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Magnesium, the second most abundant intracellular cation, is essential in many intracellular processes and appears to play an important role in migraine pathogenesis. Routine blood tests do not reflect true body magnesium stores since <2 % is in the measurable, extracellular space, 67 % is in the bone and 31 % is located intracellularly. Lack of magnesium may promote cortical spreading depression, hyperaggregation of platelets, affect serotonin receptor function, and influence synthesis and release of a variety of neurotransmitters. Migraine sufferers may develop magnesium deficiency due to genetic inability to absorb magnesium, inherited renal magnesium wasting, excretion of excessive amounts of magnesium due to stress, low nutritional intake, and several other reasons. There is strong evidence that magnesium deficiency is much more prevalent in migraine sufferers than in healthy controls. Double-blind, placebo-controlled trials have produced mixed results, most likely because both magnesium deficient and non-deficient patients were included in these trials. This is akin to giving cyanocobalamine in a blinded fashion to a group of people with peripheral neuropathy without regard to their cyanocobalamine levels. Both oral and intravenous magnesium are widely available, extremely safe, very inexpensive and for patients who are magnesium deficient can be highly effective. Considering these features of magnesium, the fact that magnesium deficiency may be present in up to half of migraine patients, and that routine blood tests are not indicative of magnesium status, empiric treatment with at least oral magnesium is warranted in all migraine sufferers.  相似文献   

Psychiatric complications in patients with epilepsy: a review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
At least 50-60% of patients with epilepsy develop psychiatric disturbances, particularly mood, anxiety, and psychotic disorders. This article, aimed at the non-psychiatric clinician, reviews the differential diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disturbances in epilepsy and focuses on the evaluation of psychiatric phenomena relative to the ictal state or the periictal and interictal periods. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies are reviewed. A final section discusses potential interactions between antiepileptic and psychiatric medications.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to describe the practice of psychiatric consultation with regard to explicit requests for euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide in the Netherlands. Written questionnaires were sent to an unselected sample of 673 Dutch psychiatrists, about half of all such specialists in the Netherlands. The response rate was 83%. Of the respondents, 36% (199 of 549) had at least once been consulted about a patient's request for physician-assisted death. The annual number of such psychiatric consultations is estimated to be 400 (about 4% of all requests for physician-assisted death). About one in four consultations is initiated by another psychiatrist. Consultants were mainly asked to assess whether the patient had a treatable mental disorder (68%) or whether the patient's request was well considered (66%). Assessment of the influence of transference and countertransference was less frequently sought (24%). Of the 221 consultation cases described, 67 (30%) ended in euthanasia or assisted suicide, whereas another 124 (56%) did not. In most, but not all, cases where the patient's request for physician-assisted death was refused, the respondent had judged that the request was not well considered or that the patient had a treatable mental disorder, or that the decision-making was influenced by transference and countertransference. We conclude that psychiatric consultation for patients requesting physician-assisted death in the Netherlands is rare, as in other countries. The issue of psychiatric consultation with regard to requests for physician-assisted death, especially in patients with a physical disease, needs to be further addressed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review the literature on suicide of inpatients with schizophrenia, to identify suicide risk factors as well as typical patterns of behavior and to suggest a rationale and strategies for future interventions. METHOD: A computerized MedLine, Excerpta Medica and PsycLit search supplemented by an examination of cross-references and reviews. RESULTS: Up to half the suicides among patients with schizophrenia occur during inpatient admission. Inpatient suicides were found among those of a young age group who were predominantly single, childless and socially isolated. The vast majority experienced an illness characterized by long duration and prolonged psychiatric hospitalizations or multiple admissions and discharges. Up to 50% of the suicides occurred in the first few weeks and months following discharge from the hospital. The paranoid subtype of schizophrenia, where positive symptoms prevail and negative symptoms are few, is associated with a suicide risk that is three times greater than that associated with nonparanoid subtypes and eight times greater than the risk associated with the deficit subtype. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of suicide is a major problem among inpatients with schizophrenia. Evidence suggests that suicide is generally carried-out by patients who have been recently discharged or by those who manage to get away from the hospital. Strategies aimed at preventing this phenomenon have been introduced to the medical personnel, but suicide in these patients does not seem to have been reduced. We emphasize the need to establish guidelines for the prevention of suicide in hospitalized patients with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Mild cognitive impairment is a topic of great activity from both clinical and research perspectives. It represents a transitional state between the cognitive changes of aging and the earliest clinical manifestations of dementia. We present a case for its inclusion in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed; DSM-V) based on clinical, outcome, epidemiological, neuroimaging, and pathophysiological data. The strongest case for inclusion can be made for the amnestic subtype, which is likely a clinical precursor of Alzheimer's disease. Arguments are presented as to why mild cognitive impairment can be considered as an entity distinct from normal aging and from clinically probable Alzheimer's disease and why it deserves consideration as a separate construct. In many respects, mild cognitive impairment fulfills criteria for inclusion more adequately than many other conditions currently codified in DSM-IV. Future research directions to help clarify some of the remaining uncertainties are proposed.  相似文献   

Psychiatric disorders in migraine patients have a higher prevalence than general population. The presence of psychiatric comorbidities may influence the complexity of the migraine pictures and be related to medication overuse. Severely impaired chronic migraineurs presenting with medication overuse are a challenge for headache clinics. Psychiatric comorbities, such as dependency-like behaviors, anxiety and mood symptoms, might account for headache-related disability and recurrent relapses into medication overuse after a successful detoxification. Within a sample of 63 chronic migraineurs with medication overuse and severe disability, we investigated to which extent clinical severity, affective states and attitudes about medication impact the overall functioning at time of detoxification. To unravel whether some of these factors could predict their long-term outcome, we followed and retest them 1 year after withdrawal. We hypothesized that the detoxification would have led to a partial improvement and not modified the attitudes toward medication and dependence. Detoxification improves most of the clinical and affective measures, but does not free from significant levels of pain intensity and headache-related disability. The partial benefit from detoxification, the severity bias and the maladaptive cognitive profile led us to believe that subgroups of chronic-relapsing migraineurs deserve a multidisciplinary approach that addresses not only the reduction of clinical severity but also specific cognitive and behavioral impairments.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A new name for schizophrenia, reflecting a biopsychosocial conceptualization, may have utility in educating patients and the public. If readily translatable, it would be of great value in transcultural psychiatry. It may be clinically beneficial to psychoeducation in evidence-based treatment modalities such as medication management, multifamily group psycho-education and cognitive therapy. DISCUSSION: Neuro-Emotional Integration Disorder (NEID) is proposed as the biopsychosocial candidate term to replace schizophrenia. The following subtypes are proposed: defensive type replacing paranoid, motoric type replacing catatonic, Brief Neuro-Emotional-Integration Breakdown (B-NEIB) replacing brief psychotic episode, NEID-Time Limited replacing schizophreniform disorder. Schizoaffective disorder might be termed NEID-Bipolar type. Anti-psychotic medication would be termed NEI-Enhancing medication. CONCLUSIONS: By emphasizing the neuropsychiatric basis of this 'highly treatable brain disorder' through its labeling, stigma may ultimately be reduced. Even if the term NEID is not ultimately adopted, the principles outlined here should be helpful in choosing a replacement term for 'schizophrenia'.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the interest of non-terminally ill hospitalized elderly patients in euthanasia and physician assisted suicide (PAS) and to determine the stability of these interests over time. Patients age 60 or older (n=158), including both a depressed sample and non-depressed control sample, underwent a structured interview evaluating their interest in euthanasia and PAS in the event of a series of hypothetical outcome scenarios. Substantial proportions of subjects (varying from 13.3%–42% depending on the scenario) expressed hypothetical acceptance of euthanasia and PAS. After six months a subset of patients changed their minds about euthanasia and PAS (8% - 26% depending on the scenario), most often in the direction of initial acceptance to later rejection. Patients depressed in the hospital and interested in PAS for the outcome of their current (non-terminal) condition were significantly more likely express unstable opinions, with most rejecting it six months later. Other correlations of instability, in specific scenarios, included being male, experiencing higher baseline suffering, poorer subjective health and lower instrumental support. Because euthanasia and PAS actions are irreversible, findings of instability have important implications both clinically and for design of PAS legislation.  相似文献   

Background: Routine neuroimaging of the brain is performed after recombinant-tissue-plasminogen activator (rtPA) treatment in patients with acute ischemic stroke. However, in situation where resources are limited, it is not known if a follow-up computed tomography (CT) is beneficial for guiding the treatment plan or not. The purpose of this study is to investigate the need for a follow-up CT in patients with acute stroke after rtPA treatment. Methods: Patients who were treated with intravenous rtPA were included. Clinical symptoms/signs of the patients were evaluated at 24 h after rtPA treatment compared with baseline NIHSS. The need for a follow-up CT after rtPA treatment was assessed by comparison of the early clinical changes with the CT brain results that would affect the management plan: presence of hemorrhagic transformation, malignant MCA infarction, or large cerebellar infarction. Results: 200 patients were included. 19 patients (9.5%) had complete recovery. CT post rtPA revealed no change in these patients. In 105 patients who had early improvement with NIHSS of 1–10 at 24 h, follow-up CT findings did not change the plan of management in 85%. Follow-up CTs may help in planning further management in 65% and 67% of the patients who had NIHSS > 10 at 24 h and early worsening, respectively. Conclusions: CT post rtPA may not be required in patients with early clinical recovery (NIHSS = 0). However, in patients with residual severe deficit post rtPA or patients with early worsening or suspected posterior circulation stroke, CT post rtPA is still needed.  相似文献   

The authors describe an effort to develop criteria for utilization review of treatment for suicide attempters. Explicit criteria proposed by a panel of experts as essential determinants for hospitalization of these patients were compared with actual clinical practice. It was found that according to the experts' criteria (which were operationalized into rating assessments), over half of the outpatient sample should have been hospitalized. After multiple regression analysis was carried out on the criteria, however, four predictors showed that only 20 percent of the outpatients should have been hospitalized. The authors discuss the issues these findings raise about the criteria of the experts, their utility for research, their validity, and their implications for utilization review.  相似文献   

Most children who go through adolescence manage to overcome the "storm of adolescence," but some children are not so fortunate and have difficulty in coping. They may feel that their inability to cope is unique or that they will forever be handicapped or diseased as a result. In reality, the trials of adolescence, combined with a sub optimal personal life often result in setbacks. Adolescence, by definition is a time of development. And this development is extensive; physical, mental, sexual and self-awareness. Personality change is inevitable. Over a relatively short period, young children evolve into adults. Every one experiences these drastic changes, but to each child, it seems that he/she is going through the experience alone, for the first time. We must convey to these children that this situation is normal, and is inevitably stressful. If we can succeed in even a small way to do this, I believe we can find a way to help adolescent children.  相似文献   

How long should drug therapy for depression be maintained?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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