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目的 评价牙槽骨劈开技术在口腔种植中应用的临床效果。方法 对116例缺牙区牙槽嵴高度大于12 mm,颊舌向厚度在3~5 mm之间的牙列缺损患者,行牙槽嵴劈开同期植入种植体治疗。共植入ITI种植体147枚,Replace种植体52枚。根据骨劈开术后间隙及唇颊侧骨壁厚度等不同情况选择植入或不植入自体骨、人工骨粉等修复手段。术后6月种植修复,定期随诊。结果 种植区软组织愈合好,无红肿,颊舌向牙槽骨较种植前明显增宽。术后除1颗种植体失败取出外,其余种植体稳固,种植修复体能正常使用。复诊时X线检查骨吸收≤1 mm。结论 骨劈开术使牙槽骨宽度在3~5 mm的病例有了一期种植的可能,是一种简单有效的增宽牙槽骨的方法。  相似文献   

Autogenous block bone grafts have been highly successful in treating human periodontal defects, restoring esthetics, and developing adequate bone volume for dental implant placement. Limitations in available donor bone, the need for an added surgical procedure, and other potential complications have made the use of allogenic bone graft materials an important alternative. One patient described in this report presented with fractured root syndrome of the right maxillary incisor with severe resorption of the buccal plate. After atraumatic tooth extraction, a staged treatment approach involving localized ridge augmentation with an allogenic iliac bone block material and dental implant placement was used. The host bone completely incorporated the graft with only minor resorption, which enabled the implant to be placed. The allogenic bone block material used in this study was an effective alternative to harvesting and grafting autogenous bone for implant site development. The cases presented in this article clinically demonstrate the efficacy of using a block allograft in generating effective new bone fill for dental implant placement.  相似文献   

The presence of a peri-implant bone dehiscence (BD) or fenestration (BF) is a common finding after implant placement in a crest with a reduced bucco-lingual bone dimension. The presence of a residual BD is associated with a relevant incidence of peri-implant biological complications over time. Guided bone regeneration (GBR), performed at implant placement, is the most validated treatment to correct a BD. In the present systematic review, the evidence evaluating factors which could reduce the invasiveness of a GBR procedure with respect to patient-reported outcomes, intra- and post- surgical complications, was summarized. Factors included were: technical aspects, regenerative materials for GBR, and peri- and post-operative pharmacological regimens. The available evidence seems to indicate that the use of membrane fixation and flap passivation by means of a double flap incision technique may reduce the incidence of post-surgical complications. When feasible, the coronal advancement of the lingual flap is suggested. The use of a non-cross linked resorbable membrane positively impacts on patient discomfort. The adjunctive use of autogenous bone to a xenograft seems not to improve BD correction, but could increase patient discomfort. Systemic antibiotic administration after a GBR procedure does not seem to be justified in systemically healthy patients.  相似文献   

A group of 15 partially edentulous patients who needed alveolar ridge augmentation for implant placement, were consecutively treated using a two-stage technique in an outpatient environment. A total of 18 alveolar segments were grafted. During the first operation bone blocks harvested from the mandibular ramus or symphysis were placed as lateral or vertical onlay grafts and fixed with titanium osteosynthesis screws after exposure of the deficient alveolar ridge. After 6 months of healing the flap was re-opened, the screws were removed and the implants placed. Twelve months after the first operation implant-supported fixed bridges could be provided to the patients. Mean lateral augmentation obtained at the time of bone grafting was 6.5 +/- 0.33 mm, that reduced during healing because of graft resorption to a mean of 5.0 +/- 0.23 mm. Mean vertical augmentation obtained in the 9 sites where it was needed was 3.4 +/- 0.66 mm at bone grafting and 2.2 +/- 0.66 mm at implant placement. Mean lateral and vertical augmentation decreased by 23.5% and 42%, respectively, during bone graft healing (before implant insertion). Mandibular sites showed a larger amount of bone graft resorption than maxillary sites. All the 40 implants placed were integrated at the abutment connection and after prosthetic loading (mean follow-up was 12 months). No major complications were recorded at donor or recipient sites. Soft tissue healing was uneventful, and pain and swelling were comparable to usual dentoalveolar procedures. A visible ecchymosis was present for 4 to 7 days when the bone was harvested from the mandibular symphysis. From a clinical point of view this procedure appears to be simple, safe and effective for treating localised alveolar ridge defects in partially edentulous patients.  相似文献   

Park JB  Lim HS  Yoo KB 《Implant dentistry》2009,18(5):380-386
Computed tomography (CT) has become the gold standard by which a comprehensive implant treatment plan is determined and a postoperative assessment of cancellous and cortical bone is achieved. A patient with an insufficient alveolar bone height and sinus pneumatization was treated for the simultaneous placement of implants with sinus augmentation. CT scans were used not only for the presurgical evaluation, but also for the postoperative radiographic observation. The new sinus floor seemed to be more defined as time goes on and the decrease in alveolar bone height could not be found. The cortication and remodeling of the buccal window were apparent in the 10-month postoperative CT scan. No significant change in alveolar bone height was seen between the 6- and 10-month postoperative measurements. Implants placed simultaneously with the sinus augmentation procedure were maintained in a healthy condition up to 18 months and it was shown that CT scans can serve as a good follow-up tool in assessing postoperative results.  相似文献   

A narrow mandibular posterior alveolar ridge was modified by the use of a soft tissue expander to generate adequate tissue for graft coverage. The principles of osteoperiosteal flaps were combined with guided bone regeneration techniques for an optimum amount of bone at the site.  相似文献   

This clinical study was undertaken to: 1) evaluate the use of bioactive glass Biogran combined with autogenous bone as grafting material for maxillary sinus augmentation with simultaneous implant placement using radiography and histology; and 2) document the short-term post-loading success of implants inserted in sinus cavities augmented with this material. Unilateral or bilateral sinus augmentation was performed in 12 patients with 3-5 mm of alveolar crestal bone height in the posterior maxilla prior to grafting. The sinuses were grafted with bioactive glass mixed in a 4:1 ratio with autogenous bone. Simultaneously, 2-3 threaded titanium implants were inserted into the augmented sinuses. Second stage surgery was carried out 9 to 12 months post implantation. At abutment connection, 10 core biopsy specimens were taken from different grafted sites and evaluated histologically. All 27 implants were clinically stable at second stage surgery. A mean increase in mineralized tissue height of 7.1 +/- 1.6 mm was evident when comparing the pre-surgical CT scans with those performed 9-12 months following the sinus augmentation procedure. Evaluation of the cores yielded a mean of 30.6 +/- 5.7% of bone tissue in the grafted sites. One implant failed during the prosthetic phase while the remaining 26 implants were stable 12 months post loading. This study suggests that Biogran/autogenous bone graft combination used in one-stage sinus augmentation yields sufficient quality and volume of mineralized tissue for predictable simultaneous implant placement in patients with 3-5 mm of bone height prior to grafting.  相似文献   

The use of autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) as a source for growth factors in bone grafting is a relatively new and promising technique. Early controlled studies indicate that combining PRP with autologous bone grafts significantly enhances the rate of bone formation and maturation. The study consisted of 105 patients who required sinus augmentation with crestal bone height of less than 5 mm in the posterior maxilla. All patients received a composite bone graft that consisted of 30% to 40% autogenous bone harvested from the lateral wall of the maxilla zygomatic-maxillary buttress and the tuberosity and 60% to 70% xenograft. A total of 50 mL of blood was obtained from each patient before the surgical treatment for preparation of 10 mL of PRP. The graft-PRP mixture was activated by human thrombin. All sinus augmentations were carried out simultaneously with dental implants. At 6 months postoperatively, implants were exposed showing no clinical evidence of crestal bone loss around the implants both clinically and radiographically. All implants were clinically osseointegrated and loaded with fixed porcelain fused to metal prosthesis. The use of PRP in augmenting the severely atrophic posterior maxilla has obvious clinical benefits in terms of reducing the healing period of bone maturation, better graft handling, and accelerated soft tissue healing.  相似文献   

牙齿缺失伴随着牙槽骨吸收或缺损,导致骨量和软组织量不足。种植治疗除恢复缺失牙的咀嚼功能外,还需恢复牙弓的轮廓和外形,引导骨再生术是骨增量的常用手段。异种颗粒状骨替代材料因其降解时间长、免疫反应低等优点,在临床水平骨增量领域应用广泛,但存在操作不便、成骨活性低等问题。血浆基质能有效提高口腔组织再生效果、减少术后并发症的出现,在口腔组织再生中的应用逐渐增多。本文首先介绍了血浆基质在水平骨增量中的主要应用形式(固态血浆基质膜、血浆基质骨块),并根据临床常用的骨增量决策方案,即是否能够在理想位置植入种植体以及植入后是否存在骨开裂对水平骨缺损进行重新分类,其中Ⅰ类水平骨缺损为缺牙位点骨量可供植入理想尺寸的种植体,且种植体周围无骨开裂,但牙槽骨轮廓比非缺牙区凹陷的情况;Ⅱ类水平骨缺损为缺牙位点骨量根据未来修复体位置确定的种植位点植入理想尺寸种植体后,种植体三侧均有骨,但颊侧骨壁存在骨开裂(骨开裂长度小于种植体长度的50%)的情况;Ⅲ类水平骨缺损为缺牙位点骨量不足以在理想位置植入理想尺寸的种植体,需要先行植骨恢复骨量以利于种植体植入的情况。本文随后对血浆基质在不同水平骨缺损类型中的应用方法进行阐述:...  相似文献   

由于种植体生物相容性的不断改良和完善,目前的牙种植体均能获得理想的可预期的骨结合,在新拔除患牙的牙槽窝内即刻植入种植体已经成为一种常规的术式拔牙后即刻种植可有利于减少外科手术次数,有利于牙槽嵴骨量的保存,降低治疗费用并减少缺牙时间,更易被患者接受.但由其解剖生理因素决定,牙槽嵴在牙缺失后通常要出现唇侧骨板的吸收萎缩,这常导致种植体唇面暴露,出现美学上的问题.即刻种植的同时,在充分理解和使用引导骨再生原理的基础上配合骨增量材料的应用才能获得理想的修复效果,本文就我们的临床体会结合文献进行了分析讨论.  相似文献   

The placement of dental implants is based on the amount of alveolar bone present in the edentulous site to be reconstructed. Insufficient alveolar contours may require bone grafting procedures to restore an adequate bone volume before implant placement. Larger osseous defects often require block grafts harvested from the symphysis or the ramus buccal shelf region. These provide adequate donor sites to harvest a graft sufficient to restore a significant defect in the osseous structures planned for implant placements. Autogenous block grafts have been well established to reconstruct these types of defects prior to implant placement procedures. However, surgical complications associated with the unfavorable anatomical structures and the necessity of large donor sites (e.g., symphysis and ramus buccal shelf) have led to the use of allogenic grafting materials. Recent developments in allogenic grafting materials have lead to the development of a corticocancellous block graft harvested from the iliac crest region. This study evaluates the clinical indications of these allogenic graft materials to replace compromised alveolar bone defects both horizontal and vertical in nature. The analysis is supported by re-entry procedures and histologic evaluations to substantiate predictability.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical relevance of horizontal distraction osteogenesis (DO) with bone micro screws for reconstructing knife-edge alveolar crests before implant placement. Horizontal DO was performed in upper and lower alveolar crests of seven patients with resorption class IV according to Cawood and Howell. After osteotomy and a 1-week latency period, micro bone screws were reset daily for horizontal expansions by 0.5 mm. Dental implants were placed in the distracted area following a consolidation period of 12 weeks. Computer tomography was performed before DO and implant placement. Morphometric analysis showed a mean gain of 34.01 mm(2) (95% confidence interval [CI]: 10.55-57.48) in bone area and of 3.06 mm (95% CI: 1.81-4.31) in horizontal width, i.e. the horizontal dimension of the alveolus was approximately doubled within the first 5 mm of height. All 12 implants placed into the distracted area fulfilled the success criteria of stable osseointegration after 1 year of functional loading according to Albrektsson and colleagues. Despite the limited number of patients treated, data from the clinical study of horizontal DO with bone micro screws suggest that the generation of sufficient hard tissue in previously knife-edge alveolar crests for subsequent implant placement was possible.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe and evaluate a modified maxillary sinus floor augmentation technique: the simplified osteotome technique. The study consisted of 26 patients treated with 39 Br?nemark implants (Nobel Biocare) placed using the simplified osteotome technique between September 1997 and November 2004 (87 months). Implant length ranged from 10 to 15 mm, while the loading time ranged from 5 to 74 months (mean: 35.2 months). The success rate was 97.4% according to Albrektsson's criteria. These preliminary data indicate that the simplified osteotome technique is effective and safe, though long-term, multicenter studies are still needed.  相似文献   

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