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We examined findings from five organophosphorus pesticide biomonitoring studies conducted in Washington State between 1994 and 1999. We compared urinary dimethylthiophosphate (DMTP) concentrations for all study groups and composite dimethyl alkylphosphate (DMAP) concentrations for selected groups. Children of pesticide applicators had substantially higher metabolite levels than did Seattle children and farmworker children (median DMTP, 25 microg/L; p < 0.0001). Metabolite levels of children living in agricultural communities were elevated during periods of crop spraying. Median DMTP concentrations for Seattle children and farmworker children did not differ significantly (6.1 and 5.8 microg/L DMTP, respectively; p = 0.73); however, the DMAP concentrations were higher for Seattle children than for farmworker children (117 and 87 nmol/L DMAP, respectively; p = 0.007). DMTP concentrations of U.S. children 6-11 years of age (1999-2000 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey population) were higher than those of Seattle children and farmworker children at the 75th, 90th, and 95th percentiles. DMTP concentrations for workers actively engaged in apple thinning were 50 times higher than DMTP concentrations for farmworkers sampled outside of peak exposure periods. We conclude that workers who have direct contact with pesticides should continue to be the focus of public health interventions and that elevated child exposures in agricultural communities may occur during active crop-spraying periods and from living with a pesticide applicator. Timing of sample collection is critical for the proper interpretation of pesticide biomarkers excreted relatively soon after exposure. We surmise that differences in dietary exposure can explain the similar exposures observed among farmworker children, children living in the Seattle metropolitan area, and children sampled nationally.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to assess non-dietary exposure of workers and the general population in the Paris area to some organophosphorus (OP) pesticides. In total, 21 workers from different occupational places (two greenhouses, three florist shops and three veterinary departments) and 20 subjects assumed to be non-occupationally exposed were recruited. Indoor air, hand wipes, and three first morning urine samples were collected. Seven OPs were measured by GC/ECD and GC/TSD, and six urinary dialkylphosphate metabolites by GC/PFPD. All indoor air samples from the workplaces and only one-third of the samples from the residences contained at least one of the seven OPs. However, almost all participants were dermally exposed to OPs. Total OP indoor air and cutaneous levels were significantly higher for workers than for the general population (air median = 185 pmol/m3 versus nondetectable, P < 0.0001; hands median = 1250 pmol/hands versus 475 pmol/hands, P = 0.03). From the air, gardeners and florists were mainly exposed to methyl-OPs and veterinary staff to ethyl-OPs (mainly diazinon). From their hands, all subjects were exposed to methyl-OPs, with gardeners and florists exposed to somewhat but not significantly higher levels. Ethyl-OPs were more found frequently and at higher levels on the hands of veterinary workers. Total OP levels in indoor air and from hand wipes were significantly correlated (Spearman R = 0.34, P = 0.03). DAP detection frequencies and levels were not different between workers and the general population (workers median=168 nmol/g creat and general population median = 241 nmol/g creat, P = 0.31), and did not correlate with air or hand levels. Subjects not occupationally exposed showed significant residential exposure to OPs, more frequently from their hands than from the air. Different occupations were associated with different exposure profiles and levels. The lack of differences in DAP levels between the different groups of exposure suggests that dietary exposure to OP residues and exposure to other OPs are involved.  相似文献   

We used a novel study design to measure dietary organophosphorus pesticide exposure in a group of 23 elementary school-age children through urinary biomonitoring. We substituted most of children's conventional diets with organic food items for 5 consecutive days and collected two spot daily urine samples, first-morning and before-bedtime voids, throughout the 15-day study period. We found that the median urinary concentrations of the specific metabolites for malathion and chlorpyrifos decreased to the nondetect levels immediately after the introduction of organic diets and remained nondetectable until the conventional diets were reintroduced. The median concentrations for other organophosphorus pesticide metabolites were also lower in the organic diet consumption days; however, the detection of those metabolites was not frequent enough to show any statistical significance. In conclusion, we were able to demonstrate that an organic diet provides a dramatic and immediate protective effect against exposures to organophosphorus pesticides that are commonly used in agricultural production. We also concluded that these children were most likely exposed to these organophosphorus pesticides exclusively through their diet. To our knowledge, this is the first study to employ a longitudinal design with a dietary intervention to assess children's exposure to pesticides. It provides new and persuasive evidence of the effectiveness of this intervention.  相似文献   

Organophosphorus pesticides and pyrethroids are widely used in German agriculture and residential settings. Their occurrence in human biological samples can be used as an indicator for the exposure of children to these compounds. Using multivariate evaluation the routes of exposure can be identified. In the pilot study of GerES IV, metabolites of pyrethroids and organophosporus pesticides were analysed in urine of children aged 2-17 years (n = 396 and 363). The 95th percentiles for the metabolites of the pyrethroids in urine were: cis-DCCA 0.74 microg/l, trans-DCCA 1.7 microg/l, DBCA 0.52 microg/l, F-PBA < 0.1 microg/l, and 3-PBA 2.4 microg/l. 3-PBA was detected in 90% of the samples. The 95th percentiles for the organophosphorus metabolites in urine were: DMP 118 microg/l, DEP 20 microg/l, DMTP 124 microg/l, DETP 11 microg/l, DMDTP 11 microg/l, DEDTP < 1.0microg/l. DMTP was the metabolite most frequently detected in the samples (90%). Based on the metabolites analysed in urine the exposure to organophosphorus pesticides is mainly influenced by age, consumption of fresh fruits and fruit juice, living in an urban area, and season. A rough estimation revealed that the ADI values for organophosphorus pesticides might be exceeded. However, these results require further exploration. The exposure to pyrethroids is influenced by age, sampling location, consumption of boiled vegetables, and the use of biocides indoors at home. In addition, a significant correlation between permethrin in house dust and the metabolite concentrations in urine could be observed. Thus it seems likely that ingestion of house dust contributes to children's exposure.  相似文献   

Conclusion The present investigation was undertaken after a preliminary study (BUCHETet al., 1974b)had suggested that the exposure to the organophosphorus pesticide Triamiphos increases the cholesterol content of the rat aorta.The repetition of the experiments with the same and another pesticide, as well as the extension to animals of both sexes, failed to confirm these preliminary results. At the doses and for the duration of exposure selected, an effect of Triamiphos and Dursban on fat metabolism in the rat cannot be evidenced. In this investigation total blood cholinesterase activity is the only biological parameter affected although this does not seem to impair the health of the animals.  相似文献   

有机磷农药对作业女工健康的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对 2 2 2名接触有机磷农药的作业女工和 132名非接触职业性有害因素的女工进行了流行病学调查 ,结果 :接触组头痛头晕、睡眠障碍、记忆力减退、心悸、视力模糊、月经异常、自然流产、不孕及ChE活性 <70 %和Hb降低者与对照组比较 ,差异有显著性  相似文献   

For epidemiologic studies that evaluate the relation between potential exposures to environmental chemicals and adverse outcomes, accurate assessments of exposures and health outcomes are needed. Three prospective cohort studies recently evaluated the relation between exposure, as assessed by biomonitoring, of pregnant women to organophosphorus pesticides and several birth outcomes. Here these three studies are compared in terms of the exposure scenarios and exposure assessments. The primary focus is on the exposure assessments, all of which employ biomonitoring but use different approaches, which may contribute to the different findings. These approaches and how they may contribute to different relations between exposure and birth outcomes are examined.  相似文献   

Aim Pesticides are widely used throughout the world, in agriculture to protect crops and in public health to control diseases transmitted by vectors or intermediate hosts. After the prohibition of organochlorines such as DDT, today, mainly pyrethroids and organophosphorus insecticides are used. Whereas many studies have been published on background exposure of the population to organochlorines, data on internal exposure of the population to pyrethroids and organophosphorus insecticides are scarce. Here, we report on internal exposure of children and young people, in an urban area in Germany, to pyrethroids and organophosphorus acids, assessed by the analysis of urinary levels of their corresponding specific metabolites.Methods Approximately 673 children and adolescents took part in this voluntary investigation, including 331 children <6 years of age. Their parents stated that they and their children had never used pyrethroids or organophosphorus acids in their homes or for medical reasons. We analysed their spot urine samples for six metabolites of organophosphorus insecticides [dimethyl-phosphate (DMP), diethyl-phosphate (DEP), dimethyl-thiophosphate (DMTP), diethyl-thiophosphate (DETP), dimethyl-dithiophosphate (DMDTP) and diethyl-dithiophosphate (DEDTP)] and for four metabolites of pyrethroids [cis-3-(2,2-dibromo-vinyl)-2,2-dimethyl-cyclopropane carboxylic acid (Br2CA), cis-3-(2,2-dichloro-vinyl)-2,2-dimethyl-cyclopropane carboxylic acid (cis-Cl2-CA ), trans-3-(2,2-dichloro-vinyl)-2,2-dimethyl-cyclopropane carboxylic acid (trans-Cl2-CA) and 4-fluoro-3-phenoxy-benzoic acid (F-PBA)] using gas chromatographic methods with mass-selective detection. The limit of detection was 0.1–0.2 g/l for pyrethroid metabolites and 1 g/l for metabolites of organophosphorus acids; in DMP it was 5 g/l.Results The 95th percentiles of the urinary metabolite concentrations were, in microgrammes per litre, DMP 158, DMTP 180, DMDTP 12, DEP 17, DETP 8, DEDTP <1; Br2CA 0.30, cis-Cl2-CA 0.44, trans-Cl2-CA 1.22, F-PBA 0.30. There were no correlations between urinary metabolite levels and the age of the children.Conclusion Current background levels of internal exposure to pyrethroids and organophosphorus insecticides in children and adolescents in Germany are shown. Exposure to these substances in the general population is thought to occur mainly via residues in the diet. The level of background internal pyrethroid exposure in the children is orders of magnitude lower than the corresponding acceptable daily intake (ADI) values published, but the level of internal organophosphate exposure may reach and even exceed ADI values. This observation demands further investigation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Children may be at higher risk than adults from pesticide exposure, due to their rapidly developing physiology, unique behavioral patterns, and interactions with the physical environment. This preliminary study conducted in Ecuador examines the association between household and environmental risk factors for pesticide exposure and neurobehavioral development. METHODS: We collected data over 6 months in the rural highland region of Cayambe, Ecuador (2003-2004). Children age 24-61 months residing in 3 communities were assessed with the Ages and Stages Questionnaire and the Visual Motor Integration Test. We gathered information on maternal health and work characteristics, the home and community environment, and child characteristics. Growth measurements and a hemoglobin finger-prick blood test were obtained. Multiple linear regression analyses were conducted. RESULTS: Current maternal employment in the flower industry was associated with better developmental scores. Longer hours playing outdoors were associated with lower gross and fine motor and problem solving skills. Children who played with irrigation water scored lower on fine motor skills (8% decrease; 95% confidence interval = -9.31 to -0.53), problem-solving skills (7% decrease; -8.40 to -0.39), and Visual Motor Integration test scores (3% decrease; -12.00 to 1.08). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that certain environmental risk factors for exposure to pesticides may affect child development, with contact with irrigation water of particular concern. However, the relationships between these risk factors and social characteristics are complex, as corporate agriculture may increase risk through pesticide exposure and environmental contamination, while indirectly promoting healthy development by providing health care, relatively higher salaries, and daycare options.  相似文献   

A nine-home pilot study was conducted to evaluate monitoring methods in the field that may be used to assess the potential exposures of children aged 6 months to 5 years to pesticides found in the home environment. Several methods, some of which were newly developed in this study, were tested for measuring pesticide residues in indoor air, carpet dust, outdoor soil, and on the children's hands. Information was also collected on household characteristics, pesticides used and stored at the residence, and children's activities.Pesticides were detected at all nine study homes. With the exception of one home, at least one pesticide was detected in all matrices sampled at each house. Of the 30 target pesticides, 23 were detected during the study. The most frequently detected pesticides were chlordane, chlorpyrifos, dieldrin, heptachlor, and pentachlorophenol. The greatest number of pesticides and highest concentrations were found in carpet dust. The results of these investigations will be discussed in terms of performance of the methods and the distribution of pesticides across the various media sampled.This paper has been reviewed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's peer and administrative review policies and approved for presentation and publication. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.  相似文献   

In this study we assessed organophosphorus (OP) pesticide exposure among children living in two Seattle metropolitan area communities by measuring urinary metabolites, and identified possible exposure risk factors through a parental interview. We recruited children in clinic and outpatient waiting rooms. We obtained spot urine samples in the spring and fall of 1998 from 110 children ages 2-5 years, from 96 households. We analyzed urine samples for six dialkylphosphate (DAP) compounds, the common metabolites of the OP pesticides. Through parental interviews we gathered demographic and residential pesticide use data. At least one of the DAP metabolites was measured in 99% of the children, and the two predominant metabolites (DMTP and DETP) were measured in 70-75% of the children. We found no significant differences in DAP concentrations related to season, community, sex, age, family income, or housing type. Median concentrations of dimethyl and diethyl DAPs were 0.11 and 0.04 micromol/L, respectively (all children). Concentrations were significantly higher in children whose parents reported pesticide use in the garden (0.19 vs. 0.09 micromol/L for dimethyl metabolites, p = 0.05; 0.04 vs. 0.03 micromol/L for diethyl metabolites, p = 0.02), but were not different based on reported pet treatment or indoor residential use. Nearly all children in this study had measurable levels of OP pesticide metabolites. Some of this exposure was likely due to diet. Garden pesticide use was associated with elevated metabolite levels. It is unlikely that these exposure levels would cause acute intoxication, but the long-term health effects of such exposures are unknown. We recommend that OP pesticide use be avoided in areas where children are likely to play.  相似文献   

Children up to 6 years of age who lived with pesticide applicators were monitored for increased risk of pesticide exposure: 48 pesticide applicator and 14 reference families were recruited from an agricultural region of Washington State in June 1995. A total of 160 spot urine samples were collected from 88 children, including repeated measures 3-7 days apart. Samples were assayed by gas chromatography flame photometric detector for dimethylphosphate metabolites. Dimethylthiophosphate (DMTP) was the dominant metabolite. DMTP levels were significantly higher in applicator children than in reference children (p = 0.015), with median concentrations of 0.021 and 0.005 microg/ml, respectively; maximum concentrations were 0.44 and 0.10 microg/ml, respectively. Percentages of detectable samples were 47% for applicator children and 27% for reference children. A marginally significant trend of increasing concentration was observed with decreasing age among applicator children (p = 0.060), and younger children within these families had significantly higher concentrations when compared to their older siblings (p = 0.040). Applicator children living less than 200 feet from an orchard were associated with higher frequency of detectable DMTP levels than nonproximal applicator children (p =0.036). These results indicate that applicator children experienced higher organophosphorus pesticide exposures than did reference children in the same community and that proximity to spraying is an important contributor to such exposures. Trends related to age suggest that child activity is an important variable for exposure. It is unlikely that any of the observed exposures posed a hazard of acute intoxication. This study points to the need for a more detailed understanding of pesticide exposure pathways for children of agricultural workers.  相似文献   

Pest control operators usually spray pesticides in small areas such as a kitchen in a restaurant and are exposed to various pesticides, especially those of the organophosphorus (OP) type. In order to evaluate their occupational exposure to OP pesticides during the work, OP pesticides in blood and alkyl phosphate metabolites in urine of these operators were analyzed and the relationship between pesticide exposure and analytical results were studied. OP pesticides in blood were analyzed by gas chromatography with flame photometric detector (FPD-GC) after separation of phospholipid in blood with silicagel column chromatography. OP pesticides were not detected in any blood samples (the limit of detection was 1 ng/ml). Dimethylphosphate (DMP) and dimethylthiophosphate (DMTP), being urinary metabolites of OP pesticides, were analyzed by FPD-GC after benzyl derivatization. This method eliminated interfering peaks in gas chromatograms. The ratio of two isomeric derivatives of DMTP was found to be constant. Both DMP and DMTP of the exposed group were significantly higher than those of the non-exposed group, DMP being higher than DMTP. The ratio of DMP to DMTP in the fenitrothion-dichlorvos-exposed group was significantly higher than that in the fenitrothion-exposed group. It was considered that the ratio might reflect a result of pesticide exposure. The urinary metabolites of OP pesticides tended to become lower with the lapse of time since the last exposure. However, small amounts were detected in a few samples even 5 days after the last exposure.  相似文献   

Exposure to selected organophosphorus insecticides (OPs), malathion, diazinon and acephate, was evaluated in a group of horticultural greenhouse workers. This was achieved through measurements of the cumulative urinary excretion time courses of specific and non-specific biomarkers over a 24 h period following the onset of work exposure. For malathion, the absorbed daily doses were estimated from the 24 h cumulative urinary amounts of the specific mono- and di-carboxylic acid metabolites (the sum of MCA and DCA) through the use of a kinetic model. The observed 24 h urinary levels were also compared with a biological reference value (BRV) of 57 nmol kg(-1) of body weight established in a previous work on the basis of a human no-observed-effect level exposure dose. Excretion values were found to be 2.5% or less of the BRV, suggesting a negligible health risk. Both median and 95th percentile concentrations of DCA (n = 57 samples) were, however, slightly higher than the baseline values determined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the US civilian population (MCA was not analyzed by the CDC). The cumulative urinary excretion time course of the methyl phosphoric (MP) derivatives, which are metabolites of malathion but also of several other OPs, was also determined. Though relatively low, the MP levels were from 3 to 31 times higher than would be expected on the basis of the malathion specific MCA and DCA excretions, indicating that MP excretions stem from sources other than malathion exposure. Accordingly, only the time courses of MCA and DCA excretion rate (nmol h(-1)) were compatible with the time of work exposure. Urinary biomarkers of exposure to diazinon and acephate were also measured. Urinary concentrations were essentially below or equal to the analytical limit of detection of 1 microg l(-1) for 2-isopropyl-4-methyl-6-hydroxypyrimidine (n = 54) and of 0.8 microg l(-1) for acephate and methamidophos (n = 59): values within the baseline range of the US civilian population, like the observed phosphoric metabolite concentrations. The workers under study thus appeared to be only slightly more exposed to malathion than the general population. However, their overall exposure to OPs, as measured by non-specific phosphoric metabolites, was similar to that of the general population, whose exposure occurs mainly through the ingestion of contaminated food. These results question the relevance of measuring non-specific phosphoric metabolites when attempting to assess low-dose occupational exposure to a specific OP.  相似文献   

Objective: This study was undertaken to assess the exposure to organophosphate (OP) pesticides in children from peri-urban areas of the Province of Quebec, Canada, through measurements of semi-specific alkylphosphate (AP) metabolites. Methods: Eighty-nine children aged between 3 and 7 years were recruited via pamphlets sent to day-care centers. A first morning urine void was collected early in the spring of 2003 prior to summertime, which is the usual period of outdoor pesticide use. During summertime, up to five more first morning voids were repeatedly collected, at 72-h intervals, over a 13-day period. The potential determinants of exposure were assessed by a questionnaire at the time of urine collection. Results: Methylphosphate metabolites were detectable in 98.2% of the 442 samples analyzed while ethylphosphates were detected in 86.7% of the samples. The geometric mean concentration (GM) of the total AP metabolites was 61.7 μg/g creatinine (range: 2.7–1967.3 μg/g creatinine). The difference in urinary AP concentrations between samples collected during spring and summer was non-significant (P=0.08). There was also no significant difference in the mean AP concentrations between summer samples of individuals living in municipalities where outdoor pesticide use is or is not restricted (P=0.25). However, the presence of a pet in the house was associated with an increase in AP concentrations during spraying season (P=0.02). Pesticides were seldom used, as reported by the questionnaire. A significant correlation was also observed (P<0.001) between the urinary AP concentrations in samples provided by siblings at the same time period. Conclusions: Mean concentrations of AP were generally higher than those reported in other studies. The observed exposure apparently occurred mainly through the dietary ingestion of OP residues. These data raise questions on the levels of OP residues in Quebec food and the possibility that our participants consumed more fruits and vegetables than those in other studies.  相似文献   

Context: Organophosphate (OP) pesticides are neurotoxic at high doses. Few studies have examined whether chronic exposure at lower levels could adversely affect children’s cognitive development.Objective: We examined associations between prenatal and postnatal exposure to OP pesticides and cognitive abilities in school-age children.Methods: We conducted a birth cohort study (Center for the Health Assessment of Mothers and Children of Salinas study) among predominantly Latino farmworker families from an agricultural community in California. We assessed exposure to OP pesticides by measuring dialkyl phosphate (DAP) metabolites in urine collected during pregnancy and from children at 6 months and 1, 2, 3.5, and 5 years of age. We administered the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 4th edition, to 329 children 7 years of age. Analyses were adjusted for maternal education and intelligence, Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment score, and language of cognitive assessment.Results: Urinary DAP concentrations measured during the first and second half of pregnancy had similar relations to cognitive scores, so we used the average of concentrations measured during pregnancy in further analyses. Averaged maternal DAP concentrations were associated with poorer scores for Working Memory, Processing Speed, Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Reasoning, and Full-Scale intelligence quotient (IQ). Children in the highest quintile of maternal DAP concentrations had an average deficit of 7.0 IQ points compared with those in the lowest quintile. However, children’s urinary DAP concentrations were not consistently associated with cognitive scores.Conclusions: Prenatal but not postnatal urinary DAP concentrations were associated with poorer intellectual development in 7-year-old children. Maternal urinary DAP concentrations in the present study were higher but nonetheless within the range of levels measured in the general U.S. population.  相似文献   

Objective In order to investigate a role of paraoxonase 1 (PON1) polymorphism in organophosphorus (OP)-induced 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) levels, urinary metabolites of OP, PON1 genotypes, and 8-OHdG levels in leukocyte and urine were measured in OP indoor insecticide sprayers and controls in summer and winter. Methods The study population contained 18 male sprayers and age-matched 18 male controls. Sprayers were primarily exposed to OP insecticides (mainly fenitrothion, dichlorvos, chlorpyrifos, and diazinon), and partially to pyrethroids (mainly permethrin) and carbamates (mainly propoxur). Urinary metabolites of OP were measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. 8-OHdG levels in leukocyte and urine were measured by ELISA kit. PON1 genotype was identified using allele-specific fluorogenic TaqMan probes. Results The mean concentrations of urinary dimethyl phosphate (DMP) and total dialkyl phosphates (DAP) in summer and those of 8-OHdG in summer and winter were significantly higher in OP sprayers than controls. This resulted in a significant positive correlation between 8-OHdG levels and urinary DMP or DAP, suggesting a correlation between OP metabolites and production of oxidative stress. Of PON1 genotypes, incidences of Q/Q, Q/R, and R/R types were 17, 39, and 44% in OP sprayers and controls, respectively. Although PON1 polymorphism did not contribute to the leukocyte and urinary 8-OHdG levels, the urinary OP metabolite concentrations in summer showed a significant decrease as the number Q allele decreased. Conclusion These results indicate that an increase in OP metabolites is associated with a high level of oxidative stress in OP sprayers, although the contribution of the PON1 polymorphism to the metabolism of OP is still unclear.  相似文献   

目的调查有机磷农药(OP)对作业人员心电图的影响。方法通过对有机磷作业场所作业人员299名和对照组134名的心电圈检查结果进行分析。结果作业工人长期接触有机磷农药可引起心电图异常率增高。接触组心电图异常率明显高于对照组(P〈0.01),其中,接触组心肌缺血改变与对照组比较差异有非常显著性(P〈0.01)。心电图异常有随工龄、年龄增加而增高的趋势。结论长期接触OP可导致心肌受损。心电图心肌缺血改变作为长期接触有机磷作业工人的健康监护指标之一。  相似文献   

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