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颅面部高血运肿瘤的术前栓塞 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0
目的 探讨用聚乙烯醇颗粒( P V A) 栓塞颅面部高血运肿瘤对提高手术切除疗效的作用。方法 46 例颈外动脉分支参与供血的颅面部高血运肿瘤,先采用 P V A 栓塞颈外动脉供血分支,栓塞后3 ~10 天手术切除肿瘤。结果 瘤染色消失或基本消失26 例,80 % ~98 %消失12 例,60 % ~80 % 消失8 例。栓塞致头痛10 例,脑血管痉挛2 例。手术均全切除肿瘤,术中输血600 ~800 m L。本组采用栓塞加手术治疗,全部痊愈。结论 P V A 术前栓塞效果可靠,并发症少,有利于手术切除肿瘤。 相似文献
目的探讨介入栓塞对富血运颅内肿瘤术前栓塞的临床效果。方法通过深入分析近5a我院术前未做栓塞的10例(肿瘤直径>4cm)富血运颅内肿瘤与近期我院做的1例巨大跨小脑幕上下复发脑膜瘤(肿瘤直径>6cm)病例的治疗过程,查阅大量文献深度讨论治疗常见的各种问题,结合各种国内外专家经验作出相应的推断和探讨。结果未栓塞富血运颅内肿瘤术中出血量800~3 000mL,栓塞肿瘤出血量150mL;未栓塞肿瘤术后并发症多,住院时间长,栓塞肿瘤无明显并发症,住院时间短;未栓塞肿瘤切除率为辛普森分级(Simpson)Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级,栓塞后肿瘤切除率为辛普森分级(Simpson)Ⅰ级。结论巨大富血运颅内肿瘤供血丰富,手术切除前应尽可能进行介入栓塞治疗。术前介入栓塞治疗可明显减少该类肿瘤术中出血,缩短手术时间,明显减少并发症发生。术前介入栓塞治疗使得肿瘤切除率更高,减少术后肿瘤术后复发可能。 相似文献
目的探讨供血动脉介入栓塞对于颅内富血供肿瘤的治疗价值。方法回顾性分析复旦大学附属华山医院神经外科自2019年3月至2022年8月行开颅手术切除前供血动脉介入栓塞的45例颅内富血供肿瘤患者资料, 总结其肿瘤影像学特点、病理类型、术前栓塞指征、栓塞效果和栓塞相关并发症, 从而评估术前介入栓塞治疗的安全性和有效性。结果 45例患者中21例为血管母细胞瘤, 15例为脑膜瘤, 5例为血管外皮瘤, 4例为颈静脉球瘤。介入栓塞技术成功率达97.8%(44/45), 其中1例脑膜中动脉过于迂曲, 栓塞微导管无法到位。介入栓塞成功病例中, 41例患者采用液体栓塞剂Onyx, 3例采用液体栓塞剂NBCA。完全栓塞7例, 大部栓塞26例, 部分栓塞11例。出现栓塞相关并发症共4例, 其中2例脑膜中动脉破裂出血, 1例Marathon微导管无法拔出, 1例功能型颈静脉球瘤术中发生嗜铬细胞瘤危象。该4例患者术中均及时处理, 未造成严重后果。结论对于颅内富血供肿瘤, 术前介入栓塞安全有效, 但需严格掌握介入手术指征并选择合理的栓塞方式和栓塞材料。 相似文献
目的探讨头颈部良性疾病术前介入栓塞的临床价值。方法头颈部良性疾病16例(鼻咽血管纤维瘤8例,颌面部神经纤维瘤5例,颌面部海绵状血管瘤1例,下颌骨血管瘤1例,左颈部血管瘤1例),手术前1~3d进行超选择供血动脉栓塞术。结果超选择供血动脉栓塞后手术,有效的减少了术中出血,明显缩短手术时间,减少了术中、术后输血,有效降低术中和术后病死率。结论头颈部良性病变,术前经动脉栓塞,可有效减少术中出血,是一种安全、有效、经济的辅助治疗方法,对头颈部疾病的手术治疗,有重要意义。 相似文献
高国栋 李永林 赵振伟 徐邦宗 潘宏学 田应德 王学廉 张宝国 秦怀州 易声禹 吴声伶 王执民 张洪新 徐惠隶 刘展会 刘晓勇 王维强 郗绍南 《中国临床神经外科杂志》1996,1(1):15-17,23
本文报告近年来作者采用血管内桂塞技术治疗颅面部供血丰富的肿瘤和鼻出血87例的体会,其中颅内脑膜瘤58例,鼻咽部纤维血管瘤10例,颌面部血管瘤6例,化学感受器瘤5例,头皮血管瘤3例,严重鼻衄5例。73例栓塞后2~7天手术切除,64例全切,9例大部切除。另外14例单纯血管内栓塞治疗,供血丰富的肿瘤术前血管内栓塞,可达到瘤床内栓塞坏死,使术中出血明显减少,易于手术全切,缩短手术时间,减少并发症的发生。难治性鼻衄血管内栓塞效果明显。作者对血管内栓塞技术的方法、适应证、注意事项和尽量避免术前颈外动脉结扎等问题进行了讨论。 相似文献
目的探讨头颈部少见类型动-静脉瘘血管内栓塞治疗的方法及临床价值。方法创伤性伴有基底动脉动脉瘤的基底动脉-基底静脉丛瘘、原始三叉动脉动脉瘤破裂臻致三叉动脉-海绵窦瘘、自发性和创伤性颈外动脉-海绵窦瘘、创伤性颈内动脉-海绵窦瘘伴有椎动-静脉瘘及创伤性颈内动脉-海绵间窦瘘各1例,对此6例少见类型动-静脉瘘患分别采用机械解脱弹簧圈、电解脱弹簧圈以及可脱性球囊技术进行血管内栓塞治疗。结果创伤性伴有基底动脉动脉瘤的基底动脉-基底静脉丛瘘和创伤性颈内动脉-海绵窦瘘伴有椎动-静脉瘘患分两次伶塞,而原始三叉动脉动脉瘤破裂致三叉动脉-海绵窦瘘、自发性和刨伤性颈外动脉-海绵窦瘘、刨伤性颈内动脉-海绵间窦瘘患均一次完成栓塞治疗。手术后临床症状和体征完全消失。无并发症发生。结论血管内栓塞是治疗头颈部少见类型动-静脉瘘的最佳方法,其操作简单.安全可靠,疗效好,并发症发生率低。应作为首选。 相似文献
目的探讨术前栓塞肿瘤供血动脉联合显微手术治疗后颅窝实性血管母细胞瘤的临床疗效。方法回顾性分析2012年5月至2018年7月郑州大学附属肿瘤医院神经外科收治的13例后颅窝实性血管母细胞瘤患者的临床资料。所有患者开颅手术前72 h内均予肿瘤供血动脉栓塞,术后予伽玛刀治疗。总结术前栓塞和显微手术的技巧,并分析手术疗效。患者入院、出院时采用Karnoisky功能状态评分(KPS)评估患者的生命质量。结果开颅术前肿瘤的栓塞程度>80%者4例,60%~80%者8例,<60%者1例。1例患者栓塞术后行MRI检查可见脑干局部梗死,临床表现为中枢性面瘫、吞咽困难加重。13例患者中,肿瘤全切除11例,次全切除2例。术中出血量为(620±35)ml,手术时间为(6.5±1.1)h。13例患者术前的颅高压症状均于术后明显缓解。术后新发吞咽功能障碍2例,听力减退1例,新发中枢性面瘫1例。13例患者出院时的KPS为(85.8±4.9)分,较入院时[(76.6±11.3)分]有明显改善(t=3.969,P=0.002)。所有患者均获随访,随访时间为6个月至3年(中位随访时间为22.6个月),末次随访的KPS为(88.1±3.6)分,与出院时比较差异无统计学意义(t=2.065,P=0.062)。仅1例次全切除患者于术后9个月肿瘤增大,再次给予伽玛刀治疗后未进展;其余12例肿瘤均无复发。2例患者发生梗阻性脑积水,予以脑室-腹腔分流术治疗后症状缓解。结论对于后颅窝实性血管母细胞瘤,术前行肿瘤供血动脉的栓塞能有效减少术中出血,甚至可达到分块切除肿瘤,从而降低了手术风险,有助于提高手术效果。 相似文献
结果后颅窝非囊结节型HB多支血管共同参与供血,本组患者完全栓塞5例,大部分栓塞5例,部分栓塞2例。栓塞后显微神经外科手术全切11例,肿瘤次全切1例。平均手术时间5.3 h,术中出血200~1500 mL,平均出血680 mL。1例患者术后后组颅神经麻痹,发生吸入性肺炎;1例出现颅内感染。术后KPS评分均≥90分,可进行正常活动。
结论术前栓塞是后颅窝非囊结节型HB安全有效的辅助治疗方法,可有效减少术中出血,缩短手术时间,减少手术并发症,提高患者术后生活质量。 相似文献
目的探讨完全以颈外动脉供血或以颈外动脉供血为主的巨大脑膜瘤术前栓塞治疗的临床效果。方法对18例术前经全脑血管造影证实为完全以颈外动脉供血或以颈外动脉供血为主的巨大脑膜瘤,采用明胶海绵栓塞肿瘤供血动脉,栓塞后7d内行手术切除肿瘤。结果栓塞后11例肿瘤染色完全消失,7例肿瘤染色大部分消失。17例栓塞后5~7d顺利实施手术切除肿瘤,1例栓塞后24h内行急诊手术切除肿瘤。术中肿瘤出血减少,所有肿瘤均经手术全切。术后病理观察到肿瘤不同程度的坏死,但有2例栓塞后肿瘤染色消失,而术中肿瘤出血仍较多,且术后病检未发现坏死。术中和术后无严重并发症出现。结论完全以颈外动脉供血或以颈外动脉供血为主巨大脑膜瘤术前栓塞可使术中出血减少,提高手术安全性和肿瘤全切率。 相似文献
硬脑膜动静脉瘘血管内栓塞治疗的实验和临床 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5
目的 通过动物实验揭示DAVF的发病机理;临床中探索最佳治疗方法。方法 对3组狗作不同处理,诱发DAVF;临床中病情采用不同的栓塞方法,以临床治愈。结果 实验组中共有4只动物发生DAVF;39例病人中,临床治愈23例,好转12例,死亡1例。结论 静脉窦内压增高是诱发DAVF病因之一;血管内栓塞对DAVF的治疗效果可靠,但必须针对病情采用不同的栓塞方法,或是联合治疗。 相似文献
George M. Ghobrial Nohra Chalouhi James Harrop Richard T. Dalyai Stavropoula Tjoumakaris L. Fernando Gonzalez David Hasan Robert H. Rosenwasser Pascal Jabbour 《Clinical neurology and neurosurgery》2013
Preoperative embolization has the potential to decrease intraoperative blood loss and facilitate spinal cord decompression and tumor resection.Objective
We report our institutional experience with the embolization of hypervascular extradural spinal tumors with Onyx as well as earlier embolic agents in a series of 28 patients.Methods
A retrospective case review was conducted on patients undergoing preoperative transarterial embolization of a spinal tumor between 1995 and 2012 at our institution.Results
Twenty-eight patients met the inclusion criteria, with a mean age of 60.6 years. Twenty-eight patients had metastatic tumors. In 14 (50%) patients the metastases were from renal cell carcinomas. Fifty-four vessels were embolized using PVA, NBCA, Onyx, coils, or embospheres. Sixteen patients were treated with Onyx, 6 patients with PVA, 3 patients with embospheres, 2 patients with NBCA, and 3 patients with a combination of embolic agents. The average decrease in tumor blush was 97.8% with Onyx versus 92.7% with the rest of the embolic agents (p = 0.08). The estimated blood loss was 1616 ml (range 350–5000 ml). Blood loss was 750 cm3 on average with Onyx versus 1844 with the rest of the embolic agents (p = 0.14). The mean length of stay was 16 days. The mortality rate was zero. Pre- and post-operative modified Rankin Score (mRS) did not differ significantly in the series (3.12 versus 3.10, respectively, p = 0.9).Conclusion
In our experience, the use of transarterial tumor embolization as an adjunct for spinal surgery is a safe and feasible option. 相似文献14.
目的探讨脑膜瘤复发手术方法。方法1998年10月以来我院收治复发性脑膜瘤12例,对术前组织病理、CT、MRI及术中所见进行回顾性分析,总结。结果12例病人均行手术治疗,术后随访,无再次复发。结论手术是治疗复发性脑膜瘤的重要手段,完整切除肿瘤、术中化疗是减少复发的关键。 相似文献
Stylianos Pikis Eyal Itshayek Yair Barzilay Amir Hasharoni Leon Kaplan Moshe Gomori 《Neurological research》2014,36(6):502-509
AbstractPreoperative transarterial embolization of hypervascular spinal tumors has been extensively used, and is considered to be a highly effective adjuvant technique in reducing intraoperative blood loss during surgery. Moreover, it has been reported to increase the feasibility and safety of the surgical procedure, leading to better surgical outcomes. We review the English literature in an attempt to identify indications, appropriate timing of embolization in relation to surgery, technical aspects of the procedure, complications, and the contribution of embolization to the surgical management of spinal tumors. In addition, we report our experience with embolization of hypervascular metastases 相似文献
C. Di Rocco A. Iannelli F. La Marca A. Tornesello S. Mastrangelo R. Riccardi 《Child's nervous system》1995,11(10):574-578
Few studies have been carried out regarding preoperative chemotherapy utilized in the treatment of primitive neuroectodermal tumors/medulloblastomas (PNET/MB). In this paper, the authors report 3 cases of children under three years of age, with a presumed diagnosis of PNET/MB, who were preoperatively treated with chemotherapy consisting of high doses of carboplatin alone. The treatment improved the childrens' clinical condition prior to surgery and facilitated tumor removal, resulting in partial regression of the tumor. The preoperative single-drug therapy did not affect the distological diagnosis or prevent the presence of an effective degree of tumor sensitivity to the drug. All three children are still diseasefree, after a mean follow-up period of 42 months. 相似文献
Excessive bleeding during surgical procedures may occur in patients with disorders of platelet function. This report describes a prospective study of preoperative prednisone therapy in preventing excessive post-surgical bleeding in 14 patients with various forms of qualitative platelet defects (“aspirin-like” defect). All patients had a history of excessive bleeding, a prolonged bleeding time, and diminished platelet aggregation with epinephrine and/or collagen. A trial of prednisone therapy was instituted prior to elective surgery. In all cases, the bleeding time was corrected to the normal range of less than 10 minutes. Platelet aggregation abnormalities were, however, unchanged. Surgery performed included dental extractions, and major abdominal, orthopedic, cardiac and ophthalmologic procedures. In no instance was excessive bleeding noted during or following surgery. Platelet transfusions were not needed in these patients. It is concluded that short term prednisone therapy, monitored by the bleeding time, is effective in preventing excessive surgical bleeding in certain patients with platelet function disorders. 相似文献
Ho-Young Park Sun-Ho Lee Se-Jun Park Eun-Sang Kim Chong-Suh Lee Whan Eoh 《Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society》2015,57(1):42-49
ObjectiveThe cervicothoracic junction (CTJ) is a biomechanically and anatomically complex region that has traditionally posed problems for surgical access. In this retrospective study, we describe our clinical experiences of the treatment of metastatic spinal tumors at the CTJ and the results.MethodsFrom June 2006 to December 2011, 23 patients who underwent surgery for spinal tumors involving the CTJ were enrolled in our study. All of the patients were operated on through the posterior approach, and extent of resection was classified as radical, debulking, and simple neural decompression. Adjuvant radiation therapy (RT) was also considered. Visual analog scale score for pain assessment and Medical Research Council (MRC) grade for motor weakness were used, while pre- and post-operative performance status was evaluated using the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG).ResultsAlmost all of the patients were operated using palliative surgical methods (91.3%, 21/23). Ten complications following surgery occurred and revision was performed in four patients. Of the 23 patients of this study, 22 showed significant pain relief according to their visual analogue scale scores. Concerning the aspect of neurological and functional recovery, mean MRC grade and ECOG score was significantly improved after surgery (p<0.05). In terms of survival, radiation therapy had a significant role. Median overall survival was 124 days after surgery, and the adjuvant-RT group (median 214 days) had longer survival times than prior-RT (63 days) group.ConclusionAlthough surgical procedure in CTJ may be difficult, we expect good clinical results by adopting a palliative posterior surgical method with appropriate preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment. 相似文献