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Objective: Rosiglitazone has been used to reduce blood sugar of type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM) patients for years.However, its side effect of weight-gain restricts its application in clinic.The aim of this study was to investigate if acupuncture, an effective approach for weight-loss can reduce the side effect of rosiglitazone.Methods: Male SD adult rats were fed with high-fat highsugar food for one month when insulin resistance occurred, then were given streptozotocin(STZ, 35 mg/kg, intraperitoneal injection).These rats developed T2DM-like disease after XXX days application with STZ.The T2 DM animal models were treated by rosiglitazone for 30 d.Body weight and food intake were examined every 3 days during the medication.The animals were divided to XX group and XXX group.Zusanli and Neiting acupoints were selected in the weight-gain group for electroacupuncturing(2/15 Hz at an intensity level of 2 mA).Results: The results showed that the body weight and food intake of T2 DM rats were much higher than those of the model group, whereas 30-day treatment with rosiglitazone combined with acupuncture reduced body weight and food intake.Conclusion: In conclusion, acupuncture could significantly reduce the side effect induced by rosiglitazone.The mechanisms are under investigated in our ongoing research.  相似文献   

针刺胃俞、足三里抗急性应激性损害的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选用 SD 大鼠57只,观察了大鼠正常胃肠里浆膜电极引导的胃电情况,和经束缚-旋转后应激性胃肠里活动的变化。观察到针刺胃俞、足三里能减轻应激性的胃肠粘膜损害。并伴随着对于抑制性胃肠电反应的明显的去抑制作用。  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effects of Double-reinforcing and One-unblocking acupuncture method on the spatial learning and memory, LTP, and expressions of NMDA receptor 1(NMDAR1) protein and PKCγ mRNA in a rat model of Yang deficiency(aging).Methods: D-galactose injection and hydrocortisone injection were used to induce the aging with Yang-deficiency symptom in rats.Normal rats were injected with same amount of saline.EA rats were treated with Double-reinforcing and One-unblocking acupuncture methods, and EC rats were stimulated with electroacupuncture control therapy.Morris water-maze task was used as the judging standard for spatial learning and memory behavior.Population spike was used to detect the changes of potential amplitude induced by high-frequency stimulation.Synaptic structural parameters were analyzed by electron microscopy and biological image analysis system; NMDAR1 protein and PKCγ mRNA expressions were measured.Results:(1) Compared with model rats, in the EA rats, the escape latency was shorter, the first time of spatial probing of the former platform was shorter, and the number of spanning of the former platform was increased(P0.05).(2) Compared with model rats, record after HFS indicated that the incidence of LTP induction in the EA rats was higher(P0.01).(3) Compared with model rats, synaptic structural parameters were improved in EA rats(P0.01).(4) PKCγ mRNA expression of the EA group was increased(P0.01).(5) NMDAR1 protein expression of EA group was increased(P0.05).Conclusion: Effects of Double-reinforcing and One-unblocking acupuncture method can improve the spatial learning ability, memory and the hippocampal synaptic structural parameters ofrats.The treatment can increase the expressions of NMDAR1 protein and PKCγ mRNA in Yang-deficiency(aging) model rats.  相似文献   

<正> 近年来的研究资料表明,中脑中央灰质是电刺激脑和吗啡、内啡肽脑内微量注射产生镇痛作用最有效的部位之一。中央灰质内阿片受体含量极为丰富。内啡肽含量很高,这些研究提示中央灰质可能在痛觉信息的整合中起重要的作用。我们前一工作曾表明,损毁大白鼠的一侧或两侧中脑中央灰质后,针刺镇痛效应明显降低,因而认为中脑中央灰质可能参与针刺镇痛过程,但是关于刺激中央灰质对针刺镇痛效应影响的观察,迄今未见报道。本文在于进一步阐明电刺激中央灰质的镇痛效应及其与针刺镇痛效应的相互关系。  相似文献   

Pain is one of the symptoms frequently encoun-teredin most diseases.As defined by Merskey,thepresident of the Terminology Committee of Interna-tional Pain Association,pain is a kind of unpleasantexperience or feelinginsomatic perception or psychol-ogy,which occurs si multaneously with tissue injury,someti mes,is described as“an injury”but actuallywithout any tissue injuries.In a word,it is a kind ofsubjective unpleasant sensation.According to tradi-tional Chinese medicine(TCM),pain is in…  相似文献   

<正> 以 Freund 氏完全佐剂形成的大鼠实验性关节炎属于Ⅲ型变态反应性疾病,炎症肢体红肿、发热、运动障碍,局部痛阈明显降低,症状持续约一个月左右逐渐消退。我们使用针刺两侧环跳穴可以提高全身痛阈,对炎症局部痛阈的提高尤为显著。但针刺提高痛阈的强度不高,镇痛持续的时间不长,所以还不能满足临床上的要求。鉴于针刺可以增加体内脑啡肽的释放,因此针刺合并使用阿片受体激动剂芬太尼与多巴胺受体拮抗剂氟哌啶可以较大地增强针刺的镇痛效果。因此本实验在此基础上进一步研究针药合并对于炎症局部慢性痛的镇痛作用,为临床治疗寻找较好的途径。方法动物模型,SD 大鼠,体重约150~200克,雌雄各半,分性别、组别饲养,水食自  相似文献   

<正> 针刺对慢性炎症局部的镇痛作用,已为大量的临床和实验观察所证明。我们也以佐剂性关节炎大鼠的炎症性疼痛为模型,证实了针刺对炎症局部具有明显的镇痛效果。针后,实验动物的中枢神经系统组织内的脑啡肽含量明显增加,说明针刺可能是通过提高体内的内源性吗啡样物质(MLS)含量,兴奋相应的受体而发生镇痛作用的。但针刺与某些兴奋吗啡样受体的镇痛药物不同,它可能是一种多元性自我调节的过程,除提高  相似文献   

Withtheproliferationoftheagedpeopleinthepopulationandtheincreasingincidenceofvasculardementia (VD)yearbyyear,VDhasbecomeoneoftheimportantcurrentresearchsubjectsinthemedicalfield .Inrecent yearsmoreandmorereportsabouttheclinicalstudyonacupuncturetreatmen…  相似文献   

<正> 以往曾观察到:针刺人体某些穴位后,病人诉说有热感循着傅统的经络路径走行;提高或降低该穴位局部区域的温度,可以加速或减慢这种感传的速度。同时,针刺穴位周围的皮肤往往变红发热。这些现象提示针刺穴位可引起人体表面温度分布的变化。热象图技术(Thermography)系利用  相似文献   

Introduction: Although acupuncture reduces pain and is important in its effect, the role of coping strategy on acupuncture modulation of pain and sensory thresholds, and the association between acupuncture sensation and these modulatory effects, is currently unknown.Methods: Electroacupuncture(EA) was applied at acupoints ST36 and GB39 in 61 healthy adults.Two coping conditions were experimentally designed to form an active coping strategy group(AC group), who thought they could control EA stimulation intensity, and a passive coping strategy group(PC group), who did not think they had such control.However, the EA intensity was not changed.Quantitative sensory testing was performed before and after EA, and vibration(VDT), mechanical(MDT),warm(WDT), and cold(CDT) detection thresholds, and pressure(PPT), mechanical(MPT), heat(HPT) and cold(CPT) pain thresholds were measured.Autonomic measures, skin conductance response(SCR), were also acquired to quantify physiological response to EA under different coping conditions.Results: The AC group showed greater SCR to EA than the PC.Acupuncture sensation did not differ between the AC and PC groups.Increased pain/sensory threshold and acupuncture sensation were positively correlated in the AC group(VDT change vs.MI: r=0.58; CDT change vs.tingling: r=0.53; CPT change vs.tingling: r=0.55; CPT change vs.dull: r=0.55), and were negatively correlated in the PC group(CDT change vs.intensity: r=-0.52; WDT change vs.fullness: r=-0.57).Additionally, subjects in the AC group demonstrated reduced PPT following EA.Conclusion: Active coping strategy increased pain and sensory detection threshold when acupuncture sensation was high, while passive coping strategy produced an opposite association.Theassociation of descending cortical(psychological coping strategies) and ascending sensory afference(acupuncture sensation) might affect periaqueductal grey to modulate pain and sensory processing.Clinically, our findings suggest that acupuncture analgesia can be maximized by matching physical stimulation intensity with the psychological coping strategy inherent to different naturalistic subject-specific acupuncture contexts.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the authors analyze the academic theses of acupuncture for treatment of leucopenia induced by chemo- or radio-therapy. A total of 14 theses are retrieved and all written in Chinese. Quantitative meta-analysis is done for 4 studies of dichotomous data and 5 studies of continuous data. Both of them have positive resuits. Majority of these trials have methodological and/or reporting shortcomings. Overall, the existing evidence supports the value of acupuncture for the treatment of leucopenia induced by chemo- or radio-therapy. However, the evidance is still not fully convincing. There is an urgent need for well planned, large-scale and multiple-center studies to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of acupuncture under real-life conditions.  相似文献   

<正> 前文曾经报告,给大鼠反复多次电针,针刺镇痛的效果便会逐渐减弱,甚至完全消失。即产生针刺耐受。针刺耐受的动物,吗啡的镇痛作用也明显降低,说明针刺耐受与吗啡镇痛之间存在着交叉耐受的现象。本工作进一步研究了针刺耐受的恢复过程,以及它与吗啡镇痛之间的相互关系。  相似文献   

Objective To probe into the protective mechanism of electro-acupuncture (EA) on anti-oxygen stress in dementia-model rats. Methods A total of 30 male SD rats of cleaning grade were randomized into three groups, named sham-operation (n = 10), model (n = 10), model+ EA (n = 10). The dementia-model rat was made with hippocampal GA1 lesions by quinolinic acid (QA). On the second day of modeling, in model+ EA group, EA (3 Hz, 2-4 mA, continuous waves) was applied to "Dàzhuī" (大椎 GV 14) and "Shènshū" (肾俞 BL 23) for 10 min. The capability of learning and memory was evaluated by step-down test to observe the changes of nitric oxide (NO), nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and malondialdehyde (MDA) of the hippocampal tissues in rats separately by biochemical methods. Results EA improved learning and memory of dementia rats with hippocampal CA1 lesions induced by QA at different degrees. It significantly increased SOD activity, reduced MDA content and improved NO level and NOS activity. Conclusion EA improves significantly the learning and memory of the dementia rats due to hippocampal CA1 lesions induced by QA, which is probably relevant with the anti-oxygen stress of EA.  相似文献   

针刺加压反应及其生理特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 我们曾在休克动物上证明针刺人中具有抗休克效应,并认为这种效应与改善内脏器官血流量及心脏功能有关。国内先后报道刺激“人中”等灾可引起明显的加压反应,但对针刺加压反应的生理特性与本质尚缺乏系统研究。本工作对针刺加压反应进行系统的观察与研究,以期阐明其生理特性与本质。方法实验在104只猫与16只家兔上进行,雌雄不拘。猫在乙醚麻醉下手术,手术后立即停止麻醉,家兔则在局麻下进行手术。随后从静脉注射三碘季胺酚(4~6毫克/公  相似文献   

<正> 寻找一个较为理想的针刺镇痛模型是深入研究针刺镇痛原理的重要前提,为此我们对钾离子透入甩尾测痛法及其在针刺镇痛模型上的应用作了一些探索.实验方法【测痛电极的制作】取两条胶布(1×3.5厘米),剪一窄而长锡薄纸(宽约0.4厘米)固定在胶布上,胶布两端露出锡纸约0.5厘米,以备与导线上的夹子相连接。然后把分别浸泡有饱和氯化钾溶液及生理盐水的棉花条放在锡纸中间,此电极即可备用。实验前用酒精棉球擦净鼠尾,  相似文献   

In the present study,6-hydroxydopamine(6-OHDA),a peripheral adrenergicdepleting agent,was used to investigate the role of sympathetic activity in nociception and pain modu-lation,which was reported with some contradictory.Acute arthritis were induced by an injection ofFruend's adjuvant in thirty-two rats.They were divided into three groups.Natural recovery fromarthritis(redness,swelling,on-going pain and hyperalgesia)was delayed by pretreatment with an in-jection of 6-OHDA,and acupuncture at Huantiao and Shensu points could accelerate its recovery.It issuggested that sympathetic regulatory system might play an important role in natural normalizationaction and in the acupuncture-induced regulation effects.  相似文献   

针刺对大鼠胃粘膜损伤的保护作用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
<正> 临床和动物实验资料表明,针刺对胃溃疡有一定的治疗效果。但是针刺能否有预防胃溃疡发生的作用呢?目前尚未见报道。本实验以大鼠应激性胃溃疡和由外源性消炎痛引起胃粘膜损伤的模型,观察针刺对大鼠胃粘膜损伤的保护作用,并初步探讨其可能的机理。  相似文献   

Acupuncturehasbeenappliedinanesthesiaforover40years,especiallyinanalgesia.Therearemanyreportsof itonsingleanesthesiaorcompoundmedicinalanesthesia.Forinstance,Qin,etal.[1]summarize174relevant paperspublishedon23kindsofmagazinesinrecent10years.Inrecentsever…  相似文献   

Theauthorsofthepresentpapertreated 50casesofmigrainebyscalpacupuncturepluselec tro combstimulationfrom 1 995to 1 999andachievedsatisfactorytherapeuticeffects.Itisre portedasfollows.1 CLINICALDATAEightyoutpatientswererandomlydividedintoscalpacupuncturepluselect…  相似文献   

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