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Gastric emptying during 1 h of cycling and running at 75% VO2max   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to compare gastric emptying (GE) responses during intense, prolonged cycling and running. It is important to discern whether gastric emptying (GE) responses are exercise-mode specific, since the findings of cycling and running studies are often compared and applied to one another. Ten male biathletes cycled (CY) and ran (R) for 1 h at 75% of their mode-specific VO2max or rested (S) and consumed water (SW, CYW, RW) or a 7% carbohydrate solution (SC, CYC, RC) at a rate of 10 ml.kg-1.h-1 (approximately 180 ml at 0, 15, 30, and 45 min). No differences were found between CYW, CYC, RW, RC, and SC for volume of drink emptied (mean +/- SE) (522.8 +/- 47.9 ml) and GE rate (range, 8.2 +/- 0.9 (RC) to 9.3 +/- 0.6 ml.min-1 (SC]. A mean of 72.7 +/- 5.7% of the total consumed volume was emptied. The GE rate during SW was significantly (P less than 0.05) greater than the other conditions (11.3 +/- 0.4 ml.min-1, 94.0 +/- 1.9% of total consumed volume emptied). Substantial volumes of water and a 7% carbohydrate solution are thus emptied from the stomach during prolonged, intense running and cycling, with no differences in GE between these exercise modes. These data suggest that recommendations concerning GE are reciprocal between running and cycling bouts similar to those in the current study.  相似文献   

Ten adult male volunteers were studied to examine the effect on plasma beta-endorphin (B-EN) of bicycling and running for 1 h at 60% VO2max. All subjects were physically active and accustomed to both exercise modes (mean VO2max in ml X kg-1 X min-1; bicycling, 54; running, 59). Following preliminary VO2max tests, subjects participated in randomly ordered experimental sessions of bicycling and running for 1 h at loads requiring 60% of their mode-specific VO2max. Five subjects also participated in control sessions. Blood samples were collected immediately pre- and immediately post-exercise, and hematocrits were determined. Samples were centrifuged, separated, and plasma was stored at -50 degrees C until analysis for B-EN. Analysis involved separation of B-EN from beta-lipotropin by short column chromatography followed by radioimmunoassay. Despite an observed trend for elevated B-EN following exercise, there were no significant pre- to post-exercise differences (P greater than 0.05) in mean B-EN levels in any of the three sessions. Expressed as percentage change in B-EN, there were no significant differences between bicycling, running, or control. These results indicate that 1 h bicycling or running exercise at 60% VO2max does not consistently increase B-EN, and that responses are variable between individuals.  相似文献   

This study compared VO2, heart rate (HR) and electromyographic (iEMG) responses to speeds above the velocity associated with VO2max (v-VO2max). Eight male, middle-distance runners performed a graded exercise test to determine VO2max and v-VO2max and runs to fatigue at 100 % and 110 % v-VO2max. Breath-by-breath VO2 and HR were continuously recorded; lactate [La (-)] measured pre- and post-run and iEMG measures of rectus femoris (RF) and vastus lateralis were recorded during the first and last 20 s of each run. Analysis indicated longer time to fatigue in the 100 % v-VO2max run with no differences between conditions for VO2 or HR amplitudes or post-run [La (-)] (p > 0.05). There were significantly faster tau values (p < 0.05) in the 110 % condition in VO2 and HR. No significant correlations were observed between VO2 or HR tau values and time to fatigue. RF iEMG was significantly larger in 110 % compared to 100 % run in the first 20 s (p < 0.05). While no association between treadmill performance and VO2 response was evident, faster running speeds resulted in faster VO2 and HR responses, with no difference in amplitude or % VO2max attained. This may potentially be as a result of an increased muscle fibre recruitment stimulus during the faster running velocity resulting in faster cardiodynamic responses.  相似文献   

AIM: Hypothetically, supplementation with the antioxidant vitamins C could alleviate exercise-induced lipid peroxidation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of vitamin C supplementation on exercise-induced lipid peroxidation, muscle damage and inflammation. METHODS: Sixteen healthy untrained male volunteers participated in a 30-min exercise at 75% Vo2max. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of two groups: 1) placebo and 2) vitamin C (VC: 1 000 mg vitamin C). Blood samples were obtained prior to supplementation (baseline), 2 h after supplementation (immediately pre-exercise), post-exercise, 2 and 24 h after exercise. Plasma levels of VC, total antioxidant capacity (TAC), creatine kinase (CK), malondealdehyde (MDA), total leukocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes, interleukin-6 (IL-6) and cortisol were measured. RESULTS: Plasma vitamin C concentrations increased significantly in the VC in response to supplementation and exercise (P<0.05). TAC decreased significantly in Placebo group 24 h after exercise compared to pre-exercise (P<0.05). Although MDA levels were similar between groups at baseline, it increased significantly 2 h after exercise only in the Placebo group (P<0.05). CK increased immediately and 2 h after exercise in both groups and 24 h after exercise only in placebo group compared to pre-exercise (P<0.05). Markers of inflammation (total leukocyte counts, neutrophil counts and IL-6) were increased significantly in response to the exercise (P<0.05). In VC group, there was significant increase in lymphocyte counts immediately after exercise compared with pre-exercise (P<0.05). Serum cortisol concentrations significantly declined after supplementation compared with baseline (P<0.05) as well as declined 2 and 24 h after exercise compared with immediately after exercise in VC group (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: VC supplementation prevented endurance exercise-induced lipid peroxidation and muscle damage but had no effect on inflammatory markers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure, in swimming pool conditions and with high level swimmers, the time to exhaustion at the minimum velocity that elicits maximal oxygen consumption (TLim at vVO(2)max), and the corresponding VO(2) slow component (O(2)SC). The vVO(2)max was determined through an intermittent incremental test (n = 15). Forty-eight hours later, TLim was assessed using an all-out swim at vVO(2)max until exhaustion. VO(2) was measured through direct oximetry and the swimming velocity was controlled using a visual light-pacer. Blood lactate concentrations and heart rate values were also measured. Mean VO(2)max for the incremental test was 5.09 +/- 0.53 l/min and the corresponding vVO(2)max was 1.46 +/- 0.06 m/s. Mean TLim value was 260.20 +/- 60.73 s and it was inversely correlated with the velocity of anaerobic threshold (r = -0.54, p < 0.05). This fact, associated with the inverse relationship between TLim and vVO(2)max (r = -0.47, but only for p < 0.10), suggested that swimmers' lower level aerobic metabolic rate might be associated with a larger capacity to sustain that exercise intensity. O(2)SC reached 274.11 +/- 152.83 l/min and was correlated with TLim (r = 0.54), increased ventilation in TLim test (r = 0.52) and energy cost of the respiratory muscles (r = 0.51), for p < 0.05. These data suggest that O(2)SC was also observed in the swimming pool, in high level swimmers performing at vVO(2)max, and that higher TLim seems to correspond to higher expected O(2)SC amplitude. These findings seem to bring new data with application in middle distance swimming.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of adding heavy strength training to well‐trained female cyclists’ normal endurance training on cycling performance. Nineteen female cyclists were randomly assigned to 11 weeks of either normal endurance training combined with heavy strength training (E+S, n = 11) or to normal endurance training only (E, n = 8). E+S increased one repetition maximum in one‐legged leg press and quadriceps muscle cross‐sectional area (CSA) more than E (P < 0.05), and improved mean power output in a 40‐min all‐out trial, fractional utilization of VO2max and cycling economy (P < 0.05). The proportion of type IIAX‐IIX muscle fibers in m. vastus lateralis was reduced in E+S with a concomitant increase in type IIA fibers (P < 0.05). No changes occurred in E. The individual changes in performance during the 40‐min all‐out trial was correlated with both change in IIAX‐IIX fiber proportion (r = ?0.63) and change in muscle CSA (r = 0.73). In conclusion, adding heavy strength training improved cycling performance, increased fractional utilization of VO2max, and improved cycling economy. The main mechanisms behind these improvements seemed to be increased quadriceps muscle CSA and fiber type shifts from type IIAX‐IIX toward type IIA.  相似文献   

There are conflicting data with regard to the effect of endurance training in children. On the basis of this information, the effects of 8 wk of run training on ventilatory threshold (VT) and VO2max of eight male children were investigated. Children ranged in age from 10 to 14 yr, with a mean age of 12.4 yr. All subjects were previously untrained. Training consisted of running 4 d.wk-1 for a period of 8 wk. Continuous running was performed 2 d.wk-1 for 10-30 min at 70-80% of VO2max. Interval running was performed the remaining 2 d.wk-1. Repeated intervals of 100-800 m at 90-100% of VO2max were used in this phase of the training. The total distance run for this type of training was 1.5-2.5 km. Incremental treadmill testing prior to and after the training period indicated a 19.4% increase in VT from 30.5 to 36.4 ml.kg-1.min-1 (P less than 0.05). When VT was expressed as a percentage of VO2max, there was a significant (P less than 0.05) increase from 66.6% to 73.8%. VO2max increased 7.5% from 45.9 to 49.4 ml.kg-2.min-2 (P less than 0.05). None of these changes was noted in eight age- and size-matched children who served as control subjects. The results of this study indicate that 8 wk of endurance running training which is of sufficient frequency, intensity, and duration can significantly improve VT and aerobic capacity in male children.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze, in triathletes, the possible influence of the exercise mode (running x cycling) on time to exhaustion (TTE) and oxygen uptake (VO2) response during exercise performed at the intensity associated with the achievement of maximal oxygen uptake (IVO2max). Eleven male triathletes (21.8 +/- 3.8 yr) performed the following tests on different days on a motorized treadmill and on a cycle ergometer: 1) incremental tests in order to determine VO2max and IVO2max and, 2) constant work rate tests to exhaustion at IVO2max to determine TTE and to describe VO2 response (time to achieve VO2max - TAVO2max, and time maintained at VO2max-TMVO2max). No differences were found in VO2max, TTE and TMVO2max obtained on the treadmill tests (63.7 +/- 4.7 ml . kg (-1) . min (-1); 324.6 +/- 109.1 s; 178.9 +/- 93.6 s) and cycle ergometer tests (61.4 +/- 4.5 ml . kg (- 1) . min (-1); 390.4 +/- 114.4 s; 213.5 +/- 102.4 s). However, TAVO2max was influenced by exercise mode (145.7 +/- 25.3 vs. 176.8 +/- 20.1 s; in treadmill and cycle ergometer, respectively; p = 0.006). It is concluded that exercise modality affects the TAVO2max, without influencing TTE and TMVO2max during exercise at IVO2max in triathletes.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study investigated the effect of caffeine consumed with and without carbohydrate (CHO) on immunoendocrine responses after exercise. METHODS: On four occasions, 12 recreational male cyclists cycled for 2 h at 65% V O2max. Sixty minutes before exercise, participants ingested 6 mg.kg(-1) body mass of caffeine (CAF) or placebo (PLA), then during exercise they consumed a 6% CHO or placebo (PLA) drink, providing CAF/CHO, PLA/CHO, CAF/PLA, and PLA/PLA conditions. RESULTS: f-MLP-stimulated neutrophil oxidative burst responses were significantly higher after exercise on CAF/CHO and PLA/CHO (both P<0.05) than PLA/PLA when expressed as a percentage of baseline value. The response on CAF/PLA tended to be higher than PLA/PLA at this point (P=0.056). No significant differences between CAF/CHO, PLA/CHO, and CAF/PLA were observed after exercise; however, only PLA/CHO showed no significant postexercise decline. Coingestion of CAF/CHO significantly attenuated epinephrine (P<0.05) and IL-6 (P<0.05) responses that occurred after ingestion of CAF alone (CAF/PLA) and significantly attenuated the transient alterations in circulating leukocyte (P<0.05) and neutrophil (P<0.01) counts. Plasma cortisol concentration was significantly lower on PLA/CHO than CAF/PLA and PLA/PLA after exercise (P<0.05). Perceived exertion during exercise was significantly lower on CAF/CHO than the other three trials (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: Taken together, this suggests that coingestion of caffeine and CHO has greater influence on immunoendocrine responses than neutrophil functional responses to prolonged exercise.  相似文献   

Using an air-braked cycle ergometer, we sought to determine the relative contributions of the arms and legs in eliciting the maximal O2 uptake (VO2max). Ten healthy, non-arm-trained males did progressive exercise to exhaustion on the ergometer instrumented to partition the push-pull arm exercise from the cycling leg exercise. Exercise was done with arms only (100% arms), legs only (100% legs, with arms at sides), and in combinations of 10% arms/90% legs, 20% arms/80% legs, and 30% arms/70% legs. To approximate conventional bicycling, four subjects exercised to exhaustion doing leg cycling on the air-braked ergometer with the hands fixed to stationary bars. The maximal power output and VO2max were not significantly different (P greater than 0.05) for the 10% arms/90% legs and the 20% arms/80% legs combinations. Maximal power output and VO2max for 10% arms/90% legs was significantly greater than that for the 100% arms, 100% legs, and 30% arms/70% legs regimens (P less than 0.05). The highest VO2max measured in combined arm/leg exercise for four subjects using 10% arms/90% legs (N = 3) or 20% arms/80% legs (N = 1) was not significantly different from that measured in air-braked ergometer leg cycling with hands fixed to stationary bars (P greater than 0.05). We conclude that push-pull arm exercise of 10 or 20%, combined with leg cycling of 90 or 80%, respectively, or leg cycling with hands fixed to bars optimize the arm/leg contributions in eliciting VO2max. These findings suggest that the upper-body stabilizing effort in conventional cycling (legs cycling, hands fixed) contributes approximately 10-20% to inducing VO2max.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationships between lactate exchange and removal abilities and the capacity to prolong exercise, as assessed by the time to exhaustion (Tlim) at a work rate corresponding to VO(2)max (Pa max ). The individual blood lactate recovery curves obtained for 13 untrained subjects after 5 min 90 % Pa max exercise were fitted to the biexponential time function: La(t) = La(0) + A(1) (1-e (-gamma(1) x t) + A(2) (1-e (-gamma(2) x t), where t is time into the recovery, La(0) is the arterialized lactate concentration measured at the end of the exercise, gamma(1) and gamma(2) are velocity constants denoting the lactate exchange and removal abilities, respectively. Tlim was positively related to gamma(1) and gamma(2) (r = 0.60, p < 0.05 and r = 0.56, p < 0.05, respectively) but was negatively related to La(0) (r = 0.75, p < 0.01). gamma()1 was positively related to the capillary density (r = 0.69, p < 0.01) and to the number of capillaries per type I fiber area (r = 0.62, p < 0.05). It was concluded that 1) high lactate exchange and removal abilities would allow continuing a high-intensity exercise for a longer duration, and 2) a high capillary density may explain the associated high lactate exchange ability.  相似文献   

Several authors have suggested that training at or near VO2max (i.e. > or = 95% VO2max) is the most effective training intensity to enhance VO2max and that for highly trained endurance athletes, training at or near VO2max may be necessary to increase it further. Consequently, there is an interest in characterising training protocols that allow the longest time at or near VO2max (T@VO2max). Intermittent running protocols have been found to be more effective than continuous protocols for increasing T@VO2max. Intermittent protocols can be manipulated by altering the warm-up intensity and timing, work and relief interval velocity and duration, amplitude, interval number per set, and the number of sets performed. To increase T@VO2max it is recommended that work interval intensity should generally range between 90% and 105% vVO2max and relief interval intensity between 50% vVO2max and the lactate threshold velocity. Work and relief interval durations should be between 15 and 30 seconds. The warm-up period prior to the intermittent protocol should be about 10 to 15 minutes in duration at 1 or 2 km x h(-1) below the lactate threshold velocity, with no gap between the warm-up and the intermittent protocol. When designing intermittent training protocols for the enhancement of VO2max, the simultaneous enhancement of other physiological performance determinants should also be considered. Further experimental research is required to identify the specific physiological responses and adaptations to various intermittent running protocols that are designed to elicit the longest time at or near VO2max, before recommendations can be given to competitive endurance runners.  相似文献   

最大摄氧量平台出现概率及影响平台的生理学因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨最大摄氧量平台出现概率及影响平台出现的生理学因素。方法:以30名体育系大学本科生为研究对象,测试其最大摄氧量,通过采用不同的平滑方式探讨影响平台出现概率的方法学因素,并依据平台出现时间的长短将研究对象分为两组,同时记录心肺功能的相关指标;测试其无氧功率与400m跑运动成绩;通过对比两组人群的有氧能力与无氧能力探讨影响平台的生理学因素。结果:最大摄氧量平台出现的概率随采样时间间隔的延长而降低;两组人群的跑台持续运动时间、达到最大摄氧量的时间、达到最大摄氧量直至运动结束的时间均有显著性差异,而无氧能力无显著性差异。结论:在递增负荷运动过程中,采用不同采样间隔的数据平滑方法是影响平台出现概率的主要方法学因素,心肺功能动用的快慢是影响平台的生理因素,而无氧供能能力与平台无关。  相似文献   

Thirty-seven sedentary males, aged 28-35 yr, were either run-trained, swim-trained, or served as controls in an 11 1/2-wk training study. Runners and swimmers exercised once a d, 3 d.wk, at a heart rate (HR) intensity equivalent to 75% of their treadmill VO2max. Treadmill maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), submaximal cardiorespiratory response, and body composition parameters were measured before and following the training period. Runners, swimmers, and controls experienced a significant increase in treadmill VO2max over the 11 1/2-wk study period. The 28 and 25% increases observed for the runners and swimmers, respectively, were significantly greater than the 5% increase observed for the controls (P less than 0.0001). Runners and swimmers did not differ significantly from each other with respect to this increase in VO2max; nor did they demonstrate significant changes in respiratory exchange ratio (RER) at VO2max between tests. The run-trained and swim-trained groups both experienced a decrease in HR at a standard submaximal walking workload but did not differ significantly from each other. Controls showed no significant change in submaximal exercise response. A significant difference was observed among groups (P less than 0.01) for change in percent body fat. Changes in lean and fat weight over the training period were significant for both the runners (P less than 0.002) and swimmers (P less than 0.03) but not for the controls.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Previous research (study 1) has shown that a significant relationship exists between 10 km run time (RT) and predicted running velocity at VO2max (vVO2max) among well-trained males heterogeneous in VO2max. Since competitive runners often display a homogeneous fitness profile, the purpose of this study was to determine the association between 10 km RT and vVO2max among a group of trained runners exhibiting nearly identical VO2max values (study 2). Running economy (RE), vVO2max, and velocity at a 4 mM blood lactate concentration (v at 4 mM BL) were calculated in both studies. Correlations were obtained as shown in Table 2. The relationship between VO2max and 10 km RT achieved statistical significance only in study 1, while RE explained a greater amount of performance variation in study 2. In both studies, variation in 10 km RT attributable to vVO2max was similar and exceeded that due to either VO2max or RE. vVO2max also accounted for essentially the same amount of variation in 10 km RT as did v at 4 mM BL. It was concluded that, among well-trained subjects homogeneous in VO2max, a strong relationship exists between 10 km RT and vVO2max that appears to be mediated to a large extent by RE.  相似文献   

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