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制药废水的物化处理技术与进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈小平  米志奎 《安徽医药》2009,13(10):1279-1281
物化技术在制药废水处理中有其独到之处,对于实施愈加严格的《制药工业水污染物排放标准》的制药企业来说,是可供选取的有效水处理方法之一。本文对制药废水的物化处理技术与进展予以简要介绍与评述。  相似文献   

赖伟峰 《海峡药学》2006,18(4):132-133
本文对中药材半夏在炮制过程中所产生的废水进行了混凝处理试验,结果表明混凝法对半夏炮制废水的处理是有效的,可使废水中的SS的去除率(以浊度计)达到88%~98%,混凝剂(PAC)最佳投加量为1.0~3.0g.L-1。但因半夏炮制废水中的COD cr浓度很高,混凝处理后的COD cr仍不能满足排放要求,须作进一步的后续处理。  相似文献   

大孔吸附树脂是一种不溶于酸、碱及各种有机溶剂的有机高分子聚合物,具有良好的大孔网状结构和较大的比表面积,可以通过物理吸附从水溶液中有选择地吸附有机物。是20世纪60年代发展起来的新型吸附剂,大孔吸附树脂是由吸附和筛选原理组合而成的分离材料。有机化合物所吸附力的不同和分子量的大小,在大孔吸附树脂上经过一定的溶剂洗脱而分开。这使得有机化合物尤其是水溶性的提纯得以简化。但大孔树脂分离效果受以下等众多因素制约。  相似文献   

韩明活  张美兰  朱敏杰 《今日药学》2010,20(8):21-22,27
目的 建立制药废水中残留有机溶剂的测定方法.方法 顶空气相色谱法.色谱条件:采用SE-54 30 m×0.53 mm×5 μm硅烷化毛细管柱;柱温:初始温度为40℃,保持5 min后,升至90℃,升温速率为2℃/min,保持0 min,升至160℃,升温速率为30℃/min,保持2 min;检测器:FID检测器;进样口温度:220℃;检测器温度:260℃;载气:氮气;流速:8 ml/min;分流比:10∶1.结果 甲醇在0.079~1 582 mg/ml、丙酮在0.079~1.576 mg/ml、正丁醇在0.081~1.620 mg/ml、甲苯在0.052~1.038 mg/ml、乙酸丁酯0.070~1.410 mg/ml范围内峰面积与浓度呈较好线性关系.平均回收率(n=9)为100.3%~104.1%.结论 本方法操作简便、灵敏可靠,可用于制药废水中残留有机溶剂的测定.  相似文献   

活性炭对甲硝唑的吸附试验余庆生(江苏省镇江市第一人民医院镇江212002)在配制甲硝唑注射液过程中常出现中间体含量显著低于标示量的情况。初步判断为活性炭吸附所致。为此本文考察了活性炭对甲硝唑的吸附影响,确定了活性炭的合理用量。1材料甲硝唑(江苏金坛制...  相似文献   

李娟  马珠凤  李元瑞 《中国现代医药》2009,26(Z1):1121-1124
目的了解活性炭的性能,掌握其用法和用量,合理地应用在制药生产中以提高制剂质量。方法对活性炭的制备原料、制备方法、质量标准,以及活性炭在制药生产中的应用进行了综述。结果活性炭具有发达的孔隙结构、巨大的比表面积、良好的稳定性、极强的吸附能力,用于制药生产中吸附热原、杂质等。结论建议在制药生产中,考虑多方面的因素,采用优选工艺,活性炭才能发挥出显著的性能。  相似文献   

岳巍 《黑龙江医药》2010,23(4):575-577
分析制药废水处理中应用的各种物理、化学、生物处理技术;并对各种处理方法的应用特点进行了探讨,为该类废水的治理工艺选择提供参考。  相似文献   

目的:探讨活性炭对甲硝唑的吸附作用.方法:采用紫外分光光度法测定甲硝唑含量.结果:吸附量与活性炭用量呈线性关系,吸附时间主要在30 min内.  相似文献   

目的:对制药工业废水脱色处理的工艺进行研究。方法以 COD、BOD5、SS、总氮含量等为考察指标,采用复合法(混凝-兼氧-好氧法)对制药工业废水进行脱色处理,并评价其脱色效果。结果经复合法处理的制药工业废水,水质澄清,含氮量大大降低,COD、BOD5明显减少,完全达到排放标准。结论该方法实用性强,成本较低,操作简单,可应用于实际生产。  相似文献   

Inefficient ketoprofen removal from pharmaceutical wastewater may negatively impact the ecosystem and cause detrimental risks to human health. This study was conducted to determine the cytotoxicity effects of ketoprofen on HEK 293 cell growth and metabolism, including cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) expression, at environmentally relevant concentrations. The cytotoxic effects were evaluated through the trypan blue test, DNS assay, MTT assay, and the expression ratio of the COX-1 gene. The results of this study show insignificant (p > 0.05) cytotoxic effects of ketoprofen on cell viability and cell metabolism. However, high glucose consumption rates among the treated cells cause an imitation of the Warburg effect, which is likely linked to the development of cancer cells. Apart from that, the upregulation of COX-1 expression among the treated cells indicates remote possibility of inflammation. Although no significant cytotoxic effects of ketoprofen were detected throughout this study, the effects of prolonged exposure of residual ketoprofen need to be evaluated in the future.  相似文献   

Pharmaceuticals enter water bodies mainly through urban effluents harmful to the biota, inducing microbial resistance, and impacting hydric security. Activated carbon has been used for effluent treatment and associated with ferromagnetic nanoparticles can facilitate the separation of this adsorbent from an aqueous medium and improve the adsorption capacity. A yeast-based carbon (YC) prepared from the residue of the ethanol industry and a magnetic composite prepared from YC (NP-YC) were used to remove ibuprofen (IBU) and caffeine (CAF) from deionized water and primary sewage effluent (PE). A minimum of 51 and 90 mg/g of IBU and CAF were removed by NP-YC, respectively, whereas YC removed a minimum of 107 and 106 mg/g for such contaminants. The removal of both contaminants was favored for competitive studies using NP-YC as adsorbent (removals >70% for deionized water, and >60% and >75% for IBU and CAF, respectively, for PE). The values of qmax obtained for YC in the competitive assays were about the sum of both qmax for the individual experiments suggesting that each molecule adsorbs in a different site. Successive adsorption cycles using the same mass of adsorbent removed higher amounts of IBU and CAF by exposing the adsorbents to new volumes of a solution containing equal or increasing concentrations of contaminants than those exposed to a single high concentration solution. This behavior is probably due to the driving force effect. It suggests that the reuse of synthesized adsorbents was possible without previous desorption, increasing the usability of the synthesized adsorbents.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVETo explore the effect of activated carbon on consentration of glucose metronidazole injection.METHODWith orthogonal design the conscntration of glucose metronidzole injection was determined by UV-1200 spectr photometer.RESULTSThere is very effect  相似文献   

高福君  高福东 《齐鲁药事》2013,32(6):365-366
目的呼吁药学实习生积极参与社会药房的药学服务工作,提高药学人员技术服务能力,为实习企业赢得社会信誉。方法通过对部分社区居民的问卷调查,结合淄博市社会药房药学服务的现状,制订实习基地药学服务计划,引导本专业实习生进行多种形式的药学服务活动。结果与结论初步为实习基地确立了有效的药学服务模式,强化了学生的沟通技巧及药学服务知识,培养了药学服务专业人才队伍。为我院开展药学服务活动提供建议和参考依据。  相似文献   

A size-exclusion HPLC method for the determination of sodium chondroitin sulfate (SCS) in pharmaceutical preparations has been developed and validated. The most important feature of this method compared with the previously reported assay methods was improved economical and determinative applications through direct analysis of SCS from pharmaceuticals. The linearity, precision, specificity, and accuracy of the method were established and validated. The intra- and inter-day precision was satisfactory with relative standard deviation lower than 1.0%. The recovery of SCS from multi-components pharmaceutical preparations were from 93.38 to 100.46%. Comparing our HPLC assay results with classical spectrophotometric methods, the developed method was considerably easy, simple and reproducible. As a result, the present method was supposed to be successfully applied to the assay of SCS for the routine quality control in pharmaceutical preparations.  相似文献   

摘要:目的 研究硫酸阿米卡星注射剂对凝血功能及溶血的影响。方法 采用不同浓度的硫酸阿米卡星加入到正常血浆中,制备含药血浆,分别测定正常血浆及含药血浆中的凝血酶原时间(PT)、活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)、凝血酶时间(TT)、纤维蛋白原(FIB)的含量。分别用光度法及目视法比较两种溶剂中,硫酸阿米卡星注射剂引起的溶血反应。结果 测定结果表明,阿米卡星浓度为128 mg/L时(为说明书最大血药浓度的2倍),与正常血浆对照相比,0h的APTT值均有显著性增加(P<0.01)。加入药物作用2和3 h后,样品浓度为64和32 mg/L时,APTT结果均有显著性差异(P<0.05或P<0.01)。作用3h后,注射用硫酸阿米卡星在浓度为16 mg/L时,APTT结果依然有显著性差异(P<0.01)。APTT值与阿米卡星浓度呈线性相关(R2>0.95)。用0.9%氯化钠注射液作为稀释液达到5 mg/mL临床配伍浓度时,存在溶血的安全隐患。而以5%葡萄糖注射液为稀释液的供试品溶液达到10、5和2.5 mg/mL临床配伍浓度时,9家企业22批次产品溶血率均小于5%,均未发生溶血现象。结论 在体外实验中,硫酸阿米卡星注射剂可以影响血凝检测结果。硫酸阿米卡星注射剂存在溶血安全隐患,临床配伍时,选用5%葡萄糖注射液为稀释液可能会更安全。  相似文献   

多壁碳纳米管与甘草苷和异甘草苷的选择性吸附作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
韩博  李晴暖  吴胜伟  李俊纲  陈文  李文新 《药学学报》2007,42(11):1222-1226
碳纳米管作为一种特殊的纳米材料,具有中空结构,高强度韧性及良好的化学和热力学稳定性。对人体毒性小,有良好的生物相容性,一直被期望作为药物传送系统的运输载体[1~4]。在碳纳米管与生物体系相互作用研究中发现碳纳米管是一种高效地向细胞内输送药物的载体。沈海军[5]利用MM  相似文献   

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