development. To test this hypothesis, T cell receptor (TCR) transgenic mice that produce large numbers of immature thymocytes recognizing the H-2Db and male H-Y antigens were backcrossed with C57BL/6-lpr/lpr mice and MRL-lpr/lpr mice. It was predicted that Db male lpr/lpr mice would produce large numbers of autoreactive T cells during early thymic development that would lead to an accelerated lymphoproliferative disease. In contrast, Db female lpr/lpr mice would produce large numbers of Db H-Y-reactive T cells, but might not develop lymphadenopathy because the male H-Y antigen would not be present. Unexpectedly, there was complete elimination of lymphadenopathy in both male and female TCR transgenic lpr/lpr mice. The elimination of lymphadenopathy was not due to a failure of thymic maturation since the thymus of H-2Db female lpr/lpr mice contained nearly normal numbers of mature thymocytes. Elimination of lymphadenopathy was also not due to a lack of autoreactive T cells in the peripheral lymph nodes (LN) since there was an increased syngeneic mixed lymphocyte proliferative response of LNT cells from transgenic lpr/lpr compared with +/+ mice in vitro. Hypergammaglobulinemia and autoantibody production in the transgenic lpr/lpr was present at levels comparable with or higher than control nontransgenic lpr/lpr mice, suggesting a dissociation of autoantibody production from the lymphoproliferative disease in the TCR transgenic mice. Conversely, the development of lymphadenopathy and production of CD4-CD8-B220+ T cells appear to be intimately linked, as both were completely eliminated in T cells expressing the transgenic TCR. We propose that lymphoproliferation and production of CD4-CD8-6B2+ T cells in lpr/lpr mice is related to decreased expression of the TCR, and providing the T cells with a rearranged TCR transgene overcomes this defect.  相似文献   

Electroporation of mature dendritic cells (DC) with RNA-encoding CD40L greatly enhances the production of interleukin (IL)-12, a proinflammatory cytokine necessary for the induction of T-cell immunity. Results presented herein reveal a correlation between the priming of CD28(+) antigen-reactive effector memory cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) displaying 3 or 4 simultaneous effector functions and the quantity of IL-12 produced by postmaturation electroporation-CD40L DC. By using multiparameter flow cytometry, the quantities of IL-12 needed to prime naive antigen-reactive T cells to simultaneously produce interferon-γ and tumor necrosis factor-α in the presence or absence of IL-2 secretion in conjunction with lytic activity defined by CD107a expression can be used to determine the overall potency of a DC product. In the presence of IL-12, CTL differentiation toward lytic function is not accompanied by a reduction in the secretion of interferon-γ and tumor necrosis factor-α. Therefore, by measuring the availability of IL-12 one can predict the potency of a DC immunotherapeutics in relation to its ability to drive distinct effector memory CTL subsets with multifunctional activities.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of sustained overproduction of eosinophils in the idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome and in some human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1-infected individuals are largely unknown. We hypothesized that T cells may release soluble products that regulate eosinophilia in these patients, as has been previously shown in bronchial asthma. We identified one patient with idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome and one HIV-1-infected individual with associated hypereosinophilia who demonstrated high numbers of CD4-CD8- T cells in peripheral blood. CD4-CD8- T cells from both patients, although highly activated, did not express functional Fas receptors. In one case, the lack of functional Fas receptors was associated with failure of Fas mRNA and protein expression, and in another, expression of a soluble form of the Fas molecule that may have antagonized normal signaling of Fas ligand. In contrast to the recently described lymphoproliferative/autoimmune syndrome, which is characterized by accumulation of CD4-CD8- T cells and mutations within the Fas gene, this study suggests somatic variations in Fas expression and function quite late in life. Both genetic and somatic abnormalities in regulation of the Fas gene are therefore associated with failures to undergo T cell apoptosis. Furthermore, the expanded population of CD4- CD8- T cells from both patients elaborated cytokines with antiapoptotic properties for eosinophils, indicating a major role of these T cells in the development of eosinophilia. Thus, this study demonstrates a sequential dysregulation of apoptosis in different cell types.  相似文献   

Human thymocytes lacking both CD4 and CD8 differentiation antigens were prepared by treating total thymocyte suspensions with a mixture of anti-CD4 and anti-CD8 monoclonal antibodies and complement. The resulting populations contained less than 2% CD4+, CD8+ or WT31+ cells and variable percentages (less than 20%) of CD3+ cells. These cell populations were cultured in recombinant IL-2 in the presence of peripheral blood mononuclear cells as feeder cells. Cells underwent extensive proliferation accompanied by a progressive increase of CD3+ and CD8+ cells. On the other hand, appearance of neither WT31+, α/β-positive T cell receptor (TCR), nor CD4+ cells could be observed in several independent experiments. Functional analyses revealed the appearance and the progressive increase of cytolytic activity against the natural killer (NK)-sensitive K562 cells as well as the NK-resistant fresh melanoma cells. Experiments of T cell cloning indicated that both the expression of CD8 and CD3 antigens and the appearance of cytolytic activity were consequent to cell maturation occurring at the level of CD4-CD8- non-cytolytic cell precursors. In these experiments, more than 30% of cells underwent clonal expansion and all the clonal progenies obtained displayed cytolytic activity and expressed the CD3+WT31- surface phenotype. The expression of CD8 was variable, whereas no CD4+ clones could be obtained. Cells expressing such surface phenotype are known to belong to the TCR γ-positive T lymphocyte subset lacking the typical α/β TCR and thus appear to be the only T cell type capable ofin vitro proliferation and maturation under easily reproducible culture conditions. This work was supported by grants awarded by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Roma, Italy, Progetto Finalizzato ‘Oncologia’ to M. C. M. and L. M. A fellowship by Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC) was awarded to A. M.  相似文献   

目的 通过对慢性乙型肝炎患者外周血中CD4+/CD25+和CD8+/CD28-调节性淋巴细胞的分析,探讨其与慢性乙型肝炎患者临床状态的关系.方法 采用流式细胞技术多色荧光分析法,对280例慢性乙型肝炎患者、28例慢性病毒携带者以及22例健康体检者外周血中CD4+/CD25+和CD8+/CD28-淋巴细胞测定.结果 慢性病毒携带者外周血中CD4+/CD25+调节性淋巴细胞为(3.23±1.37)%,明显高于慢性乙型肝炎患者(1.85±1.38)%和正常健康对照(1.59±0.54)%(P<0.05),但慢性乙型肝炎患者与正常健康对照差别无统计学意义(P>0.05);而且HBeAg阴性慢性乙型肝炎(1.66±1.09)%与HBeAg阳性慢性乙型肝炎(1.96±1.43)%比较,差别无统计学意义(P>0.05).慢性乙型肝炎患者和慢性病毒携带者外周血中CD8+CD28-调节性淋巴细胞分别为(79.53±16.07)和89.30±5.12)%,均明显高于正常健康对照(63.93±7.85)%(P<0.05);另外,HBeAg阳性慢性乙型肝炎组(87.47±17.82)%,也明显高于HBeAg阴性慢性乙型肝炎组(64.90±15.26)%(P<0.05).结论 慢性病毒携带者处于病毒携带状态可能与体内调节性淋巴胞CD4+/CD25+和CD8+/CD28-的升高有关.  相似文献   

The control of many persistent viral infections by Ag-specific cytolytic CD8+ T cells requires a concurrent virus-specific CD4+ Th cell response. This reflects in part a requirement of activated effector CD8+ T cells for paracrine IL-2 production as a growth and survival factor. In human CMV and HIV infection, the majority of differentiated virus-specific CD8+ T cells notably lose the ability to produce IL-2 but also lose expression of CD28, a costimulatory molecule. Analysis of the fraction of memory CD8+ T cells that continue to express CD28 revealed these cells retain the ability to produce IL-2. Therefore, we examined if IL-2 production by CD28- CD8+ T cells could be restored by introduction of a constitutively expressed CD28 gene. Expression of CD28 in CD28- CD8+ CMV- and HIV-specific CD8+ T cells reconstituted the ability to produce IL-2, which could sustain an autocrine proliferative response after Ag recognition. These results suggest that the loss of CD28 expression during differentiation of memory/effector CD8+ T cells represents a decisive step in establishing regulation of responding CD8+ T cells, increasing the dependence on CD4+ Th for proliferation after target recognition, and has implications for the treatment of viral disease with adoptively transferred CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

Lymphopenia is a serious consequence of HIV infection and the administration of cancer chemotherapeutic agents. Although growth factors can be administered to patients to increase circulating neutrophils, there is no effective method to stimulate CD8+ lymphocyte production in humans, in vivo. This report is the first to describe the administration of recombinant interleukin-7 to humans and demonstrates the ability of this cytokine to mediate selective increases in CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes along with a decrease in the percentage of CD4+ T-regulatory cells. These studies suggest an important role for interleukin-7 in the treatment of patients with lymphopenia.  相似文献   

The cellular basis of immunological memory has been a debated issue. It is not clear whether CD8 T cell memory is maintained by long-lived cells or by specific or nonspecific restimulation. Here, we have approached the question from a different angle, asking whether the cellular interactions that are required to maintain memory are the same as those necessary to activate cytotoxic T lymphocytes. We studied the CD8 memory response to the male antigen H-Y in mice deficient in CD4 cells, or B cells and found that memory in these mice was virtually unimpaired. These results suggest that CD8 memory is CD4 independent and that there is no requirement for long term retention of immune complexes on follicular dendritic cells, nor for B cells as antigen- presenting cells.  相似文献   

Human thymocyte differentiation was examined by injecting fetal thymic progenitor populations into human thymic xenografts in SCID-hu mice. Thymic progenitors were fluorescently labeled with the lipophilic dye PKH2. The phenotypes of their progeny could be identified by flow cytometric analysis of cells with a very high fluorescent PKH2 signal. Intrathymic injection of purified triple negative (TN) CD3-4-8- thymocytes resulted in the sequential appearance of CD3-4+8-, CD3-4+8+, and CD3+4+8+ cells, with the subsequent appearance of small numbers of phenotypically mature CD3+4+8- and CD3+4-8+ cells over a 4-d period. Sorted CD3-4+8- thymocytes injected intrathymically rapidly differentiated to CD4+8+ cells. CD4+8+ fetal thymocytes in cell cycle differentiated into phenotypically mature CD3+4+8- and CD3+4-8+ populations, whereas nondividing CD4+8+ cells failed to differentiate after intrathymic transfer. The number of cell divisions that occurred between the injection of TN thymocytes and their progeny at different time points was estimated based on the decrease in the intensity of the PKH2 label. The average length of the cell cycle for the TN population was calculated to be 24 h. The SCID-hu model thus provides a useful tool for studying the kinetics of cell division and differentiation of human thymocytes in vivo.  相似文献   

CD8+ cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTLs) are important mediators for resistance to infections and malignant diseases. IL-12 enhances proliferative and cytolytic responses by killer cells, but its function in the generation of human antiviral CD8+ T cell responses has not been defined. We therefore evaluated the role of IL-12 in the generation of CTLs to influenza-infected dendritic cells. IL-12 was not detectable in supernatants of infected-dendritic cells, or during CTL generation. Furthermore, anti-IL-12 antibody did not block CTL generation. However, exogenous IL-12 (30-300 pg/ml) enhanced CD8+ T cell proliferative and cytolytic responses. The effect was greatest in individuals with weak reactivity to influenza virus or at antigen-presenting cell (APC):T cell ratios of 1:100 or less. IL-12 augmented interferon-gamma production during CTL generation. The CTL enhancing effects of the cytokine, however, could not be blocked by neutralizing anti-interferon-gamma antibody. Together with IL-12, antigen-pulsed dendritic cells may be a useful approach for boosting CTL responses against infectious agents and malignancies.  相似文献   

The T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire of CD4+ and CD8+ alpha/beta T cells is heavily influenced by positive and negative selection events that occur during T cell development in the thymus. The coreceptors CD4 and CD8 appear to be essential for this selection to occur. To gain insight into whether T cells that express TCR alpha/beta but lack either coreceptor (CD4- CD8- TCR alpha/beta or alpha/beta double-negative [DN] cells) are also subject to positive and negative selection, and whether selection can occur in the absence of coreceptors, we have performed an extensive immunogenetic analysis of the TCR V beta repertoire of alpha/beta DN cells in lymph nodes of normal mice. Our results show that alpha/beta DN cells appear to be unaffected by clonal deletion of V beta 5 and V beta 11 in I-E-expressing mice, and do not undergo deletion of V beta 6- and V beta 8.1-expressing T cells in Mls-1a-positive mice. They are also unaffected by positive selection of V beta 17a+ T cells in the context of I-Aq. The results suggest that most selection events require the participation of CD4 and CD8, while alpha/beta DN cells are unselected. This argues that most alpha/beta DN cells probably have never expressed CD4 or CD8. However, a unique form of repertoire selection occurs: enrichment of V beta 17a+ alpha/beta DN cells in I-E+ mice. This could be an instance of coreceptor-independent selection.  相似文献   

CD7+CD3- cells purified (greater than 99.99%) by FACS from the peripheral blood of healthy adults include precursors for mature T cells that have the capacity to differentiate into TCR-1+ or TCR-2+ CD3+ cells. Extrathymic differentiation was demonstrable from all eight healthy donors in the presence of a high concentration of IL-2, mitogenic levels of PHA, and irradiated blood mononuclear feeder cells, after a lag of approximately 40 d in vitro. The extrathymic T (ET) cells were predominantly TCR-1+, although TCR-2+ cells were also derived. ET TCR-1+ cells were CD4-CD8-, CD4-CD8DIM+, and CD4+CD8-, and were distinguished from natural T TCR-2+ cells by a variety of cell surface markers. The ET cells had phenotypes generally displayed by normal mature T cells, although the CD5DIM+ on ET cells was more typical of thymocytes. Acquisition of CD3 on purified CD7+CD3- cells was not due to antigenic modulation or growth of contaminants, and ET cells could be demonstrated at the clonal level. Studies in athymic mice and bone marrow recipients support the view that extrathymic maturation does occur in vivo. Whether the CD7+CD3- cell population was unexposed to the thymus, or exposed but not processed, is unknown. In any case, unusual or "forbidden" autoreactive specificities are predicted since ET cells differentiate without thymic selection of the TCR.  相似文献   

Kim D  Monie A  He L  Tsai YC  Hung CF  Wu TC 《Gene therapy》2008,15(9):677-687
CD4(+) T helper cells are known to play an integral role in the generation of CD8(+) T-cell immune responses. We have previously shown that co-administration of DNA vaccines containing E6 or E7 protein of human papillomavirus 16 (HPV-16) combined with DNA encoding invariant (Ii) chain in which class II-associated Ii peptide (CLIP) region is replaced with the CD4(+) T helper epitope, PADRE (Pan-DR-epitope) (Ii-PADRE DNA) enhanced HPV antigen-specific CD8(+) T-cell immune responses in vaccinated mice. In the current study, we investigated the enhancement of HPV E7-specific CD8(+) T-cell immune responses by PADRE-specific CD4(+) T cells. We showed that intradermal administration of Ii-PADRE DNA at the same location as E7-expressing DNA is necessary to generate strong E7-specific CD8(+) T-cell immune responses. We also showed that PADRE-specific CD4(+) T cells generated by Ii-PADRE DNA vaccination expressed Th1 cytokine profile. Furthermore, our in vitro study demonstrated that PADRE-specific CD4(+) T cells stimulated with PADRE-loaded dendritic cells secrete IL-2 that leads to the proliferation of E7-specific CD8(+) T cells. Thus, our data suggest that activated PADRE-specific CD4(+) T helper cells may be required at the vicinity of E7-specific CD8(+) T cells where they secrete IL-2, which enhances the E7-specific CD8(+) T-cell immune responses generated by DNA vaccination.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that CD2 (T11, sheep erythrocyte receptor) is expressed on all human T cells. In the present study we have identified and characterized a minor subset of CD2- CD3/TCR alpha/beta+ T cells in the peripheral blood of healthy individuals. CD2-CD3+ T cells were enriched in PBMC depleted of plastic-adherent macrophages, E-rosetting (i.e., CD2+) T cells and surface Ig+ B cells. CD2-CD3+ T cells accounted for 0.1-0.8% of PBMC in six individuals. IL-2-dependent long-term clones of CD2-CD3+ T cells neither reacted with a panel of anti-CD2 mAbs nor expressed detectable levels of CD2 mRNA by Northern blot analysis. These clones, however, expressed a full-length TCR C beta mRNA and reacted with mAbs against TCR-alpha/beta, CD3, and CD4, and thus were mature T cells. CD2-CD3/TCR+ T cell clones could be triggered into proliferation, IL-2 production, and cytotoxic effector activity by anti-CD3 and anti-TCR mAbs. We conclude that (a) a minor subset of CD2-, CD3/TCR-alpha/beta+ T cells is present in normal peripheral blood; and (b) expression of CD2 at the level of protein and/or mRNA is not required for T cell signaling via the CD3/TCR molecular complex.  相似文献   

DNA recombination of the immunoglobulin (Ig) or T cell receptor (TCR) gene loci is an essential step in the production of lymphocytes bearing antigen-specific receptors. Mice that lack the ability to rearrange their Ig and TCR gene loci are devoid of mature B and T cells. Complete rearrangement and expression of the TCR-beta chain has been suggested to allow immature thymocytes to switch from the CD4-/CD8- to the CD4+/CD8+ stage of thymic development. Thus, thymocytes from severe combined immune deficient (SCID) mice or mice deficient in recombinase activation genes (RAG), which do not undergo proper DNA rearrangement, are arrested at the early CD4-/CD8- stage of development. B cell precursors in SCID or RAG mice do not progress from the B220+/sIgM- /heat stable antigen (HSA)+/CD43+ to the B220+/sIgM-/HSA+/CD43- stage. In an attempt to reconstitute RAG-2-/- mice with bone marrow- or fetal liver-derived progenitor cells, we subjected these mice to sublethal doses of gamma-radiation. It is surprising that in the absence of donor cells, irradiated RAG-2-/- mice revealed a dramatic change in their lymphoid phenotype. 14 d after irradiation, the majority of thymocytes had advanced to the CD4+/CD8+ stage of T cell development and a small number of bone marrow precursors had progressed to the CD43-, HSAhi stage of B cell development. Analysis of the resulting CD4+/CD8+ thymocytes revealed no surface expression of the TCR/CD3 complex and no V-D-J rearrangement of the TCR-beta gene locus. Our findings provide evidence for a novel pathway that allows the transition of thymocytes from the CD4-/CD8- to the CD4+/CD8+ stage and that does not appear to require TCR-beta chain rearrangement.  相似文献   

The relationship between the number of circulating CD4+ T cells and the presence of particular CD8+ T cell subsets was analyzed by flow cytometry on PBL from asymptomatic HIV-1-infected patients whose specimens were collected every 2 mo for a total period of 32 mo. Only slight variations were detected in the absolute number of lymphocytes and percentage of CD3+ lymphocytes, whereas both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets showed wide intrapatient variation. Variations in the number of CD8+CD28+ cells paralleled those of the CD4+ T cell subset in each patient tested, while the presence of CD8+CD28- T cells correlated inversely with CD4+ and CD8+CD28+ T cells. These data show that changes in the number of circulating CD4+-and CD8+CD28+ T cells are strongly related to the presence of CD8+CD28- T cells in these patients. Insight into the significance of CD8+CD28- T cell expansion will allow us to understand the mechanisms and significance of the HIV-1- driven change in CD4+CD8+ T cell homeostasis and the basic immunopathology of HIV disease.  相似文献   

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