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Malignant pilomatrixoma is a rare malignant tumour of the hair matrix, which was first described in 1980. Only five patients with distant metastases have been reported. We report a sixth case with metastatic disease in a 52-year-old male, who also developed multiple local recurrences. We also review the previous five cases.  相似文献   

A thirty-year-old male with an intracranial malignant meningioma, first diagnosed 9 years ago, with three recurrences was admitted with a hypoglycemic shock. The blood glucose level was 17mg/dl, requiring treatment with high doses of intravenous and oral dextrose for improvement. A large metastatic tumor in the liver was noted. All hormones and peptides influencing blood glucose levels were in their normal levels. Chemo-embolization and injection of anti-cancer drugs was employed in the management of the metastatic tumor. Positron emission tomography was performed to measure the glucose metabolism of the abdominal tumor and it indicated that glucose consumption within the tumor was much elevated than the surrounding abdominal organs. Hypoglycemia secondary to primary hepatoma or islet-cell cancer has been frequently described, but a complication of metastatic meningioma is an exceedingly rare event. Elevated glucose consumption within the tumor might be addressed as one of the reasons for hypoglycemia, not due to the elevated serum levels of insulin or IGF, but due to the closely related blood glucose level.  相似文献   

A patient, a 46-year-old female, with a malignant thymoma spreadingto the extrathoracic region is described. She underwent a thoracotomyand received radiation therapy, but the myasthenic symptomsdid not disappear. A metastatic thymoma of the right mandibulawas removed 9 months after thoracotomy. Further examinationrevealed metastatic thymomas of the bone and liver. After theoperation the patient received combination chemotherapy (vincristine,cyclophosphamide, 6-mercaptopurine, prednisone) and remainedasymptomatic for 31 months. She was found to have a metastaticthymoma in the occipital lobe of the brain 3.5 years after thoracotomy,and died from infection of the lung. Distant metastases andchemotherapy in malignant thymoma are reviewed.  相似文献   

A large, rapidly growing malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) of the liver in a young female patient, not associated with von Recklinghausen’s disease, is presented. Diagnosis was based on detailed immunohistochemical and electromicroscopic examination beside the characteristic H&E picture. As far as we know, this is the first reported, unambiguously proven “de novo” MPNST in the liver. Differential diagnostic problems are discussed and a review of the literature is given.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe association between pulmonary interstitial fibrosis and the development of bronchogenic carcinoma in a patient with scleroderma has been reported rarely[1]. It is hypothesized that intense epithelial proliferation that is accompanied by the .brotic process increases the occurrence of carcinomatous changes[2]. We report the case of a pa-tient who presented with 3-year history of Raynaud's phenomenon, gradual tightening of the skin which was ignored by the patient and her family members, and a 2-week history of severe respiratory dis-tress with left shoulder and upper back pain followed by the develop-ment of paraparesis. After a series of examinations, the patient was diagnosed with scleroderma and simultaneously with bronchogenic carcinoma and multiple distant metastases.  相似文献   

1资料 患者,男性,59岁,2年前行右前臂肿物切除术,病理:恶性纤维组织细胞瘤,术后未做任何治疗.因"右胸壁肿物2个月,右胸痛、胸闷、气短一周"入院.查体:痛苦面容,全身浅表淋巴结无肿大,右胸壁可触及软组织肿物,约5cm×6cm大小,质硬,固定,压痛.  相似文献   

多发性骨髓瘤(MM)是一种以骨髓浆细胞异常增生为特征的恶性肿瘤。并伴有单克隆免疫球蛋白和轻链蛋白异常增高。MM起病隐匿,症状多样,临床上容易误诊,主要临床表现为转移性骨痛、贫血、肾脏损害和感染等,其侵袭部位以骨和淋巴结多见,但以肝转移和黄疸为主要表现的非常少见。现报道1例,并结合国内外文献对其临床特点进行分析,以加强对本病的认识。  相似文献   

A case of malignant mesenchymoma of the liver is reported. Thediagnosis was confirmed on the surgical specimen. The patientshowed marked hypercalcemia. Parathyroid hormone assay was negative.  相似文献   

患者,男性,74岁,因“咳嗽、气急6个月余,痰中带血2个月”于2002年6月2日入院。患者5年前以“右腹股沟非霍奇金淋巴瘤反复发作”在上海医科大学附属肿瘤医院先后以CHOP为主方案化疗20周期,1~2个月1次,化疗后病灶完全消失。6个月前无明显诱因下出现咳嗽、气急,CT扫描示:纵隔淋巴结肿大,右肺门区肿块,右肺上叶阻塞性炎症。复以“非霍奇金淋巴瘤”予CHOP方案化疗一周期,症状完全缓解,后未行其他治疗及随访。2个月前出现咳嗽伴痰中带血,入院后查体:卡氏评分70分,浅表淋巴结未及,右肺呼吸音稍弱,可及少许哮鸣音,其余未见明显阳性体征。复查CT…  相似文献   

宋丽  范理宏 《肿瘤学杂志》2008,14(12):1037-1037
恶性黑色素瘤是一类起源于神经脊黑色素细胞的高度恶性肿瘤,发病率占全身恶性肿瘤的1%-2%,但近年来有升高的趋势.应引起临床医生的高度重视。一部分颌面部皮肤恶性黑色素瘤是由交界痣经不适当的刺激后演变而来的。本文报道我院收治的1例原发性颌面部恶性黑色素瘤,并结合相关的文献资料对其临床病理特征,组织的发生发展、鉴别诊断及治疗方法进行探讨。  相似文献   

<正>0 引言腺泡状软组织肉瘤(alveolar soft part sarcoma ASPS)是一种十分罕见的软组织肉瘤,常见于青、少年,发病率仅占所有软组织肉瘤的1%[1]。ASPS的特点是肿瘤生长缓慢,因症状不明显而常被忽视。与其他类型肉瘤不同的是,ASPS极易发生转移,如肺转移(90%)、骨转移(26%)、脑转移(11%~19%)和其他部位转移(24%)[1]。治疗上以手术治疗为主,术后辅以放化疗,对于化疗不敏感,靶向药物联合化疗的综合治疗国内外较罕见。2013年7月我科收治1例大腿ASPS手术后复发伴双肺转移的患者,全身化疗后出现颅脑转移,继发癫痫,进而局部伽马刀治疗等一系列治疗无效,  相似文献   

卢健 《肿瘤学杂志》2005,11(6):417-417
患者男性,63岁,因咳嗽,咳痰2个月入院.MRI示:高位气管肿瘤基底位于气管前壁,直径18mm.支气管镜检:声门下气管内新生物,将气管几乎完全阻塞.2000年12月27日行全麻下经颈部气管切开肿瘤切除术,术中见环甲膜下缘,气管上段前壁偏左侧一栗子大小新生物,呈分叶状,行局部切除术,术后愈合良好.术后病理:肿瘤表面被覆分化良好鳞状上皮,部分区域缺失,其下见大量肿瘤组织呈车辐状、漩涡状排列,瘤细胞呈梭形,另有畸形瘤巨细胞存在,多核瘤巨细胞多见,核分裂相多见,异型性明显,间质略疏松,伴少量淋巴细胞浸润.  相似文献   

1资料 患者女性,72岁,主诉因上腹胀2周入院,无腰痛、血尿,无其它不适主诉.入院查体:血压(14.7~18.7)/(10.0~12.0)kPa(110~140)/(75~90)mmHg,一般情况好,皮肤巩膜无黄染,全身浅表淋巴结未及肿大,腹部平软,左上腹局限性轻度压痛,腹部未及肿块,腹水征阴性.双下肢无浮肿.入院检查:B超提示左侧肾上腺区域探及8.6cm×7.8cm低回声团块,血供丰富.KUB IVP检查左肾上腺区可见软组织块影,左肾受压,左肾上肾盏变平.  相似文献   

Extraneural metastases of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) are a relatively rare occurrence which usually manifest after de novo GBM. We report a case of a patient with an oligodendroastrocytoma who developed over a period of 12 years malignant progression to glioblastoma followed by multiple cytologically confirmed bone metastases. No 1p deletions were detected in the original tumour. GBM cells disclosed the EGFr(+) and p53(–) immunophenotype more characteristic of a primary GBM.  相似文献   

The colon is a very rare metastatic localization. Here we report a case of colonic metastases from gastric adenocarcinoma whose clinical presentation was suggestive of a de novo adenocarcinoma of the ascending colon. The authors discuss that in the presence of a previous history of gastric cancer, immunohistochemical analysis on endoscopic biopsies may help in the definition of a differential diagnosis. Furthermore, this rare metastatic localization might suggest a poor prognosis and a more accurate diagnostic work-up.Key Words: Gastric adenocarcinoma, Colonic metastases, CDX-2  相似文献   



Management options for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNETs) metastatic to the liver include surgical, ablative, cytotoxic, and radioisotope approaches. One potential local treatment option includes selective internal radiotherapy utilizing yttrium-90 (90Y) microspheres. 90Y has also been used in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma and tumors metastatic to the liver. It appears to be well tolerated; however, there is no randomized controlled trial reporting long-term toxicities. Previous retrospective reports have described biliary damage as a potential complication of therapy with 90Y and chemoembolization; however, the long-term sequelae of 90Y treatment are poorly understood.

Case Presentation

We present the case of a 65-year-old Caucasian woman who suffered biliary damage following 90Y administration for metastatic pNETs and subsequently developed cirrhosis. Given the timeline of her various treatments and the lack of any other identifiable etiology for her cirrhosis, we believe this to be a potential long-term complication of 90Y therapy.


This case provides pathologic confirmation of cirrhosis as a potential long-term sequela of 90Y treatment. This long-term risk needs to be considered when sequencing therapy for patients with neuroendocrine tumors who have a good prognosis. There are now several other systemic and ablative treatment options available to these patients, and long-term complications must be considered during treatment.Key Words: Fibrosis, Microspheres, Liver disease, Toxicity, Radiation  相似文献   

杨莹 《肿瘤学杂志》2005,11(2):150-150
1资料 患者男性,49岁,主诉腰疼1个月,在当地B超怀疑"双肾肿物"于2003年1月10日收入院.患者自发病以来无发热,血尿等.入院查体:双肾区无异常隆起,右肾区轻度压痛.影像学检查:B超所见右肾外侧中部一低回声实性占位,大小约3.9cm×3.9cm×3.8cm,边界不整齐,内部回声不均;左肾下极一囊实性肿物,回声不均,大小4.1cm×2.9cm×2.8cm.拟诊双肾癌.  相似文献   

子宫颈淋巴瘤1例报道   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
患者女性 ,38岁 ,因“阴道流淡血水2年 ,阴道流血2个月”于2002年2月26日入我院。患者2年前无明显诱因出现阴道流淡血水 ,量时多时少 ,偶有腹痛 ,无性交后阴道流血 ,不伴畏寒发热和恶心呕吐。2个月前出现阴道大出血 ,血顺腿流 ,伴头晕乏力。当地医院抗炎后流血渐止。查体 :生命体征平稳 ,中度贫血貌。全身浅表淋巴结未扪及肿大。心肺 (- )。腹平软 ,无压痛 ,肝脾未及。妇科检查 :阴道被增大的宫颈填塞 ,穹窿不能查及 ,后壁僵硬中1/3受累。宫颈肥大 ,约8cm直径 ,质脆 ,触血 ,糜烂状 ,子宫约3个月孕大 ,固定 ,宫旁增厚 ,…  相似文献   

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