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发音共鸣腔的多导频谱同步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用多导频谱同步分析测试发音时共鸣规律,条件及特点。共测试140名,包括声乐工作者50名,播音员20名,声带疾患50例,一般健康人20名,采声样1040份,分别做位置(口,喉,头,胸)等方差分析。不同专业用声人员,不同声部及声带病变致音嘶之间的频谱分析有明显差异,提出了口,喉,头,胸部部位的共鸣频率,头腔,口腔产生高频共振(2000Hz以上-高共鸣腔),胸腔,喉腔产生低频共振(2000Hz以下-低  相似文献   

目的 使用自行设计研制的“多通道语音分析系统”,采用多路体表传感器间接测量共鸣腔体表振动信号来了解各种共鸣腔体于振动时的共振特性以及它们之间的关系特征。方法 用四个传感器分别放在头、口、喉、胸部位,测试歌唱者63例,发音正常者30例,发低、中、高a音时的频谱特性和各部位的能量分布。结果 男女高音头部共振频率在1000~2000Hz之间;女中音口和喉的能量主要集中于1000~2000Hz之间(FR1能量值80.9%);男中音发低音时头和口的FR1和FR3能量值分别是:(头)FR145.2%、(口)FR1 53.59%、(头)FR321.34%、(口)FR,22.66%;花腔女高音在发中音时,头部的共振频率在1000~2000Hz之间最强,(头)FR2能量值46.65%,在发最高音时头、口、喉、胸的能量主要集中于1000~2000Hz之间。结论发声时的共振系统是随着发音时声腔的形状、共鸣位置及组织结构而发生变化;声源、声腔及发音方式都直接影响着共振及频率。共鸣的发生不仅体现出发音时的综合特征,而且也体现出个体特征。歌唱者既有发音共鸣的一般特征,也有其共鸣体系上丁贯通特殊共鸣特征。  相似文献   

目的使用自行设计研制的“多通道语言分析系统”,采用多路体表传感器通过无创、同步、间接测量共鸣腔附近的体表振动信号来间接了解各个腔体于振动时的共振特性以及它们之间的关系特征;测量歌唱者不同声部头、口、喉、胸四部位的频谱能量分布特征,以了解歌唱者各部位的共振频率特性、基频、共振峰特性。方法用四个传感器分别放在头、口、喉、胸部位,测试63例歌唱者发低、中、高/a/音时的频谱特性和各部位的能量分布。结果男女高音头部共振频率在1 000~2 000 Hz之间;女中音口和喉的能量只集中于1 000~2 000 Hz之间(FR1能量值80.9%);男中音发低音时头和口的FR1和FR3能量值分别是:(头)FR145.20%、(口)FR153.59%、(头)FR321.34%(、口)FR322.66%;花腔女高音在发中音时,头部的共振频率在1 000~2 000 Hz之间最强(头)FR2能量值46.45%,在发最高音时头、口、喉、胸的能量全部主要集中于1 000~2 000 Hz之间(FR2能量值在58.52%~69.32%)。结论歌唱发声时的共振系统并非一个统一的共振频率,而是根据发声腔体的形状、共鸣位置及组织结构的不同而各异;各声部的特征主要与声带的自然结构、共振系统的差异及喉内各肌组的调节作用有关。  相似文献   

播音员与歌唱者的共鸣特点分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用多导同步声学分析的方法对50名歌唱者、60名播音员进行了声学测试,播音员的胸部共振效果较好,能量集中在2000~4000Hz,而歌唱者头部能量较高,一般集中在3000Hz处。歌唱者的共振峰值一般比播音员要低,两者有着不同的共鸣方式。  相似文献   

目的探讨阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome,OSAHS)患者接受悬雍垂腭咽成形术(uvulopalatopharyngoplasty,UPPP)前后,发声时的共鸣特征变化。方法使用多通道语音分析系统测试36名男性OSAHS患者(OSAHS组)UPPP手术前后、36名正常男性(正常对照组)发/a:/音时头腔、口腔、喉腔、胸腔各共鸣腔的频谱特征,分别统计0~999Hz(FR1)、1 000~1 999Hz(FR2)、2 000~2 999Hz(FR3)、3 000~4 000Hz(FR4)频段的能量分布。结果 OSAHS组UPPP术后,头腔和口腔FR2能量值较术前提高(P<0.05),术后头、口及胸腔FR1能量值仍高于正常(P<0.05),头腔(FR2、FR3、FR4)、口腔(FR2、FR3)、胸腔(FR2)各频段能量值低于正常对照组(P<0.05)。术后喉腔FR1~FR4能量值与术前及对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 UPPP手术通过解除OSAHS患者上气道的阻塞和咽腔塑形,主要改变了其头腔和口腔的共鸣特征,使头腔和口腔的高频共振加强。  相似文献   

目的:探讨垂直喉部分切除术后改善发声,恢复喉功能的修复手段,以提高喉癌患者术后的生存质量。方法:垂直喉部分切除术后,用患侧甲状软骨外膜修复上半喉腔缺损,取健侧胸舌骨肌瓣(或舌骨-胸舌骨肌瓣)修复下半喉腔缺损并重建声带。结果:修复的新喉腔呈三角形,重建的声带具有一定的张力并参与发声,恰似一侧居于正中位麻痹的声带,发声时由健侧声带代偿运动与新声带前2/3相互靠近。93.4%的患者发声近乎正常或自觉发声质量较术前明显好转。结论:垂直喉部分切除术后采用患侧甲状软骨外膜和健侧胸舌骨肌瓣(或舌骨-胸舌骨肌瓣)修复缺损并重建声带,方法简单,取材方便,创伤小,效果满意,可作为垂直喉部分切除术后声带重建的首选方法。  相似文献   

正确发声不仅取决于发声器官喉、声带、共鸣腔及动力器官如肺、膈、胸腹壁肌肉等积极配合,还必须依靠正常的脏腑功能和正常的大脑皮层的控制与调节。根据我院历年新生(声乐系)入学声带检查记录,结合本人近几年嗓音门诊随访资料,整理总结,本文试阐明发声器官及共鸣腔解剖的检查对评估声部的意义。艺术嗓音工作者的鼻腔呼吸通畅度,软腭、硬腭的构造,口唇形状,舌的长短与牙齿排列整齐是否都对发声、话声的响度,吐字准确与清晰有着密切关系,因此这些都属检查之列,发声器官声带的检查是重点。临床资料通过对1985年以来,250名在上海…  相似文献   

与"正常老年人嗓音变化的观察与分析"一文的商榷   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
拜读了梁莺等〔1〕撰写的“正常老年人嗓音变化的观察与分析”(简称“梁文”) ,发觉该文中有两处值得商榷。1 关于元音共振峰频率值的正确性元音音色是由声腔的共振决定的。发元音时首先是声带振动 ,产生一准周期性的声带音 ,频谱谐波的频率越高 ,振幅就越小 ,频谱的振幅曲线从高到低呈明显的斜坡 (图 1 ,左 ) 〔2〕。声带音通过声腔时产生共振作用 ,和声腔固有频率相同或相近的一些谐波的振幅得到加强 ,另外一些谐波的振幅则减弱甚至消失 (图 1 ,右 )。声腔形态的改变使得它的固有频率发生变化 (图 1 ,中 ) ,声带音通过声道时所产生的共振…  相似文献   

本文应用CT扫描观察8名正常成年男性平均呼吸,发声及不同音高时声带及喉腔的变化,结果说明:(1)发低音及高音时,声带均拉长,发高音时声带拉长主要在膜性部;(2)发声时声门膜性部呈梭形缝隙,高音小于低音,软骨部间距离,高半较小于低音,但软骨部杓突间缝隙变化较多,发同一音高时二者缝隙也不一致。(2)平均呼吸及发声时声门下直径均大于横径,发声时(低音和高音)直横径增加,而高音时直径变化更大。(4)发声时杓状软骨活动各人不尽相同,声带拉长依靠多种因素。  相似文献   

目的探讨扁桃体肥大患者扁桃体切除手术前后发声的共鸣特征变化。方法使用多通道语音分析系统测试38例8~20岁男性扁桃体肥大患者(扁桃体肥大组,II度大25例,III度大13例)扁桃体切除术前、术后一个月及40例7~22岁正常男性(正常对照组)发/a:/音时头腔、口腔、喉腔、胸腔共鸣频谱特征,分别统计0~999Hz(FR1)、1 000~1 999Hz(FR2)、2 000~2 999Hz(FR3)、3 000~4 000Hz(FR4)频段的能量分布。结果扁桃体肥大组术后一个月,头腔和口腔FR2、FR3能量值、胸腔FR2能量值较术前提高(P<0.05),与正常对照组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),头腔、口腔、胸腔FR1能量值较术前下降(P<0.05),与正常对照组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),术后喉腔FR1~FR4能量值与术前及对照组比较差异无统计学意(P>0.05)。结论扁桃体肥大患者扁桃体切除术后口咽腔的体积扩大、气流通道增宽,改变了头腔、口腔的高频共振,且术后一个月左右均恢复至正常水平。  相似文献   

In this paper, head baffle and head shadow effects were measured at a front-oriented and at a back-oriented micro-phone in a hearing aid casing when worn by human subjects and when placed on a dummy head. Some differences in head baffle and head shadow effects were observed for the front- and back-oriented microphones in that greater head baffle effects were observed at the front microphone than at the back microphone while the reverse was true in terms of head shadow effects. Results obtained with the hearing aid mounted on a dummy head were similar in some respects and in other respects they differed from those observed when the hearing aid was worn by six subjects. Comparison of the results obtained in this study with the data of Wiener measured at the entrance to the ear canal indicated smaller head baffle effects but larger head shadow effects at the hearing aid microphone than at the canal entrance. Finally, it is suggested that reproduction of frequencies above 2000 Hz and that a resonance peak at about 3000 Hz in the frequency response curve of a hearing aid may be beneficial to the wearer  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the influence of frequency and direction of head movement and type of vision chart on the score of a clinical test of dynamic visual acuity (DVA). METHODS: The subjects were 31 healthy individuals (22 to 79 years old) and 10 patients (19 to 70 years old) with a unilateral vestibular deficit owing to surgical resection of an acoustic neuroma. They read a Snellen or an E-chart while their head was passively moved +/- 20 degrees back and forth in the horizontal or vertical direction at one of four frequencies (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 Hz). The DVA score was the difference in the number of lines on the vision chart that could be read with the head passively moved versus with the head immobile. RESULTS: Four healthy subjects had a low DVA score during horizontal head movements at the fastest frequency (2.0 Hz) with the Snellen chart. In patients, DVA scores significantly decreased as head movement frequency increased from 0.5 to 1.0 Hz and from 1.0 to 1.5 Hz, during horizontal and vertical movements, and with both vision charts (p < .001). The DVA scores of healthy subjects were more consistent across three trials with the E-chart than with the Snellen chart at 1.0 and 0.5 Hz (horizontal movements, p < .01) and at 1.5 and 1.0 Hz (vertical movements, p < .01). CONCLUSIONS: This study provides new indications on the optimal parameters for the clinical test of DVA. From the results, it is recommended that DVA be tested during horizontal and vertical head movements at a frequency of 1.5 Hz with the E-chart.  相似文献   

The optimal frequency response slope, from the low frequencies (250 or 500 Hz) to 2000 Hz, was estimated for each of 46 severely or profoundly hearing-impaired adults. The estimates were derived from paired comparison judgments of speech filtered to simulate different frequency response conditions, from home trials and ratings of different tone settings of high-powered, behind-the-ear hearing aids, and for 28 subjects, from speech recognition testing. The estimated optimal response, expressed as the slope from 250 to 2000 Hz and as the slope from 500 to 2000 Hz, was compared with the response prescribed by the National Acoustic Laboratories (NAL) procedure and its relationship to audiometric variables was analyzed. Insertion gain was measured for the preferred volume setting with the best frequency response. Preferred gain was typically about 10 dB higher than the NAL prescribed gain. Considering these results in relation to other data, it appears that the "half-gain" rule ceases to apply when HTL exceeds about 70 dB. The estimated optimal frequency response agreed with the NAL response for some subjects but relatively more low frequencies were required for between a third and half of the subjects, depending upon how frequency response is expressed. Generally, more low frequencies were required if HTL at 2000 Hz exceeded 95 dB, whereas the NAL response was usually appropriate for other cases.  相似文献   

Gaze functions under high-frequency head oscillations with large amplitudes were investigated in 12 normal subjects. Oscillation amplitude decreased as the frequency increased (31 degrees at 2 Hz to 11 degrees at 5 Hz on average). Maximum head velocity and acceleration were 170-200 degrees/s and 2,500-5,000 degrees/s2, respectively. At frequencies higher than 2 Hz, the mean ratio of eye amplitude to head amplitude reached high large values (1.2 at 2 Hz to 1.8 at 5 Hz, on average), whereas it dropped to extremely low values (0.5-0.6 at 3-5 Hz) in the 2 referred patients with bilateral labyrinthine loss. High ratio values, different from the previous reports, may result from a failure of compensation due to abnormally high-frequency and large head oscillations. The present study indicated that the frequency range of VOR influenced by gaze should correspond to that of daily-experienced oscillations, and that once head oscillations exceed the limit, compensation quickly deteriorates.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine whether the chronic loss of vestibular function modifies perceptual and oculomotor responses during torso rotations in darkness. Subjects (4 patients with complete vestibular loss and 7 healthy volunteers) were seated on a rotating chair. Stimuli consisted of sinusoidal chair rotations (+/-30 degrees, 0.1 Hz and 0.011 Hz). We used 2 conditions: space stationary head (neck stimulation) and space stationary head and shoulders (torso stimulation). Horizontal eye deviations and slow component of eye movements were analysed. The results showed that eye movements and perception of head motion in space during neck stimulation were similar to those during torso stimulation both in normal and labyrinthine-defective (LD) subjects. During low-frequency chair rotations (0.011 Hz) all subjects perceived illusory head or head and shoulder rotation in space (as if the lower part of the body was stationary relative to the room) and shifted their gaze in the direction of illusory head rotation. In these conditions there was no significant difference in eye movements between normal and LD subjects. During higher frequency chair rotations (0.1 Hz), LD subjects had significantly larger eye deviations as well as increases in the gain of the slow component of eye movements relative to normals. In these conditions patients mostly perceived illusory head or head and shoulder rotation in space while normal subjects mainly perceived the head as stationary in space. The results indicate that 1) neck and torso rotations can evoke similar ocular responses in LD subjects, 2) the chronic loss of vestibular function modifies the representation of axial body segment motion relative to space.  相似文献   

CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is an optimal tool to investigate the auditory cortex. The study suggests that there is a medio-lateral gradient of responsiveness to high frequencies medially and low frequencies laterally. The contralateral auditory cortex is more responsive than the ipsilateral cortex to tones presented monaurally. OBJECTIVES: To demonstrate the activation of the primary auditory cortex in normal-hearing subjects using fMRI and to examine the response and topographic location of activation in the human auditory brain to stimulation with two different frequencies in a large group of volunteers. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Scanning was performed on a 1.5 Tesla MR with head gradient coils and a birdcage radiofrequency coil. Multiplanar echo-planar images were acquired in 32 subjects aged between 18 and 49 years. Two groups were defined, according to age (group A, 18 to <35 years old; group B, 35 to <50 years old). We studied normal-hearing subjects scanned while listening to auditory stimuli: narrative text in one volunteer and non-speech noise (pure tones 750 Hz and pure tones 2 KHz) in all subjects. RESULTS: For both tone frequencies, auditory activation was observed bilaterally across the supratemporal plane in 29 of the 32 subjects (90.62%) with a probability level of p<0.001. In Heschl's gyrus (HG) contralateral to the stimulated ear, the extent of activation was generally greater than in homolateral HG. There were no statistical differences in HG activation according to age or sex. The 750 Hz tone activated more voxels in the medial area of the transverse temporal gyrus (TTG) whereas the 2000 Hz tone activated more voxels in the lateral TTG.  相似文献   

Rose MM  Moore BC 《Hearing research》2005,204(1-2):16-28
We examined the relationship between the fission boundary (FB) at which a sequence of pure tones alternating between two frequencies cannot be heard as two separate streams and the frequency difference limen (FDL), using normally hearing subjects and subjects with cochlear hearing loss. The stimuli used in the two tasks were as similar as possible in duration and inter-tone interval. The frequency range examined was 250-8000 Hz for the normally hearing subjects and 250-2000 Hz for the hearing-impaired subjects. For normally hearing subjects, the FBs were almost invariant with frequency when expressed as ERB(N) values; the mean FB was about 0.4 ERB(N). The FDLs, also expressed as ERB(N) values, increased for frequencies above 2000 Hz. The ratio FB/FDL was roughly constant at 7-9 in the frequency region 250-2000 Hz, but decreased for higher frequencies, reaching about 1 at 8000 Hz. For the hearing-impaired subjects, FB/FDL ratios varied over a large range (1-40), and were not systematically related to the amount of hearing loss. These results suggest that the FB is not determined solely by the discriminability of successive tones.  相似文献   

ObjectivesEvidence from previous literature had shown that the use of a single frequency probe tone is not sensitive enough to detect middle ear pathologies, especially related to the ossicles, which hinders accurate diagnosis. The goal of the present study was to compare the outcome of wideband absorbance (WBA) tympanometry and to determine the difference in WBA pattern in adults with otosclerosis and ossicular chain discontinuity.Materials and methodsEstimated adult cases of otosclerosis (10 ears) and ossicular chain discontinuity (06 ears) along with healthy individuals (10 ears) in the age range of 24 to 48 years (mean age: 38.6 years) were considered for the study. WBA was measured at peak and ambient pressure along with resonance frequency and compared with the data obtained from the healthy individuals to determine the WBA pattern.ResultsData analysis revealed a distinct WBA pattern showing high absorbance at 750 Hz for ossicular chain discontinuity compared to healthy individuals, whereas the otosclerosis group showed reduced absorbance (p < 0.05) at low frequencies (250 Hz to 1500 Hz). WBA measured at the peak and ambient pressure did not elicit any significant difference across the frequencies. Also, the average WBA tympanogram measured between 375 Hz and 2000 Hz showed a significant difference in ambient pressure only in the otosclerosis group. In comparison to healthy individuals (901 Hz), ossicular chain discontinuity showed a significant reduction in resonance frequency (674 Hz), whereas in cases with otosclerosis had higher resonance frequency (1445 Hz).Conclusions and significanceThe present study showed different WBA patterns between the groups and the absorbance values were significantly different at the low frequencies. This suggests that WBA has the potential to differentiate ossicles related pathologies from normal and also between the ear with otosclerosis and ossicular chain discontinuity.  相似文献   

Use of active head movements for computerized vestibular testing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) is seldom tested above 2 Hz, in spite of the higher-frequency components that stimulate it during natural head movements. We tested the horizontal VOR in ten normal subjects during 18 s of active, side-to-side head motion over a frequency range from 2 to 6 Hz. Audible clicks were used as a linearly increasing frequency cue. Head velocity was monitored. The two experimental conditions were head movement while fixating a stationary wall-mounted target in dim light, and head movement in darkness with an imagined stationary target. Computed gain and phase results of the two test conditions were not significantly different, due to inactivation of the smooth pursuit system above 2 Hz. We conclude that higher-frequency VOR responses can be tested in the light by a brief, low-cost test, which does not require expensive rotating machinery.  相似文献   

The acoustic resonance of a severely altered outer ear channel (radical mastoid cavity) is investigated in a series of 18 patients who underwent revision surgery by means of in-situ measurements of the sound-pressure-level near the tympanic membrane. While the average volume of the open cavity differs from the normal ear channel for the factor 2.5, the size of the external meatus is--in average--only 20% larger. This leads to an average frequency in patients with open cavity of 1939 Hz, more than 1000 Hz less than in a series (n = 20) of normal ears (average resonance frequency: 2942 Hz). The altered acoustic behaviour of the open cavity leads to partial extensive discrepancies of the resonance-caused sound-pressure augmentation in the frequencies of 3 and 4 kHz, which are important for speech perception. The average difference is more than 10 dB (SPL). Proved surgical techniques of cavity obliteration and meatoplasty can lead to a nearly normalized acoustic behaviour of the outer ear in a statistic significant way. Due to these surgical procedures, an average postoperative resonance frequency of 2421 Hz could be reached in our patients. Especially, the resonance-caused sound-pressure augmentation in 3-4 kHz could nearly be equalized to such of a normal outer ear. Differences in the acoustic behaviour of the outer ear as can be found between patients with an open mastoid cavity and normal ears can almost be eliminated surgically.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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