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目的 比较电子射野影像仪(EPID)和锥形束CT(CBCT)用于胸部肿瘤影像引导放疗,在工作流程和发现患者摆位误差两个方面为临床选择不同影像引导放疗工具提供依据。方法 选择2007年3月至2008年1月在我院接受根治性放疗的17例胸部恶性肿瘤患者(包括肺癌、食管癌和胸腺瘤),每位患者每周分别行千伏锥形束CT(KVCBCT)和EPID影像引导分析各1次。1例患者(肺癌)在完成2次KVCBCT在线引导放疗后自动退出研究,共有16例患者进入最终研究分析。结果 16例患者共获取81对EPI和CBCT影像。采用CBCT引导放疗系统时,患者的治疗总时间较采用EPID引导放疗系统时增加1.2 min。采用EPID引导放疗技术分析胸部肿瘤患者的摆位误差,患者在左右(LR)、头脚(SI)和前后(AP)3个方向上的摆位误差分别为:(-0.1±3.2)mm、(1.3±3.7)mm和(-0.2±3.1)mm。计算临床靶体积(CTV)到计划靶体积(PTV)的预留边界,CTV到PTV的预留边界应设定为10mm。采用KVCBCT引导放疗技术分析这部分患者的摆位误差,LR、SI和AP 3个方向上的摆位误差分别为:(0.1±4.6)mm、(0.6±4.0)mm和(-0.9±4.6)mm,CTV到PTV的预留边界应设定为12mm。结论 与EPID相比,采用CBCT引导放疗系统没有明显延长治疗时间,但增加了发现摆位误差的能力,建议有条件的单位选择CBCT进行胸部肿瘤患者的影像引导放疗或摆位误差分析。  相似文献   

目的 分析千伏锥形束CT(kVCBCT)引导放疗系统可以发现的最小摆位误差和校正后剩余摆位误差。方法 采用小球(ball-bearing,BB)体模,比较经kVCBCT引导放疗系统得到的位移值与设定的位移值。设定的位移值分别为0.5、1.0、1.5和2.0 mm。侧向、纵向和垂直3个方向上的位移值均每日分析1次,共分析5次。校正后剩余摆位误差分析,采用CIRS Model 002LFC胸部体模,在侧向、纵向和垂直3个方向上均设置摆位误差,设置的数值为0、±5、±10和±15 mm。采用点标记法,共同配准体模的定位CT影像与kVCBCT影像,得出侧向、纵向和垂直3个方向上的摆位误差。根据配准结果移动治疗床,至侧向、纵向和垂直3个方向上摆位误差减少到最小。对校正位置后的体模再次行kVCBCT扫描,将再次获得的kVCBCT影像与定位CT采用点标记法配准,得到的侧向、纵向和垂直3个方向上的数值为经kVCBCT系统引导后剩余摆位误差。每日分析1次,共分析7次。结果 kVCBCT引导放疗系统可以发现的误差至少为0.5 mm。侧向、纵向和垂直3个方向上引导后剩余误差分别为(0.2±0.4)、(0.1±0.4)和(-0.4±0.3)mm,对3组数值行方差分析进行两两比较:侧向和纵向剩余误差无差别(P=0.63),垂直向和侧向剩余摆位误差的差异具有统计学意义(P=0.01),垂直向和纵向剩余摆位误差差异具有统计学意义(P=0.02)。结论 建立了kVCBCT引导放疗系统可以发现最小摆位误差和校正后剩余摆位误差的分析方法,kVCBCT引导放疗系统可以发现的误差至少为0.5 mm,侧向、纵向和垂直3个方向上引导后剩余误差约为1 mm。  相似文献   

Purpose: To determine the applicability of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in otological imaging, and to compare its accuracy with the routinely used multislice helical CT (MSCT) for imaging of the middle- and inner-ear areas.

Material and Methods: Thirteen unoperated human cadaver temporal bones were imaged with CBCT and MSCT. Sixteen landmarks of the middle and adjacent inner ear were evaluated and compared for their conspicuity according to a modified Likert scale. Total scores and scores for subgroups including landmarks of specific clinical interest were also compared.

Results: No significant differences were found between the imaging techniques or subgroups when scores of individual structures were compared. While the middle ear itself was visible in all cases with CBCT, parts of the inner ear were “cut off” in four cases due to the limited field of view. For the same reason, the evaluation of the whole mastoid was not possible with CBCT. The cochlear and vestibular aqueducts were not visualized in either CT techniques. The contrast-to-noise ratio was more than 50% lower in CBCT than in MSCT, but still adequate for diagnostic task.

Conclusion: CBCT proved to be at least as accurate as routinely used MSCT in revealing the clinically and surgically important middle-ear structures. The results show that high-quality imaging of the middle ear is possible with the current CBCT device.  相似文献   

We evaluated the potential for reduction of dose to the female breast in computed tomography (CT) of the thorax by using three different techniques: bismuth shielding, partial CT scanning and tube-current modulation (TCM). Measurements and simulations of dose and image quality were performed for a 64-slice CT system using a semi-anthropomorphic thorax phantom with breasts added. Three-dimensional dose distributions were calculated by Monte Carlo (MC) methods. Noise was determined by measurements and simulations. Bismuth shielding resulted in a dose reduction of about 50% for the breast, noise increased up to 40% and image quality was impaired by artifacts. In partial CT scans, not irradiating the breasts directly, dose to the breasts was reduced typically by 50%. To sustain a constant noise level, an increase of irradiation in the anteroposterior position resulted in a higher dose to the spine. Reduction of dose to the breasts of about 10% was achieved with TCM; distribution of noise was homogeneous and image quality uniform. Reduction of dose to the female breast was achieved by using all adapted CT methods. Bismuth shielding may compromise image quality, increase noise level and introduce streak artifacts. Partial and TCM examinations reduced dose to the breast without influencing image quality.  相似文献   

目的 通过人为制造CT伪影,来研究实际临床操作中单纯伪影对放疗剂量计算的影响。方法 对替换钛合金组件前后的模体进行CT扫描,统计替换前后不同位置的CT值;将钛合金区域的CT值修正为水模体的CT值,并采用Varian的各向异性分析算法(AAA)、Acuros XB (AXB)算法和Pinnacle系统的筒串卷积算法(CCC)3种算法,对替换钛合金组件前后的模体进行剂量计算,统计替换前后不同位置的绝对剂量值,并进行分析。结果 Varian和Pinnacle系统对评价CT值大小比较一致。对于均匀模体,CT值偏差30 HU以下时,3种不同的算法在距离体表0.5 cm时,剂量偏差最大达到12.0%,最小为6.0%;1.5 cm以上偏差的绝对值均<1.0%。对于肺部模体来说,Varian的AAA算法和AXB算法在CT值相差15 HU的情况下,剂量值相差在1.0%左右;但Pinnacle系统的CCC算法在同样情况下剂量值相差较大,相差5.0%左右。结论 CT伪影对放疗剂量计算存在明显影响,导致组织剂量分布发生变化,可能造成浅部肿瘤照射剂量不足,深部肿瘤过量照射。  相似文献   

目的 评价和估算兆伏级锥形束CT(MV CBCT)成像系统在图像引导放疗中所致鼻咽癌患者的辐射剂量。方法 选择MV CBCT系统头颈部8 MU扫描预案,利用0.65 cm3指型电离室和CT头部剂量体模测量出体模不同位置的吸收剂量。并利用XiO治疗计划系统模拟MV CBCT扫描过程,计算体模电离室测量点的吸收剂量和鼻咽癌患者肿瘤靶区及危及器官的吸收剂量。结果 体模不同位置吸收剂量的测量值和计算值具有很好的一致性,相对误差均小于3.5%。MV CBCT图像引导放疗所致鼻咽癌患者肿瘤靶区平均剂量为6.43 cGy,脑干、脊髓和视交叉的平均剂量分别为6.36 、6.83和6.90 cGy,左、右视神经平均剂量分别为7.70和7.53 cGy,左、右腮腺平均剂量分别为6.86和6.43 cGy。结论 使用治疗计划系统模拟MV CBCT图像采集过程估算剂量准确、可靠。在设计患者治疗计划时,要充分考虑MV CBCT图像采集过程所致患者剂量。  相似文献   

目的 通过形变配准及刚性配准进行左侧乳腺癌放疗中靶区及危及器官剂量累加的研究,探讨二者受量的变化规律。方法 回顾分析16例女性左侧乳腺癌根治术后患者,靶区包括锁上淋巴结引流区加胸壁,均采用6 MV X射线调强放疗(IMRT)。所有患者均接受定位、二程CT扫描,在定位图像(CT1)上制定放疗计划为Plan1,在二程定位图像(CT2)上制定放疗计划为Plan2。利用Velocity软件将Plan2的剂量进行刚性、形变配准到CT1剂量累加后获得Plan-rigid、Plan-deform。比较4个计划中靶区及危及器官的剂量学差异。结果 CT2比CT1的CTV体积平均缩小6.64%;形变后靶区剂量均匀性指数(HI)提高23.05%,而形变后心脏、左、右肺戴斯相似系数(DSC)均低于形变前(0.94±0.01 vs.0.89±0.05、0.96±0.01 vs.0.91±0.03、0.96±0.01 vs.0.92±0.03),且差异均有统计学意义(Z=-3.208、-3.533、-3.535,P<0.05);心脏及左肺各剂量-体积指标在Plan2、Plan-rigid、Plan-deform与Plan1的组间差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);在Plan-rigid组各剂量-体积指标均高于Plan-deform组。结论 靶区及危及器官体积、剂量-体积指标变化较小的左乳癌根治术后患者在进行放疗剂量累加时,推荐使用刚性配准,且初次调强计划的剂量-体积指标可基本反映双肺及心脏的受量情况。  相似文献   

目的 本研究旨在利用乳腺锥形束CT(CBCT)的三维影像资料,定量分析我国部分地区女性乳腺体积密度和相关乳房特征,比较并分析地区间及年龄间的差异和分布规律。方法 回顾性调查了位于我国华北、西南和华南的3家三级甲等医院的1 440位乳腺CBCT受检者的图像资料。利用科宁Imaging Viewer阅片系统中的测量工具和基于阈值分割的腺体分割显示工具,辅助测量各项乳房特征指标及乳腺体积密度(VBD)。乳房特征在不同地区之间,不同年龄组之间的差异采用Kruskal-Wallis H检验来评估;Spearman相关系数用于分析各项乳房特征与年龄之间,乳房尺寸和乳房密度特征之间的相关性。结果 被调查女性胸壁有效直径(Deff)和乳房厚度(CNL)、乳房体积(BV)和腺体体积(GV)及VBD的总体中位数分别为12.5和6.8 cm、374.5和48.6 cm3及14.6%。其中,不同地区女性的Deff、CNL和BV显著不同,VBD在不同地区的分布差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。CNL、BV与年龄呈显著正相关;GV和VBD与年龄呈显著负相关。VBD与Deff、CNL和BV均存在显著负相关。结论 本研究调查了我国多个地区女性的乳房尺寸及密度特征参数,可以为进一步开展非压迫乳房模型的建立、乳腺CBCT患者剂量评估、乳腺癌风险评估等相关研究提供数据基础。  相似文献   

目的 筛选乳腺癌保乳术后锥形束CT(CBCT)图像引导全乳精确放疗的最佳配准模板。 方法 2006年4月到2009年7月在我院行乳腺癌保乳术后全乳精确放疗的12例患者入组。应用Varian 23EX直线加速器机载锥形束CT获取CBCT图像。在计划CT图像的乳腺术腔及周围腺体标注6个易辨认的点(直径为1 mm)作为参考。分别以乳腺轮廓、手术银夹、乳腺腺体、乳腺相邻肋骨以及乳腺同侧肺外轮廓为模板进行手动配准并记录配准时间。配准后立即在CBCT图像上对应标注上述6个参考点,并测量计划CT与CBCT图像上所标注对应参考点之间的距离,计算每位患者每种配准模板下的配准误差。应用SPSS 13.0统计软件对配准误差进行单项方差分析。结果 以乳腺轮廓、手术银夹、乳腺腺体、乳腺相邻肋骨以及乳腺同侧肺外轮廓为模板,配准误差分别为(0.60 ± 0.20)、 (0.43 ± 0.15)、 (0.49 ± 0.19)、(0.69 ± 0.36)和(0.94 ± 0.49)cm, 配准所需要的时间分别为(3.8 ± 1.1)、 (3.0 ± 0.9)、 (4.7 ± 1.7)、 (4.3 ± 1.3)和(4.5 ± 1.3) min。单因素方差分析显示,乳腺轮廓、乳腺腺体、手术银夹3种配准模板的配准误差之间差异无统计学意义(t = 0.48~1.36,P>0.05),乳腺相邻肋骨与乳腺同侧肺外轮廓两种配准模板之间差异也无统计学意义,手术银夹与后两者之间差异有统计学意义(t = 2.08~4.08,P<0.05)。结论 以乳腺相邻肋骨与乳腺同侧肺外轮廓两种模板配准准确性差,应综合考虑患者的个体情况以手术银夹、乳腺腺体或乳腺轮廓为模板进行配准。若同时考虑时间及准确性,以手术银夹配准最佳。  相似文献   

目的研究不同CT值赋值法对脑转移瘤放疗计划剂量计算的影响,为基于磁共振(MR)图像进行放疗计划设计提供基础。方法选取35例接受放疗的脑转移瘤患者,每位患者在放疗前同一天分别进行CT和MR模拟定位,基于CT图像制定三维适形放射治疗(3D-CRT)或调强放射治疗(IMRT)计划为原计划Plan1。将CT图像和MR图像刚性配准,在CT和MR图像上勾画主要的组织和器官,计算各组织器官的群体化CT值。基于CT图像,采用3种CT值赋值法生成3组伪CT,分别为:全组织赋予140 HU;空腔、骨骼和软组织分别赋予-700、700和20 HU;不同组织器官分别赋予群体化的CT值。Plan1在3组伪CT上重新计算剂量分布,分别获得Plan2、Plan3、Plan4,然后比较这3组计划和Plan1的剂量学差异。结果骨骼、空腔平均CT值分别为(735.3±68.0)、(-723.9±27.0)HU,软组织的平均CT值基本分布在-70~70 HU。Plan2、Plan3、Plan4相比Plan1的剂量差异依次减小,在剂量指标比较中,眼晶状体最大剂量差异最大,分别可达5.0%以上、1.5%~2.0%、1.0%~1.5%,其余剂量指标差异的95%置信区间上限基本不超过2.0%、1.2%、0.8%。在像素点剂量比较中,局部靶区病例中差异>1%的区域主要分布在靠近射野的皮肤处,而全脑靶区病例中主要分布在骨骼与空腔、软组织交界处,以及靠近射野的皮肤处。此外,CT值赋值法在3D-CRT的剂量学差异大于IMRT,在全脑靶区病例大于局部靶区病例。结论不同CT值赋值法对脑转移瘤放疗计划剂量计算的影响显著,对骨骼、空腔和软组织赋予合适CT值,剂量计算偏差可基本控制于1.2%以内,而对各组织器官赋予群体化的CT值,可进一步将偏差控制于0.8%以内,满足临床要求。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to demonstrate that dose reduction and constant image quality can be achieved by adjusting X-ray dose to patient size. To establish the relation between patient size, image quality and dose we scanned 19 patients with reduced dose. Image noise was measured. Four radiologists scored image quality subjectively, whereby a higher score meant less image quality. A reference patient diameter was determined for which the dose was just sufficient. Then 22 patients were scanned with the X-ray dose adjusted to their size. Again, image noise was measured and subjective image quality was scored. The dose reduction compared with the standard protocol was calculated. In the first group the measured noise was correlated to the patient diameter (rho=0.78). This correlation is lost in the second group (rho=-0.13). The correlation between patient diameter and subjective image quality scores changes from rho=0.60 (group 1) to rho=-0.69 (group 2). Compared with the standard protocol, the dose was reduced (mean 28%, range 0-76%) in 19 of 22 patients (86%). Dose reduction and constant noise can be achieved when the X-ray dose is adjusted to the patient diameter. With constant image noise the subjective image quality increases with larger patients.  相似文献   



Bismuth shield has been recently introduced for radiation protection of patient radiosensitive organs such as breast during chest CT with image diagnosis capability. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the dose reduction and image quality conserve using new bismuth-silicon composite shields during chest CT.

Materials and methods

Scans were performed on a PMMA phantom using a 6-slice MDCT system. Dose reduction was calculated by placing ion-chamber in the 12?o’clock position for breast dose measuring. Chest CT scans was performed with and without new bismuth composite shields 10% by 0.5?mm and 1?mm thicknesses. Image quality was assessed by CT numbers and noise evaluation.


The results of using bismuth composite shields induced to dose reduction to 7% and 12% for 0.5?mm and 1?mm thicknesses, respectively. As a result of the using 0.5?mm and 1?mm bismuth composite shields, the mean CT numbers and noise increased by a factor of 0.01 and 0.02 and also from 0.08 to 0.13, respectively. Significant dose decline was measured and no relevant noise was found.


Results showed that new bismuth-silicon composite shields have good potential to breast dose reduction with smallest noise for diagnosis in chest CT.  相似文献   

AIM:To measure the dose distribution,related to the treatment planning calculations,in the contralateral mammary gland of breast cancer patients treated with accelerated hypofractionated 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy.METHODS:Thirty-four prospectively selected female patients with right breast cancer (pN0,negative surgical margins) were treated with breast-conserving surgery.A total dose of 42.5 Gy (2.66 Gy/fraction) was prescribed;it was requested that planning target volumes be covered by the 95% isodose line.The contralateral mam-mary gland was defined on CT simulation.The dose received was evaluated by dose volume histograms.RESULTS:The measured contralateral breast doses were:(1) Dose maximum:290-448 cGy [Equivalent (Eq) 337-522 cGy];(2) Mean dose:45-70 cGy (Eq 524815 cGy);and (3) Median dose:29-47 cGy (337-547 cGy) for total primary breast dose of 42.5 Gy in 16 equal fractions.The spearman rho correlation showed statistical significance between the contralateral breast volume and maximum dose (P=0.0292),as well as mean dose (P=0.0025) and median dose (P=0.046) to the breast.CONCLUSION:Minimizing the dose to the contralateral breast has to be one of the priorities of the radiation oncologist when using short schedules because of the radiosensitivity of this organ at risk.Further study is necessary to assess the long-term clinical impact of this schedule.  相似文献   



To prospectively evaluate the accuracy of left and right ventricular function and myocardial mass measurements based on a dual-step, low radiation dose protocol with prospectively ECG-triggered 2nd generation dual-source CT (DSCT), using cardiac MRI (cMRI) as the reference standard.

Materials and methods

Twenty patients underwent 1.5 T cMRI and prospectively ECG-triggered dual-step pulsing cardiac DSCT. This image acquisition mode performs low-radiation (20% tube current) imaging over the majority of the cardiac cycle and applies full radiation only during a single adjustable phase. Full-radiation-phase images were used to assess cardiac morphology, while low-radiation-phase images were used to measure left and right ventricular function and mass. Quantitative CT measurements based on contiguous multiphase short-axis reconstructions from the axial CT data were compared with short-axis SSFP cardiac cine MRI. Contours were manually traced around the ventricular borders for calculation of left and right ventricular end-diastolic volume, end-systolic volume, stroke volume, ejection fraction and myocardial mass for both modalities. Statistical methods included independent t-tests, the Mann–Whitney U test, Pearson correlation statistics, and Bland–Altman analysis.


All CT measurements of left and right ventricular function and mass correlated well with those from cMRI: for left/right end-diastolic volume r = 0.885/0.801, left/right end-systolic volume r = 0.947/0.879, left/right stroke volume r = 0.620/0.697, left/right ejection fraction r = 0.869/0.751, and left/right myocardial mass r = 0.959/0.702. Mean radiation dose was 6.2 ± 1.8 mSv.


Prospectively ECG-triggered, dual-step pulsing cardiac DSCT accurately quantifies left and right ventricular function and myocardial mass in comparison with cMRI with substantially lower radiation exposure than reported for traditional retrospective ECG-gating.  相似文献   

IntroductionScoliosis is defined as a deformity of the spine with lateral curvature in the coronal plane. It requires regular X-ray imaging to monitor the progress of the disorder, therefore scoliotic patients are frequently exposed to radiation. It is important to lower the risk from these exposures for young patients. The aim of this work is to compare organ dose (OD) values resulting from Scan Projection Radiograph (SPR) mode in CT against projection radiography and EOS® imaging system when assessing scoliosis.MethodsA dosimetry phantom was used to represent a 10-year old child. Thermoluminescent dosimetry detectors were used for measuring OD. The phantom was imaged with CT in SPR mode using 27 imaging parameters; projection radiography and EOS machines using local scoliosis imaging procedures. Imaging was performed in anteroposterior, posteroanterior and lateral positions.Results17 protocols delivered significantly lower radiation dose than projection radiography (p < 0.05). OD values from the CT SPR imaging protocols and projection radiography were statistically significant higher than the results from EOS. No statistically significant differences in OD were observed between 10 imaging protocols and those from projection radiography and EOS imaging protocols (p > 0.05).ConclusionEOS has the lowest dose. Where this technology is not available we suggest there is a potential for OD reduction in scoliosis imaging using CT SPR compared to projection radiography. Further work is required to investigate image quality in relation to the measurement of Cobb angle with CT SPR  相似文献   

目的 比较研究乳腺癌放射治疗成角度胸前板(ABB)和平板胸前板(PBB)两种摆位方法治疗计划的剂量学参数及摆位误差。方法 选取2017年3月至2018年1月在浙江大学医学院附属第一医院就诊的20例左侧乳腺癌术后患者病例资料,按不同摆位方法分ABB组和PBB组,每组10例,在定位扫描的CT图像上勾画靶区、心脏和肺等结构。计划设计采用切线野中野(FIF)技术,比较两种摆位方法治疗计划的计划靶区体积(PTV)、肺、心脏的剂量学参数及摆位误差。结果 两种摆位方式治疗计划在肿瘤靶区覆盖方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。患侧肺V20 ABB组和PBB组分别为(11.2±3.2)%和(15.9±5.3)%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(t=-2,47,P<0.05),V30 ABB组和PBB组分别为(9.8±1.5)%和(12.9±2.2)%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(t=-4.46,P<0.05)。心脏剂量V25 ABB组和PBB组分别为(1.9±0.2)%和(2.8±0.4)%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(t=-8.28,P<0.05),V30 ABB组和PBB组分别为(1.8±0.1)%和(2.7±0.3)%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(t=-8.34,P<0.05),心脏平均剂量Dmean ABB组和PBB组分别为(3.0±0.5)和(5.3±1.2)Gy,两组比较差异有统计学意义(t=5.58,P<0.05)。ABB摆位在左右(LR)、上下(SI)、前后(AP)的平移误差分别为(3.23±2.63)、(5.42±3.22)、(4.58±2.30)mm,在θ、Φ、ψ方向的旋转误差分别为(1.60±0.56)°、(3.40±1.65)°、(2.50±1.72)°。PBB摆位误差在LR、SI、AP的平移误差分别为(2.35±1.22)、(2.17±1.29)、(2.27±1.58)mm,在θ、Φ、ψ方向的旋转误差分别为(1.37±0.43)°、(1.79±0.71)°、(2.06±0.63)°,且进出SI、前后AP、侧翻Φ误差,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(t=3.06,2.80,3.33,P<0.05)。结论 两种摆位方式治疗计划在肿瘤靶区覆盖方面差异无统计学意义,ABB摆位方式对正常组织的保护效果优于PBB摆位方式。但摆位精度PBB比ABB摆位方式更具优势。  相似文献   

目的:准确判断肿瘤供血动脉是实现肝癌超选择性肝动脉化疗栓塞(TACE)的基础。本研究探讨原发性肝癌 TACE 术中,锥体束 CT 三维肝动脉造影(cone-beam computed tomography hepatic arteriography,CBCT-HA)对比DSA肝动脉造影(DSA-HA)在判断肿瘤供血动脉的价值。方法23例原发性肝癌患者入组研究。术中分别进行DSA-HA、CBCT-HA、碘油-TACE(Lip-TACE)、碘油 CBCT(Lip-CBCT)。2名有经验的介入科医师共同分析DSA-HA和CBCT-HA影像学资料,判断肿瘤供血动脉。卡方检验进行统计学分析。结果75个肿瘤通过金标准确定肿瘤供血动脉。 DSA-HA确认肿瘤供血动脉(阳性)40个,其中真阳性32个,假阳性8个。 CBCT-HA确认肿瘤供血动脉(阳性)72个,其中真阳性68个,假阳性4个。CBCT-HA对肿瘤供血动脉判断的灵敏度为68/75(90.7%),明显高于DSA-HA(32/75,42.7%)(P<0.001);阳性预测值(68/72,94.4%),亦高于后者(32/40,80.0%)(P=0.040)。结论 CBCT-HA对肝癌肿瘤供血动脉的判断明显优于传统DSA-HA,对超选择性TACE治疗有明显的临床指导意义。  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe aims of our study were to evaluate the contribution of contrast-monitoring techniques to breast dose in pregnant and non-pregnant women, and to investigate the effect of a reduced peak kilovoltage (kV) monitoring scan protocol on breast dose and Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiography (CTPA) diagnostic quality.Materials and methodsSingle center retrospective study of 221 female patients undergoing a reduced kV 80 kV contrast-monitoring CTPA protocol compared to 281 patients using the conventional 120 kV contrast-monitoring protocol (Siemens Somatom Definition AS + ). 99 pregnant patients analyzed separately. ImPACT dosimetry software was used to calculate dose. Group subsets were evaluated to assess CTPA diagnostic quality.ResultsThe contrast-monitoring component of a CTPA study constituted 27% of the overall breast dose when using a standard 120 kV protocol compared to only 7% of the overall breast dose in the 80 kV study group. The dose to the breast from the contrast-monitoring component alone was reduced by 79% in the non-pregnant patients (0.36mGy ± 0.37 versus 1.7mGy ± 1.02; p < 0.001), and by 88% in the pregnant population (0.25 mGy ± 0.67 versus 2.24mGy ± 1.61; p < 0.001). There was no statistical difference in CTPA diagnostic quality or timing.ConclusionDespite a short scan length and relatively small DLP, contrast-monitoring techniques (test-bolus or bolus-tracked) set at 120 kV can account for 27% of the overall breast dose accrued from a CTPA study. By decreasing the kilovoltage of the contrast-monitoring component, a significant reduction in breast dose for pregnant and non-pregnant female patients can be achieved without affecting CTPA quality or timing.  相似文献   

The incidence of secondary cancers in the contralateral breast after primary breast irradiation is several times higher than the incidence of first time breast cancer. Studies have shown that the scatter radiation to the contralateral breast may play a large part in the induction of secondary breast cancers. Factors that may contribute to the contralateral breast dose may include the use of blocks, the orientation of the field, and wedges. Reports have shown that the use of regular wedges, particularly for the medial tangential field, gives a significantly higher dose to the contralateral breast compared to an open field. This paper compares the peripheral dose outside the field using a regular wedge, a dynamic wedge, and an open field technique. The data collected consisted of measurements taken with patients, solid water and a Rando phantom using a Varian 2300CD linear accelerator. Ion chambers, thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD), diodes, and films were the primary means for collecting the data. The measurements show that the peripheral dose outside the field using a dynamic wedge is close to that of open fields, and significantly lower than that of regular wedges. This information indicates that when using a medial wedge, a dynamic wedge should be used.  相似文献   

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