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Aim: The majority of research investigating attachment and psychopathology has focused largely on children, and more recently adults. By comparison, few studies have considered the role of attachment on the development of psychopathology during adolescence. The scarcity of studies in this area is surprising given that adolescence is a critical period of psychological adjustment. This study investigates attachment patterns in adolescence and their relationship to symptomatology and interpersonal difficulties. Method: A two‐sample comparative design was employed so that a clinical group of adolescents were compared with a matched non‐clinical group, on attachment classifications (using a modified Separation Anxiety Test), reported interpersonal difficulties and clinical symptoms. Results: Significant differences were found between the clinical and non‐clinical groups on attachment classifications. Adolescents with ambivalent attachment patterns reported significantly more interpersonal difficulties and symptoms compared to young people classified as having secure and avoidant attachment classifications. The results are suggestive of specific differences in the way difficulties are reported. Conclusion: The findings are consistent with two strategies of affect regulation. It is proposed that a ‘hyperactivating’ strategy and a ‘deactivating’ strategy may be operating among those adolescents with ambivalent and avoidant attachment classifications, respectively. The implications of using self‐report measures in clinical work and for evidence‐based practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The tendency to experience negative emotions in the face of stress may lead to repeated overactivation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. In a sample of 556 women, this study used the Experience Sampling Method to assess different daily stressors, current mood, and salivary cortisol, 10 times daily for 5 days. Multilevel analyses estimated the contributions of stressors and mood states as predictors of salivary cortisol secretion. Results showed that minor stressors were associated with decreased positive affect and increased negative affect, agitation, and cortisol. Of the mood states, only negative affect was independently associated with cortisol. Negative affect also mediated effects of daily stressors on cortisol. Although further research is needed to clarify: (i) the causal pathways between daily stress, mood, and cortisol and (ii) the importance of daily stress reactivity as a prospective risk factor, these findings confirm that minor daily stressors can influence emotional and biological processes involved in subjective well-being.  相似文献   

The Marvin and Britner system for classifying caregiver behavior patterns in the preschool Strange Situation is presented to complement the Cassidy and Marvin (1992) preschool child-parent attachment classification system. Participants were 110 mothers and their preschool children (aged 2 to 4 years) with medical risks (epilepsy or mild cerebral palsy) or no diagnosis (i.e., healthy). As coded by reliable, independent raters, there was a highly significant level of concordance between the 5-category caregiver and child classifications in the preschool Strange Situation across the medical risk levels. In comparison to other caregivers, mothers classified as secure in their caregiving behavior pattern were rated as more sensitive; they also showed greater delight and were more supportive of their children's exploration. Combinations of the ten, 9-point caregiver rating scales were useful in discriminating among the insecure caregiver patterns.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to develop and validate the Empathic-Affective Response Scale, and to examine the relationship of empathic-affective responses with prosocial behaviors and aggressive behaviors. Undergraduate students (N = 443) participated in a questionnaire study. The results of factor analysis indicated that empathic-affective responses involved three factors: (a) sharing and good feeling toward others' positive affect, (b) sharing of negative affect and (c) sympathy toward others' negative affect. Correlations with other empathy-related scales and internal consistency suggested that this scale has satisfactory validity and reliability. Cluster analysis revealed that participants were clustered into four groups: high-empathic group, low-empathic group, insufficient positive affective response group and insufficient negative affective response group. Additional analysis showed the frequency of prosocial behaviors in high-empathic group was highest in all groups. On the other hand, the frequency of aggressive behaviors in both insufficient positive affective response group and low-empathic group were higher than others' groups. The results indicated that empathic-affective responses toward positive affect are also very important to predict prosocial behaviors and aggressive behaviors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine whether patient characteristics are associated with communication patterns between oncologists and breast cancer patients. METHODS: The study was conducted at 14 practices with 58 oncologists with 405 newly diagnosed patients with no prior history of breast cancer. The initial consultation between oncologist and patient was audiotaped and a detailed communication analysis performed. Interviews were conducted with patients and physicians immediately before and after consultations. RESULTS: Disparities were found across all patient demographics. Younger patients asked more questions as did those who were white had more than a high school education and when they reported an income that was high or medium income, compared to low (p<0.01). Patient proactive behavior, such as volunteering information to the physician unasked, was similarly related with all demographic predictors as was physician tendency to ask patients questions. Despite the inherently emotional nature of this encounter, there was surprisingly little overt discussion about how the patient felt about her diagnosis and how she was coping. Both patients and physicians spent time trying to establish an interpersonal relationship with each other, although patients spent more time. Patients differed in the number of relationship building utterances by age, education and income and physicians spent more time engaged in relationship building with white than non-white patients (p<0.01) and more educated and affluent patients (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: This study indicates that patient demographic factors, such as race, income level, education and age seem to influence the amount of time physicians spend in almost all communication categories with patients. One recurring difference across most communication categories was race. Racial differences occurred in almost every one of the communication categories examined. White patients had many more utterances in almost every communication category than their non-white counterparts. These differences may mean a less adequate decision-making process for patients who are members of racial or ethnic minorities, patients who are less affluent, older, and have less education. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: This study found that providers communicate differently with patients by age, race, education and income. These differences in communication may lead to disparities in patient outcomes. Communication skills training should explicitly train clinicians to recognize these tendencies. Patients with different demographics characteristics may also required education that is tailored to them.  相似文献   

In this study, we tested the associations among attachment ratings and health behaviors by relationship status. For individuals in relationships, attachment security was associated positively with health promotion and quality sleep and negatively with risk behaviors; fearfulness was associated positively with risk behaviors. With the exception of sleep behaviors, associations with security and fearfulness were reversed for single participants. Associations between dismissingness and quality of sleep support the proposal that individuals who deny or dismiss their attachment needs may experience physical symptoms of distress that affect their health. Future work exploring the benefits of security when coping with illness or lifestyle change is discussed.  相似文献   

Pain is a multidimensional experience and is modulated by a number of factors. One such factor that plays a critical role in pain modulation is anxiety. However, the influence of individual differences in anxiety on higher order pain processing in rodents remains unclear. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify animals that have baseline levels of high and low anxiety using the elevated plus maze and then measure pain threshold and place escape/avoidance responding (a measure of pain affect) in the animals. As expected, there was a range of baseline behavior in the elevated plus maze that was used to separate animals into high and low anxiety groups. Following carrageenan injection, both groups of animals developed a similar degree of mechanical hypersensitivity and both groups showed similar place escape/avoidance behavior. These findings suggest that individual differences in baseline anxiety levels do not significantly contribute to the development of mechanical sensitivity and do not modulate higher order pain processing related to pain affect and motivation.  相似文献   

Vagal reactivity and salivary alpha-amylase (sAA) were assessed in infants (M age = 13.55 months) and their mothers during the Strange Situation Paradigm (SSP) to investigate differences in physiological responses in a sample of insecure-avoidant and securely-attached dyads (N = 132). Infants classified as insecure-avoidant had significantly higher vagal withdrawal during the SSP and higher sAA overall, suggesting that the avoidant attachment pattern is associated with a greater allostatic load. During separation episodes of the SSP, all mothers showed significant vagal withdrawal, suggesting greater attempts at regulation. During the last reunion, typically the most stressful episode for infants, mothers of secure infants showed greater vagal withdrawal than mothers of insecure-avoidant infants, suggesting greater attempts by these mothers at interactive repair. Results for mothers and infants supported the allostatic load theory.  相似文献   

People have naive theories about the relationship between motives and behaviors. Based on recent developments in attribution theories and negativity bias in social perception, we hypothesized that people would associate negative behaviors only with negative motives, while they would associate positive behaviors with not just positive, but also negative motives. These hypotheses were tested in three studies. In Studies 1 and 2, we found that behavioral information inconsistent with naive theories was best recalled under conditions with no cognitive load. However, this recall advantage dissipated when participants were under time pressure during the encoding of the behavioral information. In Study 3, participants were presented with positive and negative behaviors, and were asked to infer the actors' motives from these behaviors. The results showed that naive theories guided their inferences: negative motives were likely to be inferred from negative behaviors, whereas both negative and positive motives were inferred from positive behaviors. Implications for attribution theories and negativity bias in social perception are discussed.  相似文献   

Nervous pointer dogs have been extensively characterized as an animal model for some human pathological anxiety states. During our work with these animals suspicion developed that some of these dogs had a hearing deficit. We decided to systematically evaluate this observation and to study the relation between hearing status and fear-related behaviors in the nervous pointer dogs. Our results revealed that a majority of the nervous dogs in our colony (75%) suffer from bilateral deafness as demonstrated by complete absence of brain stem auditory evoked response. Furthermore, behavioral ratings revealed that hearing and deaf dogs do not differ in their pathological response to the characteristic fear-provoking stimuli (e.g., human interaction) and that both hearing and deaf nervous dogs markedly differ from normal dogs in that respect. The relation between these abnormalities and their implications for research involving breeding of animals for selected traits are further discussed in this report.  相似文献   

考察3~6年级小学生亲子依恋和同胞接纳程度之间的关系。本研究采用整群抽样法,用亲子依恋量表及同胞接纳量表对1 178名3~6年级的学生进行调查。结果显示:①头胎儿童同胞接纳中的行为、认知维度存在显著的性别差异,表现为女生得分高于男生得分;②头胎儿童的亲子依恋对情感接纳、行为接纳、认知接纳以及总体接纳有正向预测作用;③头胎儿童的母子依恋得分显著低于独生儿童。本研究认为亲子依恋是影响同胞接纳的重要因素。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Allergic responses to latex have been reported more frequently in the past 5 years. Although commercial skin prick test solutions are available and can be used in the diagnosis of latex allergy in some countries, the characteristics of patients sensitized to latex relative to their skin test responses have not been reported. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to relate the clinical characteristics of patients with latex sensitivity to the size of their latex skin prick test response. METHODS: A retrospective review of patients who were attending a hospital-based allergy and asthma clinic and who had positive skin test responses to a commercial latex skin test solution was undertaken. RESULTS: Of 47 patients who had skin test responses to latex, 36 had a mean wheal diameter at least 3 mm greater than the negative control (diluent). Sixty-eight percent were health care workers. There was a positive association between the size of skin test response and severity of latex-induced symptoms (p < 0.001). A history of banana sensitivity was also associated with larger skin test responses (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The size of the skin prick test response to latex solution that is commercially available in Canada reflects the severity of latex-induced clinical allergic responses. (J Allergy Clin Immunol 1996;97:1202-6.)  相似文献   

The inverse relationship between tuberculin responses and atopic disorder   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
C. Martinati    A. L. Boner 《Allergy》1997,52(10):1036-1037

Insecure attachment is widely accepted to be a risk factor for suicidal thoughts and behaviour. To increase our understanding of this distal association, the current systematic review aimed to evaluate empirical evidence that has investigated the role of psychosocial mechanisms within this relationship. Sixteen original research articles were identified, with the majority carrying out mediational analyses to test their hypotheses. Substantial heterogeneity was found across studies with regards to their theoretical approach to assessing attachment, suicide‐related outcomes, sample population, statistical analyses, and the psychological factors under investigation. Nevertheless, this emergent evidence base indicates that a range of predisposing, precipitating, and crisis‐state factors may mediate the association between attachment security and suicidality. Studies that investigated moderating factors did not report significant findings, and the mediating role for psychiatric diagnoses remains unclear. Furthermore, this emerging research base is limited by an over‐reliance on cross‐sectional designs and self‐reported data. Longitudinal and experimental designs are required to verify causal pathways and to investigate whether trait vulnerabilities interact with acute stressors to increase suicide risk. Finally, disorganized attachment has been overlooked so far and should be given greater consideration going forward.  相似文献   

Thirty-two subjects, exposed to a tone CS, shock UCS simple delayed conditioning paradigm with an interstimulus interval of 8 sec, were compared in skin conductance and finger pulse volume responses to a sensitization control group of 32 subjects given unpaired CS—UCS presentations. Magnitude, probability and amplitude of anticipatory and UCS omission responses were measured. Significant conditioning effects for both these types of response were observed using magnitude and probability measures of the two effector systems. Between-subject correlations showed significant positive relationships between vasomotor and electrodermal CS responses in the sensitization group and early in conditioning training. Later in training, however, this relationship disappeared, indicating a learned dissociation of the response systems during classical conditioning. Within-subject correlations showed that the two response systems developed quite independently over trials.  相似文献   

Treated a sample of 77 distressed middle- and lower-class couples by 19 therapists using conjoint therapy. Batteries of tests that assessed marital satisfaction and communications skills were given pre- and posttherapy plus 3 and 6 months later. Couple and therapist therapy behavior were assessed using audio tapes of interview sessions. A variety of sex and social class differences were found that correlated with therapy outcome. The overall thrust of the findings suggests that no one marital therapy technique will be appropriate for the different sexes and with those of different SES backgrounds.  相似文献   

Research on adolescents in romantic love has suggested that their heterosexual relationship may be influenced by their attachment to their mothers and to friends of the same sex. Three hundred fifty-nine college students responded to a questionnaire designed to explore this correlation. The results indicated that male sexual behavior and feelings of romantic love towards their girl friends were not influenced by the attachment to their mothers nor to their friends whereas those of the females were. Females who were involved in intimate sexual relationship had weaker attachment to their mothers; on the other hand, females who had strong romantic feelings, yet without sexual relationships, tended to have strong attachment to their friends of the same sex.  相似文献   

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