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We have used in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry to map the cellular localization of NGF receptor (NGF-R) mRNA and protein in the adult rat brain. In addition to basal forebrain magnocellular neurons, NGF-R is widely expressed within the CNS, including neurons of the caudate/putamen, ventral premamillary nucleus, mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus, prepositus hypoglossal nucleus, raphe nucleus, nucleus ambiguous, and Purkinje cells of the cerebellum. Cells of the vestibulocochlear ganglion also contain NGF-R mRNA and protein. Ventricular subependymal cells and tanycytes are clearly stained by immunocytochemistry, yet only very weak hybridization is detectable in these cells. Also, greater amounts of NGF-R protein than of mRNA appear to be present in the glomeruli of the olfactory bulb, area postrema, and nucleus tractus solitarius. Areas that contain only NGF-R immunoreactive fibers and terminals can be distinguished from the cellular sites of NGF-R biosynthesis and include the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the principal olivary pretectal nucleus, the superior colliculus, the inferior olive, and the principal and spinal trigeminal nuclei. This study shows that NGF-R is widely expressed within individual neurons in different areas of the rat brain and identifies new potential CNS target sites of endogenous NGF.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF) and NGF receptors were measured in cortex and hippocampus of rats treated with drugs affecting cholinergic neurotransmission. High (Kd= 0.045nM) and low (Kd= 21nM) affinity125I-NGF binding sites were present in both cortical and hippocampal membranes with hippocampus containing higher numbers of both sites than cortex. Chronic treatment of rats with the muscarinic receptor antagonist scopolamine (5 mg/kg, twice daily) decreased the density of high- and low-affinity sites by 50–90% in cortical and hippocampal membranes. These changes were seen after 7 days, but not 3 days, of scopolamine treatment. Chronic infusion of physostigmine (1 mg/kg/day) using minipumps increased the number of high- and low-affinity sites in cortex 3- and 6-fold, respectively. The changes in receptor-binding parameters induced by physostigmine were transient as they were evident after 3 days of treatment, but returned to control levels after 7 days. NGF content in cortex and hippocampus was reduced by about 50% following 7, but not 3, days of chronic physostigmine infusion. In contrast, scopolamine treatment failed to change NGF levels in the cholinergic neuronal target regions but it decreased NGF content in the septal area. The content of NGF mRNA in the cortex measured by Northern blot analysis failed to change following either scopolamine or physostigmine treatment. The results suggest that levels of NGF and NGF receptors in the target regions of cholinergic neurons are regulated by the extent of cholinergic neurotransmitter activity.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF) was recently found to be largely associated with sedimentable fractions of adult rat brain and treatments of the fractions by alkaline pH increased the measurable amount of their NGF antigen as well as its solubilization [M.C. Hoener, E. Hewitt, J.M. Conner, J.W. Costello and S. Varon, Nerve growth factor (NGF) content in adult rat brain tissues is several-fold higher than generally reported and is largely associated with sedimentable fractions, Brain Res., 728 (1996) 47–56; M.C. Hoener and S. Varon, Effects of sodium chloride, Triton X-100, and alkaline pH on the measurable contents and sedimentability of the nerve growth factor (NGF) antigen in adult rat hippocampal tissue extracts, J. Neurosci. Res., in press (1997); C. Zettler, D.C.McL. Bridges, X.-F. Zhou and R.A. Rush, Detection of increased tissue concentrations of nerve growth factor with improved extraction procedure, J. Neurosci. Res., 46 (1996) 581–594]. We have further investigated the reversibility of these pH effects. Reversal of the pH of an adult rat hippocampal tissue extract from 10.5 to 7.4 led to an almost complete transfer of NGF back from nonsedimentable to sedimentable fractions and to a remasking of the previously unmasked portion of NGF antigen. Thus, molecules causing masking and sedimentation of NGF at pH 7.4 were likely to be present in the alkaline extract. A gel filtration column in PBS, pH 10.5 was used to separate such putative binding molecules from the NGF. All of the NGF antigen from rat hippocampal alkaline extract was found to elute with 19 kDa fractions. The same apparent molecular weight was found for mouse submaxillary β-NGF and recombinant human β-NGF. Masking and sedimentation no longer occurred when newly generated 19 kDa rat brain NGF was returned to pH 7.4. When high molecular weight fractions derived from the same gel filtration (in PBS, pH 10.5) were added back to the 19 kDa NGF pool at pH 7.4 and the mixture incubated and centrifuged, the measurability of 19 kDa rat brain NGF antigen was markedly reduced and half of the antigen was recovered in sedimentable fractions. Similar but less dramatic results were obtained when mixing the same high molecular weight fractions with 19 kDa mouse or human β-NGF. These findings provide new opportunities to identify molecules to which NGF may be bound within intact brain tissues.  相似文献   

Stimulation of glucocorticoid or β-adrenergic receptors (BAR) has been shown to increase nerve growth factor (NGF) biosynthesis in adult rat brain. Little is known about the role of these receptors in the regulation of NGF expression in neonatal and aged brain. We have examined the effect of the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone (DEX) and the BAR agonist clenbuterol (CLE) on the levels of NGF mRNA in neonatal (8 day old), adult (3 month old) and aged (24 month old) rats. By 3 h, DEX (0.5 mg/kg, s.c.) evoked a comparable increase in NGF mRNA in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus in both 8-day and 3-month-old rats. In contrast, CLE (10 mg/kg, i.p.) failed to change NGF mRNA levels in neonatal rats, while increasing (2–3-fold) NGF mRNA levels in the cerebral cortex of adult rats. In 24-month-old rats, both DEX and CLE elicited only a modest increase in NGF mRNA. This increase was, however, anatomically and temporally similar to that observed in adult animals. The weak effect of DEX or CLE was not related to a down-regulation of receptor function because both DEX and CLE were able to elicit a comparable increase in the mRNA levels for basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF2) in neonatal, adult and aged rat brain. Our data demonstrate that induction of NGF expression by neurotransmitter/hormone receptor activation varies throughout life and suggest that pharmacological agents might be useful tools to enhance trophic support in aging.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that nerve growth factor (NGF) may have antidepressant properties but the pharmacological mechanisms remain unknown. Previously, we found that NGF improved performance in the forced swim test in Flinders Sensitive Line rats, but did not appear to have similar biochemical actions with the antidepressant fluoxetine. Gene expression profiles for neurotransmitter receptors and regulator-related genes in the amygdala/hippocampus were determined in rats treated for 14 days with NGF, fluoxetine, amitriptyline, or saline. Gene expression was measured using an RT2 profiler PCR Array System to determine the basis for this effect. Compared with saline, there were numerous genes with significantly altered mRNA levels in the amygdala/hippocampal region. Overlap was found between the mRNA levels of genes altered by NGF and the two antidepressant medications including genes related to the cholinergic and dopaminergic systems. However, decreased mRNA levels of Drd5, Sstr3, Htr3a, and Cckar genes in the amygdala/hippocampus were uniquely regulated by NGF. The results of this study are consistent with a previous conclusion that the antidepressant effects of NGF are mediated through non-traditional receptors for traditionally considered neurotransmitters and may suggest a particular utility of NGF in treating comorbid depression and addiction.  相似文献   

Changes in nerve growth factor (NGF) level and type of cells producing NGF were investigated in the rat brain after sustained cerebral embolism. The NGF level was determined by a two-site enzyme immunoassay specific for NGF. The cerebral cortex, striatum, and hippocampus of the embolized hemisphere maximally contained 2.4-, 2.4-, and 1.7-times higher NGF levels than the corresponding regions of the nonembolized hemisphere. A significant increase was transiently observed for 1 week in the cerebral cortex and striatum, whereas the increase was longer lasting, at least of 4 weeks' duration, in the hippocampus. To examine the localization of NGF-like immunoreactivity (NGF-LI), we used a newly developed anti-NGF peptide antiserum that specifically recognized a 30-kDa molecule(s) in the hippocampal extracts or in NGF cDNA-transfected cells, suggesting that the antibody predominantly reacted with the putative NGF precursor protein(s). NGF-LI, which was localized in neurons of the normal or non-embolized hemisphere, was reduced, and on the embolized side new signals emerged in small non-neuronal cells having a round shape. These included cells with common leukocyte antigen CD45 and T-lymphocyte antigen CD3, which did not appear in the normal or non-embolized hemisphere. NGF-LI and CD3 were colocalized in a substantial number of the cells, suggesting that some activated T-lymphocytes produce NGF for neuronal regeneration after sustained cerebral embolism.  相似文献   

NGF receptor immunoreactivity in aged rat brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The cellular distribution of nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor (NGFR) immunoreactivity in 3 cholinergic nuclei (medial septal nucleus, nucleus of the diagonal band and nucleus basalis magnocellularis) of the aged rat brain was compared to that of young-adult animals. In young-adult rats, NGFR immunoreactivity was strong in the neuronal body and in the whole dendritic tree. In aged animals, NGFR immunoreactivity was weak in both cell body and dendrites and was practically absent in the dendrite's distal portion. The loss of dendritic NGFR may play a critical role in the decline of neuronal function in the aging brain.  相似文献   

Adaptation in aging may become impaired from abnormal expression of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and altered CRF receptor function. In this study, we measured CRF mRNA levels in Fischer 344 rats at various ages. The brains of these rats were processed for in situ hybridization. Relative to 3-month-old rats, levels of CRF mRNA were significantly decreased in the following brain areas at the following ages: at 24 months in the paraventricular hypothalamus, at 11, 17, and 24 months in the amygdala and at 17 and 24 months in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. These changes may contribute to impaired adaptations to stress, cognitive decline and other pathophysiological processes during aging.  相似文献   

[125I]labeled NGF injected in very small quantities into the frontal or dorsal anterior occipital cortex of adult rats, was specifically taken up and transported retrogradely to large, presumably cholinergic neurons in the nucleus basalis region (lateral preoptic nucleus, anterior lateral hypothalamic nucleus, substantia innominata, ventral globus pallidus and internal capsule), as revealed by light microscopic autoradiography. Cells projecting to the injection site in the frontal cortex were localized ipsilaterally in the more caudal parts of the nucleus basalis region, whereas cells projecting to the dorsal anterior occipital cortex could be found throughout the entire extent of the nucleus basalis and also in the vertical and horizontal limb of the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca. Other nuclei known to project to the cortex (locus coeruleus, substantia nigra, nucleus raphe, thalamus) were consistently found to be unlabeled. In contrast to [125I]NGF, injection of [125I]cytochrome C failed to label any cell bodies in the basal forebrain nuclei by retrograde transport. This high selectivity for uptake and retrograde transport of NGF indicates the presence of membrane receptors for NGF or a closely related molecule on these cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain innervating the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Antidepressant drugs as well as electroconvulsive stimuli can significantly influence brain concentrations of neurotrophic factors. However, it is not known whether the baseline brain concentrations of neurotrophic factors are altered in human subjects suffering from affective disorders or whether there are sex differences in concentrations of neurotrophins in human brain. In order to elucidate some of these questions, we measured by ELISA brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF) in an animal model of depression, the Flinders Sensitive Line (FSL) rats and their controls, the Flinders Resistant Line (FRL). Altered BDNF and NGF concentrations were found in frontal cortex, occipital cortex, and hypothalamus of depressed FSL compared to FRL control rats. Furthermore, different levels of these neurotrophins were also found in the male and female brain. Cumulatively these observations suggest that BDNF and NGF may play a role in depression and, hypothetically, different brain regional concentrations of BDNF and NGF in male and female animals may be relevant to gender differences in vulnerability to depression.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF) has been previously shown to support neuron survival and direct neurite outgrowth in vitro, and to enhance axonal regeneration in vivo. However, a systematic analysis of NGF dose and dose duration on behavioral recovery following peripheral nerve injury in rodents has not been previously investigated. Here, we show that NGF promotes a bell shaped dose–response, with an optimal threshold effect occurring at 800 pg/μl. High dose NGF inhibited regeneration. However, this effect could be reversed through functional blockade of p75 receptors, thus implicating these receptors as mediators of the inhibitory response. Longer term evaluation showed that animals administered NGF at 80 ng/day for 3 weeks had greater sensorimotor recovery compared to all other treatment groups. These animals made significantly fewer errors during skilled locomotion, and displayed both increased vertical and fore-aft ground reaction forces during flat surface locomotion. Furthermore, terminal electrophysiological and myological assessments (EMG, wet gastrocnemius muscle weights) corroborated the behavioral data. Overall, these data support the hypothesis that both appropriate dose and duration of NGF are important determinants of behavioral recovery following nerve injury in the rat.  相似文献   

Sequence data for the mature nerve growth factor (NGF) protein and its precursor are available from molecular cloning of the NGF gene in several species, including mice, humans, rats, and chickens. Hydrophilicity analysis of the predicted rat and chicken prepro-NGF was carried out to locate putative antigenic determinants. Eight peptides were selected and synthesized based on hydrophilicity profiles. Two peptides represent sequences in the rat (and mouse) pro-NGF, one peptide (our peptide P3) represents a highly conserved region of the mature NGF protein (identical in humans, mice, rats, and chickens), two peptides are specific for the mature chicken NGF, and the remaining three peptides are specific for the mature rat NGF (each with only one amino acid substitution compared with corresponding segments of the mouse NGF). For immunization, the peptides were conjugated to keyhold limpet hemocyanin and used to produce antisera in rabbits. After bleeding, peptide-specific antibodies were purified on affinity columns prepared by coupling each of the synthetic peptides. The different peptide antisera and affinity-purified antibodies then were characterized by enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) and immunohistochemistry of the male mouse submandibular gland, a rich exocrine source of NGF. ELISA analysis showed that all peptide antisera bound two to four orders of magnitude better than normal rabbit serum to a coat of their proper peptide. The higher binding was retained by the purified peptide antibodies compared with normal rabbit immunoglobulin. Specific tests, in which one peptide antiserum was checked against different peptide coats in the ELISA, also showed two to four orders of magnitude higher binding of antibodies to the proper synthetic peptide. The peptide antibodies also were tested for their ability to bind to native mouse beta NGF coated to the immunoplates. Only antibodies raised to the conserved P3 peptide recognized native NGF to an extent similar to that obtained with polyclonal anti-NGF antibodies. Conversely, P3 was well recognized by several different NGF antisera. Immunohistochemically, both peptide antisera against the pro-NGF stained the perinuclear cytoplasm in the basal part of the cells of the granulated convoluted tubules in the mouse submandibular gland.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease and normal aging may impair retrograde transport of nerve growth factor (NGF) from cortical areas to basal forebrain cholinergic neurons. We demonstrate a relationship between performance in a spatial reference memory task and NGF distribution in the aged rat brain. In addition, exogenous NGF restored endogenous NGF distribution in cognitively impaired aged rats. These data suggest that NGF administration restores utilization of endogenous growth factor in the brain of cognitively impaired aged rats.  相似文献   

The present study examined whether expression of basic fibroblast growth factor receptor (bFGFR) messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) was upregulated by focal ischemia. We have studied the in situ hybridization autoradiography for bFGFR mRNA in the rat model of middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion. Male Wistar rats were used for occlusion of the left MCA, and were sacrificed 1, 3, 7 and 14 days after MCA occlusion. In situ hybridization was performed on the brain sections of these animals and sham controls by using 35S-labeled antisense and sense (control) RNA probes for rat bFGFR. Expression of bFGFR mRNA was observed in the periinfarcted area of the rats within 1-14 days after MCA occlusion. Expression was evident in the whole hemisphere of the infarcted side, especially at 1 and 3 days after ischemia, but no expression was detected in the contralateral side. On microautoradiograms, the signals of bFGFR mRNA were detected in both neurons and non-neural cells located in the periinfarcted area. Upregulation of bFGFR mRNA detected in the periinfarcted brain tissue suggests that receptor-mediated action of bFGF may be related to preservation of neurons injured by ischemia.  相似文献   

Touch doems are clearly delineated mechanoreceptors that are visible on the depilated skin of mammals. These structures consist of a sharply circumscribed disk of thickened epithelium surmounting a group of Merkel cells that are innervated by type I sensory neurons. These characteristic cutaneous structures provide an ideal opportunity for investigating whether the localization of nerve growth factor (NGF) in the skin related to sites of sensory axon termination. For these reasons, we have used immunocytochemistry to study the distribution of NGF and the low-affinity NGF receptor (p75NGFR) in the touch domes of adult rat skin. Intense NGF-like immunoreactivity was sharply restricted to keratinocytes (excluding the stratum corneum) of the thickened epidermis of the touch domes. The epidermis immediately surrounding touch domes and the epidermis of the tylotrich hair follicle associated with touch domes were immunonegative for NGF but were immunopositive for p75NGFR as werer the type I nerve endings innervating these cells. Quantitative Northern blotting revealed that the level of NGF mRNA was substantially higher in keratinocytes isolated from the stratum granulosum and stratum spinosum than in keratinocytes isolated from the stratum germinativum. These findings indicate that NGF synthesis in mature skin has a highly restricted regional distribution that is primarily associated with the innervation of a specialized touch receptor. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF) and NGF precursor (proNGF)-like material were localized immunohistochemically in diabetic and non-diabetic adult rat retina using affinity-purified immunoglobulins to mature NGF and to synthetic peptides that reproduce sequences of the proNGF. Immunoreactivity for NGF and proNGF was detected in retinal ganglion cells, Müller cells, retinal pigment epithelium and areas adjacent to the internal limiting membrane. Immunolocalization of the NGF receptor using a monoclonal antibody (MC192) revealed positive staining of retinal pigment epithelium and Müller cells but not of ganglion cells. The staining intensity and distribution of NGF, proNGF, and NGF receptor-like immunoreactivity were similar in retinas of diabetic rats. These results suggest that NGF is synthesized endogenously in the retina by both neuronal and non-neuronal cell constituents, and that diabetes has no detectable effect on NGF/NGF receptor distribution and possibly on NGF biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The role of nerve growth factor (NGF) in the development of embryonic sympathetic neurons was examined in vivo. Individual mouse embryos received transuterine injections of NGF or antiserum to NGF (anti-NGF), and the effects on the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) were studied. Treatment with NGF at any gestational stage, from the time of ganglion aggregation to birth, increased ganglion tyrosine hydroxylase (T-OH) activity. Both the number of catecholaminergic neurons and T-OH activity per neutron were increased. Choline acetyltransferase (ChAc) activity was increased by NGF at early gestational stages, but not at later stages. These observations suggest that perikarya containing ChAc are responsive to NGF, whereas preganglionic nerve terminals are not. Treatment with anti-NGF rapidly and permanently decreased ganglion T-OH activity. The effects of anti-NGF were more pronounced at later gestational stages, suggesting that ganglia become increasingly dependent on NGF during development. Alteration of maternal levels of NGF had no effect on development of the embryonic SCG, suggesting that local embryonic concentrations of NGF are responsible for modulating sympathetic ontogeny.  相似文献   

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