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Sequential determinations of halothane blood solubility were determined in 8 patients undergoing cardiac surgical procedures with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), hypothermia, and crystalloid hemodilution. The mean temperature-corrected blood/gas partition coefficient (B/G) at the end of surgery (2.4) was lower than preceding induction (2.7). The greatest mean B/G (2.9) occurred after induction of anesthesia. The halothane B/G did not increase significantly at the inception of CPB but decreased from a mean 2.7 to 1.6 as the patients were rewarmed. The maximum range of B/G for a single patient was 1.4 to 3.1. For halothane, the increased blood solubility due to hypothermia was initially antagonized by the crystalloid hemodilution. This antagonism would also be anticipated for methoxyflurane, enflurane, and isoflurane. For N2O and diethyl ether, the increased blood solubility due to hypothermia would be unopposed by simultaneous crystalloid hemodilution.  相似文献   

Plasma heparin activity in 11 patients undergoing open-heart surgery was measured by comparing thrombin time of patient plasma to thrombin time of plasma containing known heparin concentrations. Although all patients received 300 units/kg of heparin, their initial plasma heparin levels varied significantly, from 1.8 units/ml in lighter petients to 3 units/ml in heavier patients. During hypothermia (25 degrees C), heparin decay was insignificant. At 37 degrees C, heparin decayed at a rate between 0.37 and 2.01 units/ml/hr. This decay was significantly faster in those patients with higher initial posthypothermia plasma heparin levels. When heparin was reversed with a protamine dose based on circulating plasma heparin levels, the mean difference between the predicted and the actual residual heparin activity was 0.025 units/ml. Heparin levels vary widely becuase of the influence of temperature on decay rates and because the space into which heparin is distributed is not simply proportional to weight. Evaluation and reversal of plasma heparin activity require ongoing analysis rather than any 1 dosage protocol.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The proteins of the complement cascade play an important role in inflammation and the immune response. They have been shown to be activated during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), and may be responsible for the inflammatory response to CPB. We looked at the effect of APT070, an anti-complement agent, on human blood during in vitro CPB. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four hundred millilitres of blood was venesected from healthy human volunteers and heparinised. To the blood was added either APT070 to a concentration of 50 microg/ml (n=5) or vehicle control (n=4). The blood was entered into an in vitro CPB circuit and circulated for 90 min. RESULTS: Our results showed that after 90 min of in vitro bypass APT070 significantly inhibited the activation of compliment as demonstrated by C3a (p=0.03) and sC5b-9 (p=0.01) levels, and reduced neutrophil stimulation as measured by CD11b expression (p=0.04 at 90 min). CONCLUSION: APT070 significantly inhibits complement and neutrophil activation. This result may have considerable implications, especially if it can be shown to decrease the inflammatory sequelae of CPB.  相似文献   

Complement activation and neutrophil degranulation were concomitantly studied during uncomplicated cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Plasma concentrations of complement factor C4, complement split product C3d, the neutrophil lysosomal enzyme elastase complexed with alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor (PI) and fibronectin were measured in 12 patients, C3d and elastase/PI increased significantly during CPB (volume-corrected results). The C3d rise was almost linear, whereas elastase/PI showed exponential increase. Mean elastase/PI and mean C3d concentrations at different times during CPB covaried closely. The study showed that during CPB neutrophil lysosomal enzyme release is intimately related to complement activation, although activation of the two systems may be caused by a common third activator within the extracorporeal circuit.  相似文献   

Arterial pressure, systemic vascular resistance, and viscosity measurements were made on 20 patients, during cardiopulmonary bypass with hemodilution to an average hematocrit reduction of 48 plus or minus 12 percent. The arterial pressure and blood viscosity decreased an average of 56 plus or minus 16 percent and 40 plus or minus 12 percent, respectively. The total peripheral resistance following the start of bypass was significantly below normal (p smaller than 0.005), but not when corrected for the change in viscosity. There was a strong correlation between the extent of pressure reduction and the viscosity decrease with hemodilution (p smaller than 0.01), although not all the changes in pressure could be accounted for in terms of viscosity. There was no apparent correlation between the extent of hypotension as measured by the area of the pressure-time curve below 50 mm. Hg and the presence or absence of postoperative cerebral or cardiac complications, in contrast to other recent reports.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of hemodilution, PaCO2, PaO2, arterial pressure, and temperature on cerebral oxygenation during mild hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). PARTICIPANTS: Fourteen patients electively scheduled for cardiac surgery. INTERVENTIONS: Oxyhemoglobin (HbO2), deoxyhemoglobin (Hb), hemoglobin differential (Hb-diff = HbO2-Hb), and oxidized cytochrome aa3 (CtO2) were measured with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) during CPB. RESULTS: With onset of CPB, a significant decrease in HbO2 (median, -4.55 micromol/L; 25th to 75th percentile, -5.5 to -3.1; p < 0.05), Hb-diff (median, -3.88 micromol/L; 25th to 75th percentile, -4.7 to -1.9; p < 0.05), and CtO2 (median, -0.05 micromol/L; 25th to 75th percentile, -0.15 to 0; p < 0.001) occurred. The simultaneous decrease in arterial hemoglobin concentration (from 11.7 to 8.5 g/100 mL, p < 0.005) correlated significantly with changes in HbO2 (r2 = 0.71; p < 0.001), Hb-diff (r2 = 0.59; p < 0.005), and CtO2 (r2 = 0.57; p < 0.005). After 24 minutes of CPB, the largest decline in HbO2 (-5.03 micromol/L) and Hb-diff (-5.68 micromol/L) was recorded, whereas CtO2 showed no changes during cooling. During CPB, Hb and Hb-diff significantly correlated with the duration of CPB, PaO2 and PaCO2. CONCLUSIONS: In early stages of CPB, a diminished cerebral oxygen supply was found, which may be caused by acute hemodilution. Despite an increased extraction of oxygen as demonstrated by the decrease in Hb-diff, cerebral energy balance reflected by CtO2 was maintained within a safe range during cooling. Because NIRS measures regional cerebral oxygenation, it is useful as an adjunct to global measures in the early noninvasive detection of cerebral hypoxia.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors administered high dose (30 mg/kg body weight i.v.) methylprednisolone before cardiopulmonary bypass to observe the effects on complement, immunoglobulins and pulmonary neutrophil sequestration. Fifty patients undergoing valve replacements were included in this study. Patients were divided into two groups: group I (20 patients) served as control and did not receive methylprednisolone, group II (30 patients) received methylprednisolone. Blood samples for complements (C3c and C4) were taken, before cardiopulmonary bypass, at 5, 10 and 30 min intervals from the end of cardiopulmonary bypass, after reversal of heparin with protamine infusion, and after skin closure. Blood samples for immunoglobulins were taken before cardiopulmonary bypass, 30 min after onset of cardiopulmonary bypass and after skin closure. After onset of cardiopulmonary bypass, all C3c and C4 levels decreased in both groups. There was a significant decrease in C4 levels at end of cardiopulmonary bypass and after protamine infusion in group I compared with group II (P < 0.05). C3c levels in group I decreased significantly compared with group II after 30 min of cardiopulmonary bypass and after protamine infusion (P < 0.05). All immunoglobulin (IgG, IgM, IgA) levels were decreased in both groups, but the decrease in IgG was statistically significant after skin closure in group I compared with group II (P < 0.05). Pulmonary neutrophil sequestration was higher in the control group compared with the methyl-prednisolone group (P < 0.05). In conclusion, methylprednisolone administration before cardiopulmonary bypass may prevent the harmful effects of complement activation, immunoglobulin denaturation and neutrophil sequestration in the pulmonary capillary system.  相似文献   

Generation of the complement activation products C3dg and terminal complement complex (TCC) and numerical changes in peripheral granulocytes (PMN) and lymphocytes were assessed in patients undergoing aortocoronary bypass surgery with extracorporeal circulation (ECC). Fluid from bronchial lavage performed preoperatively and 4 hours postoperatively was analyzed for granulocyte elastase activity and PMN content. Ten of the 20 patients received methylprednisolone (30 mg/kg b.w.) immediately before ECC. No difference was found between them and the control group regarding C3dg and TCC, and both groups showed similar postoperative decrease of peripheral blood lymphocytes. The postoperative PMN count in peripheral blood was significantly higher in the methylprednisolone group than in the controls from 12 hours onwards. In bronchial lavage fluid the postoperative PMN count was unaltered in the methylprednisolone group, but significantly increased in the controls. No granulocyte elastase activity was found before or after surgery in either group. The results indicated that methylprednisolone does not affect complement activation during cardiopulmonary bypass, but increases the granulocytes in peripheral blood postoperatively.  相似文献   

Complement-mediated neutrophil activation (CMNA) has been implicated as an important pathophysiologic mechanism contributing to acute microvascular lung injury in the adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Using cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) as a clinical model for complement-mediated microvascular injury, we studied the effects of methylprednisolone (MPSS) pretreatment on manifestations of CMNA in 28 pediatric patients undergoing CPB. Six patients not receiving MPSS served as controls. Results demonstrated that MPSS did not prevent complement activation as noted by 4.5- and 7.7-fold increases in plasma C3a des Arg levels during and immediately after CPB, respectively. However, detectable in vivo and in vitro manifestations of CMNA were altered. Neutropenia during CPB was attenuated to 65% of prebypass values compared with 47% in the control group. Neutrophil selective chemotactic desensitization toward C5a/C5a des Arg during the on bypass and postbypass periods was evident in the control group (0.41 and 0.76 cm specific migration, respectively) and prevented in the MPSS group (1.55 and 2.00 cm specific migration, respectively). We conclude that CMNA during CPB is ameliorated and/or prevented by MPSS pretreatment. These findings suggest that MPSS pretreatment may ameliorate complement-mediated microvascular (lung) injury in CPB and ARDS.  相似文献   

Complement activation by the alternate pathway has been implicated in the pathophysiology of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), and laboratory studies suggest that the complement cascade may be activated by the protamine-heparin complex. To determine if the administration of protamine to patients receiving heparin activates complement, we studied 100 patients undergoing CPB by assaying levels of C3a and C4a (classic pathway) at regular intervals before and after protamine administration. In group I (90 patients), protamine was given at the usual interval (median 5 minutes) after CPB. In group II (10 patients), protamine was withheld until skin closure (median 45 minutes) after CPB. Results demonstrated that C4a was not activated during CPB in either group. After CPB, the C4a level in group I was 459 ng/dl and increased to 1047 ng/dl 10 minutes after protamine administration (p less than 0.001). In group II, the C4a level was 484 ng/dl at the end of CPB and 354 ng/dl 15 minutes later, which corresponds to the value immediately after protamine administration in group I. The delayed administration of protamine in group II caused a significant increase in C4a at the time of skin closure (1090 ng/dl; p less than 0.001). Corresponding results from C3a analysis before and after protamine administration confirmed the activation of complement cascade. Our study provides the first clinical evidence that the protamine-heparin complex activates complement via the classic (C4a) pathway. The hemodynamic effects of protamine after CPB may be related to complement activation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cardiac surgery involving cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) leads to fulminant activation of the hemostatic-inflammatory system. The authors hypothesized that heparin concentration-based anticoagulation management compared with activated clotting time-based heparin management during CPB leads to more effective attenuation of hemostatic activation and inflammatory response. In a randomized prospective study, the authors compared the influence of anticoagulation with a heparin concentration-based system (Hepcon HMS; Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN) to that of activated clotting time-based management on the activation of the hemostatic-inflammatory system during CPB. METHODS: Two hundred elective patients (100 in each group) undergoing standard cardiac surgery in normothermia were enrolled. No antifibrinolytic agents or aprotinin and no heparin-coated CPB systems were used. Samples were collected after administration of the heparin bolus before initiation of CPB and after conclusion of CPB before protamine infusion. RESULTS: There were no differences in the pre-CPB values between both groups. After CPB there were significantly higher concentrations ( < 0.05) for heparin and a significant reduction in thrombin generation (25.2 +/- 21.0 SD vs. 34.6 +/- 25.1), d-dimers (1.94 +/- 1.74 SD vs. 2.58 +/- 2.1 SD), and neutrophil elastase (715.5 +/- 412 SD vs. 856.8 +/- 428 SD), and a trend toward lower beta-thromboglobulin, C5b-9, and soluble P-selectin in the Hepcon HMS group. There were no differences in the post-CPB values for platelet count, adenosine diphosphate-stimulated platelet aggregation, antithrombin III, soluble fibrin, Factor XIIa, or postoperative blood loss. CONCLUSION: Compared with heparin management with the activated clotting time, heparin concentration-based anticoagulation management during CPB leads to a significant reduction of thrombin generation, fibrinolysis, and neutrophil activation, whereas there is no difference in the effect on platelet activation. The generation of fibrin even in the presence of high heparin concentrations most likely has to be attributed to the reduced antithrombin III concentrations or reduced inhibition of clot-bound thrombin. Therefore, in addition to maintenance of higher heparin concentrations, monitoring and substitution of antithrombin III should be considered to ensure more efficient antithrombin activity during CPB.  相似文献   

Platelet activation and aggregation during cardiopulmonary bypass.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Increases in plasma concentrations of platelet granule products such as platelet factor 4 and beta-thromboglobulin during cardiopulmonary bypass suggest that platelets are activated during extracorporeal circulation. Subsequent circulation of these activated platelets may be responsible for the ubiquitous platelet dysfunction associated with cardiopulmonary bypass. Using flow cytometry and a monoclonal antibody directed against an alpha-granule membrane protein, granule membrane protein 140 (GMP-140), which is expressed on the platelet surface membrane after activation, we directly measured the percentage of circulating activated platelets in 41 patients before, during, and after cardiopulmonary bypass. In addition, we compared the GMP-140 expression with platelet aggregation in response to adenosine diphosphate (ADP). Cardiopulmonary bypass produced a significant increase in the percentage of GMP-140-positive platelets persisting in the circulation; the percentage peaked at a mean of 29% (range 10-58%) before separation from extracorporeal circulation. A significant percentage of these activated platelets continued to circulate in the early postoperative period. Simultaneous measurement of platelet aggregation in response to ADP demonstrated an aggregation defect that had a time course distinct from platelet activation and whose magnitude did not correlate with the degree of platelet activation in individual patients. We conclude that cardiopulmonary bypass causes a complex constellation of platelet defects, which include alpha-granule release, prolonged circulation of activated, "spent" platelets, and impaired platelet aggregation.  相似文献   

We examined the cerebral response to changing hematocrit during hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) in 18 adults. Cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen (CMRO2), and cerebral oxygen delivery (CDO2) were determined using the nitrous oxide saturation technique. Measurements were obtained before CPB at 36 degrees C, and twice during 27 degrees C CPB: first with a hemoglobin (Hgb) of 6.2 +/- 1.2 g/dL and then with a Hgb of 8.5 +/- 1.2 g/dL. During hypothermia, appropriate reductions in CMRO2 were demonstrated, but hemodilution-associated increases in CBF offset the reduction in CBF seen with hypothermia. At 27 degrees C CPB, as the Hgb concentration was increased from 6.2 to 8.5 g/ dL, CBF decreased. CDO2 and CMRO2 were no different whether the Hgb was 6.2 or 8.5 g/dL. In eight patients in whom the Hgb was less than 6 g/dL, CDO2 remained more than twice CMRO2. IMPLICATIONS: This study suggests that cerebral oxygen balance during cardiopulmonary bypass is well maintained at more pronounced levels of hemodilution than are typically practiced, because changes in cerebral blood flow compensate for changes in hemoglobin concentration.  相似文献   

Complement activation during cardiopulmonary bypass   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

We researched complement activation of fifteen patients who had open heart surgery and on ten patients who had closed heart surgery. Our results showed that the complement system was partially activated by the anaesthesia and partially by tissue damage. This activation was aggravated when plasma contacted the pump-oxygenator system, continued in the intensive-care unit and became normal in the 24th hour after the operation. Complement activation occurred both via the alternative and classical pathways but the alternative pathway was activated more than the classical with increase in bypass time. Pulmonary sequestration of leucocytes which occurred due to the complement activation and the complement derived inflammatory mediators could have contributed to the pathogenesis of the post-pump syndrome.  相似文献   

The effect of preoperative anticoagulant therapy on intraoperative heparin response in patients undergoing cardiac operations was examined in a prospective study. The study included 45 patients with different preoperative anticoagulant treatments: 10 patients received treatment with phenprocoumon (a warfarin analogue) (group M), 12 patients received treatment with intravenous heparin (group Hiv), and 13 patients received treatment with subcutaneous heparin (group Hsc). The control group consisted of 10 patients who did not receive anticoagulant therapy before operation (group C). Preoperative antithrombin III activity was highest in group M (85% +/- 6%) and lowest in group Hiv (70% +/- 15%, p less than 0.05). The activated clotting time, determined 10 minutes after bolus injection of 250 IU (group M) or 375 IU heparin (all other groups), was 529 +/- 109 seconds in group C, greater than 1000 seconds in group M, 483 +/- 99 seconds in group Hsc, and 406 +/- 63 seconds in group Hiv (p less than 0.05). Heparin consumption during cardiopulmonary bypass varied between 4.6 +/- 1.4 IU/kg.min (group Hiv) and 2.6 +/- 0.9 IU/kg.min (group M) (p less than 0.05). Despite this increased heparin consumption, the patients who had received heparin before operation demonstrated increased activation of coagulation at the end of cardiopulmonary bypass (thrombin-antithrombin III complex, 19 +/- 4.1 ng/ml in group M and 61 +/- 7 ng/ml in group Hsc, p less than 0.05; cross-linked fibrin fragments, 257 +/- 92 ng/ml in group M and 875 +/- 152 ng/ml in group Hiv, p less than 0.05). Increased platelet activation was also found in patients with preoperative heparin therapy (beta-thromboglobulin at the end of cardiopulmonary bypass was 585 +/- 88 ng/ml in group M versus 1341 +/- 190 ng/ml in group Hsc, p less than 0.05). Drainage from the chest tube 24 hours after operation was 815 +/- 305 ml in group C, 644 +/- 238 ml in group M, 1133 +/- 503 ml in group Hsc, and 950 +/- 505 ml in group Hiv (p less than 0.05 for group M versus group Hsc). This study suggests that patients who receive heparin therapy before operation face a high risk of insufficient anticoagulation during cardiopulmonary bypass if standard heparin doses are used. Therefore, for patients who receive preoperative heparin therapy, a larger (500 IU/kg) initial bolus of heparin is recommended before cardiopulmonary bypass. On the other hand, patients who undergo preoperative treatment with phenprocoumon receive sufficient anticoagulative effect with a heparin bolus of 250 IU/kg.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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