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Objective: To appraise the effects of Triple burner acupuncture method in delaying the cerebral consenescence by selecting the best parameters of interval, and to screen the gender differences of the acupuncture effects on plasticity of hippocampal CA1 neurons in senescence-accelerated mouse P10(SAMP10).Methods: We selected SAMP10 as a model of the animal with cerebral consenescence to observe and analyze the effects of four different types of acupuncture modes on number and shape of neurons in the hippocampus.Results: Acupuncture group was superior to P10 group in terms of the function and shape of neurons, which tended to be as normal as SAMR1.The total average area presented differences in volume points photometry and the neuron growth rate in the acupuncture group between males and females(P0.05).Conclusion: The acupuncture therapy of Triple burner is able to decrease or delay the loss of neurons, reduce the fatality and improve the plasticity of neurons.Acupuncture intervention effect has the gender differences.  相似文献   

62 patients with traumatic paraplegia were treated with acupuncture(GovernorVessel electro-stimulation),according to the theories of TCM such as dredging the meridians,regu-lating vital energy and blood,improving blood circulation,reinforcing marrow and replenishing brain.The effect of acupuncture on urinary bladder disturbance was studied.The results indicated that totaleffect rate was 96.8%(Ⅰ—Ⅲ),marked effect rate was 66.1%(Ⅰ—Ⅱ).The marked effect rate incomplete paraplegia was significantly different from that in imcomplete paraplegia;it was 63.0% and87.5% respectively.Furthermore,the results suggested that the degree of spinal cord injury was veryimprotant factor that affected the effect of acupuncture therapy.  相似文献   

Acupunctureforthetreatmentofapoplexyanditssequelaeisoneoftheidealmethodsforithastheadvantagesofcertaineffect,varioustreatmentmethods,convenientmanipulationsandnosideeffect.Theessaypresentsacom-mentaryonvariousfactorsinfluencingtheeffectofthetreatmentofapo…  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis is commonly and frequently en- countered among the mid-aged and the elderly, in particular ,knee osteoarthritisis the commonest clini- cally. Being highest in the incidence , knee os- teoarthritisis manifested clinically by kneejoint pain, functional disturbance ,and deformity of knee in se- vere cases .In dealing with this disease acupuncture may exert certain effects ,but its therapeutic effect is someti mes not so satisfactory. The authors had ob- served Ba-He technique of a…  相似文献   

Writing spasm, one aspect of the limbspasm in motor neurosis, is the involuntarycontraction of muscles resulted from distur-bance of the cerebrum. Occurring mainly inpupils and intellectuals, this disease is charac-terized by various degree of involuntary trem-bling of hand and arm when writing or draw-ing without obvious abnormality in the move-ment of wrist and shoulder. In TCM, the ill-ness is named "spasm when writing" or" over-work of wrist and is thought to be caused bymalnutrition of meridians and tendons due tostagnation of liver Qi when the patient suffersemotional stress. We have gained a little ex-perience in the treatment of the illness  相似文献   

Research in acupuncture mechanisms covers a very broad field. In abrief period of 15 minutes I will only mention 5 aspects: (1) A general sketch on the mechanisms of acupuncture analgesia, (2) Different ways of needle manipulation produce different therapeuticeffects,  相似文献   

The 15 cases of pseudo-bulbar paralysis were treated by acupuncture with satisfactorytherapeutic effects.  相似文献   

Among 103 patients suffering from gastrokinetic distrubance treated with acupuncture,66 were markedly effective and 32 were improved, the total effective rate was 95.15% . No noticeabledifference was found in comparison with the control group administered with Tabella Domperidoni (P>0. 05). After the treatment, the patients' integral value of symptoms was remarkably decreased (P<0. 01 ), and gastrokinesographic recording was evidently improved. The therapeutical effect ofacupuncture was superior or similar to that of the control group.  相似文献   

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a unique and fairly comprehensivetheoretical system, which has been evolved through constant practice and continual summarization over the past several thousand years,and which hasbeen used to guide the clinical practice of all medical branches includingacupuncture and moxibustion and because of the satisfactory curative effectshave been achieved.  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effect of acupuncture on cerebral glucose metabolism in stroke patients. Methods:Changes of cerebral glucose metabolism before and after acupuncture stimulation were observed in six cases of stroke patients by using positron emission tomography (PET) scanner. Electroacupuncture (EA, 4 Hz, continuous waves and duration of 20 min) was applied to Baihui (百会 GV 20) and right Qubin (曲鬓 GB 7). 18 Fluorine deoxyglucose (18FDG), a developer (radioactive form of glucose) for showing the levels of the brain functional activity was given to the patients intravenously. SPM software was used to deal with the data of each pixel point by unilateral t-test (Ts: P=0.05), then, the regions showing increase/decrease of the glucose metabolism were obtained. Results: After acupuncture stimulation, significant increase of glucose metabolism was found to be in the first somatic motor cortical region (MI), supplementary motor area (SMA), premotor area (PMC), and the superior parietal Iobule (LPs) on the healthy side of the brain; while the decrease of glucose metabolism found in MI, PMC and LPs on the focus side. In addition to the cerebral regions related to the motor function, changes of glucose metabolism were also found in the parietal Iobule and basal ganglion area, central parietal gyms, superior parietal gyrus, putamen, cerebellum, etc.. Conclusion:Acupuncture of Qubin (GB 7) and Baihui (GV 20) can activate motor-related cerebral structures in the bilateral cerebral hemisphere and induce excitement reaction of the potentially correlative motor area so as to compensate or assist the injured motor area to play a role in improving motor function in stroke patients.  相似文献   

Hemiplegiaisacommoncomplicationofcraniocerebraloperationinclinic.Acupuncturetherapycaneffectivelyraisethemyodynamiaoftheparalyzedlimbandaccelerateitsfunctionalrecovery[1 - 4 ] .FromJanuaryof 2 0 0 2toDecem berof 2 0 0 3 ,theauthorsofthepresentpapertreated 2 0casesofpostoperativehemiplegiapa tientswithacupuncturetherapyandachievedsatisfiedresults.Itisreportedasfollows.1 CLINICALDATAFortyhemiplegiapatientsundergoingcran iocerebraloperationwererandomlyandevenlydividedintocontrolgroupandtre…  相似文献   

In recent years,more and more middleaged men suffering from hyperplasia of prostatego to clinic for treating dysuria and acuteuroschesis.Thirty-two cases of such patientshave been treated with the method of tonifyingthe kidney and regulating the fluid passage inour department and satisfactory therapeutic effeets have been obtained.It is summarized asfollows:  相似文献   

World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS), established in China in 1987, is the first non-governmental internationalacademic union with its headquarters in Beijing,and also the international non-governmental organization admitted into official relations with World Health Organization (WHO). WFAS asworldwide acupuncture organization has played an active role in the development of world traditional medicine since the birth.  相似文献   

Forty-two cases of cervical spondylopathy were divided into acupuncture andmassage groups. The therapeutic effects were observed comparatively, and the changes of nail-foldmicrocirculation of patients before and after treatment were observed at the same time. The resultsshowed that the effective rates of two groups were all 100%, no difference between them. The nailfold microcirculation of two groups was markedly ameliorated after treatment, and no significant dif-ference between them either.  相似文献   

It has been extensively proved that electro-acupuncture elicit analgesia in bothextensive areas and local region via supraspinal structures and spinal cord.The present investigationwas to study the role of P_1-purinergic receptors in the spinal mechanisms of weak electroacupuncture-induced analgesia.Leg withdrawal latency(LWL)to noxious radiant heat focused on the ankle regionwas used to assess the effects of acupuncture and that of P_1-purinergic(adenosine)receptor antago-nists,theophylline and caffeine on the electro-acupuncture(EA)analgesia.EA prolonged the LWLby 16.7%±20.3%,with an after-effect lasting about 15 min.Both theophylline and caffeineblocked the EA-induced prolongation of LWL in a dose-dependent manner at the doses of 1.6-16 mg/kg.These results suggest that P_1-purinegic receptor is involved in the spinal mechanisms of weak EAproduced analgesia in the rat.  相似文献   

The article gives Professor Wei's experience of using theory of mutual reinforce-ing therapies in acupuncture and moxibustion on treating asthma. There are different 8 kinds of thera-pies such as acupuncture, plum-blossom needles, embedding of catgut in point, cupping on Ashipoint, external application on points, suppurative moxibustion, injection in points, etc. All of thesemethods have both advantages and backdraws. Prof. Wei tells us how to make full use of them, sothat we are able to improve the curative effect to its possible extend. This theory is important not onlyin acupuncture and moxibustion but also in guiding our practice in other fields of T. C. M.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the development of Acupuncture Science in Canada,Chinese medicine and acupuncture were probably introduced to Canada in the 1ate 1800's by theearly Chinese immigrants.The Acupuncture Association of Quebec(A.A.Q.)in Montreal wasthe earliest credible organization.Dr.Oscar Wexu,the founder of AAQ.was also the Vice-Presi-dent of the.International Acupuncture Society in France. Under his leadership the AAQ madesignificant contributions to the development of acupuncture medicine jn Canada.In the provinceof 0ntario.an Acupuncture Anti-pain Clinic and an Acupuncture Research Center were estab-lished under government by Dr.W.E.Spoerel(late Chairman of the Department of Anaesthesiaat the University Hospital,under the auspices of the University of Western Ontario)who colla-borated with Dr.Cedric K.T.Cheung,the future President of the Chinese Medicine and Acup-uncture Association of Canada.Due to pressures from the Western medical establishment the go-vernment withdrew its fund and as a result this valuable work had to be abandoned.This eventproved to be a great hindrance for the development of Chinese medicine and acupuncture.As aresult.the College of Physicians and Surgeons(C.P.S.O.)and the Acupuncture Foundation ofCanada (A.F.C.)had represented the authority to control the practice of Chinese medicine andacupuncture:qualified practitioners were greatly restricted and prevented from using the title of“doctor”instead of“technicians”.A historicaI turning point occured in 1980-1981 in Ottawa,Canada.The result of a court ruling indicated that Acupuncture was not a part of Western medi-cine and that anyone who hold a legitimate doctorate could use the title of doctor.On August 2 5,1983.the Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association was founded by Dr.Cedric K.T.Cheung.Tiffs historic event marked the establishment of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture in Canada.CMAAC became a Member Society of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Socie-ties(WFAS)in 1987 and the Professional Acupuncturists Association of Ontario(P.A.A.O.)be、came affiliated to CMAAC in the same year.In 1989,the Education Division of the Institute ofChinese Medicine and Acupuncture was established under the auspices of CMAAC.Seven Chap-ters of CMAAC have been established in seven provinces along with appropriate support groupsfrom the general public.A tribute was paid to the late Dr.W.E.Spoerel for his contributions tothe development of Chinese medicine and acupuncture in Canada.  相似文献   

Objective: To explore the relationship between the needle-retaining time and the therapeutic effect of acupuncture in the treatment of ischemic stroke patients. Methods: Based on the level of the severity of the patient's disease and the duration of acupuncture needle-retaining, 245 ischemic stroke inpatients were divided into 20 min, 40 min and 60 min groups according to the stratified random method. Acupoints used were Jianyu (肩髃 LI 15), Quchi (曲池 LI 11), Waiguan (外关 TE 5), Hegu (合谷 LI 4), etc. and stimulated electrically (2 Hz, sparse waves, an endurable strength) for 20 min, 40 min and 60 min respectively by using an electroacupuncture therapeutic apparatus. The treatment was given once daily, with 10 sessions being a therapeutic course. The severity of clinical neurological deficit was scored before and after the treatment. Results: The results showed that acupuncture could improve the neurological deficit severity of ischemic stroke patients. The therapeutic effect of acupuncture in improving myodynamia of the upper limbs and hands, and the total score of 60 min group was the best, followed by 40 min group and 20 min group respectively, indicating that longer duration of acupuncture needle retention has a better therapeutic effect in the treatment of stroke. Conclusion: There is a positive relationship between the needle-retaining time and the curative effect in improving ischemic stroke patients' clinical symptoms and signs by acupuncture.  相似文献   

Inacupuncturetreatment,occasionalacci dentsmaybeencountered ,suchaspneumotho rax ,which ,resultingfromimproperneedling ,isrelativelyacommonaccidentamongtheacupunctureaccidents.Inordertoensurethesafetyofacupuncture ,tominimizeoravoidtheoccurrenceofpneumothor…  相似文献   

In order to raise the excellent rate in repair of hernia under acupunctureanesthesia(AA),we observed the correlation between the differentiation of syndromes andthe effect of AA.70 cases as AA group were differencially divided into Yang—deficiency(48 eases)and Yin—deficiency(22 eases),while 30 cases of peridural anesthesia were asthe control group.As a result,the excellent rate of Yangdeficiency type(75%)was betterthan that of Yindificiency type(45.40%)(P<0.05)though the successful rates in the twogroups were no significant difference(P>0.05).Moreover,compared with drug anesthesia(DA),AA was ideal owing to the stability of Blood pressure,the use of adjuvants in asmall dose and the rapid postoperative restortation.  相似文献   

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