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Although it has been postulated that the segmental anatomy of the pectoralis major muscle should allow intact motor function to be preserved at the donor site after a myocutaneous island flap has been transposed, the functional outcome of this selective harvesting technique has not been previously investigated. In this study the degree of innervation of the residual pectoralis major muscle on the chest after traditional (10 patients) and selective (10 patients) pectoralis major myocutaneous flap transposition has been evaluated using postoperative electromyography. According to the data obtained, while an intact innervation of the external segment is maintained utilizing both techniques, it is impossible to preserve functional innervation of the remaining sternocostal strip medial to the donor site during a pectoralis major myocutaneous flap transposition, even after its selective harvesting.  相似文献   

Summary A triangular flap repair for unilateral cleft lip is stated to have the potential problem of creating a lip that is too long. Although preoperative measurements were performed with calipers, the gap created in the medial segment was directly measured during the procedure, in order to determine the size of the flap more precisely. Ninety patients with complete unilateral cleft lips underwent a triangular flap repair using this method. The symmetry of the Cupid's bow was evaluated at a follow-up period averaging between six years and three months. Sixty-two lips obtained symmetry and the remaining 28 cases showed a lip which was too long; none of the lips were too short. The comparison between 27 primary palate clefts (UCLA) and 63 primary and secondary palate clefts (UCLP) showed no significant difference in the surgical result. The preoperative shortness of the lip on the cleft side was significantly greater in the too long group (5.01 ± 0.95 mm) than in the symmetry group (4.40 ± 0.87 mm). The width of the flap used was significantly larger in the too long group (3.76 ± 0.79 mm) than in the symmetry group (3.42 ± 0.69 mm). The triangular flap repair with intraoperative measurements is considered to be beneficial, although preoperative measurements provide an optimal design in most cases. It is suggested that the use of a wider triangular flap results in a lip which tends to be too long in spite of the preoperative shortness on the cleft side.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Als Ursache der symmetrischen Unterschenkelfrakturengibt es direkte Trauma durch Kantensturz, Fahrzeugkollision oder Stoßstangenanprall. Gehäuft treten die zweizeitigen Kombinationsverletzungen Beine, Kopf, Becken auf. Lokal überwiegen die offenen Trümmerbrüche verschiedener Höhe. Gefäß-Nerven-Verletzung ist relativ selten. Therapeutisch erfordert die Mehrfachverletzung individuelle Indikationsstellung nach vitaler Dringlichkeit. Daher Osteosynthese praktisch nur verzögert primär möglich, und dann eventuell mit zwei Operationsgruppen. Vorbeugend sind verbesserte Sicherheitssysteme zur Unfallverhütung zu fordern.  相似文献   

connecting the dots between diverse clinical and other matters and an updated bone physiology reveals relationships that could modify some ideas about the roles and uses of absorptiometry in osteoporosis work. Herein, absorptiometry means that part of clinical densitometry that depends on X-ray absorption by bone and other tissues, thus excluding ultrasound methods and magnetic resonance imaging. The modifications concern, in part, some limitations of bone mineral density data, the kinds of physiological information that absorptiometry can and cannot provide, the relative importance of bone mass and whole-bone strength, how to define and study bone health and osteoporosis, and two kinds of osteoporotic fractures. As those modifications concern important national health care issues, they deserve answers based on hard evidence. Identifying those modifications might help others to evaluate them.  相似文献   

A non-toxic, soluble polymeric preparation MAG with controlled period of gelation was synthetized for the extraction of stones from the pyelocalyceal system during surgery for urolithiasis.With respect to toughness the preparation proved superior to the fibrinogenthrombin mixture, used in the so-called fibrin pyelotomy according to Dees. Its biologic testing in animals (rabbits, dogs and pigs) yielded excellent results.By analogy with fibrin pyelotomy we took the liberty to propose the term polymeric pyelotomy.  相似文献   

Summary A new principle in reconstructive surgery is presented: The immediate reconstruction of a missing bone segment with a primary osteoperiosteal tube that will secondarily be transformed into a complete osseous tube. In 5 out of 7 baboons, a bone tube with an almost normal bone cavity was achieved after 16 to 28 weeks. In 2 cases, we failed to reconstruct the tube because of an intraoperative fault and postoperative plate fracture with subsequent destruction of the vascularized periosteal flap. On the basis of this study, we describe a new concept in reconstruction of segmental bone defects of the lower extremity. The osteoperiosteal tube is formed by the combination of two successful experimental and clinical techniques: the vascularized fibular transfer which is modified by splitting the bone graft longitudinally, and transfer of vascularized periosteum (concept of the substitution of a missing bone segment by an organ-like tube). In the most stressed marginal region of the bone defect, there is vascularized cortical bone from the longitudinally split fibular graft and an increasing amount of lamellar bone being produced under the vascularized periosteal flap. By splitting the graft, nutrition depends entirely on the periosteal blood supply. The concept of the dual blood supply was initially described by Berggren et al. and Papanastasiou et al. [4, 18]. The significance of the concept of the vascularized periosteum transfer for reconstruction of a segmental bone defect is well illustrated. Only in cases where the vascularized periosteal flap was intact and securely sutured to the fibulae graft and the two tibia stumps could a bone tube be reconstructed. The arrangement of both vascularized grafts as an osteoperiosteal tube exemplify the concept of the given space as described by Stock et al. [26]. Inside the osteoperiosteal tube, a consolidation chamber is created in which all the factors required for bone formation can be concentrated. Comparison of the results of successfully reconstructed bone tubes with the solid bone column in the defect of the baboon where no bone tube could be reconstructed underline the concept of combination of different vascularized grafts for reconstruction of segmental bone defects in long bone defects of the lower extremity.This work was presented at the 5th German-Austrian-Swiss Congress of Traumatology in Berlin in November of 1987. The part of vascularity analysis was supported by a grant from the Friedrich-Baur-Stiftung  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der kalte Schilddrüsenknoten gilt als typischer Verdachtsbefund für ein Schilddrüsencarcinom. Seine tatsächliche Dignität ist mit klinischen Mitteln sowie Szintigraphie und Sonographie letztlich nicht zu klären. Das beste abgrenzende Selektionskriterium ist die Feinnadel-Punktionscytologie, wodurch mit Gültigkeit für das Kropfendemiegebiet etwa die Hälfte als suspekte Befunde von dem anderen Teil hochwahrscheinlich gutartiger Veränderungen getrennt und für die Operationsindikation reserviert werden kann.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Endotrachealnarkose ist die Methode der Wahl bei allen Operationen am Gehirn und Rückenmark.Eine extreme Blutdrucksenkung mil Pendiomid birgt die Gefahr einer anoxischen Schädigung parenchymalöser Organe in sich. Es ist daher die kontrollierte Blutdrucksenkung bei gleichzeitiger Stoffwechselsenkung durch Anwendung von Phenothiazine vorzuziehen.Die Dämpfung der vegetativen und psychischen Funktionen durch die Phenothiazine ist als Operationsvorbereitung besser als die Anwendung von Opiaten oder Barbituraten.
Summary The endotracheal anesthesia is the preferred method for all operations on brain and spinal cord.An excessive lowering of the blood pressure by means of Pendiomid may lead to an anoxic damage of the parenchymatous organs.Therefore the controlled hypotension is preferred with a simultaneous metabolic decrease by means of Phenothiazine.It is better to prepare the patient for the operation with decreasing of the vegetative and psychical functions by means of Phenothiazine than using opiates or barbiturates.

Resumen La narcosis endotraqueal es el método preferido para todas las intervenciones sobre el cerebro y médula espinal.Una disminución excesiva de la presión arterial por medio del Pendiomid Ileva en sí el peligro de un daño anóxico sobre los órganos parenquimatosos. Por esto, es preferible lá hipotensión controlada, con contemporánea disminución del recambio material con el empleo de Phenothiazina.La obnubilación de las funciones vegetatives y psíquicas como preparación a la intervención se obtiene mejor con la Phenothiazina que no con opiáceos y barbitúricos.

Résumé La narcose intratrachéale est la méthode préférée pour toutes les interventions sur le cerveau et sur la moëlle épinière.Une diminution extrême de la tension artérielle au moyen du «Pendiomid» peut devenir la cause d'une anossie des organes parenchymateux. Voilá la raison parce que une ipotension contrôlée avec diminution simultanée du métabolisme tissulaire au moyen de la «Phénothiazine» est une méthode á préférer. Afin de diminuer les fonctions végétatives et psychiques pour la préparation á l'intervention, il vaut mieux employer la «Phénothiazine» que les opiacées ou les barbituriques.

Riassunto L'anestesia endotracheale è il melodo di preferenza per tutti gli interventi sul cervello e sul midollo spinale.Una eccessiva diminuzione della pressione arteriosa per mezzo del Pendiomid porta con sè il pericolo di una anossia degli organi parenchimatosi. Perciò è da preferire l'ipotensione controllata con contemporanea riduzione del metabolismo tissulare per mezzo della Phenothiazina.L'obnubilamento delle funzioni vegetative e psichiche come preparazione all'intervento si ottiene meglio con la Phenothiazina che non con oppiacei o barbiturici.

Vorgetragen auf der 30. Tagung der Bayerischen Chirurgenvereinigung vom 24. und 25. Juli 1953 in München.  相似文献   

The levels of alpha-1 microglobulin ( 1m) and beta-2 microglobulin ( 2m) in serum were estimated in 77 bone marrow transplant recipients. In comparison to pretransplant levels, the highest levels of 1m and 2m were found during impairment of renal function, i.e., during cyclosporin-induced nephrotoxicity and during treatment with other nephrotoxic drugs (P<0.001). The 1m levels were less elevated during infections and acute graft-versus-host disease (P<0.01), while 2m levels were markedly elevated during the same conditions (P<0.001). The linear correlations between serum creatinine and 1m and creatinine and 2m were r=0.7 and 0.8, respectively (P<0.001). The overall correlation between 1m and 2m was 0.4 (P<0.001). It is concluded that 1m might be a complement to serum creatinine levels in monitoring renal function after bone marrow transplantation.  相似文献   

A 59-year-old woman with chronic renal failure due to type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is presented. Her father and a brother had a history of brain tumor. Her blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine levels were 102mg/dl and 4.5mg/dl, respectively. Her serum Ca2+ and Pi were within the normal range (9.4mg/dl and 5.4mg/dl, respectively). Her intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) level was 1730000pg/ml. A 99mTc-methoxy-isobutylisonitrile scintigraphy showed high uptake in three parathyroid glands. A magnetic resonance image showed microadenoma in the pituitary gland. The serum gastrin level was high. Genetic examination revealed a mutation of the MEN1 gene (894–9 G A). From these findings, she was diagnosed with multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) type 1. Subsequently, a parathyroidectomy was performed successfully, a parathyroid gland was transplanted to her right forearm, and her serum Ca2+ level was controlled at 8.5–9.0mg/dl. It is very important to identify MEN1 if an end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patient has hyperparathyroidism with multigland involvement. Examination of the MEN1 gene may be valuable to make an accurate diagnosis and choose the appropriate therapy in some ESRD patients with hyperparathyroidism.  相似文献   

The continuity between the aponeurotic facial fascia and the platysma is an anatomical fact which can be useful in performing face-lift surgery. We have used a suspender flap that we fix securely to the periosteum of the mastoid. This fixation using a face-to-face adhesion gives a harmonious and strong lifting of the lower third of the face and creates an acute cervicofacial angle.After 2 years of systematic use of this flap as a routine procedure, we have had no complications related to the procedure itself. Scarring of the skin behind the ear is better than after a purely cutaneous lifting, probably because there is less tension on the skin. Early results have been satisfactory. Further follow-up needs to be done to determine long-term results.  相似文献   

The Graf stabilisation system: early results in 50 patients   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The results of the first 50 consecutive patients using the Graf stabilisation system are presented. The average age of the patients was 41 years; there were 32 women and 18 men in the group. All patients suffered from intractable symptomatic degenerative disc disease which could be localised to one or more levels. All patients gave a history of chronic back pain, but the mean period of severe disability was 24 months. The mean preoperative disability score (Oswestry questionnaire) was 59%. The average period of follow-up was 24 months (range 19–36 months). At the latest review, the mean disability ability score was 31%. The clinical results were classified as excellent or good in 72% of patients, fair in 10%, the same in 16% and worse in 2%. All but three patients felt that surgery was worthwhile. The results have not deteriorated over the period of follow-up.  相似文献   

The absorption enhancing effect of methylated -cyclodextrins on the nasal absorption of salmon calcitonin (sCT) was studied in rats and rabbits. The nasal absorption of sCT following administration without additives was low in both species. The absorption in rats could be largely improved by coadministration of cyclodextrins as apparent from the effect on serum calcium concentrations. Trimethyl--cyclodextrin (TMCD), at a concentration of 5% (w/v), was the least potent enhancer. Randomly methylated--cyclodextrin (RMCD) and dimethyl--cyclodextrin (DMCD), all at a concentration of 5% (w/v), were almost equally effective in decreasing serum calcium levels, and the hypocalcemic responses were similar to those of i.v. and s.c. injected sCT. Absorption enhancement was already achieved with 1% DMCD added to the nasal formulations. In rabbits, only the effect of DMCD on the nasal sCT absorption was investigated. A total serum calcium decrement in 4 hours of 9.4±3.9% (mean±SD) was observed following nasal administration of 12.6 IU/kg sCT with 5% DMCD, comparable to that of i.v.-injected sCT. In conclusion, the methylated cyclodextrins DMCD and RMCD are suitable absorption enhancers for nasal sCT administration, which is expected to have a clinical impact on the therapy with calcitonin.  相似文献   

Urolithiasis,inhibitors and promoters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The aim of this work is to evaluate the role and importance of inhibitors and promoters in urolithiasis. Carrying in mind theoretical considerations, we conclude that in urolithogenic processes, inhibitors and promoters could only play a decisive role in the idiopathic oxalocalcic urolithiasis. We classify the idiopathic oxalocalcic stone-formers into three main groups, considering inhibitory and promoting factors. It is shown that such classification is in good agreement with the clinical results observed in a group of 88 idiopathic oxalocalcic stone-formers.  相似文献   

Summary The use of the reverse latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap for the closure of skin defects of the back is reviewed and two case reports are described.  相似文献   

In in vitro and animal experiments the tissue effects of the 1.318m Nd-YAG laser were compared to those of the standard 1.064m Nd-YAG laser in order to evaluate the advantages of the new wavelength with a ten times higher absorption in water for gastroenterological tumour treatment. Under irradiation parameters related to clinical endoscopic practice, the laser of the wavelength 1.318m needs for both vaporization and coagulation significantly less energy than the 1.064m laser. Since vaporization at 1.318m is always accompanied by a higher coagulation effect compared to 1.064m the risk of late necrosis and resulting perforation appears to be increased.  相似文献   

The association of a biodegradable material and a growth factor could be of clinical value for treating bone defects. We therefore tested the association of transforming growth factor (TGF-1) in fibrin glue and coral granules to heal skull defects in rabbits. Adult rabbits underwent a double trepanation symmetrically in both parietal bones. Using histomorphometry, we compared bone repair after 1 month in control animals (n=5) and in animals treated with either TGF-1 as a single injection of 1 g in methylcellulose (n=5) or in fibrin glue (n=5), or with coral granules in fibrin glue (n=4) or with coral granules and TGF-1 1 g in fibrin glue (n=5). We measured the diameter of the remaining defect and the surface of the bone growth. TGF-1 without coral in either methyl cellulose or fibrin induced a partial closure of the defect as assessed by a significant decrease in the defect diameter, compared with the control group. However, the association of TGF-1 in fibrin and coral induced an area of the bone growth higher than in any other groups (P<0.05). Two months after surgery, this triple association induced a better healing of the defect than coral alone or control group. In each group treated with TGF-1, the mineralization rate was increased not only at the treated side but also in the contralateral defect which was untreated, suggesting a diffusion of the growth factor. Indeed, when pooled together, the diameter of the defect at the contralateral side of 14 animals that had received TGF-1 was reduced compared with the control group. Significant coral granules resorption occurred between month 1 and 2 and was unchanged by the addition of TGF-1. In conclusion, the triple association of coral granules and TGF-1 in fibrin could be of interest for treating bone defects.  相似文献   

Three cases of neuroradiologically diagnosed leucoencephalopathy are reported. Histopathological examination disclosed Binswanger's encephalopathy in Case 1, congophilic angiopathy with secondary leucoencephalopathy in Case 2, and HIV encephalopathy with secondary white matter changes in Case 3. These three cases demonstrate the unspecificity of neuroradiological findings in leucoencephalopathy.  相似文献   

Venous aneurysms are not rare. But most attention has been paid to deep venous aneurysms. Because of their propensity to thrombose and cause pulmonary embolization. Increased availability of duplex Doppler ultrasound has allowed total evaluation of all venous segments in patients undergoing surgery for chronic venous insufficiency. In this study, patients were recorded consecutively and the venous reflux examination was carried out with the patient standing. The superficial venous system was studied with special interrogation of the great and small saphenous veins and their tributaries. Reflux >0.5 sec was recorded as positive. Data were analyzed using the Spearmans correlation index and the students t-test. A strong correlation was considered for values of > 0.6. A total of 65 superficial venous aneurysms of the saphenous vein systems were found in 43 patients (33 women and 10 men) with an average age of 53 years (range, 34-70). The mean body mass index (BMI) overall was 25±4.6. The BMI in men was 29.5±2.5. The BMI in women was 23.6±4 (p < 0.05). Aneurysms of the saphenous systems were classified into four types. Type I aneurysms (52%) were located in the proximal third of the saphenous vein, not at the saphenofemoral junction but instead just distal to the subterminal valve. Type II aneurysms were located in the shaft of the saphenous vein in the distal third of the thigh (35%). The third classification (type III) of superficial saphenous vein aneurysms was an occurrence of types I and II in the same lower extremity (3 patients/43 patients). Superficial venous aneurysms of the short saphenous system were found and were classified as type IV (6%.) Strong correlations were found with female gender and a very strong correlation of larger aneurysms was found with an elevated BMI in men. There was a so a strong correlation between type III aneurysms of the proximal and distal thigh greater saphenous vein and greater saphenous vein reflux. Aneurysms of the saphenous veins are common and this may have an impact on choice of surgical treatment.  相似文献   

Background/Purpose The role of the ampullary mucosa, especially its distended glands at the papilla of Vater, has not been fully explored.Methods Twenty-nine pancreatoduodenectomized specimens from pancreatobiliary diseases and 44 autopsied cases, as controls, were studied histopathologically and immunohistochemically.Results In 12 out of the 29 pancreatoduodenectomized cases the ampullary mucosa was in contact with the duodenal mucosa just at the outlet of the ampulla. In the remaining 17 cases, the ampullary mucosa overgrew beyond the ostium, replacing a portion of the surrounding duodenal mucosa, termed distended glands, which measured an average of 1532µm in length. The muscularis mucosae of the duodenum and the Oddis sphincter muscle merged in an end-to-end, sharp-angled manner at the ostium in the former, whereas this occurred in an end-to-side, less sharp, rather right-angled manner in the latter. Immunohistochemically, the distended glands in some cases showed negative/weakly positive staining for anti-carbohydrate antigen (CA) 19-9 and a high proliferation index evaluated using Ki67. In the autopsied materials, distended glands were found in 24 out of the 44 cases.Conclusions Distended glands of the ampullary mucosa were frequently found and only grew on the Oddis sphincter muscle extension. They may represent not only malignant change but also an adaptive phenomenon for bile and pancreatic juice flow.  相似文献   

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