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卓越工程师教育培养计划强调企业深度参与人才培养过程,强化培养学生的工程能力和创新能力。制药工程是培养药学工程技术人才,其本科教育教学工作的最大特点就是突出对学生工程与实践能力的培养。因而卓越工程师培养计划的精神与制药工程专业内涵高度一致。该文论述从专业课程体系设置;实习和人才创新培养基地的建设;双师型教师培养三个方面推进制药工程卓越工程师培养计划的顺利实施。  相似文献   

“卓越工程师教育培养计划”是我国高等工程教育的一次重要改革,中国药科大学作为教育部首批“卓越工程师计划”实施单位之一,有必要对药学类专业的分析化学课程进行有效的改革,使其能够很好地适应我校药学类“卓越工程师培养”的要求。  相似文献   

卓越工程师教育培养计划是我国高等工程教育的重大教学改革项目,其目的是面向工业界、面向世界、面向未来培养造就一大批创新能力强、适应经济社会发展需要的卓越工程师。我校是医药类院校中唯一实施卓越计划的试点高校,以中国药科大学制药工程专业卓越计划的实施为例,从专业课程与实践教学体系两方面,探讨了制药工程卓越人才的培养模式。  相似文献   

“卓越制药工程师”培养模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探索"卓越制药工程师"的培养模式。方法从"卓越制药工程师"的培养目标出发,探索适宜的培养模式。结果采用复合培养模式,即:包括"高校与制药企业联合培养模式、双师培养模式、分段培养模式、国际化视野的培养模式"等多种模式在内的复合培养模式。结论该模式有利于培养学生的创新意识和提高工程实践能力。  相似文献   

由教育部、卫生部决定共同实施“卓越医生教育培养计划”,意义在于根据我国国情,遵循医学人才成长规律,科学制定医学人才的培养标准,支持不同类型医学院校参与“卓越医生教育培养计划”的实施.在卓越医师《医学遗传学》教学中,采用多种形式的教学方式,努力提高卓越医师的专业素养、人文素养以及实践能力,是针对此计划的一个实践探讨。  相似文献   

随着健康中国战略和“新医科”建设的全面推进,3D打印应用于医药健康行业产学研领域的前景广阔。基于培养“药工融合”卓越创新人才的理念,对3D打印融入药学类院校创新创业实践教学环节的模式、方法等进行探索。实践表明,搭建基于3D打印技术的创客共享平台,运用任务教学法引导学生开展将3D打印用于药学领域的开放性实验,有助于培养药学生的发散性思维,提升综合创新的科研能力。  相似文献   

目的:研究培养卓越医生临床技能的有效途径以及培养中的常见误区,寻找出一套行之有效、科学规范的"卓越式"教育模式。方法:在查阅相关文献的基础上,采用自行设计的调查问卷对山西医科大学2个"卓越医生培养试验班"60名学生及140名教师进行调查与访谈,经数据统计分析后获取结果。结果:关于卓越医生应推广的教学模式中"贯穿全程的临床技能课程"同意度在学生和老师中均排第一位;"医学生临床技能培养中重要因素"学生认为应当为医学生创造实践机会(48%),而教师则认为开展病例教学对于临床技能的培养更为重要(30%);对于临床技能及临床习惯养成过程中的常见误区,学生与老师们的调查结果相似。结论:卓越医生的培养应以医学生时期的临床技能教学为主,临床技能的提升应通过教学模式的改革,优化课程设置,增加实践机会等途径实现,同时在培养过程中应注意避免误区。  相似文献   

培养具有良好实践能力的药学人才一直是药学本科教育的目标之一。构建“大药学院”药学实践教学体系是实现此目标的重要举措。分析目前药学实践教学的不足之处,介绍“大药学院”的组建、具体实施方法、实践考核和监督制度,探索药学本科实践教学新理念和新模式。  相似文献   

2012年,教育部卫生部出台了《关于实施卓越医生教育培养计划的意见》(以下简称“卓越计划”),实施“卓越计划”提高人才培养质量,也是《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010~2020年)》的一个重要内容。三年制临床医学专业人才培养的定位是农村和基层医疗卫生单位,如何培养“下得去、用得上、留得住”的应用型卫生人才,促进基层城乡医疗卫生事业的发展,是高职高专医学院校目前无法回避的问题。  相似文献   

从构建应用型药学本科人才培养体系的总体思路、改革方式、组织管理等方面介绍南京工业大学药学院以"培养卓越工程师"为目标,构建应用型药学本科人才培养体系的改革经验。  相似文献   

Training new employees is an important and necessary component of the creation of a team to provide pharmacy services. A structured, focused review of application materials, a tailored training program planned in advance, and the use of multiple trainers can lead to an effective training program and a satisfied, productive new employee. The planned training program leads to a consistent approach to physician, nurse, and patient customers and sets expectations for skills, interaction, behavior, and quality that are the basis of a long-term relationship. Employees may continue this training process over the entire course of their career. A well-designed training program will also provide portable skills and meet the goals and needs of the employee as well.  相似文献   

A 600-hour-on-the-job training program for hospital pharmacy technicians is described. Qualified applicants who successfully pass a written examination are admitted to the program. Trainees receive both didactic and practical experience in all service areas of the pharmacy department. Opportunity for advancement through a technician specialist training program is available. Eighty percent of all applicant accepted into the program graduated, and 39% are currently employed by the pharmacy department with an average of 42 months work experience each. It is recommended that national guidelines are established for hospital-based pharmacy technician training program.  相似文献   

A nine-month on-the-job training program for hospital pharmacy technicians is described. The first three months of the program are devoted to didactic training and the remaining six months to acquiring practical experience. Candidates for the program are provided through state-sponsored public assistance or manpower training programs. A minimum of six individuals are needed to begin a program to ensure that during at least three complete it. Forth technicians have completed the program during the past six years, and eight are currently employed by the hospital. Thirteen others are known to be employed at other institutions or in health-related occupations.  相似文献   

构建科学的人才培养方案是保证专业人才培养质量的必要条件。从确定培养目标、改革课程体系、优化师资队伍和改进人才培养模式四个方面,对如何以"人工智能"为导向,制定具有医药行业特色的信管专业人才培养方案进行了系统研究。以中国药科大学信管专业为例,提出一套系统、完整、可实施性的人才培养方案。对人工智能时代兴办具有行业特色的信管专业具有一定借鉴价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨骨创伤患者术后康复功能锻炼及护理。方法选择本院骨科接收手术治疗的骨创伤患者110例,随机分为康复组和对照组各55例。康复组患者术后由专门的护士给予有针对性的综合康复功能锻炼及护理,而对照组患者仅给予骨外科的常规护理。结果康复组患者治疗后关节功能恢复的优良率明显高于对照组患者(P〈0.05)。结论术后给予骨创伤患者有效的康复功能锻炼及护理,可以有效地改善患者的功能恢复情况,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

为了解国家级药剂专业师资培训效果,完善培训计划,采用问卷的方法对参加培训的教师进行调查。培训内容基本满足需求,实践教学有待加强;培训教师整体情况良好,但教师选择更应注重受培训者的需求;培训环境有待提高;培训时间偏长;培训效果良好,但更应注重因材施教。完善培训课程体系,注重实践教学与科研能力的培养;加强培训教师队伍建设,教师选择与学员需求相衔接;改善培训环境;完善培训计划;因材施教。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Background: The Baylor College of Medicine SBIRT Medical Residency Training Program is a multilevel project that trains residents and faculty in evidenced-based screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment methods for alcohol and substance use problems. Methods: This paper describes the training program created for pediatric residents and provides an evaluation of the program. Ninety-five first-year pediatric residents participated in the training program. They were assessed on satisfaction with the program, self-rated skills, observed competency, and implementation into clinical practice. Results: The program was successfully incorporated into the residency curricula in two pediatric residencies. Evaluations indicate a high degree of satisfaction with the program, self-reported improvement in SBIRT skills, observed proficiency in SBIRT skills, and utilization of SBIRT skills in clinical practice. Conclusions: SBIRT skills training can be incorporated into pediatric residency training, and residents are able to learn and implement the skills in clinical practice.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(4):315-323
Twenty substance-abusing male clients, representative of the clients participating in a vocational training program in Oslo, were followed prospectively during 2–3 years. Forty-two percent of the nonpsychotic clients completed the training program as opposed to 25% in the psychotic/near psychotic group. All dropouts reported a feeling of being rejected by their fathers as opposed to 28% of the clients who completed the program (p <. 001). The study indicates the need for an evaluation of psychopathology and parent relationships before entering a vocational training program and development of a more differentiated training model.  相似文献   

Behavioral outcomes in agency, community, and personal arenas were examined for 81 social workers with Masters degrees (MSWs) who completed a clinical postgraduate substance abuse (SA) training program (trainees) and a matched group of 78 MSWs not enrolled in such a program (comparison subjects). Subject self-report data was collected via telephone interviews of 30–40 min. With little or limited prior SA training, trainees took this clinical training to a broader level: they were significantly more likely than comparison subjects to provide agency SA training, receive SA training and supervision outside the agency, engage in SA community service, present SA papers at conferences, and intervene with their SA-troubled significant others. With more MSW students now receiving SA training in their graduate programs, the impact of such postgraduate education is likely to be even greater.  相似文献   

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