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Two studies or approaches to time savings in teaching gross anatomy were implemented and tested. Personal dissection vs. peer teaching of the upper and lower extremities revealed subtle effects of dissection on examination performance. Although peer teaching was generally successful, students preferred to dissect for themselves, lacking confidence in being taught by other students. ANOVA and multiple range tests carried out on the examination means indicated no difference between each student's scores on upper and lower extremity questions. However, subtle effects were reflected in significant differences (P < 0.05) in both ratio (upper%/lower%) and difference (upper%-lower%) between each student's percent scores on upper extremity and lower extremity questions, indicating enhanced performance on the extremity dissected. Students dissecting both extremities were intermediate in both ratio and difference, and not significantly different from either the "upper" or "lower" extremity groups. A questionnaire indicated that students who dissected only one extremity would have preferred to have dissected both extremities, and, contrary to overall examination performance, disagreed that they had learned both extremities at a satisfactory level. Although documenting adequate learning with time savings, the results are consistent with the contention that hands-on dissection enhances learning and confidence in the subject matter, because examination performance as well as personal satisfaction was enhanced on the extremity that was dissected.  相似文献   

We present fluoroscopic images of the aortic arch and its branches obtained in a first year medical gross anatomy teaching laboratory after an aberrant right subclavian artery was discovered during dissection. The aortic arch and its branches in the cadaver were filled with contrast medium in molten agar. After the agar solidified, a portable fluoroscope was used to obtain radiographic images. These post-mortem images were then compared with computed tomography images obtained while the individual was living. The embryology, prevalence, and clinical findings of this arterial variation are reviewed, and the importance of recognizing the presence of an aberrant right subclavian artery before performing various procedures is discussed. This exercise gave students the unique opportunity to compare the three-dimensional anatomy seen in the dissection laboratory with the two-dimensional presentation of that same anatomy in the radiographic images that they will see in clinical practice.  相似文献   

正人体断层解剖学是一门实践性、应用性较强的学科,因此,仅靠理论课教学达不到预期目的,必须理论课和实验课相结合进行教学。实验课提供给学生亲自操作、亲自观察人体局部和断面标本的机会,使他们易建立起从整体到断层,再由断层到整体的认识模式~([1])。近几年"微课"被逐渐应用于各类学校各类课程的教学中,"微课"是"微视频课程"的简称,它是以微型教学视频为主要载体,教师针对某个学科知识点(如重点、难点、疑点、  相似文献   



Many regions worldwide report difficulties in recruiting applicants to surgery. One strategy proposed to reverse this trend consists of early exposure of medical students to the field. Against this backdrop, the present study presents an innovative approach for anatomy teaching, integrating a surgically relevant trend: 3D printing.


Whole-body computed tomography (CT) was made of two cadavers. Twelve students performed measurements and 3D reconstructions of selected anatomical structures (Osirix, Mimics). 3D printed (3DP) models were obtained (ZPrinter 310 Plus), and the students completed the analogous measurements on these replicas. Finally, classical anatomical dissection was performed and the same parameters were measured. The differences between the values obtained by the three modalities were submitted to standard statistical analysis (Wilcoxon two-tail paired test).


Qualitative comparison of the digital 3D reconstructions based on the students’ manual CT segmentation and the anatomical reality showed excellent correlation. Quantitatively, the values measured on the CT images and the physical models created by 3D printing differed from those measured on the cadavers by less than 2 mm. Students were highly appreciative of the approach (CT, 3DP, cadaver). Their average satisfaction score was 5.8 on a 1–6 scale.


This study shows that the approach proposed can be achieved. The results obtained also show that CT-based 3D printed models are close to the authentic anatomic reality. The program allows early and interactive exposure of medical students to a surgically relevant trend—in this case 3D printing.

PURPOSE: Gross anatomy is taught in medical school with textbooks, cadaver dissection, plastic models, and multimedia illustration, but all lack the reality of color and texture that is possible with fresh tissue dissection. The authors studied the use of fresh tissue dissection of the thorax and abdomen of the rat to teach human anatomy. METHOD: In a half-day exercise, 52 fourth-year medical students paired off and completed an exercise to dissect in less than three hours the thorax and abdomen of a euthanized rat. Observation of organs was augmented by active manipulation such as passing a tube down the esophagus, cannulating the trachea and inflating the lungs, injecting dye in the kidney to trace the ureter and bladder, and pulling the testis through the inguinal canal. Comparison of the rat and human was emphasized to enhance the education. The exercise ended with practice suturing fresh tissue. RESULTS: Students rated the exercise to teach anatomy as 4.9 positive on a 5.0 (high) scale. The significant positive structures (p <.05) for texture were heart, liver, lungs and trachea; for color they were lungs and spleen; for location and size they were adrenal gland and urinary bladder; and for function they were adrenal gland and esophagus. CONCLUSION: Fresh tissue dissection of the thorax and abdomen of the rat is a valuable tool for human anatomy education. The dissonances in human and rat anatomy enhance abstraction and transfer of knowledge. Active manipulation of organs promotes retention of knowledge, and suturing provides a "clinical" context. Fresh tissue dissection is an efficient innovative method to provide a global review of anatomy of the thorax and abdomen during the busy clinical years of medical education.  相似文献   

Over the last four millennia, the discipline of anatomy and its relationships with medicine and society have evolved dramatically. Human dissection, the perennial tool for anatomical discovery and education, has both guided this evolution and matured alongside it. Soon after the first cadaveric dissections recorded in ancient Greece, China, India, and Persia, clear endorsements of its practice fell largely silent in the anatomical record for 1,500 years before reappearing in Europe at the dawn of the Renaissance. Between the 13th and 18th centuries CE, the performance of anatomical dissection became a popular form of education and public entertainment, and the demand for human cadavers steadily increased among European anatomical schools while supply remained limited by legal statute. This gave rise to an informal group of amateur and professional body snatchers called the Resurrectionists and, later, inspired the Anatomy Act of 1832 CE. In the 20th and 21st centuries CE, voluntary body bequeathal programs have enabled the practice of human dissection to continue in academic centers as a cornerstone of anatomical education, now with a newfound focus on the development of affective skills. This article provides an abridged account of anatomy's development, highlighting key moments in its growth, the valuable contributions of many different societies to the discipline, and the important roles of several luminary anatomists of antiquity. Within the broader context of this history, it offers an overview of anatomical dissection's evocative past, spanning from its inception to its present-day practice.  相似文献   



The objectives of this study were to recognize the endoscopic anatomy of the cavernous sinus and to understand the standard, purely endoscopic endonasal approaches to this anatomic structure. This basic information will facilitate our surgical procedures and decrease the rate of surgical complications.  相似文献   

现有的解剖学知识和数据是经过将人体剖切开以后进行观察和测量得来的,最大的缺陷在于缺乏某个器官或结构在人体空间中的准确定位、三维测量数据和立体图像,而这恰恰是以计算机技术为支撑的现代临床诊断和治疗手段中最需要的,它是计算机辅助医学(CAM)的基础,是计算医学研究的首要工作。因此,建立一部新的人体数字化解剖学是数字化时代到来的迫切要求,将为古老的人体解剖学科带来一次划时代性的革命[1]。构建数字化人体解剖教学系统需要做如下几个方面的工作。1获取完整的人体断面数据虚拟人体模型通常由来自CT、MR I或冰冻组织切片的断…  相似文献   

结合解剖学提高医学影像学教学质量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医学影像学是一门医学基础、临床实践与影像图像三者有机结合的综合性学科,具有知识结构复杂,信息量丰富,教学难度大的特点。它以人体解剖知识为基础,通过不同方式的人体成像发现病变,并对疾病的临床过程、转归预后和治疗效果进行互相印证、互相补充及综合评价。影像学技术高速发展使大体解剖结构和病理改变显示更加清楚、直观,大大提高了疾病的显示率。因此,为提高医学影像学教学质量,必须在教学中密切联系解剖学知识,将二者有效结合,同 时突出影像学诊断的自身特点。  相似文献   

膝关节的横断层影像解剖学   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的:为给膝关节伤病的横断层影像学诊断提供解剖学基础。方法:用成年男尸右膝部标本6具(新鲜4、经福尔马林固定2),先作膝关节横断层CT及MR扫描,冰冻后切制成11个横断层解剖标本。结果:观察了每一断层内各结构的形态特征、位置毗邻及其在连续断层的变化规律,并匹配同一断层的CT及MRI。①髌股关节显示于第5~8断层,其关节软骨均匀一致,表面平整光滑,但关节腔形态不尽相同,分别呈磨合紧密狭窄凸向后的弧形,前后径短的横位“X”字形及前小后大相通的“工”字形。②髌韧带显现于第9~11断层,其横断面最宽处为24.6mm,最厚处为4.85mm。③前、后交叉韧带显示于第8~11断层,其横断面之长、短径值,前交叉韧带为7.45mm与6.55mm,后交叉韧带为6.25mm与4.12mm。④第10断层可视为膝关节的代表断面,各主要辅助结构均可见,其中内侧半月板呈大的“C”字形。而外侧半月板呈曲度较大的小的反“C”字形,二者的前后角处,分别有前、后交叉韧带。结论:膝关节各横断层的解剖形态、结构对医学影像学诊断有很重要的临床意义。  相似文献   

正形象思维基于表象,以联想和想象为基本形式~([1])。而逻辑思维是思维的基础和核心,创新能力的培养和成果的检验离不开逻辑思维的推理和论证,方法包括抽象与概括、比较与分析、分类与综合、判断与推理,和明确概念的限制、概括、定义及划分~([2-3])。解剖学是一门形态学课程,如何在形象思维的基础上引导学生进行逻辑思考,帮助理解,便于识记,易于拓展,发散思维,  相似文献   



In spite of the extensive case studies considering thoracoscopic approaches to the anterior thoracic spine, the literature lacks studies of the thoracoscopic anatomic dissection and approaches. In this article, the authors present their study of thoracoscopic anatomy of the anterior spine with illustrated step-wise dissection and approaches for sympathectomy, discectomy and corpectomy.

Materials and methods

Four adult cadavers with no history of disease, local trauma or surgery were studied and bilateral thoracoscopic anterior spinal approaches were performed. Thoracoscopic dissections were done in the Department of Anatomy, using Karl Storz 30°, 5?mm and 30?cm rod lens rigid endoscope (Karl Storz and Co., Tuttlingen, Germany). As surgical instrumentation, Karl Storz Rosenthal endoscopic surgical set and 15?mm portals were used for all approaches.


For sympathectomy, the cadaver is positioned supine and the port locations are in the third and fifth intercostal spaces in the anterior axillary line. The stellate ganglion is cephalad to the second rib, and the T2 and T3 ganglia are divided just superior to T2 ganglia and inferior to T3. For discectomy, the cadaver is positioned in the lateral decubitus position. The working portal is positioned directly over the affected disc in the posterior axillary line. The camera portal is positioned in the middle axillary line; 2–3 intercostal spaces caudal to the working portal. The rib head is removed and the lateral surface of the pedicle and neural foramen are exposed. The pedicle and the floor of the spinal canal are resected to decompress the ventral aspect of the spinal canal. For corpectomy, the position of the cadaver and ports are as same as for discectomy. The adjacent segmental vessels are divided first, and the discs above and below the targeted corpus are removed. The ipsilateral pedicle is then removed to decompress the anterior spinal cord, followed by median corpectomy.


Thoracoscopic approaches are minimally invasive procedures and they can be used safely in patients who need anterior exposure to the thoracic spine for the treatment of a spectrum of diseases. Knowledge of the normal anatomy and thoracoscopic cadaver dissection are essential steps in improving the learning curve.  相似文献   

关于虚拟教室在人体解剖学教学中应用的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虚拟教室(Virtual Classroom简称:VR Class)是计算饥多媒体、网络教学系统。在技术上主要依赖于校园网络,具有高速、交互和易实现的特点。本文就VR Class教学与解剖学传统教学手段相结合,提高解剖学教学效果进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

人体解剖学是医学生首先接触的医学专业课程,解剖学教师除要给学生传授该专业知识外,更要使学生在这一基础课程的学习中培养起学习、探索医学科学知识的兴趣.为学好以后各门医学课程开个好头。在教学还应中注意结合素质教育,全面地提高教学质量,使解剖学教学能跟上现代教育改革的步伐,是每一个解剖学教师需要不断探索的课题。作者在教学实  相似文献   

本文根据人体解剖生理学课程内容及特点,结合药学专业人才培养目标,探讨我校药学专业人体解剖生理学课程如何在教学过程中把知识、能力和素质的培养渗透到每节课的教学工作中,实现教学目标,更好地帮助学生进行药学相关的职业生涯规划。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,慕课及翻转课堂作为新型教学模式受到了前所未有的追捧,但慕课在高校实施过程中,对学生学习过程的监控、指导水平都不够高~([1]),而普通教师也很难开发出实施翻转课堂需要的学习资源。于是,结合慕课资源和翻转课堂教学的小规模限制性在线课程(small private online course,SPOC),即小规模限制性在线课程应运而生。SPOC是一种"线上+线下"的混合教学模式,这种模式能够有效解决上述问题,让学校教育扬长  相似文献   

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