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Little research describes the involvement and contribution of primary health care services in residential homes, despite policy and research concerns that older people in residential homes are a vulnerable population for whom care must be improved. The aim of this research was to explore the actual and potential contribution of primary care nurses in residential homes for older people, particularly district nurses. Five focus groups were held with district nurses in one county in England, to explore how participants represented their views, values and experiences of working in residential homes. Our major finding was the importance of context in shaping the experience of district nursing involvement. General practitioner attachment determined the frequency of visiting homes and affected workload. District nurses had regular contact with residential homes for discrete nursing tasks, but appropriateness of referrals and input was not agreed. The focus group discussions with district nurses revealed how problematic their work in residential homes was and a lack of consensus about their role. The data suggested that uncertainty about providing care in a setting that straddles the health and social care, public and private divide, and anxieties about managing their workload overshadowed their acknowledged concerns about the older people in residential care homes. Further research is needed to substantiate the findings, obtain residents' views and address issues of how to achieve integrated and equitable health and social care for this group.  相似文献   

Aims and objectives. Through comparison of two studies undertaken three years apart the opinions of nurses working in aged care facilities in Queensland were determined. Results will support policy planning for the Queensland Nurses Union. Background. An ageing population in Australia is placing increased demands on residential aged care facilities. In Queensland, the national situation is exacerbated by an influx of retirees from other states and territories. The ongoing problem of shortages of nurses in the workforce may be addressed by gaining further insight into the nurses’ own views of their conditions and experiences. Methods. One thousand nurses working in public and privately owned residential aged care facilities were surveyed by postal questionnaire in 2004. Results were compared with data collected in an identical study in 2001. Results. Respondents offered their opinions on working hours and conditions, professional development and experiences in nursing. The predominately female aged care nursing workforce is ageing. Reported workplace violence has increased substantially since 2001. Some improvements are reported in staff numbers, skill mix and workplace policies. Nurses expressed very serious concerns about pay, workload, stress, physical and emotional demands and staff morale. Conclusion. Working conditions for nurses in the residential aged care sector in Queensland must be addressed to retain the current nurses and to encourage new nurses to replace those that retire. Relevance to clinical practice. The findings of this study provide information not only for the Queensland Nurses Union but also policy makers and nurse managers both nationally and internationally on areas that need to be addressed to maintain the required workforce within the aged care sector.  相似文献   

Background National minimum standards for residential care homes were introduced following the Care Standards Act 2000 in response to concern about the lack of consistency and poor quality services. These standards are intended to reflect outcomes for service users and to be comprehensive in scope. Method This study compared ratings made by care standards inspectors with research measures for 52 homes for people with intellectual disabilities serving 299 people. The research measures focused on the lived experience of residential care, including engagement in meaningful activity, choice and participation in activities of daily living. They also included measures of related care practices and organizational arrangements. Results The research measures were in general significantly correlated with each other. Most of the care standards ratings were also correlated with each other. However, only two of 108 correlations between care standards and research measures were significant. Possible reasons for this are discussed. Conclusions This study confirms that the review of national minimum standards and modernization of inspection methods recently announced by the Department of Health and the Commission for Social Care Inspection are timely and appropriate.  相似文献   

Background There have been major changes in the provision and organization of services for people with intellectual disabilities in England over the last 30 years, particularly deinstitutionalization and the development of the mixed economy of care. The experiences of the people who participated in the Care in the Community Demonstration Programme in the mid‐1980s provide evidence of the immediate and longer‐term effects of the reprovision policy. Methods Cross‐sectional and longitudinal evidence was gathered on service use and costs for over 250 people 12 years after they left long‐stay hospitals for community living arrangements. Comparisons were made with the situation in hospital, and 1 and 5 years after leaving. Relationships between costs after 12 years and individual characteristics assessed before people left hospital were explored. Results Community care at the 12‐year follow‐up remained more expensive than hospital‐based support, although the average cost was lower than at either of the 1‐ or 5‐year community follow‐up points. Service users were living in a wide variety of accommodation settings. Management responsibility fell on National Health Service (NHS) trusts, local authorities, voluntary agencies, or to private organizations or individuals. After standardizing for users’ skills and abilities, costs in minimum support accommodation were significantly lower than those in residential and nursing homes, costs in staffed group homes significantly higher, and costs in hostels slightly lower. When looking at differences between individuals, no relationship was found between costs and outcomes although, overall, people were better off in the community than they had been when in hospital. Conclusions Reprovision planning for hospital and other institutional modes of care requires major and long‐term commitment of resources. Quality of life improvements can be achieved at a cost little different in the long‐run from that for hospital care. The link between needs and costs (reflecting the services intended to meet those needs) would be made stronger through the individualization of care.  相似文献   

The development of practice is but one aspect of Clinical Nurse Specialists' (CNSs) work, and a number of factors act to shape the extent to which CNSs are able to work with and develop practice with nursing and residential care homes. A postal survey of 730 community CNSs in palliative care working in the UK was undertaken to explore the involvement of these nurses with nursing and residential care homes. Much of the focus of the involvement was reactive work meeting the direct clinical needs of residents, primarily with cancer. Although the CNSs perceived that there were some educational and care deficits in these care settings, the amount of proactive work undertaken to improve practice was limited. The development work undertaken was focused on educational initiatives and establishing link nurse systems. There is potential to develop palliative care practice in nursing and residential care homes through practice development initiatives.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although the successful retention of National Health Service (NHS) nursing staff is a policy concern, evidence suggests that substantial numbers of registered nurses continue to leave the profession, and some to own and run small caring-related business. At the same time, private complementary medicine has undergone a rapid expansion in recent years, and initial impressionistic evidence suggests that many therapists are former nurses. AIMS: The paper investigates the motivations and experiences of nurses who have either left nursing altogether, or substantially reduced their involvement, and who now practise complementary medicine in the private sector. It also investigates the issue of whether they would consider returning to practise complementary medicine within the NHS. METHODS: A combined questionnaire (n = 63) and semi-structured interview (n = 11) survey was used to collect detailed attitudinal data from respondents. The analytical approach to the interview data used a form of constant comparative analysis which was derived from the principles of grounded theory. In particular, the interviews were developed and refined from each other as they progressed. RESULTS: The majority of therapists operate independently, either from their own homes or from small rented premises. They were originally motivated by a disillusionment with the health service and particular aspects of their former jobs. However, equally they were attracted by the therapies themselves, the conceptual paradigms which underpin them and the different experiences of practice. Despite stating a disillusionment with the NHS, most respondents expressed a cautious willingness to potentially re-enter the NHS to practise complementary medicine. CONCLUSIONS: Many practising complementary therapists are registered nurses who may be willing to re-enter the formal health service. It is therefore argued that a greater synergy between orthodox and complementary medicine may be one way of addressing shortages of nursing labour, and in particular this form of drop-out, whilst meeting evolving consumer health care demands.  相似文献   

Abstract In the winter of 1909, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, a large company within the private sector, identified visiting nurses as a means of lowering mortality rates, while improving the image of the company. Although initially associated with the nurses of Lillian Wal&dcar;s Henry Street Settlement House, the Metropolitan Visiting Nurse Service eventually formed an alliance with over 650 Visiting Nurse Associations across the United States, caring for over 30 million policy holders. The purpose of this historical research was to analyze the liaison between business and the profession of nursing, identifying factors that served as an impetus for the origin, growth, and decline of the Metropolitan Visiting Nurse Service. Data were gathered in the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Archives; the Visiting Nurse Association Archives of New York and Chicago; the New York Public Library; Chicago Historical Society; Schlesinger Library at Radcliffe College in Cambridge, MA; Haven Emerson Public Library in New York; National League for Nursing Education Historical Collection in New York; Walter Library, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; American Public Health Association Historical Collection, Washington, DC; and Special Collection of Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA. The results indicate that visiting nurses were masters of improvisation, demonstrating clinical excellence under demanding conditions. Although both nursing and business leaders demanded efficiency, nursing focused on quality of nurses, while business viewed cost of a nursing visit as the priority. Unfortunately for the profession, increased educational sources for nurses coupled with declining volume of visits drove the cost of a nursing visit higher than Metropolitan was willing to pay. Consequently, in 1950 Metropolitan made the decision to terminate the service. In a time when the nursing profession seeks both clinical excellence and cost containment, this study uses the past to stimulate questions about the future: Can the nursing profession provide quality care in an era where cost of care is emphasized? Can the profession use the knowledge and principles of the business world to reach mutually satisfying goals of quality patient care and cost effectiveness? Can nursing balance the values inherent in achieving a cost/care attitude?  相似文献   

GILLETT K . Nursing Inquiry 2010; 17 : 197–207
From ‘part of ’ to ‘partnership’: the changing relationship between nurse education and the National Health Service Worldwide, many countries have moved towards incorporating nurse education into the higher education sector and this inevitably has implications for the relationship between nurse education providers and local health service providers. This study explores the changes to the relationship in the UK between nurse education providers and the UK National Health Service over the past 20 years and demonstrates how two political ideologies have been central to those changes. The two ideologies of interest are the introduction of internal markets to the National Health Service by the Conservative government at the end of the 1980s and the New Labour response to the fragmentation of public services caused by Conservative neoliberal policy, which was to introduce the notion of ‘partnership working’. This study reviews the wider debate around partnership policy and applies that debate to evaluate the way that nurse education providers and the National Health Service are working in partnership to provide clinical practice placements for nursing students.  相似文献   

An investigation of 2165 qualified nurses joining eight NHS District Health Authorities (DHAs) and 72 private sector institutions was undertaken in order to measure the skills which move between these sectors and to estimate the likely impact on NHS nursing services of any future growth in the private sector. It was found that 42% (95% confidence interval: 36%, 48%) of the nurses joining private acute hospitals and 28% (95% CI: 21%, 37%) of those joining long-stay private nursing homes came directly from the NHS workforce. Fewer qualified nurses move from the private sector to the NHS. Private acute hospitals appear to attract recruits from a specific section of the NHS workforce: nurses under 30 years of age with specialist skills such as theatre nursing, renal nursing, intensive care and oncology.  相似文献   

The difficulties faced in the recruitment and retention of nursing staff in nursing homes for older people are an international challenge. It is therefore essential that the causes of nurses’ reluctance to work in these settings are determined. This paper considers the influence that multiple‐source care funding issues have on nursing home nurses’ experiences and views regarding the practice and appeal of the role. The methodology for this study was hermeneutic phenomenology. Thirteen nurses from seven nursing homes in the North East of England were interviewed in a sequence of up to five interviews and data were analysed using a literary analysis method. Findings indicate that participants are uncomfortable with the business aspects that funding issues bring to their role. The primary difficulties faced are: tensions between care issues and funding issues; challenges associated with ‘selling beds’; and coping with self‐funding residents’ changing expectations of care. The findings of the study suggest that multiple‐source care funding systems that operate in nursing homes for older people pose challenges to nursing home nurses. Some of these challenges may impact on their recruitment and retention.  相似文献   

In Portugal, the healthcare sector demand for professionals has traditionally outweighed the supply for physicians, nurses and health technicians. However, the capacity of the National Health Service, the main healthcare sector employer, to absorb new professionals is apparently decreasing, and the demand for professionals in the private sector is unclear, but it seems to be growing. With regard to physicians, demand seems to persistently exceed supply, as many physicians work in several institutions or work overtime in the public sector, and the number of foreign physicians practicing in Portugal is increasing. In recent years, the number of medical schools and medical graduates increased, but it may not be sufficient to meet future needs. This paper is limited by the lack of comprehensive data on the private sector and on the number of professionals moving between the public and private sectors. These data are important for the planning and the decision-making process. Human resources policies, supported by an adequate health information system, are fundamental steps for the improvement of the performance of the healthcare system.  相似文献   

Title.  Retention of nurses in the primary and community care workforce after theage of 50 years: database analysis and literature review.
Aim.  This paper is a report of a study conducted to explore strategies for retaining nurses and their implications for the primary and community care nursing workforce.
Background.  An ageing nursing workforce has forced the need for recruitment and retention of nurses to be an important feature of workforce planning in many countries. However, whilst there is a growing awareness of the factors that influence the retention of nurses within secondary care services, little is known about those that influence retention of nurses in primary and community care. Little is known about the age profile of such nurses or the impact of the ageing nursing workforce on individual nursing specialities in the England.
Methods.  Nursing databases were analysed to explore the impact of age on nursing specialities in primary and community care. The nurse retention literature was reviewed from 1995 to 2006.
Findings.  Workforce statistics reveal that primary and community care nurses have a higher age profile than the National Health Service nursing workforce as a whole. However, there are important gaps in the literature in relation to the factors influencing retention of older primary and community care nurses. Specific factors exist for older nurses within primary care that are unique. Implications for their retention are suggested.
Conclusion.  Particular attention needs to be paid to factors influencing retention of older nurses in primary and community care. These factors need to be incorporated into local and national policy planning and development.  相似文献   

Background Determining the relative importance of variables including client characteristics, setting features, staffing and care practices on the lives of people with learning disabilities in residential care continues to be a relevant topic for research. Methods Measurements were made of the adaptive and problem behaviour of 343 adults with intellectual disabilities living in 76 residential homes and of various aspects of staffing, care practices (extent of active support) and resident engagement in meaningful activity. Ordinal and logistic regression was used to identify variables best predicting engagement and care practices. Results Only adaptive behaviour and care practices predicted resident engagement in meaningful activity; only age and adaptive behaviour predicted care practices. Conclusions Given the limited scope for changing resident adaptive behaviour, attention should be given to improve active support in residential homes in order to promote greater engagement in meaningful activity by people with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive picture of the issues that impact upon the registered nurse providing residential aged care, in order to contribute to best practice initiatives to enhance both the health and well-being of older Australians and the professional working life of registered nurses working in this sector. The impact of an ageing population is being felt in Australia as in other western countries. In Australia, there is an estimated 12% of the population aged 65 and over, with a projected increase to 18% by 2021. Paradoxically, there is an emerging crisis in attracting and retaining skilled registered nurses to provide residential aged care. Little research evidence exists that provides a comprehensive picture of the issues impacting on this group of nurses. This exploratory qualitative study comprised three stages involving the use of interviews, focus groups, nominal groups and a series of workshops. Ongoing iterative analysis of the multiple data sources identified five key issues impacting on registered nurses providing residential aged care, as well as a range of strategies designed to address those issues. The final recommendations were developed with key stakeholders in terms of language, intention and ranked order, and are included in full.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes a research study which explored the experiences of older people being discharged from hospital to nursing and residential homes in the North East of England. While there has been considerable research which has looked at the discharge of patients from hospital to their own homes, little literature could be found which addressed discharge to care homes. While this may reflect an assumption that this form of discharge is less problematic, it is arguable that this is only the case for staff - there is a body of literature on re-location which suggests that the move to a care home is a major life event for older people. Taking a qualitative approach, this study interviewed 20 older people and 17 of their family members after discharge from hospital to a care home. We found that few people had been offered opportunities to discuss their move with nurses, and that older people tended to adopt a stoical attitude. In focus groups, interviews and written responses from 23 members of staff in the hospital and in care homes, we found that there was a lack of clarity over whose role it was to initiate such discussions. The paper concludes with some discussion of the implications for nursing practice of changing care interfaces.  相似文献   

 A specialist palliative care team (SPCT) for the care of terminal cancer patients was established at Forlì in 1986. Over the years, its staff and the patients cared for have been increasing in numbers up to the present levels of importance. For 12 years the service was supplied by a private institution, Istituto Oncologico Romagnolo (IOR). The National Health Service (NHS) has since stepped in and is now supplying home care directly, leaving the IOR with a cultural, supporting, role and with the promotion of volunteer recruitment. The care provided by the specialist group active in the patients' homes is integrated into the primary care provided by the family doctors. A plan is being realized to establish a palliative care unit (PCU) within the city hospital. The group has also been engaged in research for many years, giving special attention both to prognostic factors in very advanced cancer patients and to the organization and evaluation of the service costs. Moreover, two training courses in palliative care are organized biennially, one for all health workers in the region and one for volunteers co-operating with the medical teams. Published online: 3 August  相似文献   



Although trust has been investigated in the health context, limited research explores nurse and nurse manager perceptions of trust.


To explore the concept of trust amongst nurses and nurse managers at individual, interpersonal and organisational levels.


Our paper reports the findings from an interpretivist study conducted within the British National Health Service, involving thirty-nine semi-structured interviews with nurses and nurse managers.


Large acute and small community organisation within the British National Health Service.


28 nurses and 11 nurse managers working within an Acute and a Community sector organisation – 20 and 19 in each organisation. Participants were selected through a process of purposive sampling, reflecting variations in terms of age, grade, ward and tenure.


We utilise a concept analysis framework in exploring the antecedents, attributes and consequences of trust amongst nurses and nurse managers at individual, interpersonal and organisational levels.


Key findings suggest that trust is formed within the immediate ward environment, and is significantly influenced by the role of line manager. Other positively influencing factors include professionalism and commitment to the nursing profession. These form the basis for the teamwork, delegation, support, open communication systems, confidentiality and discretion essential to delivering quality patient care. Negatively influencing factors include new management concepts, practices and styles overseen by managers recruited from the private sector. New management concepts were associated with reductions in the number of qualified nurses and increasing numbers of untrained nursing staff, reduced direct patient contact, less opportunities for professional training and development and deteriorating terms and conditions of employment.


Our findings offer insight for managers, nurses and human resource practitioners to help build high trust relationships in a health care context. Of particular import is the need for managers to communicate more effectively organisational and financial constraints, in a manner that does not ‘alienate’ nurses and nurse managers, by highlighting their value and acknowledging their role in delivering high quality patient care.  相似文献   

Current difficulties in the assessment of practice of qualified nurses undertaking courses in critical care nursing are outlined and discussed. The evaluation and development of previously identified core competencies for intensive care nurses is discussed.The use of the National Health Service Knowledge and Skills Framework as a framework for the assessment of practice of nurses undertaking courses in intensive care nursing within one higher education Institution is presented and examined. The potential implications of these developments for practice and education are outlined.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to describe the development, introduction, implementation, and current models of critical care outreach services. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted a national postal survey of National Health Service acute care hospitals in England that routinely provide care for level 1 patients (n = 239). RESULTS: Completed questionnaires were received from 191 (79.9%) hospitals; 139 (72.8%) had a formal critical care outreach service. A third (32.8%, 45/137) of services covered more than one hospital; 33.8% (45/133) of hospitals provided telephone advice 24 hours a day for 7 days per week, but less than 15% of hospitals offered follow-up or direct bedside clinical support on the same basis. There was wide variation in the proportion of hospital wards covered, the size and composition of the team, the aims of the service, and the balance between provision of direct care and advice. CONCLUSIONS: There are still a significant number of National Health Service acute care hospitals in England with no formal critical care outreach service. In addition, critical care outreach is being delivered in many different ways across the country, and thus means different things in different hospitals. The variation may reflect the lack of evidence as to which approaches are likely to be most effective.  相似文献   

Aim. The aim of this e‐cohort sub‐study was to explore and describe nurses’ understandings of ‘caring’ in residential aged‐care. Background. The quality of the work environment is an important issue for recruitment, retention and workforce planning. Knowledge about the people in and the place that is the residential aged‐care facility may assist with the problems surrounding the recruitment and retention of nurses in the workforce. Design. Qualitative electronic cohort sub‐study. Methods. This paper presents the qualitative research findings from an electronic cohort sub‐study of 58 registered and enrolled nurses working in the residential aged‐care sector in 2007. Data were collected through an open ended question and a qualitative content analysis was used to generate the core categories. Results. The concept of caring was grounded in and constrained by, the everyday reality of the nurses in the study. Organisational imperatives for the completion of documentation necessary for accreditation and funding combined with under‐staffing restricted the time available for caring practices. Some nurses represented residential care faculties as devoid of care, others as a place where the resident was central to their work and care. The staff perceived of themselves as an ageing workforce in need of rejuvenation and resourcing. Conclusion. The concept of caring is manifest in nurses’ language as they describe their workplace, the residents, themselves and the structures that impact on what they do. Good caring manifests itself when the residents are central to the business of the aged care facility. However, nurses in this study describe a range of restrictive factors impeding caring practices and diminishing workforce morale and motivation to create environments that can truly be called a ‘home‐away‐from‐home’ and one that all people would find acceptable. Relevance to clinical practice. These findings have implications for aged‐care sector recruitment, retention and workforce planning within residential aged‐care facilities.  相似文献   

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