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1. In cats anaesthetized with halothane and nitrous oxide, the responses to iontophoretically applied acetylcholine (ACh) and to high-frequency stimulation of the mid-brain reticular formation (MRF) were tested on spontaneously active neurones in the nucleus reticularis thalami and underlying ventrobasal complex.2. The initial response to MRF stimulation of 90% of the ACh-inhibited neurones found in the region of the dorsolateral nucleus reticularis was an inhibition. Conversely, the initial response of 82% of the ACh-excited neurones in the ventrobasal complex was an excitation. Neurones in the rostral pole of the nucleus reticularis were inhibited by both ACh and RMF stimulation.3. The mean latency (and s.e. of mean) for the MRF-evoked inhibition was 13·7 ± 3·2 ms (n = 42) and that for the MRF-evoked excitation, 44.1 ± 4.2 ms (n = 35).4. The ACh-evoked inhibitions were blocked by iontophoretic atropine, in doses that did not block amino acid-evoked inhibition. In twenty-four ACh-inhibited neurones the effect of iontophoretic atropine was tested on MRF-evoked inhibition. In all twenty-four neurones atropine had no effect on the early phase of MRF-evoked inhibition but weakly antagonized the late phase of inhibition in nine of fourteen neurones.5. Interspike-interval histograms showed that the firing pattern of neurones in the nucleus reticularis was characterized by periods of prolonged, high-frequency bursting. Both the ACh-evoked inhibitions and the late phase of MRF-evoked inhibitions were accompanied by an increased burst activity. In contrast, iontophoretic atropine tended to suppress burst activity.6. The possibility is discussed that electrical stimulation of the MRF activates an inhibitory cholinergic projection to the nucleus reticularis. Since neurones of the nucleus reticularis have been shown to inhibit thalamic relay cells, activation of this inhibitory pathway may play a role in MRF-evoked facilitation of thalamo-cortical relay transmission and the associated electrocortical desynchronization.  相似文献   

1. Fifty-four neurones of the caudal part of the nucleus reticularis thalami (nuc. ret.) were recorded during different phases of sleep and wakefulness in unanaesthetized freely moving cats.2. During wakefulness the activity of the neurones was characterized by a continuous, well-spaced discharge. The mean firing rate was 35.58 +/- 15.06 spikes/sec (average +/- S.D.).3. During sleep with synchronized e.e.g. (S-sleep) the neurones fired in high frequency bursts with long pauses in between. Each burst was formed of 10-15 spikes. Often the bursts were followed by prolonged discharges formed of spikes well spaced one from the other. Bursts followed by prolonged activity were more commonly observed at the beginning of S-sleep and during the S-sleep periods preceding sleep with desynchronized e.e.g., whereas bursts immediately followed by silence were more frequent in the S-sleep periods with e.e.g. delta waves. The long periods of silence between the bursts usually lasted over 200 msec and values greater than 1 sec were frequently found. The mean firing rate of neurones during S-sleep was 19.22 +/- 10.50 spikes/sec.4. During sleep with desynchronized e.e.g. (D-sleep) the activity of the neurones was, as during wakefulness, characterized by a continuous, well spaced, unclustered discharge. The mean firing rate was 40.00 +/- 18.74 spikes/sec. During the rapid eye movements of this phase most units increased the frequency of their discharge, which, nevertheless, maintained the unclustered feature proper to the desynchronized phase of sleep.5. Interspike interval distribution was similar during wakefulness and sleep with desynchronized e.e.g., whereas that for sleep with synchronized e.e.g. was markedly different from those for both the other stages.6. The implications of the striking similarity between the activity of reticularis neurones during wakefulness and sleep with desynchronized e.e.g. are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In urethane anesthetized rats neuronal responses of the visual part of nucleus reticularis thalami (vTR) to light were compared with those during pairing light as a conditioned stimulus (CS) with the electrical stimulation of the rat's tail (US). The intensity of the US was adjusted to the minimum required to evoke a slight freezing behavior in the awake rat. The firing rate of most vTR neurons decreased in the period between light and US application (P < 0.01). Significant response modulations to light were observed in 39% of the units, in most of them they persisted over an extinction period of 15 min. In addition, neurons which were predominantly inhibited by conditioning sometimes changed from regular spiking to a burst pattern. The results support the hypothesis that conditioning related facilitation of geniculate neurons observed in previous experiments can be explained at least partly by disinhibition of geniculate units from vTR.  相似文献   

The effects of depriving thalamic relay and intralaminar nuclei from their reticularis thalami (RE) inputs were investigated in acute and chronic experiments on cat. In acutely prepared animals, two (frontal and parasagittal) thalamic transections were made; extracellular and intracellular recordings were performed in RE-disconnected thalamic nuclei. In chronic experiments, the RE nuclear complex was lesioned by means of kainic acid injections; the activity of RE-deprived thalamocortical neurons was extracellularly studied during wakefulness and synchronized sleep. Two features distinguish RE-deprived nuclei from normal thalamic nuclei: absence of spindle-wave rhythmicity and all-burst activity of neurons. The abolition of spindle-related rhythms (sequences of 7- to 14-Hz waves recurring periodically with a rhythm of 0.1-0.2 Hz) in RE-disconnected thalamic nuclei and ipsilateral neocortical areas contrasted with normal spindling rhythmicity in contralateral EEG leads. Spontaneously occurring, rhythmic, long-lasting inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs), as observed in intact preparations, were no longer observed in RE-disconnected thalamic neurons. The remaining inhibitory events consisted of short-duration IPSPs. The possibility that RE nucleus is a pacemaker for spindling rhythms, imposing them through inhibitory projections to target thalamic areas, is supported by our concurrent experiments that indicate RE neurons preserve their rhythmicity after disconnection from their major (cortical and thalamic) input sources. RE-deprived thalamocortical neurons exclusively exhibit high-frequency spike bursts whose intrinsic structure is identical to that of intact thalamic relay cells. Instead of the spindle-related sequences of bursts seen in normal animals, the bursts of RE-disconnected thalamocortical neurons are single events, with a dramatic rhythmicity at 1-2 Hz. The presumed mechanism of this rhythmicity is the periodic activation of a low-threshold somatic conductance whose deinactivation is brought about by temporal integration of short-lasting IPSPs. It is known that high-frequency spike bursts of thalamic relay neurons result from hyperpolarization of cell membrane. We blocked the underlying inhibitory events by bicuculline and reversibly changed the all-burst activity of RE-disconnected neurons into a tonic mode. Since the only activity of RE-deprived thalamocortical neurons consists of burst discharges, we hypothesize that local-circuit GABAergic neurons are released from inhibition after RE disconnection or lesion.  相似文献   

Turner JP  Salt TE 《Neuroscience》2003,122(2):459-469
Intracellular recordings were made from neurones in the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) and ventro-basal (VB) thalamus in slices of rat midbrain in vitro. Electrical stimulation of the medial lemniscus or TRN resulted in the generation of complex synaptic potentials containing disynaptic inhibitory post-synaptic potentials (IPSPs) in VB thalamocortical neurones. Analysis of the excitatory synaptic responses in TRN neurones indicates they can produce burst output response irrespective of the level of sub-threshold membrane potential. This suggests that network-evoked IPSPs in VB thalamocortical neurones occur following a burst of TRN action potentials. Using ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonists, the activation of these disynaptic events was blocked, and the monosynaptic IPSPs that resulted from the direct activation of the TRN could be isolated. The selective Group II agonists LY354740 (1-10 microM) and N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate (NAAG; 100-500 microM) both caused a reversible depression of these monosynaptic TRN IPSPs without any effect on membrane potential or input resistance. Likewise, the specific Group III agonist L-2-amino-4-phosphonobutanoate (10-500 microM), but not (RS)-4-phosphonophenylglycine (1 and 30 microM) also caused a reversible depression of these IPSPs, again without any effect on membrane potential or input resistance.Thus, the IPSPs recorded in VB thalamocortical neurones, evoked by TRN activation, can be depressed by the activation of either Group II or III metabotropic glutamate receptors. This is consistent with the location of these receptor types on the presynaptic terminals of TRN axons in the VB thalamus. This raises the possibility that, during periods of intense excitatory activity, glutamate release could influence the release of GABA from TRN axon terminals in the thalamus. In addition, as NAAG is located in the axons and terminals arising from the TRN, there is the possibility that this dipeptide is also released by these terminals to control the release of GABA during periods of high activity in the TRN.  相似文献   

G Marini  G Macchi  M Mancia 《Neuroscience》1992,51(4):759-762
It is well known that the electroencephalogram of the cat in the early stages of slow wave sleep is mainly characterized by rhythmic wave activity at 7-14 Hz, termed spindles, which recur periodically with a slow rhythm of 0.1-0.2 Hz. From early stimulation, decortication and transection studies (see Ref. 14), spindle oscillations were thought to originate in the thalamus. The search for the anatomical substrate of thalamic spindling, however, moved from medial (intralaminar nuclei) to lateral thalamic nuclei, and recently focused on the extreme shell-shaped collection of GABA-ergic cells, the nucleus reticularis thalami. This proposition was based on its structural, hodological, and physiological aspects. There is accumulating evidence that the nucleus reticularis may act as a conditional pacemaker, synchronizing the activity of cortically projecting thalamic neurons. The introduction of glutamate analogues with excitotoxic properties such as ibotenic acid provided the opportunity of studying the immediate effects of chemical excitation of this nucleus on synchronized electroencephalographic activity. We found that, in cats, spindle density was dramatically increased following infusion of ibotenic acid into the rostral pole of the nucleus, supporting the role of this sector in spindle-related rhythmicity.  相似文献   

The GABAergic neurons of the nucleus reticularis thalami (nRT) express the type 2 hyperpolarization-activated cAMP-sensitive (HCN2) subunit mRNA, but surprisingly, they were reported to lack the hyperpolarization-activated (Ih) current carried by this subunit. Using the voltage-clamp recordings in the thalamocortical slice preparation of the newborn and juvenile mice (P6-P23), we demonstrate that, in the presence of 1 mM barium (Ba2+), the nRT neurons express a slow hyperpolarization-activated inward current, suggesting that the Ih is present but masked in control conditions by K+ leak currents. We investigate the identity of the hyperpolarization-activated current in the nRT by studying its physiological and pharmacological profile in presence of Ba2+. We show that it has voltage- and time-dependent properties typical of the Ih, that it is blocked by cesium and ZD7288, two blockers of the Ih, and that it is carried both by the K+ and Na+ ions. We could also alter the gating characteristics of the hyperpolarization-activated current in the nRT by adding a nonhydrolysable analogue of cAMP to the pipette solution. Finally, using the current-clamp recording, we showed that blocking the hyperpolarization-activated current induced an hyperpolarization correlated with an increase of the R(in) of the nRT neurons. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that the nRT neurons express the Ih with slow kinetics similar to those described for the homomeric HCN2 channels, and we show that the Ih of the nRT contributes to the excitability of the nRT neurons in normal conditions.  相似文献   

It has been conclusively demonstrated in juvenile rodents that the inhibitory neurons of the nucleus reticularis thalami (NRT) communicate with each other via connexin 36 (Cx36)-based electrical synapses. However, whether functional electrical synapses persist into adulthood is not fully known. Here we show that in the presence of the metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) agonists, trans-ACPD (100 muM) or DHPG (100 muM), 15% of neurons in slices of the adult cat NRT maintained in vitro exhibit stereotypical spikelets with several properties that indicate that they reflect action potentials that have been communicated through an electrical synapse. In particular, these spikelets, i) display a conserved all-or-nothing waveform with a pronounced after-hyperpolarization (AHP), ii) exhibit an amplitude and time to peak that are unaffected by changes in membrane potential, iii) always occur rhythmically with the precise frequency increasing with depolarization, and iv) are resistant to blockers of conventional, fast chemical synaptic transmission. Thus, these results indicate that functional electrical synapses in the NRT persist into adulthood where they are likely to serve as an effective synchronizing mechanism for the wide variety of physiological and pathological rhythmic activities displayed by this nucleus.  相似文献   

Responses of 81 neurons accurately localized in the nucleus reticularis thalami (RT) of moderately anesthesized rats were tested for response to noxious and non-noxious cutaneous stimuli. Spontaneous firing rates were very high (between 18 and 60 Hz) and regular. Non-noxious stimuli did not modify the activity of RT neurons. By contrast, in 6281 RT neurons, noxious cutaneous mechanical stimuli induced a strong and short-latency depression of firing, irrespective of the location of the stimulus on the body surface. Intense (> 3 mA) transcutaneous electrical stimulation also elicited long-lasting depressions of the firing in most cases. The hypothesis of a possible role of the RT nucleus in inhibitory controls exerted upon noxious messages relayed in the thalamic ventrobasal nucleus is discussed.  相似文献   

1. Post-stimulus histograms of neuronal activity, constructed from extracellular recordings in decerebrate, decerebellate cats, have been used to investigate the responsiveness of neurons in nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis following their excitation by a peripheral nerve stimulus. 2. The response to a testing stimulus applied to a peripheral nerve was depressed following the response to a conditioning stimulus applied to the same or a different peripheral nerve. This reduction in responsiveness was maximal within 50 msec of the peak of the response to the conditioning stimulus. Response latencies to the testing stimulus were increased during the period of reduced responsiveness. 3. Responsiveness to a peripheral nerve stimulus was also reduced following a spontaneous or an antidromically evoked spike, but this effect was weaker and much shorter-lasting than that following a nerve-evoked spike. Thus, the reduced responsiveness cannot be solely due to phenomena which are an inevitable consequence of an action potential in the neurone. 4. In spontaneously firing neurones, the duration of the reduced responsiveness to a testing stimulus generally outlasted the depression of spontaneous activity which often followed an excitation evoked by a peripheral nerve conditioning stimulus. 5. The reduction in responsiveness to a testing stimulus applied to the same nerve as the conditioning stimulus was greater and longer-lasting than that to a testing stimulus applied to a different nerve. 6. When stimuli were applied to one nerve at a relatively high rate, the neurone became much less responsive to that input, but simultaneously became more responsive to low rate stimulation of other nerves. 7. It is concluded that the greater part of the reduced responsiveness is due to events occurring on the input pathway to a reticular neurone, or possibly in the region of the afferent endings on its dendrites. These processes may allow selective changes in responsiveness to different inputs, and enable the units to act as novelty detectors.  相似文献   

Summary The organization of ascending and descending neurones of the lateral cervical nucleus (LCN) was investigated in 10 adult cats after injections of the fluorescent tracers Fast Blue and Nuclear Yellow. Injections into the thalamus and tectum resulted in up to 3000 labelled cell profiles within the contralateral LCN. This corresponded to a calculated number of 4500 labelled LCN neurones. The greatest diameter of the labelled cell profiles was about 30 m. They were located throughout the nucleus, but were less numerous in its medial portion. Injections mainly into the dorsal horn of different pairs of cervical and lumbar segments of the spinal cord resulted in a calculated number of up to 305 labelled LCN cells. The diameter of these cell profiles was about 25 m and they were mainly situated in the rostro-ventral and medial parts of the LCN. Doublelabelled cells with ascending and descending projections were not encountered after injections into the thalamus-tectum and spinal segments C5-6. About 15% of the descending LCN cells were doublelabelled by pairs of spinal injections separated by intervals of one segment. It is concluded that the neurones descending down the spinal cord and ascending to the thalamus-tectum constitute different subpopulations of cells within the LCN and that a minor proportion of the descending cells seem to project to at least three adjacent segments of the spinal cord.  相似文献   

Inhibitory and excitatory effects of dopamine on Aplysia neurones   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
1. Electrophoretic application of dopamine (DA) on Aplysia neurones elicits both excitatory and inhibitory effects, which in many cases are observed in the same neurone, and often result in a biphasic response.2. The DA receptors are localized predominantly on the axons. Desensitization, which occurs after repeated injections or with bath application of DA, is more marked for excitatory responses.3. Tubocurarine and strychnine block the DA excitatory responses without affecting the inhibitory ones, which can be selectively blocked by ergot derivatives. It is concluded that the excitatory and inhibitory effects are mediated by two distinct receptors.4. The two DA receptors can be pharmacologically separated from the three ACh receptors described in the same nervous system.5. In some neurones the dopamine inhibitory responses can be inverted by artificial hyperpolarization of the membrane at the potassium equilibrium potential, E(K), indicating that dopamine causes a selective increase in potassium permeability.6. In other neurones the reversal potential of dopamine inhibitory responses is at a more depolarized level than E(K), but can be brought to E(K) by pharmacological agents known to block the receptors mediating the excitatory effects of DA.7. In still other neurones, the hyperpolarization induced by DA cannot be inverted in normal conditions, but a reversal can be induced by ouabain or by the substitution of external sodium by lithium. These results are discussed in terms of an hypothesis in which dopamine increases the potassium permeability of a limited region of the axonal membrane.8. It is concluded that a selective increase in potassium permeability probably accounts for all dopamine inhibitory effects in the neurones studied.  相似文献   

The projection systems which arise from the motor cortex to reach the nucleus ventralis lateralis (VL) were investigated in the rat. They included a direct as well as an indirect projection via the reticularis thalami nuclear complex (RT). The investigation was performed in two steps: i) the former concerned the projection to the VL as well as to the RT from individual cortical foci electrophysiologically identified by the motor effects evoked by electrical stimulation; the second step concerned the projection from the RT to functionally defined regions of the VL. The direct projection from the motor cortex to the VL is somatotopically arranged. The projection reciprocates the fiber system directed from the VL to the motor cortex. Thus cortical zones controlling the motor activity of the proximal segments of the limbs project onto the regions of the VL that project back to these same cortical areas. With regard to cortical zones controlling the motor activity of the distal segments of the limbs, they not only project to the region of the VL specifically related to them, but also to the region of the VL associated with the cortical areas responsible for movements of the proximal parts of the same limb. In that case fiber terminals were more dense in the VL region controlling the proximal segment than in the region controlling the distal segment of the same limb. This organization suggests that proximal adjustments may be automatically provided by the motor activity of the distal segments of the same limb. The motor cortex projects to the rostral region of the RT with a precise topographical organization. In particular, the projection shows a dorsoventral organization in the RT in relation to the caudorostral body representation in the motor cortex. The projection which arises from the rostral region of the RT also reaches the VL with a topographical arrangement. It discloses a rostrocaudal organization in the VL in relation to a dorsoventral displacement in the RT. Comparing the projection from the motor cortex to the RT and that from this nuclear complex to the VL it was shown that the regions of the VL and their receptive cortical areas were associated with the same regions of the RT. It was therefore concluded that the motor cortical projection to the VL relayed by the RT is somatotopically organized. In both direct and relayed pathways the projections from "hind-" and "forelimb" motor area are segregated, whereas the "head" projection overlaps, at least partially, the "forelimb" terminal field.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

It was examined whether or not the nucleus raphe dorsalis (RD) neurons projecting to the caudate-putamen (CPu) might also project to the motor-controlling region around the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM) and nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis pars alpha (Gia) in the rat. Single RD neurons projecting to the CPu and NRM/Gia by way of axon collaterals were identified by the retrograde double-labeling method with fluorescent dyes, Fast Blue and Diamidino Yellow, which were injected respectively into the CPu and NRM/Gia. Then, serotonin (5-HT)-like immunoreactivity of the double-labeled RD neurons was examined immunohistochemically; approximately 60% of the double-labeled RD neurons showed 5-HT-like immunoreactivity. The results indicated that some of serotonergic and non-serotonergic RD neurons might control motor functions simultaneously at the levels of the CPu and NRM/Gia by way of axon collaterals.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Projections of reticulospinal neurones (RSNs) in the nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis (N.r.p.c.) to dorsal neck motoneurones supplying splenius (SPL, lateral head flexor) and biventer cervicis and complexus (BCC, head elevator) muscles were studied in the cat anaesthetized with pentobarbiturate or -chloralose. 2. Threshold mapping for evoking antidromic spikes revealed that most of RSNs tested projecting down to brachial segments but not to lumbar segments (C-RSNs) gave off collaterals to the gray matter of the upper spinal cord in C2–C3 segments. 3. Spike triggered averaging showed that negative field potentials were evoked after firing of a single C-RSN (single fibre focal synaptic potentials, FSPs) in the region of C2–C3 where large antidromic field potentials from nerves supplying SPL or BCC muscles were evoked. The single fibre FSPs ranged between 1 and 10 V in amplitude and had latencies between 0.7 and 1.2 ms from the onset of the triggering spike. In most cases, a presynaptic spike preceded the negative potential by 0.3 ms. These results indicated that C-RSNs project to the SPL or BCC motor nucleus. 4. Spike triggered averaging of postsynaptic potentials revealed EPSPs (single fibre EPSPs) in 36 dorsal neck motoneurones, predominantly in SPL (25) and less in BCC (11) motoneurones, evoked from 15 C-RSNs. The amplitude of the single fibre EPSPs ranged from 5 to 310 V, and had latencies of 0.8–2.0 ms from the onset of the triggering spikes of C-RSNs, or 0.3–0.5 ms from the presynaptic spike when recorded. The results indicated monosynaptic excitatory connexions of C-RSNs to dorsal neck motoneurones. 5. Single fibre EPSPs from a C-RSN were usually recorded from either BCC or SPL motoneurones but not from both types of motoneurones, when tested in many motoneurones. This showed that connexions of C-RSNs with dorsal neck motoneurones were muscle specific. 6. RSNs projecting down to the lumbar segment (L-RSN) also showed branching in C2–C3 segments. Excitatory monosynaptic connexion of L-RSNs with neck motoneurones were demonstrated by recording single fibre postsynaptic population potentials (p.s.p.p.s.) from the C2 ventral root perfused with sucrose. The probability of evoking monosynaptic single fibre p.s.p.p.s. was less (19%) than for C-RSNs (59%).  相似文献   

1. Cl(-)-sensitive micro-electrodes were used to measure intracellular Cl(-) in snail neurones. The electrodes consisted of a sharpened and chlorided silver wire mounted inside a glass micropipette.2. The electrodes appeared to record changes in internal Cl(-) accurately but in H cells the chloride equilibrium potential (E(Cl)) as measured by the Cl(-)-sensitive electrode was always less negative than E(ACh).3. In some H cells ACh caused a measurable increase in internal Cl(-) when the cell was at its resting potential. In voltage-clamped cells there was a close correlation between the change in internal Cl(-) and the extra clamp current caused by a brief application of ACh. This confirmed that ACh increases the cell's membrane permeability only to Cl(-) ions, and that E(ACh) was equal to E(Cl).4. There was good agreement between the measured change in internal Cl(-) and that calculated from the cell size and clamp charge only when it was assumed that a constant voltage offset was added to the potential of the Cl(-)-sensitive electrode while it was inside the nerve cell.5. Cl(-)-sensitive electrodes with AgCl as the sensitive material appear to be unsuitable for intracellular measurement of Cl(-), although they might be suitable for following changes in E(Cl).6. In certain D cells ACh also caused an increase in internal Cl(-) although it decreased the membrane potential. In the presence of hexamethonium, ACh caused a hyperpolarization and a smaller increase in internal chloride.7. It is concluded that the intracellular Cl(-) in both H and D cells is about 8.3 mM, giving an E(Cl) of about -58 mV.  相似文献   

The effect of stimulation of the vagaosympathetic trunk or the vagal nerve on the cardiac interval of the spontaneously beating heart of the bullfrog was studied in the presence and absence of Cd. The prolongation of the cardiac interval following the nerve stimulation was abolished by Cd (5 micrometer). Such an effect of Cd was completely antagonized by increasing the external Ca to 10 times the normal concentration. Cd (10 micrometer) did not alter the compound action potential of the nerve trunk, nor did it affect the pacemaker activity of the heart. Bioassay of acetylcholine in the effluent from the heart after cardiac nerve stimulation showed that Cd reduced the acetylcholine release from the cardiac nerve. It is concluded that Cd may act on the cardiac nerve terminals where Cd suppresses the release of acetycholine.  相似文献   

Summary The responses of individual neurones of nucleus ventrolateralis thalami (VL) have been recorded extracellularly following stimulation of the brachium conjunctivum (BC), nucleus entopeduncularis (EN) and precruciate cortex. In anaesthetized cats stimulation of these structures produced either short latency single spike responses or brief bursts of action potentials with somewhat longer latency: the latter responses could be converted to single spikes by the electrophoretic application of acetylcholine or an excitatory amino acid to the neurone. Atropine attenuated the effect of BC stimulation but did not alter excitations from the cortex or EN. Acetylcholine was found to depress the excitation of VL neurones from EN. Collateral fibres of the EN neurones were shown to innervate neurones in the lateral parts of the centrum medianum — parafascicular complex and in VL.It was concluded that VL neurones receive monosynaptic inputs from cortex, EN and the cerebellar nuclei, but that only-the last may have a significant cholinergic component.  相似文献   

Summary The projection systems which arise from the motor cortex to reach the nucleus ventralis lateralis (VL) were investigated in the rat. They included a direct as well as an indirect projection via the reticularis thalami nuclear complex (RT). The investigation was performed in two steps: i) the former concerned the projection to the VL as well as to the RT from individual cortical foci electrophysiologically identified by the motor effects evoked by electrical stimulation; the second step concerned the projection from the RT to functionally defined regions of the VL. The direct projection from the motor cortex to the VL is somatotopically arranged. The projection reciprocates the fiber system directed from the VL to the motor cortex. Thus cortical zones controlling the motor activity of the proximal segments of the limbs project onto the regions of the VL that project back to these same cortical areas. With regard to cortical zones controlling the motor activity of the distal segments of the limbs, they not only project to the region of the VL specifically related to them, but also to the region of the VL associated with the cortical areas responsible for movements of the proximal parts of the same limb. In that case fiber terminals were more dense in the VL region controlling the proximal segment than in the region controlling the distal segment of the same limb. This organization suggests that proximal adjustments may be automatically provided by the motor activity of the distal segments of the same limb. The motor cortex projects to the rostral region of the RT with a precise topographical organization. In particular, the projection shows a dorsoventral organization in the RT in relation to the caudorostral body representation in the motor cortex. The projection which arises from the rostral region of the RT also reaches the VL with a topographical arrangement. It discloses a rostrocaudal organization in the VL in relation to a dorsoventral displacement in the RT. Comparing the projection from the motor cortex to the RT and that from this nuclear complex to the VL it was shown that the regions of the VL and their receptive cortical areas were associated with the same regions of the RT. It was therefore concluded that the motor cortical projection to the VL relayed by the RT is somatotopically organized. In both direct and relayed pathways the projections from hind- and forelimb motor area are segregated, whereas the head projection overlaps, at least partially, the forelimb terminal field. The cortico-VL and the cortico-RT-VL pathways differ by the higher complexity of the former system. Projections from the cortical zones of proximal and distal segments of the limbs largely overlap in RT whereas direct cortico-VL connections disclose a precise complex arrangement. Finally, the possible influence of the two pathways upon thalamic motor relay cells is suggested.Abbreviations: AD nucleus anterodorsalis - AV nucleus anteroventralis - CL nucleus centralis lateralis - LD nucleus laterodorsalis - LGd dorsal lateral geniculate body - LP nucleus lateralis posterior - Po posterior group - RT reticularis thalami nuclear complex - VB ventrobasal complex - VL nucleus ventralis lateralis - VM nucleus ventralis medialis - WGA-HRP wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugated  相似文献   

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