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内镜下带血管蒂鼻中隔黏骨膜瓣修复颅底缺损   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨内镜下应用带血管蒂的鼻中隔黏骨膜瓣修复颅底硬膜缺损的方法及疗效.方法 回顾性分析2008年7月至2010年3月间收治的8例应用带血管蒂的鼻中隔黏骨膜瓣鼻内镜下修复术后颅底硬膜缺损及创伤性脑脊液鼻漏患者的临床资料及随访结果.8例患者均为男性,年龄28~60岁,平均年龄41岁.其中前颅底血管外皮瘤1例、嗅神经母细胞瘤1例(Kadish C型)、筛窦癌1例、鼻咽癌放疗后局部复发3例、颅底类癌1例、脑脊液鼻漏伴反复颅内感染1例.其中前颅底缺损6例,中颅底缺损2例.手术采用内镜经鼻入路,直视下获取以鼻后动脉为蒂的一侧鼻中隔黏骨膜瓣.组织瓣覆盖硬膜缺损后,周缘敷以明胶海绵,并用生物蛋白胶固定,鼻内以碘仿纱条、水囊及膨胀海绵支撑.术后5~7 d撤除全部鼻内支撑物.结果 1例鼻中隔瓣部分坏死,其余7例鼻中隔瓣全部成活.1例术后7 d有脑脊液鼻漏,再次手术探查以腹部脂肪封堵漏口成功,术后随访6~24个月,颅底组织愈合良好,无延迟性脑脊液漏及颅内感染发生.结论 内镜经鼻入路采用带血管蒂鼻中隔黏骨膜瓣修复颅底硬膜缺损是一种可靠的颅底重建方法.
Objective To introduce a method and the clinical effects of repairing skull base defects and dural defects using vascular pedicled nasoseptal mucoperiosteal flaps through an endoscopic endonasal approach. Methods The clinical and follow-up data for 8 patients who underwent endoscopic endonasal reconstruction of skull base defects and cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea with a vascular pedicled nasoseptal mucoperiosteal flap between July 2008 and March 2010 were retrospectively reviewed. All patients were male. The age of these patients ranged from 28 to 60 years (average 41 years). The diagnosis for these patients included one hemoangiopericytoma of the anterior skull base one olfactory neuroblastoma (type of Kadish C) , one ethmoid sinus cancer, three local recurrent cancers of the nasopharynx after radiotherapy,one carcinoid of skull base and one traumatic cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea with recurrent intracranial infection. There were six anterior skull base defects and two middle cranial fossa defects. An endoscopic endonasal surgical approach was used for the repair. A pedicled flap using the nasal septal mucoperiosteum based on the posterior nasal artery was harvested from the ipsilateral side. The tissue flap was used to cover the dural defects. The margin was covered with gelatin sponge and fixed with fibrin glue. The nasal cavity was packed with iodoform gauze, a Foley catheter balloon and Merocel in this sequence to secure the flap in place. Nasal packing was removed 5 to 7 days postoperatively. Results Partial septal flap necrosis was found in one case, but the flaps in the other 7 cases survived. A postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leak occurred in one case 7 days after surgery. This was re-explored and successfully repaired with abdominal fat.All cases healed well, with no delayed cerebrospinal fluid leaks or intracranial infections during the 6 to 24 months follow-up period. Conclusion The vascular pedicled nasoseptal mucoperiosteal flap is a reliable choice for endoscopic endonasal skull base reconstruction.  相似文献   

目的:探讨利用鼻中隔和下鼻道黏骨膜瓣对前颅底缺损的修补。方法:对9例鼻腔、鼻窦肿瘤患者和1例自发性脑脊液鼻漏患者,根据肿瘤性质及病变范围,经鼻侧切开行上颌骨部分截除(或全部截除)加筛窦切除术,或上颌骨部分截除(或全部截除)加眶内容剜除术。应用鼻中隔和下鼻道黏骨膜瓣对颅底缺损进行修补。结果:10例患者中,筛骨水平板破坏5例,筛顶破坏2例,眶顶壁破坏2例,筛骨水平板和蝶窦顶壁联合破坏1例,均在手术切除肿瘤后同步修补成功。结论:在鼻腔、鼻窦肿瘤的手术中,当前颅底骨质受到肿瘤侵蚀、切除肿瘤后形成脑脊液鼻漏时,可转移适当的鼻中隔和下鼻道黏骨膜瓣同步修补前颅底骨质缺损。  相似文献   

目的介绍鼻内镜下纽扣式鼻中隔黏软骨膜一软骨瓣修复颅底硬脑膜缺损的方法,总结其疗效,并探讨其应用适应证。方法回顾性分析应用纽扣式鼻中隔黏软骨膜-软骨瓣鼻内镜下修复颅底肿瘤手术后硬脑膜缺损病例16例,其中嗅神经母细胞瘤5瘤,颅咽管瘤2例,垂体瘤5例,脑膜瘤3例,生殖细胞瘤1例。依据颅底缺损范围的大小,设计鼻中隔取材组织瓣的切取范围,将一侧的部分黏软骨膜及软骨作为整体一并切下,对组织瓣进行修整并环形缝合防黏骨膜撕脱,利用软骨自身的弹性将软骨完全嵌入缺损骨壁的内层,而将黏软骨膜平铺于缺损骨质的外壁,从而形成一种夹层修复。结果所有病例均一次性重建成功,无脑脊液鼻漏和颅内感染发生;5例嗅母细胞瘤和1例生殖细胞瘤患者术后辅助放射治疗,随访6个月以上;其余病例随访6个月至5年,均未发生脑脊液鼻漏及颅内感染。结论鼻内镜下经鼻入路采用纽扣式鼻中隔黏软骨膜-软骨瓣修复颅底肿瘤术后硬脑膜缺损是一种可靠的颅底重建方法。  相似文献   

鼻中隔穿孔在耳鼻咽喉科临床上并非少见,选择适宜的病例,进行手术修补,术后局部处理得当,多能成功。2000年1月~2007年10月,我科收治鼻中隔穿孔13例,采取鼻内镜下带蒂黏骨膜瓣转移修补鼻中隔穿孔,成功12例,疗效满意。  相似文献   

内镜在医学领域中应用已有几十年的历史,随着微创外科的不断发展,内镜具有良好的照明和图像放大作用,使得内镜治疗范围不断扩大。在耳鼻咽喉一头颈外科领域硬性内镜鼻窦手术由于创伤小而被重视和广泛应用,随着内镜应用解剖研究进一步的深入,影像学、病理生理学研究的不断进展以及内镜技术的不断完善,鼻窦内镜技术得到了进一步发展和延伸。本文就内镜在颅底外科中应用的进展进行综述。  相似文献   

鼻内镜颅底外科术后隔绝颅腔与鼻腔的交通是该学科发展面对的挑战之一,近年利用带血管蒂组织瓣,经内镜手术入路修复颅底缺损获得满意疗效。颅底局部性和区域性带血管蒂组织瓣,修复范围广泛、取材方便、抗感染性强、易于成活,是修复颅底缺损的最佳选择。本文对内镜下修复颅底常用带血管蒂组织瓣进行综述。  相似文献   

内镜经鼻扩大入路颅底手术可以成功处理颅底区域广泛的病变,而术后硬膜缺损范围和复杂性可与开放式颅面切除术后相仿.此时能否在内镜下对颅底缺损进行一期重建是达成手术目的、保障安全的必要条件.以往使用游离的、非血管化组织或材料修复此类复杂颅底缺损,失败比例很高.而近年来采用带血管蒂的局部或区域组织瓣修复颅底复杂的硬膜缺损技术取得长足进步,成功率显著提高.本文就经鼻内镜下应用不同的带血管蒂组织瓣修复颅底缺损技术进行综述.  相似文献   

鼻中隔及下鼻道黏骨膜瓣修复前颅底缺损的解剖学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 利用鼻中隔和下鼻道黏骨膜瓣对前颅底部分骨质缺损和脑脊液鼻漏进行修补的研究。方法在 2 0具尸头上测量鼻中隔和下鼻道黏骨膜相关径线的数值和面积。结果 鼻中隔黏骨膜瓣面积为 17.0 6cm2 ,下鼻道黏骨膜瓣面积为 6 .16cm2 ,鼻中隔和下鼻道黏骨膜瓣面积为 2 3.2 2cm2 ,即可覆盖前颅底约 5cm× 4 .5cm以下的骨质缺损。结论 在鼻腔、鼻窦肿瘤侵蚀到前颅底的手术病例中 ,对于骨质缺损较大和 /或形成脑脊液鼻漏时 ,可据此数据转移适当的鼻中隔黏骨膜瓣同步修补前颅底骨质缺损 ,若缺损过大可将鼻中隔骨与软骨一并转移或联合下鼻道黏骨膜  相似文献   

目的探讨鼻内镜下鼻中隔带蒂黏膜瓣用于修补鼻中隔穿孔和脑脊液鼻漏的疗效。方法2005年8月~2008年2月北京同仁医院鼻科共11例鼻中隔穿孔和8例脑脊液鼻漏患者。鼻中隔穿孔位于鼻中隔前部,穿孔大小0.8 cm~2.0 cm,在鼻内镜下采用邻近穿孔后上方的鼻中隔带蒂黏骨膜瓣(黏软骨膜瓣)向前下反转覆盖于鼻中隔穿孔黏膜缺损处,对侧采用穿孔前下方带蒂黏骨膜瓣(黏软骨膜瓣)和鼻底黏膜瓣或下鼻甲带蒂黏膜瓣覆盖修补穿孔。8例脑脊液鼻漏患者,2例漏出部位在嗅裂,5例漏出部位在筛顶,1例漏出部位位于嗅裂延续至后筛顶,面积大小为0.1 cm×0.8 cm~0.3 cm×0.8 cm。采用邻近的鼻中隔带蒂黏骨膜瓣反转覆盖于缺损处,必要时黏膜瓣中间夹层钩突或中鼻甲骨片,外覆邻近的鼻中隔带蒂黏膜瓣修补漏出部位。结果11例鼻中隔穿孔和8例脑脊液鼻漏均一次修补成功,随访3个月~3年,未见复发。鼻中隔黏膜转瓣后供区黏膜缺损区在2周后基本上皮化。结论鼻中隔带蒂黏骨膜瓣(黏软骨膜瓣)自身有血供,成活率高,获取容易,取材区域广泛,转蒂距离充足,是修补鼻中隔穿孔和嗅裂和筛顶脑脊液鼻漏的良好材料。  相似文献   

我科于2002-2005年共收治脑脊液鼻漏患者11例,均在鼻内镜下利用带蒂的中鼻甲黏膜瓣修补,取得满意疗效。现报告如下。 1资料与方法 1.1临床资料 11例中,男9例,女2例;年龄28-52岁,平均42.5岁。病程16d~1.5年。9例为外伤性,2例为医源性,其中6例曾在神经外科行开颅修补而失败。术前均行CT和鼻内镜检查,其中6例在椎管内注入核素后行核素扫描检查,脑脊液鼻漏均在前颅底,筛板7例,筛窦4例。前颅底骨质缺损处直径0.5~1.6cm,平均1.2cm。  相似文献   

Endonasal skull base surgery is growing exponentially as a subspecialty. In recent years, advances in endoscopic techniques and intraoperative navigation systems have allowed us to expand the indications of endoscopic skull base surgery. Major skull base centers worldwide are addressing larger and more complex lesions using endoscopic techniques. As a consequence, the skull base defects are more challenging to reconstruct. In this report, we present a novel technique to reconstruct the denuded septum remaining after the use of the vascular pedicled nasoseptal flap. Laryngoscope, 2010  相似文献   

目的:探讨侧颅底肿瘤切除术后缺损的修复。方法:回顾性总结182例侧颅底肿瘤切除术后缺损的修复及愈后情况。病种包括听神经瘤(92例),颈静脉孔肿瘤(21例),颞下窝肿瘤(6例),鼻咽癌放疗后复发癌(4例),中耳癌(3例),桥小脑角的脑膜瘤(2例),蛛网膜囊肿(2例),颞骨鳞状细胞癌2例。修复部位包括硬脑膜、颅底骨、颧弓、颅底颞下窝的缺损。采用的材料有腹壁脂肪(113例)、颞肌及颞肌筋膜瓣(2g例)、胸锁乳突肌肌瓣(19例)、胸大肌皮瓣(2例)、人工脑膜(1例)、钛板(1例)。结果:采用的带血管颞肌及颞肌筋膜瓣、胸大肌皮瓣、胸锁乳突肌肌瓣全部存活,用脂肪修复成功率为98.2%(111/113),脑脊液漏2例,无颅内感染发生。结论:根据侧颅底脑肿瘤的部位和不同类型的缺损,采用不同的修复材料和方法,肿瘤切除后颅底缺损的修复重建对术后功能的保留和恢复,避免脑脊液漏、颅内感染的发生,有着至关重要的作用,是侧颅底肿瘤手术成功的关键之一。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In patients with large dural defects of the anterior and ventral skull base after endonasal skull base surgery, there is a significant risk of a postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leak after reconstruction. Reconstruction with vascularized tissue is desirable to facilitate rapid healing, especially in irradiated patients. METHODS: We developed a neurovascular pedicled flap of the nasal septum mucoperiosteum and mucoperichondrium based on the nasoseptal artery, a branch of the posterior septal artery (Hadad-Bassagasteguy flap [HBF]). A retrospective review of patients undergoing endonasal skull base surgery at the University of Rosario, Argentina, and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center was performed to identify patients who were reconstructed with a vascularized septal mucosal flap. RESULTS: Forty-three patients undergoing endonasal cranial base surgery were repaired with the septal mucosal flap. Two patients with postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leaks (5%) were successfully treated with focal fat grafts. We encountered no infectious or wound complications in this series of patients. One patient experienced a posterior nose bleed from the posterior nasal artery. This was controlled with electrocautery and the flap blood supply was preserved. CONCLUSION: The HBF is a versatile and reliable reconstructive technique for defects of the anterior, middle, clival, and parasellar skull base. Its use has resulted in a sharp decrease in the incidence of postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leaks after endonasal skull base surgery and is recommended for the reconstruction of large dural defects and when postoperative radiation therapy is anticipated.  相似文献   

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