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电针加颈动脉注药治疗脑梗塞临床疗效观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选脑梗塞患者160例,随机分为两组。观察组采用电针加颈动脉注药治疗,对照组单用颈动脉注药治疗。结果表明,两组治疗脑梗塞均有肯定疗效,而电针加颈动脉注药疗效明显优于单纯颈动脉注药。  相似文献   

Objective: To compare the effects of acupuncture on essential hypertension with and without target-organ damage.Methods: Sixty-six patients with essential hypertension were treated, 36 patients with target-organ damage as the treatment group, and 30 patients without target-organ damage as the control group.All subjects were given the treatment of acupuncture primarily for 4 weeks.In the process of acupuncture treatment, two groups received immediate blood pressure measurement respectively, and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring before and after acupuncture treatment.We compared the decreasing-dosage rate and effectiveness between the two groups, the immediate blood pressure, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure, daytime blood pressure, night blood pressure before and after treatment, and blood pressure variation between daytime and nighttime.Results: 1.The decreasing-dosage rate of the treatment groupis lower than that of the control group, meanwhile, the effective rate of the treatment group is also lower than that of the control group.2.After the acupuncture, patients in both groups have a significant decline in systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, 24-hour average systolic pressure and diastolic pressure, daytime systolic pressure and diastolic pressure, nightly systolic pressure and diastolic pressure.Because of the acupuncture therapy, the variation of the two groups in daytime systolic pressure, diastolic pressure and nocturnal diastolic blood pressure is lower obviously than that of before the treatment.3.After acupuncture for 28 d, the treatment group's immediate systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure were higher than those in the control group, and so did the 24-hour ambulatory systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, daytime systolic pressure, diastolic pressure and mean night systolic pressure after acupuncture treatment.Conclusion: The effect of acupuncture on hypertension is obvious.It shows better effect in primary hypertension with unincorporated merger target-organ damage than in primary hypertension with target-organ damage.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of research onthe treatment of cerebrovascular diseases withscalp acupuncture, ear1y or earlier treatment ofacute cerebral infarction with acupuncture thera-py has become a common endeavor direction forall the medical workers in the field of acupunc-ture and moxibustion. In accordance with thescalppoint. distribution in different meridiansand 'their clinical indications and combing thedistributive area of blood flow of the cerebral an-terior and middle arteries and ce…  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the effects of acupuncturing point Renying(ST9) at different frequencies on mild to moderate hypertension.Methods: From July 2012 to June 2013, the hypertension clinic at the First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine completed treatment on 38 patients(20 cases in Renying high-frequency group(RHFG), and 18 cases in Renying low-frequency group(RLFG)), using 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure indicators to investigate the effects of different needle manipulations on blood pressure.Results: Compared with before treatment, nighttime blood pressure of the RHFG was significantly lower after 6 and 12 weeks of treatment(P0.05); da ytime and nighttime blood pressure of the RLTG was lower after 6 weeks of treatment, but tended to rebound after 12 weeks of treatment.Conclusion: Renying high-frequency acupuncture has a lasting effect in lowering nighttime blood pressure; whereas Renying low-frequency acupuncture tends to lower both daytime and nighttime blood pressure, but is prone to develop tolerance.  相似文献   

Aphasiareferstothedisorderofvocalor-gandueto,degenerationoftheneuronsinthespeechcentercausedbythelesionofthespeechrepresentingareainthedorninanthemisphere.Itisnotassociatedwithdysacousisorparalysisoftheverbalmusclesinclinic.Basedontheirchar-acter,aphasiamaybeclassifiedintotwotypes:motorandsensoryaphasia.Inthepastfewyearswetreatedsuchdiseasebyemployingacupunc-ture,andtheresultwasanalysedincomparisionwiththatofthecontrolgroup.Thefollowingisoursummary.CLINICALDATAFortyeightpatientswereselec…  相似文献   

Acute cerebral infarction is a common cere-brovascular diseaseinclinic.Researches of recent sev-eral years demonstrated that in the early stage of a-cute cerebral infarction,acupuncture treatment couldrapidly relieve vascular spasm,promote the establish-ment of the collateral circulation,increase topicalcerebral blood flow volume and effectively lighten is-chemic cerebral injury.From2002to2004,the au-thors of the present paper applied acupuncture com-bined with medicines to the treatment of ac…  相似文献   

Inrecentyears,clinically,theauthorhasappliedacupuncturetotreating7Ocasesofcere-bralthrombosis,andobservatednail-foldandbulbarconjunctivamicrocirculationbeforeandaftertreatment.Theresultsarereportedinthefollowing.CLINICALDATAANDMETHODS1.ClinicalDataOfthe7O…  相似文献   

Cerebrovasculardiseaseisoneofthedis-easeswhichseriouslyendangerhumanhealth.Theconventionalscalpacupuncturehasanactiveeffectontherecoveryofpromotingthelinguisticfunction,mentalityandthefunctionofextremi-tiesofthepatients,butthetherapeuticeffectofacupunctureatacupointsofGovernormeridianonthisdiseaseremainstobefurtherstudied.Inordertosystematicallyobservethetreatmentac-tionofacupunctureatacupointsofGovernormeridianoncerebralinfarctionandpreliminarilyunderstanditstreatmentmechanism,wehavestudied14…  相似文献   

Stiffneckisalsotermedassprainoftheneckandresultsfrommanycauses.Inclinic,mostpatientsarethosewhoareweakinphysicalconstitutionandadditionallyaffectedbywindandcoldpathogensintheneckwhilesleepingorafterperspiration,whichleadstostagnancyofqiandxue(blood)andblo…  相似文献   

Wehavereportedthatsatisfactoryeffectswereachievedinthetreatmentofcerebralinfarc tionmainlywith“NieSanZhen”and“SiShenZhen”[1 ] .Atthepresent ,“NieSanZhen”and“SiShenZhen”arewidelyadoptedintheclinic .Inordertoacquirereliableexperimentaldata ,weinvestigatedcha…  相似文献   

Facialspasmorblepharospasmisanintractable disease,characterizedbyparoxysmal,irregular,in voluntaryconvulsionoffacialmusclesononeside,whichusuallystartsfromtheeyeorbicularmuscleof thelowereyelidandgraduallyextendsdownwardto thelowermusclesoftheface.Forseverepatients,vi olentmuscularspasmappearsinthewholeface.However,modernmedicinelackseffectivetherapyfor thisdiseaseatpresent.Theauthorsofthepresentpa peradoptedscalpacupuncturetotreat34casesofthis diseasefromSeptember2003toJuly2004,and achieveda…  相似文献   

WithuniversalapplicationofCT(comput-erizedtomography)technique,diagnosticleve1ofcerebrovasculardiseasesincreasesgreatly.CTtechniquemakesdiagnosisofcerebralinfarctionofthecorticalsystemandthepenetratingbranchsystempossible.Inresentyearsstudieshaveprovedtha…  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effects of acupuncture on blood pressure in patients after stroke.Methods: Sixty patients with stroke and hypertension were randomly divided into treatment group and control group, 30 cases in each group.All the inpatients were given conventional treatment.The treatment group was treated by "Xing Nao Kai Qiao" acupuncture and acupuncture buck points, and the control group was only given "Xing Nao Kai Qiao" acupuncture treatment.Admitted to hospital within 48 h, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring was administered on patients, and the Barthelindex score in daily life skills, NIHSS score evaluation on nerve function defects, and clinical hematology were assessed at admission and at 3-month follow-up.Statistical methods included t test, χ2 test and rank-sum test.Results: 1.Two methods reduced blood pressure, and the antihypertensive efficacy in the treatment group was superior to the control group.2.The lipid metabolism and safety evaluation had no obvious differences between the two groups.3.There was significant difference between the two groups in nerve function defect scale and daily life ability score after 3 months.4.Blood pressure medication decreased in the treatment group as compared to the control group.5.The relapse had no obvious statistical significant difference after 3 months of treatment between the two groups.Conclusion: The patient's blood pressure level can be significantly reduced by "Xing Nao Kai Qiao" acupuncture treatment which is an effective, easy-operated and safety therapy after stroke.  相似文献   

<正> 大量研究资料反复证明,脑内5-羟色胺(5-HT)能神经元系统在针刺镇痛中有着重要作用。激活或加强这个系统的神经传递,针刺镇痛效应得到提高;相反,破坏或减弱这个系统的神经传递,则针刺镇痛效应明显降低。我们以往的动物实验结果表明,胰岛素和氨茶碱在提高脑内5-HT含量的同时,可明显提高大白鼠的针刺镇痛效应。为了验证上述动物实验结果,并探索提高临床针麻效果的可能途径,我们用双盲法观察了胰岛素和氨茶碱对临床针麻效  相似文献   

This paper presents clinical observation on 30 cases with aphagia of pseudobul-bar palsy treated by acupuncture. As a result, 16 cases (53.33%) were cured, 12 (40%) markedlyimproved and 2 (6.67%) ineffective, after one course (7 days). And 27 cases (90%) were curedand 3 (10%) improved markedly within one month.  相似文献   

Due to multiple factors as supernutrition of pregnant women, etc., the hysterotokotomy rate is increasing day by day. In most cases, local anesthesia is adopted, the parturient often complain of pain loudly and even groan incessantly. For relieving parturient‘s pain and ensuring the smooth conduction of hysterotokotomy, the author applied acupuncture combined with local anesthetics in 100 cases of hysterotokotomy from March of 1998 to March of 1999 and achieved a good therapeutic effect. Here is the summary.  相似文献   

Since1992,theauthorshavetreated76cases0frefract0ryhiccupinducedbydifferentcauseswithacupunctureatNeiguan(PC6)andG0ngsun(Sp4)P0ints,withsatisfactorythera-peuticeffects,whicharereP0rtedinthefollow-ing.CLINICALDATAOfthe76cases,5lcasesweremaleand25female.Theyoungestwas26yearsoldandtheoldest7lyears;Theshortestduration0fdiseasewas2daysandthelongest4m0nths.Inthepe-riodofacupuncturetreatment,anyChineseandWesternmedicinesweresuspended.THERAPEUTICMETH0DS1.SelectedPOints:Left-rightcrossi…  相似文献   

<正> 大量的人群普查和实验研究表明,高脂血症是导致动脉粥样硬化性心脑血管病的危险因素之一。世界卫生组织亦认为它是冠心病的易患因素,已将高胆固醇血症列为冠心病的诊断条件之一。动脉粥样硬化性心脑血管病是中、老年人的常见病、多发病,近年来其患病率及死亡率均有逐年增加的趋势。故设法降低高血脂对防治动脉粥样硬化性心脑血管病具有重要意义。目前,国内外均将其作为防治与研究的重点。鉴于对现有降血脂药物的疗效尚有争论,且易产生多种副  相似文献   

Vasculardementiaisageneraltermofdementiasyndromeinducedbyimpairmentofthebraintissuesduetoaseriesofchangesofcerebralvessels.lnChina,vasculardementiaisamainkindofsenlledementia[1].Currently,itisamajorprOjectofresearchinthefieldofgerontology.Inordertoexploreitsregularitiesintreatmentandprevention,wehavebeenadoptingacupunc-tureandmoxlbustlontotreatthisdiseaselnre-centmorethanoneyearandhaveachievedsatis-factoryresults.Hereisthereport.CLINICALMATERIALSAccordingtoCriteriaforDiagnosis,Differ-…  相似文献   

198 cases of cerebral infarction diagnosed clinically.by means of CT scan wereselected, and the therapeutic effects obtained with the methods of opposing and non-opposing needlingwere compared, The primary points included Head-Linqi(GB 15) and Zhengying(GB 17) (penetra-tion needling), Fengchi(GB 20), Neiguan (PC 6), qnd Yinlingquan (SP 9). While the supplemen-tary points were Jiquan (HT 1 ), Xiaohai (SI 8), Huantiao (GB 30), Yinmen (BL 37), Sanyinjiao(SP 6), and Taixi (KI 3). It was found that the radical cure rate in the group treated with opposingneedling was 57%, while that in the group with non-opposipg needling was 34%. The difference oftherapeutic effects between the two groups was of statistical significance (P<0.01 ). It indicates thatopposing needling is superior to non-opposing needling in elevating cure rates and reducing sequelae.  相似文献   

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