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Objective: Spot urine samples were investigated to determine correlations between urinary creatinine and specific gravity, and intra- and inter-day variations other than gender- and age-dependence of urinary concentrations. Methods: Urinary creatinine concentrations and specific gravity were determined in 534 spot samples (385 from men and 149 from women). Subjects' ages ranged between 18 and 68 years. Spot urine samples were also collected from 14 male subjects before and after a 1-week work-shift for the evaluation of intra- and inter-day variations of creatinine and specific gravity. Results: In spot samples, creatinine concentrations ranged between 0.16 and 4.36 g/l and specific gravity between 1.002 and 1.037. A high correlation (r=0.82, P < 0.001) was observed between creatinine and specific gravity; male subjects showed significantly higher values of creatinine (P < 0.001) than did female subjects (1.90 ± 0.74 and 1.41 ± 0.72 g/l, respectively) and specific gravity (1.023 ± 0.006 and 1.020 ± 0.007, respectively). In addition, creatinine but not specific gravity significantly decreased (P < 0.02) in subjects older than 50 years, compared with those under 40. Conclusions: Results confirm the gender-dependence of creatinine concentrations in spot specimens and also show age-dependence, indicating the need for these aspects to be considered when the range of acceptable samples is to be set. No significant intra- or inter-day variations were observed for the two parameters. Lastly, the possibility of a comparison of differently adjusted values was indicated by a conversion formula derived from adjustments to creatinine and the corresponding specific gravity of a hypothetical urinary value, as follows: specific gravity adjusted values= 1.48 × creatinine adjusted values. Received: 14 February 2000 / Accepted: 26 July 2000  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between airborne concentrations of arsenic and the urinary excretion of inorganic arsenic metabolites (inorganic arsenic + methylarsonic acid + dimethylarsinic acid) have been studied among smelter workers exposed to arsenic trioxide. The urinary concentrations of arsenic metabolites were found to increase steadily during the first day of the working week (after 2–3 d off from work), whereafter they reached a steady state. The concentration in the late evening after a day of exposure was very similar to that in the early morning after. Both were well correlated to the total daily excretion. In the second part of the study, comprising 18 subjects, the first-void morning urine of each participant was collected for 2 to 3 d during the steady-state phase. Total concentration of arsenic in the breathing zones was measured by personal air samplers. Airborne arsenic (8-h values) varied between 1 and 194 g As/m3, and urinary arsenic between 16 and 328 g As/g creatinine. With the urinary arsenic concentrations (mean values of 2–3 d for each subject) plotted against the corresponding airborne arsenic concentrations, the best fit was obtained by a power curve with the equation y = 17 x x0.56. However, four of the participants were found to excrete far more (105–260%) arsenic in the urine than possibly could have been inhaled, most likely due to oral intake of arsenic via contaminated hands, cigarettes or snuff. If these four were excluded, the best fit was obtained by a straight regression line with the slope 2.0 and the intercept 29 g As/g creatinine (coefficient of correlation 0.92; P < 0.001).  相似文献   

目的探讨广西南丹地区环境砷暴露居民尿7-甲基鸟苷(7-MG)与尿砷的关系。方法于2014年3月应用多阶段分层抽样方法在南丹长老乡抽取122名6~65岁居民,应用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)检测尿液中的砷含量,用ELISA法测定尿液中7-MG含量。通过广义线性模型分析砷暴露与尿7-MG的关系。结果长老乡儿童尿7-MG水平(G:10.90μg/g cr)高于成人(G:6.82μg/g cr)(P0.05);Spearman相关分析显示成人及儿童尿7-MG水平与土壤砷、饮水砷、蔬菜砷、粮食砷均无统计学关联(P0.05);调整年龄、性别、BMI及吸烟(或被动吸烟)后,广义线性回归分析显示儿童尿7-MG与尿砷呈正向关联(P0.01);成人尿7-MG主要受吸烟和性别影响,与尿砷无统计学关联。结论本次调查的广西南丹长老乡儿童尿7-MG水平可能是砷暴露的一种相对敏感指标。  相似文献   

Summary A previous study concluded that there are some doubts as to the validity of creatinine as a parameter for adjusting the values of biological indicators determined on spot samples of urine, since it is subject to marked inter- and intraindividual variations. Furthermore, since there was only a moderate correlation between creatinine levels and specific density, it can be assumed that these two parameters cannot be used indifferently for adjustment. Nevertheless, it seemed advisable to verify whether correction of cadmium values determined from spot samples offers any practical advantages. For this purpose, 105 subjects with occupational exposure to cadmium were examined. They collected their 24-h urine and spot samples separately at 8.00 h. There was a close correlation between CdU/spot samples and CdU/24 h. The correlation index was very similar both for CdU/spot values expressed in g/l and for values adjusted according to creatinine or 1024 specific gravity. These results show that no particular advantages are offered by adjusting CdU according to creatinine or specific gravity.  相似文献   

急性生活性砷化物中毒临床特征及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨急性生活性砷化物中毒的临床特征及其影响因素.方法 分析47例急性砷化物中毒患者临床表现,其中男20例,女27例.参照国家职业卫生相关标准,确诊观察病例2例,轻度中毒40例,重度中毒5例.结果 急性砷化物中毒患者心肌酶活力与年龄、尿砷浓度相关,控制年龄后两者仍有明显相关.心肌酶、肝丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)、总胆红素(TBil)、间接胆红素(IBil)与呕吐次数呈负相关,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),而尿砷浓度、呕吐次数均与饮汤量相关,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).尽管年龄和饮汤量接近,但呕吐和腹泻次数明显者,其尿砷浓度、心肌酶、肝酶浓度明显低于呕叶和腹泻次数少者,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 急性砷化物中毒可引起心、肝、神经系统等多脏器损害,心肌损害出现最早且持续时间长;损害程度与患者进食量、呕叶、腹泻程度及尿砷浓度相父;及早采用洗胃、催吐、导泻措施清除毒物,尽早规范使用解毒药加速毒物排出,配合积极对症治疗是抢救急性砷化物中毒成功的关键.  相似文献   

氢化物发生-原子荧光法同时测定尿中砷和汞   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
目的:建立同时测定尿中砷和汞的氢化物发生-原子荧光法。方法:采用硝酸-高氯酸消化法。结果:砷和汞的线性检测范围分别为0-100μg/L和0-80μg/L。方法检出限分别为0.36μg/L和0.048μg/L,样品加标加收率砷为87.5%-101.0%,汞为92.0%-105.7%。结论:本法具有基体干扰小,灵敏度高、检出限低、线性范围宽、操作简便、快捷、结果准确可靠的优点,适合职业人群尿砷、汞的检测分析。  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) pollution in the surroundings of metal mines has been observed, and may induce serious health problems, in particular cancer. Health hazard attributed to As in contaminated soil and water in the vicinity of closed or abandoned metal mines may be high. Little is known about how environmental exposure to As has affected the health of resident near closed metal mines. The objectives of this study were to compare the urinary level of As for those living near closed metal mines (the exposed group) with that of non-exposed group; and to investigate the correlation between As levels in soil (SoilAs) and water (WaterAs) and the urinary levels (UrineAs) of residents in the exposed group.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the effects of aging on urinary levels of creatinine (CR) and urine specific gravity (SG) among women in a large-scale epidemiology survey. Methods: Data on CR and SG in urine, together with smoking habits and menopausal status, were selected from previously established databases and combined with the results of supplemental sample collection. In total, CR and SG data were available for 11,090 never-smoking women (total group; 29–80 years of age); a subgroup of 1,851 women who lived in Kyoto was also selected from the total group. Data from the two groups were subjected to statistical analyses. In statistical evaluation, SG was converted to factor G, which was defined as (SG–1.000)×1,000. Results: Classification by decade of years of age showed that both CR and SG decreased steadily as a function of advancement in age over 30 years, both in the total group and in the Kyoto subgroup, showing high reproducibility of the observation on a whole-country basis and on a local basis. When the levels at 80 years of age were compared with those at 30 years, there was an approximately 60% and 30% decrease in CR and factor G, respectively. Thus, the effects of aging were more marked on CR than on factor G (and therefore on SG). Menopause appeared to be an influential factor in the reduction of CR and SG, separately from aging itself. Conclusions: Urinary levels of creatinine and, to a lesser extent, urine specific gravity, steadily decreased as a function of ages of over 30 years in women.  相似文献   

目的 分析新疆贫困地区0~6岁儿童营养不良状况及影响因素,为制定相关营养改善措施提供依据.方法 使用中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所制定的中国贫困地区儿童营养调查问卷,对从新疆贫困地区分层随机整群抽取的1 816名0~6岁儿童及其抚养人进行一对一的现场问卷调查.以WHO推荐的儿童生长发育标准计算各项指标的Z评分,评价儿童营养状况及其影响因素.结果 新疆贫困地区0~6岁儿童2007-2009年总体营养不良率分别为15.1%,12.0%和11.9%.Logistic回归分析发现,儿童自身状况(如出生时属于巨大儿)、后天家庭照料因素(如是否母乳喂养、父母文化程度等)及相关疾病对营养状况有明显影响.结论 新疆贫困地区0~6岁儿童营养状况需高度关注.制定和实施营养改善政策及措施时,应注重孕产妇营养,提倡母乳喂养,关注学龄前儿童合理膳食,加强保育环节营养监测体系建设.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨低出生体重儿婴幼儿期膳食、气质、家庭环境与其学龄前期发生肥胖、营养不良的相关性,为预防低出生体重儿学龄前期肥胖、营养不良的发生提供依据。[方法]在上海市普陀区妇幼保健院儿保门诊选取定期检查的低出生体重儿66人,在同区域长寿社区卫生服务中心儿保门诊选取正常儿童33人,采用喂养指数问卷、膳食问卷、Carey《3~7岁婴儿气质问卷》(家长问卷)与《家庭环境问卷》进行测评,以Logistic回归法与单因素分析法进行分析。[结果]儿童气质、家庭环境与学龄前期儿童肥胖的发生有关。6个月喂养指数、添肝泥时间及家庭环境因子的"知识性"对学龄前期儿童营养不良的发生有显著影响。[结论]6个月喂养指数、气质、家庭环境与低体重儿学龄前期肥胖、营养不良的发生有关。对低出生体重儿进行6个月喂养指数测评、幼儿气质评定、家庭环境评估有临床使用价值。  相似文献   

目的 了解广州市中小学生营养不良现状并分析影响因素,为改善学生营养状况提供依据。方法 采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样的方法,抽取广州市增城区(农村)和荔湾区(城区)中小学生共1 403名。收集一般情况、生活方式、饮食行为和体格检查数据,并判断营养状况。采用检验比较营养不良率或构成比的差异,采用多因素logistic回归模型分析学生营养不良的影响因素。结果 学生营养不良检出率为8.70%,以消瘦为主(7.84%)。其中,男生营养不良检出率高于女生(P=0.027),城区学生生长迟缓检出率高于农村学生(P=0.020),中重度消瘦检出率随着年龄的增大降低(P=0.029)。多因素logistic回归分析显示男生(OR=1.893, 95%CI: 1.270~2.820)是营养不良的危险因素,甜食摄入频次为1~3次/周(OR=0.277, 95%CI: 0.084~0.909)和4~6次/周(OR=0.275, 95%CI: 0.079~0.954)是营养不良的保护因素。结论 广州市中小学生营养不良情况有所改善,但男生检出率仍较高。提示应重视中小学生营养不良,及时开展均衡膳食、饮食行为等干预,避免不良健康结局。  相似文献   

目的:了解中国6地区家庭主厨及家庭成员24 h尿钠、尿钾及钠钾比水平现状。并探究其影响因素。方法:2018年采用多阶段随机抽样的方法随机抽取我国6地区共1 576名家庭主厨和家庭成员,进行调查问卷、体格测量及24 h尿液收集,检测24 h尿钠、尿钾水平。结果:排除不合格尿液样本后,共1 530人纳入本研究。本研究调查对...  相似文献   

目的通过职业砷暴露水平与尿中总砷(TAs)和尿价态砷含量的测定,初步分析体内砷代谢产物(价态砷)与健康相关生化指标之间的关联性。方法选择2家有色金属冶炼企业砷暴露作业工人(暴露组)137人,其中砷暴露锡冶炼组97人、铅冶炼组40人。对照组为无砷接触者42人。暴露组及对照组均进行健康监护及收集晨尿,行尿中TAs及尿价态砷含量测定,并检测作业场所空气中砷及其化学物浓度,进行尿中TAs、价态砷与健康相关因素之间的相关分析。结果两厂砷暴露工作环境空气中含TAs浓度(中位数)为0.30(0.01—1.35)mg/m3。其中铅冶炼厂砷浓度为0.46(0.01—1.03)mg/m3,锡冶炼厂砷浓度为0.26(0.06—1.35)mg/m3。暴露组的TAs、二甲苯呻酸监(DMA)含量与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);暴露组TAs与DMA之间呈正相关(相关系数r=0.693,P〈0.01);DMA与丙氨酸转氨酶、天冬氨酸转氨酶(ALT、AST)之间呈正相关关系(r=0.148,P〈0.05、r=0.268,P〈0.01)、与血常规RBC、HGB呈负相关(r=-0.165,P=0.038、r=-0.149,P=0.015)。结论砷暴露作业工人在无机砷较高浓度下作业,体内无机砷甲基化后主要的代谢产物为DMA与MMA,且价态砷特别是DMA与TAs、ALT、AST呈正相关、与RBC、HGB呈负相关,说明DMA对肝细胞、红细胞存在一定损害作用。  相似文献   

杜国有  顾向明 《职业与健康》2006,22(12):900-901
目的探讨用Diasys R/S 2003尿沉渣工作站与干化学法检测红、白细胞及管型的应用价值。方法按NCCLS Literation GP16-A(1SBN1—56238—282—9)的要求收集442份临床尿液标本,同时用Diasys R/S 2003尿沉渣工作站和于化学法进行红、白细胞及管型分析。结果以DiasysR/S2003尿沉渣工作站为基础,评价干化学法,红细胞漏诊率为12.8%,误诊率为20.7%;白细胞漏诊率为34.6%,误诊率为7.4%;管型漏诊率为45.0%。结论干化学法检测红、白细胞及管型有较高的漏诊率和误诊率,两种方法只能互为补充,而不能相互代替,尿于化学法分析之后有必要对标本进行显微镜检查。  相似文献   

Kim K  Park H  Yang W  Lee JH 《Environmental research》2011,111(8):1280-1285
Bisphenol A (BPA) and triclosan are synthetic phenolic compounds to which the general public can be extensively exposed via consumer products and environmental contamination.In this study, we assessed exposure to BPA and triclosan in the Korean adult population aged 18–69 based on the Korean National Human Biomonitoring Survey conducted in 2009. Relying on data from 1870 representative Koreans, we found that the geometric mean urinary concentrations of BPA and triclosan were 1.90 ng/ml [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.81–1.99] and 1.68 ng/ml (95% CI: 1.48–1.90), respectively. The creatinine-adjusted geometric means of BPA and triclosan were 1.79 μg/g creatinine (95% CI: 1.70–1.90) and 1.58 μg/g creatinine (95% CI: 1.39–1.81), respectively. About 99.8% of the Korean adult population had urinary concentrations of BPA and about 92.6% of the Korean adult population had urinary concentrations of triclosan above the level of 0.05 ng/ml (limit of detection, LOD). Urinary BPA concentrations were higher in residents of rural areas, whereas urinary triclosan concentrations were significantly associated with cigarette smoking. These findings suggested that most Koreans had detectable levels of BPA and triclosan in their urine and that the body burden of BPA and triclosan varied according to demographic and geographic factors.  相似文献   

林惠梅 《中国妇幼保健》2012,27(36):5937-5938
目的:分析2002~2011年广州市儿童医院住院患儿总数。呼吸道感染及呼吸道感染合并营养不良变化趋势,总结诊疗发展,惠泽儿童健康。方法:通过电脑机存统计结合手工查案逐年度统计汇总。结果:10年间呼吸道感染患病住院占全院儿童住院百分比逐年下降即2002~2011年每年百分比为(48.81,42.12,41.55,41.13,40.98,38.57,31.04,29.38,28.36,26.70)呈下降态势,儿童营养不良住院百分比从2002~2011年分别为(0.608,0.826,0.713,0.463,0.594,0.558,0.663,0.578,0.356,0.321)呈逐年下降态势。呼吸道感染合并营养不良10年间两病并存占全年总住院患儿百分比2002~2011年分别是0.86,1.84,1.46,1.06,1.22,1.29,1.61,1.54,0.92,1.09,10年间各年度间无特征性变化。结论:广州近10年城市化进程加快,空气质量、环境卫生、居住条件、生活水平明显改善,因而儿童呼吸道感染,营养不良病人数逐年减少,但一旦反复出现呼吸道感染或营养不良经久不愈俩病易合并存在且10年间无明显变化。因此加强儿童保健,指导家长特殊儿童喂养营养指导疾病防止十分必要。  相似文献   

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