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Three muscles from the proximal equine forelimb were dissected in order to investigate their potential to contribute to proximal limb mechanics. Muscle mass, fibre length, tendon mass and tendon length were measured from biceps brachii, triceps brachii, supraspinatus and lacertus fibrosus (biceps lateral head mass 171-343.4 g and fibre length 0.5-0.8 cm; biceps medial head mass 283-500 g and fibre length 2.2-4 cm; biceps tendon mass 121.8-260 g and tendon length 35-44 cm; triceps long head mass 3200-6663 g and fibre length 19-26.3 cm; triceps lateral head mass 513.8-1240 g and fibre length 17.5-24 cm; triceps medial head mass 85.2-270.6 g and fibre length 9-16.8 cm; supraspinatus mass 793-1546 g and fibre length 4.7-12.4 cm; lacertus fibrosus mass 4.6-12.4 g and length 10-16 cm). Physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) and maximum isometric force were estimated for each muscle, and moment arm measurements were taken at the shoulder and elbow joints. Biceps has a greater isometric force-generating capacity than supraspinatus. It also appears to have a larger shoulder moment arm, so could therefore have the potential to make a greater contribution to the shoulder moment than supraspinatus. Supraspinatus is likely to function primarily as a shoulder stabilizer rather than a shoulder extensor. Biceps also functions as an elbow flexor and data here indicate that it has a greater PCSA and isometric force-generating capacity than its antagonist triceps brachii. Calculation of tendon forces showed that the biceps tendon can withstand much greater forces than lacertus fibrosus. This study will enable further investigation into the interaction between energy recycling in elastic tissues and the generation and absorption of mechanical work by adjacent muscle groups in the equine forelimb.  相似文献   

Tetrapod musculoskeletal diversity is usually studied separately in feeding and locomotor systems. However, direct comparisons between these systems promise important insight into how natural selection deploys the same basic musculoskeletal toolkit—connective tissues, bones, nerves, and skeletal muscle—to meet the differing performance criteria of feeding and locomotion. Recent studies using this approach have proposed that the feeding system is optimized for precise application of high forces and the locomotor system is optimized for wide and rapid joint excursions for minimal energetic expenditure. If this hypothesis is correct, then it stands to reason that other anatomical and biomechanical variables within the feeding and locomotor systems should reflect these diverging functions. To test this hypothesis, we compared muscle moment arm lengths, mechanical advantages, and force vector orientations of two jaw elevator muscles (m. temporalis and m. superficial masseter), an elbow flexor (m. brachialis) and extensor (m. triceps- lateral head), and a knee flexor (m. biceps femoris-short head) and extensor (m. vastus lateralis) across 18 species of primates. Our results show that muscles of the feeding system are more orthogonally oriented relative to the resistance arm (mandible) and operate at relatively large moment arms and mechanical advantages. Moreover, these variables show relatively little change across the range of jaw excursion. In contrast, the representative muscles of the locomotor system have much smaller mechanical advantages and, depending on joint position, smaller muscle moment arm lengths and almost parallel orientations relative to the resistance arm. These patterns are consistent regardless of phylogeny, body mass, locomotor mode, and feeding specialization. We argue that these findings reflect fundamental functional dichotomies between tetrapod locomotor and feeding systems. By organizing muscles in a manner such that moment arms and mechanical advantage are relatively small, the locomotor system can produce broad joint excursions and high angular velocities with only small muscular contraction. As such, the anatomical organization of muscles within the limbs allows striding animals to move relatively rapidly and with minimal energetic expenditure. In contrast, the anatomical configuration of muscles in the feeding system, at least m. superficial masseter and m. temporalis, favors their force-producing capacity at the expense of excursion and velocity.  相似文献   

Summary In anesthetized cats single motor units (MUs) of the extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) and extensor digitorum communis (EDC) muscles were selectively activated by stimulation of cervical ventral root filaments. The distribution of force developed by single MUs at the four distal tendons of the EDC muscle and at three portions of the distal tendon of the ECU muscle was analysed. In general, single MUs of both muscles distributed force over all tendons in a unimodal pattern, with the maximal force levels generated at one specific tendon which was termed the best-tendon. Distributions of force were quantitatively described by a parameter representing the mean direction of force output (output-index) and a further one representing the dispersion of force over the distal tendons (divergence). Generally, these parameters and the best-tendon remained stable when a MU was stimulated at different frequencies, but varied from MU to MU. Despite the general stability of the force distribution, slight systematic changes were regularly found in EDC MUs, when they developed a higher amount of force due to a higher frequency of stimulation: the relative amount of force at the best-tendon increased; e.g. the MUs got more selective for the best-tendon. These changes were partly due to overcoming mechanical cross-coupling between neighbouring compartments of the EDC muscle. Such changes of force distribution were only found in a part of the ECU MUs; other ECU MUs did not change their force distribution at all or became less selective for the best-tendon. The phenomenon that MUs of multi-tendoned muscles distribute their force output to the distal tendons in specific patterns is probably due to mechanical partitioning of the parent muscles: the localization of spatial territories of MUs within different anatomical muscle compartments should correspond to the best-tendon. Complex mechanisms allowing passive transmission of force from limited territories along the transverse axis of both muscles must be assumed in order to explain why most MUs act on all tendons and why force distributions change with increasing stimulus frequency. In addition, specific relations between unit type and force distributions were found within both muscles. Fatigue-resistant EDC MUs have broader force distributions than fatigue-sensitive EDC MUs and slow ECU MUs were found to act predominantly on the most ulnar part of the distal tendon. These biomechanical properties of MUs are discussed as supporting the specific functions of the respective muscles.  相似文献   

We characterized the architecture, fiber type, titin isoform distribution, and collagen content of 27 portions of 22 muscles in the murine forelimb. The mouse forelimb was different from the human arm in that it had the extensor digitorum lateralis muscle and no brachioradialis muscle. Architecturally, the mouse forelimb differed from humans with regard to load bearing, having a much larger contribution from extensors than flexors. In mice, the extensor : flexor PCSA ratio is 2.7, whereas in humans it is only 1.4. When the architectural difference index was calculated, similarities became especially apparent between flexors and extensors of the distal forelimb, as well as pronators. Discriminant analysis revealed that biochemical measures of collagen, titin, and myosin heavy chain were all strong between‐species discriminators. In terms of composition, when compared with similar muscles in humans, mice had, on average, faster muscles with higher collagen content and larger titin isoforms. This report establishes the anatomical and biochemical properties of mouse forelimb muscles. Given the prevalence of this species in biological studies, these data will be invaluable for studying the biological basis of mouse muscle structure and function.  相似文献   

Muscle moment arms of pelvic limb muscles of the ostrich (Struthio camelus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Muscle moment arms were measured for major muscles of the pelvic limb of the ostrich (Struthio camelus) in order to assess specific functional behaviour and to apply this to locomotor performance. Pelvic limbs of six juvenile ostriches were used for this study. The tendon travel technique was used to measure moment arms of 21 muscles at the hip, knee, ankle and metatarsophalangeal joints throughout the ranges of motion observed during level running. Six of the 21 muscles measured were found to have moment arms that did not change with joint angle, whilst the remainder all demonstrated angle-dependent changes for at least one of the joints crossed. Moment arm lengths tended to be longest for the large proximal muscles, whilst the largest relative changes were found for the moment arms of the distal muscles. For muscles where moment arm varied with joint angle: all hip muscles were found to have increasing moment arms with extension of the joint, knee flexors were found to have moment arms that increased with extension, knee extensor moment arms were found to increase with flexion and ankle extensor moment arms increased with extension. The greatest relative changes were observed in the flexors of the metatarsophalangeal joint, for which a three-fold increase in moment arm was observed from flexion to full extension. Changes in muscle moment arm through the range of motion studied appear to optimize muscle function during stance phase, increasing the effective mechanical advantage of these muscles.  相似文献   

Selective breeding for performance has resulted in distinct breeds of horse, such as the Quarter Horse (bred for acceleration) and the Arab (bred for endurance). Rapid acceleration, seen during Quarter Horse racing, requires fast powerful muscular contraction and the generation of large joint torques, particularly by the hind limb muscles. This study compared hind limb moment arm lengths in the Quarter Horse and Arab. We hypothesized that Quarter Horse hind limb extensor muscles would have longer moment arms when compared to the Arab, conferring a greater potential for torque generation at the hip, stifle and tarsus during limb extension. Six Quarter Horse and six Arab hind limbs were dissected to determine muscle moment arm lengths for the following muscles: gluteus medius, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, vastus lateralis, gastrocnemius (medialis and lateralis) and tibialis cranialis. The moment arms of biceps femoris (acting at the hip) and gastrocnemius lateralis (acting at the stifle) were significantly longer in the Quarter Horse, although the length of the remaining muscle moment arms were similar in both breeds of horse. All the Quarter Horse muscles were capable of generating greater muscle moments owing to their greater physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) and therefore greater isometric force potential, which suggests that PCSA is a better determinant of muscle torque than moment arm length in these two breeds of horse. With the exception of gastrocnemius and tibialis cranialis, the observed muscle fascicle length to moment arm ratio (MFL : MA ratio) was greater for the Arab horse muscles. It appears that the Arab muscles have the potential to operate at slower velocities of contraction and hence generate greater force outputs when compared to the Quarter Horse muscles working over a similar range of joint motion; this would indicate that Arab hind limb muscles are optimized to function at maximum economy rather than maximum power output.  相似文献   

Summary Monkeys with chronic unilateral lesions of the pyramidal tract were investigated with respect to motor cortical effects on distal forelimb muscles. The forelimb area of the pre-central gyrus was stimulated with long single pulses or with repetitive pulses at 50/sec on both sides, one cortex having an intact pyramidal projection (control) and the other cortex having a lesion in its pyramidal projection varying from 30–100%. Repetitive stimulation at 50/sec of the intact cortex elicited, after a summation period of variable length, synchronized discharges following each stimulus pulse. Long single pulses (3 msec, 1/sec) were likewise effective to activate the distal forelimb muscles. Stimulation of the motor cortex with a lesion in its pyramidal projection was no longer effective to elicit discharges in the distal muscles when single pulses of up to 6 mA were used, even in the animal with a 30% lesion. With repetitive stimuli (1 msec, 50/sec) some activity was evoked in all animals including the monkey with a 100% lesion. The pattern of activation tended to be diffuse, i.e. not time-locked to the individual stimulus pulses. In the animals with smaller lesions the mean latency of discharges following the repetitive stimuli was increased as compared with the control side. The motor cortical effects in a 10 month old monkey were the same as in the adult monkey with intact pyramidal projection. The results of motor cortex stimulation in a 7 week old monkey were, however, similar to those obtained in adult monkeys with pyramidal lesions.  相似文献   

The body masses of cats (Mammalia, Carnivora, Felidae) span a ~300‐fold range from the smallest to largest species. Despite this range, felid musculoskeletal anatomy remains remarkably conservative, including the maintenance of a crouched limb posture at unusually large sizes. The forelimbs in felids are important for body support and other aspects of locomotion, as well as climbing and prey capture, with the assistance of the vertebral (and hindlimb) muscles. Here, we examine the scaling of the anterior postcranial musculature across felids to assess scaling patterns between different species spanning the range of felid body sizes. The muscle architecture (lengths and masses of the muscle‐tendon unit components) for the forelimb, cervical and thoracic muscles was quantified to analyse how the muscles scale with body mass. Our results demonstrate that physiological cross‐sectional areas of the forelimb muscles scale positively with increasing body mass (i.e. becoming relatively larger). Many significantly allometric variables pertain to shoulder support, whereas the rest of the limb muscles become relatively weaker in larger felid species. However, when phylogenetic relationships were corrected for, most of these significant relationships disappeared, leaving no significantly allometric muscle metrics. The majority of cervical and thoracic muscle metrics are not significantly allometric, despite there being many allometric skeletal elements in these regions. When forelimb muscle data were considered in isolation or in combination with those of the vertebral muscles in principal components analyses and MANOVAs, there was no significant discrimination among species by either size or locomotory mode. Our results support the inference that larger felid species have relatively weaker anterior postcranial musculature compared with smaller species, due to an absence of significant positive allometry of forelimb or vertebral muscle architecture. This difference in strength is consistent with behavioural changes in larger felids, such as a reduction of maximal speed and other aspects of locomotor abilities.  相似文献   

Summary The contractile properties of motor units (MUs) in two multi-tendoned forelimb muscles were investigated. In anesthetized cats single MUs of the extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) and extensor digitorum communis (EDC) muscles were selectively activated by stimulation of cervical ventral root filaments. MUs were characterized by various tests including single twitches, series of tetanic contractions providing a tension-frequency relation and a fatigue test. They were classified by the parameters contraction time (CT, time-to-peak within unpotentiated single twitches) and fatigue-index (RB, according to Burke). The ECU muscle is composed of 38% type FR MUs (fast, fatigue-sensitive; CT<38 ms; RB<0.5), 35% type FR MUs (CT<38 ms, RB>0.5) and 27% type S MUs (slow; CT>38 ms, RB>0.5). 46% of the EDC MUs were classified as FF (RB0.25), 29% as FI (fast, intermediately fatiguable; 0.25<RB<0.75) and 25% as FR/S (fatigue-resistant, fast or slow; RB>-0.75). The latter group was devised since most MUs appeared as fast and the unequivocal presence of slow MUs could neither be demonstrated nor excluded. Normalized tension-frequency relations of fast ECU and EDC MUs were nearly identical and similar to those reported for fast MUs of other muscles. In contrast to this, the tension-frequency relation of slow ECU MUs has a different shape supporting the use of this function to distinguish fast from slow MUs. The distribution of different types of MUs is discussed with regard to the structure and function of the parent muscles and in relation to hindlimb muscles of comparable architecture. As revealed by comparison to EMG data gained in behaving animals (Fritz et al. 1985; Hoffmann et al. 1986, Botterman et al. 1985), the three muscles of the cat distal forelimb investigated so far seem to be adapted to different tasks: the EDC to rapid movements with a high proportion of type FF MUs, flexor carpi radialis to sustained contractions during the body support with a high proportion of fatigue-resistant MUs; the ECU which changes synergism between both muscles has an intermediate composition.  相似文献   

目的比较分析全膝关节置换患者术前、术后步态周期站立相下肢肌肉激活规律和膝关节受力。方法基于Open Sim平台建立1名健康受试者和3名单侧全膝关节置换(total knee arthroplasty,TKA)患者术前、术后下肢肌骨模型。使用三维动作捕捉系统和测力台采集受试者步行期间下肢运动学数据和地面反作用力作为输入参数,模拟计算下肢肌肉激活和膝关节受力。结果肌骨模型计算结果与基于三维动作捕捉系统的逆动力学计算结果基本一致。不同于健康受试者,患者股直肌在承重反应期、支撑相中期激活,3名患者术后股四头肌的激活时间与激活程度较术前明显不同。患者TKA术前关节受力峰值为3. 15、2. 95、3. 43倍身体质量(body weight,BW),支撑相中期维持2倍BW以上载荷。TKA术后关节受力峰值分别2. 09、2. 48和3. 73倍BW。结论所建肌骨模型计算结果具有一定的可靠性,该模型今后可为TKA治疗提供生物力学的辅助手段。  相似文献   

Musculoskeletal modelling has become a valuable tool with which to understand how neural, muscular, skeletal and other tissues are integrated to produce movement. Most musculoskeletal modelling work has to date focused on humans or their close relatives, with few examples of quadrupedal animal limb models. A musculoskeletal model of the mouse hindlimb could have broad utility for questions in medicine, genetics, locomotion and neuroscience. This is due to this species’ position as a premier model of human disease, having an array of genetic tools for manipulation of the animal in vivo, and being a small quadruped, a category for which few models exist. Here, the methods used to develop the first three‐dimensional (3D) model of a mouse hindlimb and pelvis are described. The model, which represents bones, joints and 39 musculotendon units, was created through a combination of previously gathered muscle architecture data from microdissections, contrast‐enhanced micro‐computed tomography (CT) scanning and digital segmentation. The model allowed muscle moment arms as well as muscle forces to be estimated for each musculotendon unit throughout a range of joint rotations. Moment arm analysis supported the reliability of musculotendon unit placement within the model, and comparison to a previously published rat hindlimb model further supported the model's reliability. A sensitivity analysis performed on both the force‐generating parameters and muscle's attachment points of the model indicated that the maximal isometric muscle moment is generally most sensitive to changes in either tendon slack length or the coordinates of insertion, although the degree to which the moment is affected depends on several factors. This model represents the first step in the creation of a fully dynamic 3D computer model of the mouse hindlimb and pelvis that has application to neuromuscular disease, comparative biomechanics and the neuromechanical basis of movement. Capturing the morphology and dynamics of the limb, it enables future dissection of the complex interactions between the nervous and musculoskeletal systems as well as the environment.  相似文献   

It is usual in anatomical and physiological research to assess the effects of some intervention on extremities (e.g., training programmes or injury recovery protocols) using one muscle for the intervention and its contralateral as control. However, the existence of laterality (left‐handedness or right‐handedness) in athletes of different specialities is widely recognized. In rats, gastrocnemius is one of the muscles most widely used because of its importance in locomotion and high relative limb mass. Since we have not found studies reporting laterality assessment on the morphology and function in rat gastrocnemius, our study aimed to evaluate the fibre histochemical, morphometrical and muscle force contractile properties between right and left gastrocnemius of the laboratory rat. Fibre‐type proportion, fibre morphometrical measurements, muscle capillarization and muscle force properties were analysed in the right and left gastrocnemius of six male rats. No statistically significant differences (p = 0.265) were found in gastrocnemius to body weight ratio (‰) between right (6.55 ± 0.40) and left (6.49 ± 0.40) muscles. The muscles analysed showed a great degree of heterogeneity in fibre type distribution, having three clearly distinguished regions named red, mixed and white. In the three regions, there were no statistical differences in fibre type proportions between right and left gastrocnemius, as is indicated by the p‐values (from 0.203 to 0.941) obtained after running t‐Student paired tests for each fibre type. When analysing fibre cross‐sectional area, individual fibre capillarization and fibre circularity, no significant differences between right and left gastrocnemius in any of these morphometrical parameters were found in any muscle region or fibre type. Most of the p‐values (70%) resulting from running t‐Student paired tests were higher than 0.400, and the lowest p‐value was 0.115. Seemingly, global capillary and fibre densities were not statistically different between right and left sides in all muscle regions with p‐values ranging from 0.337 to 0.812. Force parameters normalized to gastrocnemius mass (mN g−1) did not show any significant difference between right (PF = 74.0 ± 13.4, TF = 219.4 ± 13.0) and left (PF = 70.9 ± 10.7, TF = 213.0 ± 18.0) muscles with p = 0.623 (PF) and p = 0.514 (TF). Twitch time parameters (ms) also lacked significant differences between the two sides (CT: 43.4 ± 8.6 vs. 45.0 ± 14.3, p = 0.639; HRT: 77.6 ± 15.0 vs. 82.3 ± 25.3, p = 0.475). Finally, both muscles also showed similar (p = 0.718) fatigue properties. We did find an absence of laterality at the morphological and functional levels, which raises the possibility of using right and left gastrocnemius muscles interchangeably for experimental designs where one muscle is used to analyse data after a physiological intervention and its contralateral muscle plays the control role, thus allowing unbiased paired comparisons to derive accurate conclusions.  相似文献   

Force-length characteristics of the in vivo human gastrocnemius muscle   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In this study, the force-length characteristics of the in vivo medial (GM) and lateral (GL) heads of the human gastrocnemius muscle were estimated from measurements in eight healthy male subjects. This involved: 1) dynamometry-based measurements of the moment generated during maximal isometric plantar flexion; 2) ultrasound-based measurements of fascicular length and pennation angle; and 3) ultrasound-based calculations of moment arm lengths. All measurements were taken over the ankle angle range from 20 degrees of dorsiflexion to 30 degrees of plantar flexion. Tendon forces were calculated by dividing the moments recorded by the muscle moment arm lengths, and fascicular forces were calculated by dividing the tendon forces estimated by the cosine of pennation angle. In the transition from 30 degrees of plantar flexion to 20 degrees of dorsiflexion, the GM muscle fascicular length and force increased linearly from 24 to 39 mm and from 222 to 931 N, respectively. Over the same ankle angle range, the GL muscle fascicular length and force increased linearly from 30 to 47 mm and from 139 to 393 N, respectively. Estimates of the sarcomeric lengths corresponding to the fascicular lengths measured indicated that the two muscles operated in the range 1.4-2.2 microm, below the optimal length region for force generation according to the cross-bridge mechanism of contraction. These results indicate that the force-length relation of the in vivo human gastrocnemius muscle is limited to the ascending limb of the bell-shaped force-length curve obtained from experiments on isolated material.  相似文献   

Eight forelimbs of three orangutans and four chimpanzees were dissected and the muscle mass, fascicle length and physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) of all forelimb muscles were systematically recorded to explore possible interspecies variation in muscle dimensions. Muscle mass and PCSA were divided by the total mass and total PCSA of the entire forelimb muscles for normalization. The results indicate that the mass and PCSA ratios of the monoarticular elbow flexors ( M. brachialis and M. brachioradialis ) are significantly larger in orangutans. In contrast, the mass ratios of the biarticular muscles in the upper arm (the short head of M. biceps brachii and the long head of M. triceps brachii ) are significantly larger in chimpanzees. For the rotator cuff muscles, the force-generating capacity of M. subscapularis is significantly larger in orangutans, whereas the opposite rotator cuff muscle, M. infraspinatus , is larger in chimpanzees. These differences in forelimb muscle dimensions of the two species may reflect functional specialization for their different positional and locomotor behaviors.  相似文献   

目的基于OpenSim软件建立完善的腰部肌骨系统模型,深入了解体前屈状态下腰部肌群的受力情况。方法在软件现有腰部肌骨模型基础上,通过修改椎间约束,将腰椎还原为六自由度模型。同时,根据Thelen模型对肌肉参数进行修改,建立30岁成年人和70岁老年人肌肉模型,并添加椎间刚度矩阵和等效集中力表征的腹压模型。针对体前屈状态,探究手臂摆动、运动快慢、腹压改变、肌肉老化等因素对腰部九大肌群受力的影响。结果建立了包含九大腰部肌群的多刚体肌骨系统模型。基于前屈0°~70°的计算发现,手臂的摆动会明显减少腰大肌和腹外斜肌的受力,在完成前屈70°并恢复直立时,运动时间从5 s减小至2.5 s会明显增加腰大肌、腹外斜肌、腹直肌和竖脊肌的受力;其中,在5 s运动情况下,增加腹压能减少腰大肌的受力,而相应的腹外斜肌、腹内斜肌和腹横肌受力则有所增加。在2.5 s运动情况下对比不同状态下30、70岁两种肌肉模型的计算结果,没有发现明显区别。结论所建模型有效地分析了腰部肌群的受力情况,随着基本理论的更加完善,其在运动力学和康复医疗的应用前景十分广阔。  相似文献   

Bone mineral density is directly proportional to compressive strength, which affords an opportunity to estimate in vivo joint load history from the subchondral cortical plate of articular surfaces in isolated skeletal elements. Subchondral bone experiencing greater compressive loads should be of relatively greater density than subchondral bone experiencing less compressive loading. Distribution of the densest areas, either concentrated or diffuse, also may be influenced by the extent of habitual compressive loading. We evaluated subchondral bone in the distal radius of several primates whose locomotion could be characterized in one of three general ways (quadrupedal, suspensory or bipedal), each exemplifying a different manner of habitual forelimb loading (i.e. compression, tension or non-weight-bearing, respectively). We employed computed tomography osteoabsorptiometry (CT-OAM) to acquire optical densities from which false-colour maps were constructed. The false-colour maps were used to evaluate patterns in subchondral density (i.e. apparent density). Suspensory apes and bipedal humans had both smaller percentage areas and less well-defined concentrations of regions of high apparent density relative to quadrupedal primates. Quadrupedal primates exhibited a positive allometric effect of articular surface size on high-density area, whereas suspensory primates exhibited an isometric effect and bipedal humans exhibited no significant relationship between the two. A significant difference between groups characterized by predominantly compressive forelimb loading regimes vs. tensile or non-weight-bearing regimes indicates that subchondral apparent density in the distal radial articular surface distinguishes modes of habitually supporting of body mass.  相似文献   

手臂组织的简化力传递模型及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探索一种有理论依据的无创定量测量血压的方法,本文从力学原理出发,提出了一个理想化的手臂活组织力传递模型,以便识别动脉壁内外侧压力平衡的特征信息,用动脉壁外侧压力 测量 脉内压力。通过模型在无创测量动脉血压中的初步应用,从理论和实践两方面探讨了该模型的实用价值。  相似文献   

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