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Burns and scalds are common injuries that present with a wide range of severity. Correct evaluation of a burn’s depth and extent is essential for adequate treatment, not only initially but also for late results. The depth of a burn is classified as first-to-third degree, and its extent can be deducted from specific tables. As a generalised haemodynamic reaction, a capillary leak allows fluid and colloidal substances to leave the intravasal system. This can lead to hypovolemic shock. In the first 24 h, only cristalloid fluid according to Baxter’s formula should be administered. Transfer to a burn centre is indicated in accordance with well-defined guidelines. Concomitant injuries, especially inhalation traumata, need to be diagnosed and treated early. By activation of the immune response, a sepsis-like immune response syndrome can occur,resulting in bacterial translocation and colonisation with high mortality rates.  相似文献   

Muscular lesions represent the most common form of sports injury. The four large muscle groups hamstrings, adductors, gastrocnemius and knee extensor muscles are most often affected. Most injuries occur during excentric tension impact. Diagnostics begin with an exact medical history and detailed clinical investigations. Imaging with ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are important to differentiate between structural lesions and functional disorders and to determine the extent of the injury. Most frequently treatment remains conservative and is oriented to the three phases of the healing process. In most cases (leisure sports) the rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE) concept with subsequent pain-adapted load increase suffices for a return to sport activities. Infiltration therapy including platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an additional therapy option but should not be used to accelerate the healing process. Surgical treatment only rarely becomes necessary for treatment of muscular injuries.  相似文献   

Burn injuries represent a severe form of acute pain. In spite of improvements in wound treatment and pain regimens during recent years, the management of burn pain still remains a common problem and a tremendous challenge for clinical staff. An efficient pain treatment plan contributes to a fast and uneventful course and is an important part of the therapeutic management by plastic surgeons, anesthesiologists, psychologists and physiotherapists. Extensive pharmacokinetic alterations, additional neuropathic components and multiple dressing changes or therapeutic procedures need a flexible and dynamic pain strategy. A standardized continuous pain assessment and documentation are a cornerstone of burn pain control. In addition to pharmacological methods non-pharmacological procedures can play an important role and should be started early during burn patient therapy.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Bei ausgedehnten Verbrennungen, die erst nach einigen Tagen zum Tode führen, kommt es zu einer hochgradigen Acidosis. Die Ursache für diese Acidosis ist im Eiwei?zerfall zu suchen. Die Acidosis selbst führt nicht unmittelbar zum Tode, gibt aber eine au?erordentlich schlechte Prognose. 2. Leichtere Verbrennungen zeigen diese St?rung im S?urebasengleichgewicht nicht. 3. Die toxische (Gift-)Komponente wird mit der Untersuchung des S?urebasenhaushaltes nicht erfa?t. Es besteht die Wahrscheinlichkeit, da? dieselbe durch Abbauprodukte der Eiwei?k?rper hervorgerufen wird, die noch nicht den Charakter von S?uren haben, so da? erst bei weitergehendem Abbau die Einwirkung auf den S?urebasenhaushalt zutage tritt.  相似文献   

Every year, more than 6.000 children with burn injuries are treated in German hospitals. With improved therapy mortality of children with severe burns was greatly reduced in recent years. The success of in-hospital treatment depends on correct primary on-scene treatment. Due to the low incidence of severe burn injuries, thermal trauma in children poses a special challenge to the emergency physician. The most frequent mistakes in the treatment of these children are hypothermia caused by prolonged cooling and incorrect wound treatment, lack of analgesia and sedation, and incorrect infusion regimens caused by false estimation of involved body surface. Guidelines for the prehospital treatment by emergency physicians developed by a task force on treatment of children with severe burns are presented.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of the face in patients who have suffered major burns is a complex undertaking, both the primary treatment and the transplantation technique being of considerable importance for the final result. As well as the functional reconstruction of scar contracture, ectropion and incomplete lid closure, cicatricial stenostomia and cicatricial obstruction of the nostrils, techniques that are mainly known from aesthetic surgery are now used: hair transplantation, laser resurfacing of scarred skin, and epilation are some examples of such techniques. These additional surgical treatments, which are often used in a late phase after burn injury, can improve the way the patients are accepted and their quality of life. In the setting of our increasingly cost-oriented health system it is important not to lose touch with these aims. These measures, which may in themselves seem to be trivial and therefore unnecessary and to offer potential savings if they are discontinued, should not be withheld from burn patients.  相似文献   

The success of modern burn therapy is based mainly on special burn intensive care, topical treatment, early eschar excision, and wound closure by immediate skin grafting or skin substitutes. This paper describes the current state of wound care and skin substitutes in burn therapy.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird über Anwendungsm?glichkeiten homologer Spalthautnetztransplantate in der Interimsdeckung schwerer Verbrennungen berichter. Hauptvorteile sind neben der Materialersparnis die gute Drainage des Wundgrundes, die Einsparung von Autotransplantaten nach tangentialer Nekrosenexzision durch Protektion des Wundgrundes und multizentrischer Epithelisation aus erhaltenen Anhangsgebilden sowie die gegenüber ganzen, homologen Spalthautlappen offensichtlich verz?gerte Absto?ungsreaktion.
Summary The main advantages of applying split thickness mesh grafts for interim treatment of severe burns consists in the small amounts of skin needed and in the excellent wound drainage. In addition a homologous mesh graft is rejected later than a conventional homologous split thickness skin graft.

Zusammenfassung Im Gegensatz zum Erwachsenen führt der Protein- und Energieverlust beim Kind rasch zu einer katabolen Stoffwechsellage, weil seine Glykogen- und Fettreserven begrenzt sind. Ausdruck des Katabolismus ist das rasche Abmagern durch Abbau der Strukturproteine. In diesem Referat werden die therapeutischen Konsequenzen erörtert. Außerdem wird dargestellt, wie ausgedehnte drittgradige Verbrennungen mit gemischten allogenen/autologen Transplantaten behandelt werden können.  相似文献   

Extensive burns in children pose a particularly large challenge to the emergency physician. Initially the main focus is on stabilizing vital functions and managing pain. The ensuing physical examination must assess the extent and depth of the burn wounds and identify an inhalation injury. For burns affecting a large surface, infusion therapy should be initiated immediately. The burn wounds should be covered with a dry dressing during transportation to avoid hypothermia. When cooling the wounds, e.g., with cold water, consideration should be given to the fact that children become hypothermic much more rapidly than adults. Transfer to a center specialized in treating children with burns adheres to predetermined criteria to ensure that the patients receive appropriate further treatment.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In einem Krankengut von 300 Verbrennungspatienten erhielt nur jeder 6. Transfusionen. Es sind fast ausschließlich tiefe Schäden in einer Ausdehnung von mehr als 15% der K:orperoberfläche. (Operationen treiben den Blutbedarf in die Höhe, Nebenverletzungen und Nebenerkrankungen erhöhen ihn). Das Kollektiv der Schwerverbrannten zeigt trotz der gegebenen Transfusionen eine stärkere und länger anhaltende Anämie als die blutfrei Behandelten. Die Indikation zur Transfusion in den ersten 24 Std wird grundsätzlich bejaht. Bei möglichst zurückhaltender Transfusionstherapie ist der Ausgleich der Verbrennungsanämie schwierig.
The indication for blood transfusion in burns
Summary In a clinical material of 300 patients with burns only one in six was given transfusions. They were restricted almost exclusively to cases with deep and extensive damage involving more than 15% of the body surface. Operations increase the demand for blood, additional injuries or other illnesses have little effect on it. A group of severely burnt patients showed more severe and more persistent anaemia, in spite of transfusions, than other patients who had not been given any blood. Indication for transfusion within the first 24h is basically accepted. Even with the most cautious transfusion therapy, the compensation of anaemia due to burns is difficult.

Zusammenfassung Die positive Wirkung einer Kaltwasserbehandlung bei Verbrennungen ist in der Klinik wohlbekannt. Da es schwierig ist, diese Wirkung bei Patienten zu verifizieren, wurden 200 Ratten 40% ig durch Eintauchen in einem Heißwasserbad verbrüht. Die Mortalität betrug daraufhin 64,5%. Diese Mortalität fiel auf 2,5% ab, wenn die Tiere unmittelbar nach der Verbrennung 15 min lang in kaltes Wasser von 20° C eingetaucht wurden. Eine Verzögerung von 5, 30 oder 60 min beim Beginn der Kaltwasserbehandlung hatte ein Ansteigen der Mortalität zur Folge. Die Wunden der Tiere, die mit Kaltwasser behandelt waren, heilten viel schneller, als die Wunden der unbehandelten Tiere. Alle Patienten mit frischen Verbrennungen wurden in den letzten 2 Jahren, wenn sie unmittelbar nach der Verbrennung zur Aufnahme kamen, durch Eintauchen in 20° C kühles Wasser behandelt. Die Ergebnisse waren sehr vielversprechend.
Experiments and clinical observations on cold water treatment of fresh burns
Summary The positive effect of cold water treatment on burns is a well-known clinical fact. Since it is difficult to prove this effect on patients we burned 40% of the body surface on 200 rats by dipping them in hot water (90° C) for 10 seconds. A mortality of 64.5% resulted in the untreated animals. The mortality decreased to 2.5% if the animals were treated with cool water of 20° C for 15 minutes immediately after the burn (Fig. 3). The effect of cooler water still was less impressive. A delay of 5, 30 or 60 minutes in institution of the cold water treatment resulted in an increased mortality rate. The massive depression of RES activity (Fig. 4) after a burn (measured by carbon clearance test) was markedly improved by cold water treatment. The wounds of the animals treated with cold water healed much faster than the wounds of the untreated animals (Fig. 5). In the past 2 years all patients with fresh burns were immediately treated by immersion in 20° C cool water with good clinical effect.

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