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目的 分析外生型肝癌的临床特点及螺旋CT表现,探讨螺旋CT诊断外生型肝癌的价值.方法 对本院2004-01-2009-06期间收治的17例经病理证实的外生型肝癌行螺旋CT平扫加双期增强扫描,回顾性分析外生型肝癌的临床特点及螺旋CT表现.结果 HBsAg阳性者14/17例,AFP(+)者 13/17例,合并肝硬化的占58.82%(10/17),肝功能Child分级14/17例为A级.综合观察CT轴位及多平面重组(MPR)图像,13/17例外生型肝癌有蒂,其基底与相应肝叶或肝段相连,2/17例与邻近肝叶分界不清但无明确瘤蒂,只有2例与肝脏呈分离状态.CT增强扫描病变呈"速升速降"型强化的占88.24%(15/17),有2/17为轻度欠均匀强化.通过轴位、MPR以及最大密度投影(MIP)图像,可观察到15/17例外生型肝癌有肝动脉供血,另有2例可见胃十二指肠动脉的分支参与供血.结论 外生型肝癌有明显的临床及CT表现特征.  相似文献   

外生型肝癌三例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
外生型肝癌是指肿块主要向肝外生长,仅以蒂与肝脏相连,而肿块本身几乎不累及肝脏实质。外生型肝癌是肝癌的一种特殊类型,极为罕见,在国内尚未见报道。现将我们2例经手术病理证实及1例 DSA 证实的外生型肝癌的 CT 及动脉造影表现报告如下。病例资料例1男性,53岁。腹部不适3个月。查体:腹平软,无压疼、反跳痛,肝肋下1cm,脾未及。实验室检查:HBsAg(+),AFP(-)。GPT、GOT、ALP 及血胆红素均正常。B 超:腹腔内淋巴结肿大。肝后后腹膜腔内占位病  相似文献   

应用枢丹预防肝癌介入治疗所致恶心呕吐的临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
枢丹(Zudan)为恩丹西酮类药,可高选择性阻滞(5-HT_3)受体,具较强的止吐作用,近几年在临床肿瘤化疗中应用较多,本文着重探讨其对肝癌介入治疗所致恶心呕吐的预防效果及用法用量等,以期解决介入治疗给患者带来的不适,提高治疗质量。资料与方法患者50例,男49例,女1例,年龄37~67岁,平均52岁,经 AFP、B 超、CT 及血管造影检查符合原发性肝癌诊断,且均为中晚期,其中巨块型41例、弥漫型6例、结节型3例。应用 Seldinger's 技术股动脉插管,导管头端位置为:肝总动脉23例,肝固有动脉18例、肝右动脉9例。介入治疗方案为:灌注化疗用氟  相似文献   

目的:探讨外生型肝细胞癌及肝血管瘤的CT表现。方法:回顾性分析7例外生型肝细胞癌及3例外生型肝血管瘤的CT和临床资料,10例均经手术、病理或临床证实。结果:外生型肝细胞癌根据肝内有无肿块将其分为单纯型(4例)和混合型(3例)。2例肿块突出肝外,有蒂与肝相连,5例肿块紧邻肝表面。7例肿块平扫均呈低密度,动脉期不均匀强化,门脉期病变密度降低或呈低密度;其中2例出现动静脉短路征象,2例出现肿瘤周围部分肝实质一过性增强,4例出现门静脉癌栓,3例有肝硬化表现。外生型肝血管瘤中,2例为海绵状血管瘤,病灶平扫呈低密度,增强扫描动脉期肿块边缘强化,门脉期强化范围扩大;1例为纤维性血管瘤,表现为门脉期不均匀强化。结论:CT是诊断外生型肝细胞癌和肝血管瘤的有价值的影像学手段。  相似文献   

经皮肝动脉的门静脉造影诊断小肝肿瘤的价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:评价经皮肝动脉的门静脉造影(CTAP)诊断小肝癌及肝内小转移瘤的价值。材料和方法:对12例经病理证实为肝癌或肝转移瘤患者进行CTAP检查,其中肝癌6例,肝转移瘤6例;比较CTAP与常规CT、DSA、碘油造影CT病变检出率。结果:CTAP发现的病灶23个,常规CT 12个,DSA 16个,碘油造影CT 23个。结论:CTAP对发现小肝肿瘤有重要作用,可成为患者介入治疗前的影像检查方法之一。  相似文献   

外生型肝癌   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
外生型肝癌是指肿块主要向肝外生长,仅以蒂与肝脏相连,而肿块本身几乎不累及肝脏实质。外生型肝癌是肝癌的一种特殊类型,极为罕见,在国内尚未见报道。现将我们2例经手术病理证实的外生型肝癌的CT及动脉造影表现报告如下。  相似文献   

目的:研究肝动脉造影CT和经动脉门脉造影CT在肝癌介入治疗中的应用价值和意义。方法:10例原发性肝癌介入治疗前行肝动脉造影CT(CTHA)和经动脉门脉造影CT(CTAP)检查;术中行数字减影肝动脉造影(DSA)。结果:CTHA、CTAP联合检查与常规CT、DSA比较,分别多发现新癌灶11个(26/37)和12个(25/37)。准确判断非复发癌灶2个和1个坏死灶。结论:CTHA、CTAP是肝癌介入治疗前准确判断肿瘤数量和存活度最敏感和准确的方法,对于介入治疗方案的实施、疗效评价有很重要的作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨中药鸦胆子油经肝动脉栓塞治疗肝癌患者的疗效。方法:鸦胆子油经肝动脉栓塞治疗62例肝癌。1.5~2月左右重复介入治疗1次。经2~5次的重复治疗后。根据血管造影和CT复查测量肿瘤大小的变化。结果:治疗后1、23、年生存率分别为77.4%、41.9%和25.8%。肿瘤缩小50%以上占64.5%。缩小30%~50%占27.4%。肿瘤血管明显减少38例,部分减少11例。AFP下降率为79%。无骨髓抑制,部分患者治疗后肝功能明显改善。结论:鸦胆子油在经动脉栓塞治疗肝癌有确切疗效,具有抗癌、低毒、栓塞和留滞于肿瘤局部的突出特点,是肝癌介入治疗比较理想的中药制剂。  相似文献   

目的研究CT和钡餐造影检查诊断外生型胃肠道间质瘤的优缺点以及它们在外生型胃肠间质瘤中的诊断价值。方法回顾性分析经手术病理证实的20例外生型胃肠道间质瘤影像表现。所有患者均行口服阳性对比剂常规CT增强加三维重建;以及全消化道钡餐造影检查。用卡方检验分析两者在定位、定性诊断准确率的差异。结果 20例研究对象中,CT定位诊断正确13例(65%),定性诊断正确18例(90%)。消化道钡餐定位诊断20例,正确率100%;定性诊断正确12例(60%)。两者在定位、定性诊断的正确率上差异值分别为P<0.01、P=0.0381,均存在统计学差异。两者结合诊断的准确率为95%(19/20)。结论外生型胃肠道间质瘤CT特征明显,定性诊断准确率高,而定位准确率低。钡餐造影明确间质瘤与肠管关系;定位诊断优势明显。CT结合全消化道钡餐造影,能明显提高外生型胃肠道间质瘤的诊断准确率。  相似文献   

外生型肝癌的CT诊断(附7例分析)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:提高对外生型肝癌的认识和诊断。方法:回顾性分析7例(男5例,女2例,年龄36~66岁)经手术、病理或临床证实的外生型肝癌的CT表现。结果:根据肝内有无肿块将其分为单纯型(6例)和混合型(1例)。5例肿瘤突出于肝外有蒂与肝相连,2例肿瘤紧邻肝表面。病灶呈低密度,不均匀强化,其病理改变与肝内原发性肝癌一致。结论:外生型肝癌的诊断主要依据肿瘤有蒂与肝脏相连或紧邻肝表面,肿瘤相应的CT表现。血管造影及血AFP检查对诊断有重要参考价值  相似文献   

目的 探讨PET-CT在甲胎蛋白(AFP)阳性肝细胞癌介入术后监测碘油沉积区内残留病灶及肝外转移病灶的价值.方法 选取20例经病理组织学确诊的原发性肝细胞癌患者,在介入治疗后AFP降至正常,随访发现AFP异常升高,常规行上腹部CT、MR检查未能明确碘油沉积区内残留病灶及肝外转移病灶或发现可疑影像学表现但不能确定其性质者行PET-CT扫描,依据PET-CT的结果进一步治疗,并用影像检查及AFP检查监测其治疗效果.结果 20例患者中,常规上腹部影像检查未发现肝外转移病灶而经PET-CT检出者10例,包括邻近腹壁转移4例,肺内直径约1 cm的孤立转移3例,肠系膜转移2例,手术切口转移1例;CT或MRI发现原碘油沉积区内有碘油沉积不均匀区域,但运用包括血管造影在内的检查方法均不能确定其是否为残留病灶而经PET-CT确诊者8例;CT扫描发现肝门区及腹膜后直径<1.5 cm的淋巴结但不能明确是否为淋巴结转移,经PET-CT明确者2例.采用外科手术及介入方法对检出病灶进一步治疗,除2例淋巴结转移患者AFP仍略高于正常外,其余患者AFP均逐渐降至正常,影像检查亦提示病灶治疗效果良好.结论 PET-CT对于AFP水平异常升高而常规影像检查未能发现碘油沉积区残留病灶及肝外转移病灶或无法确定可疑影像表现性质的肝细胞癌患者是一种有效的检查方法.  相似文献   

脾动脉栓塞在肝癌介入治疗中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:探讨脾动脉栓塞在肝癌介入治疗中的应用价值。方法:对11例中晚期肝癌病人在进行肝动脉化疗栓塞的同时进行脾动脉栓塞治疗,观察病人血液白细胞、血小板计数及肝功能的变化情况和术后反应,判断治疗效果。结果:所有病人治疗后血液白细胞和血小板计数升高,肝功能恢复快,无严重并发症发生。结论:脾动脉栓塞应用于治疗肝癌可改善病人肝功能,控制脾功能亢进,促进血液白细胞、血小板升高,有助于病人的恢复。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to determine the usefulness of combined CT during arterial portography and CT hepatic arteriography in the preoperative evaluation of patients with known or suspected hepatocellular carcinoma and to describe the findings on CT during arterial portography and CT hepatic arteriography by which hepatocellular carcinomas may be differentiated from pseudolesions. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This study included 137 patients who underwent combined CT during arterial portography and CT hepatic arteriography for the preoperative evaluation of known or suspected hepatocellular carcinoma. The images were prospectively evaluated to identify focal hepatic lesions and their differential diagnoses (hepatocellular carcinoma versus pseudolesion). We assessed the diagnostic accuracy of our prospective interpretation by comparing the interpretations with the results of histopathology or follow-up imaging. We also retrospectively analyzed imaging features seen on CT during arterial portography and CT hepatic arteriography-the size, shape, and location of the lesion within the liver; attenuation of the lesion; and opacification of the peripheral portal vein branches on CT hepatic arteriography. RESULTS: One hundred and forty-nine hepatocellular carcinomas (75 lesions confirmed at histopathology and 74 lesions on follow-up imaging) were found in 120 patients, and 104 pseudolesions (15 lesions confirmed at histopathology and 89 lesions on follow-up imaging) were found in 91 patients. The sensitivity of our prospective interpretations was 98.7%, and the specificity of our prospective interpretations was 90.4%. Our positive and negative predictive values were 93.6% and 97.9%, respectively. We found that hepatocellular carcinomas were larger, more frequently nodular, and more likely to be located intraparenchymally than were the pseudolesions (p < 0.01). Opacification of the peripheral portal vein branches on CT hepatic arteriography was detected in 36 pseudolesions (34.6%) but in none of the hepatocellular carcinomas (p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Combining CT during arterial portography and CT hepatic arteriography is useful for the preoperative evaluation of patients with known or suspected hepatocellular carcinoma. Familiarity with the imaging features of hepatocellular carcinomas and pseudolesions can help in the accurate differentiation of hepatocellular carcinomas from pseudolesions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We examined the impact of the increased sensitivity for hypervascular masses of multidetector CT hepatic arteriography on treatment decisions involving selective chemoembolization of hepatocellular carcinomas. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Thirty patients were referred for chemoembolization of unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. Initial selective chemoembolization plans were formulated on the basis of diagnostic biphasic CT or MR imaging. Ultrafast CT hepatic arteriography was performed using a multidetector CT scanner and selective contrast material injection into the hepatic artery. The entire liver was scanned in a single breath-hold of approximately 20 sec with a slice thickness of 1 mm. Lesions and their arterial supplies were identified, and these data were immediately used to formulate a final plan for chemoembolization. RESULTS: Hypervascular masses were detected in 29 patients. In 16 (53%) of the patients, preprocedural CT or MR imaging underestimated the number of lesions. In nine (30%) of these 16 patients, the additional lesions were detected only on CT hepatic arteriography, not on conventional angiography. CT hepatic arteriography findings had a major impact on planning the way in which chemoembolization treatment was performed. In three of the nine patients, the previously undetected lesions were treated with additional superselective chemoembolization. In the other six patients, chemoembolization was performed less selectively than originally planned. CONCLUSION: Primarily because of the high sensitivity of multidetector CT hepatic arteriography in revealing small and multifocal hepatomas, findings of this modality frequently alter treatment plans involving selective administration of chemoembolic material.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to analyze the hemodynamic properties and vascular supply changes in the carcinogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten nodules (nine patients) (one early, three early-advanced, and six advanced cases of hepatocellular carcinoma) less than 3 cm in diameter were selected from 45 patients (50 nodules) who underwent CT arteriography and CT during arterial portography. These images were correlated with histopathologic findings. Ratios of all microscopically counted (normal hepatic and abnormal) arteries, normal hepatic arteries, and portal veins in each nodule to those in the surrounding liver were calculated. RESULTS: Early hepatocellular carcinoma (one early case and early areas in three early-advanced cases) had low attenuation on CT arteriography and isoattenuation on CT during arterial portography. Advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (six advanced cases and advanced areas in three early-advanced cases) had high attenuation on CT arteriography and low attenuation on CT during arterial portography. In early hepatocellular carcinoma, the ratios of all arteries, normal hepatic arteries, and portal veins were 1.21 +/- 0.07, 0.60 +/- 0.07, and 0.73 +/- 0.06, respectively. In advanced hepatocellular carcinoma, the ratios were 2.66 +/- 0.26, 0.08 +/- 0.04, and 0.07 +/- 0.03, respectively. CONCLUSION: In early hepatocellular carcinoma, the combination of normal hepatic artery degeneration and preserved portal veins results in low attenuation on CT arteriography and isoattenuation on CT during arterial portography. In advanced hepatocellular carcinoma, the combination of neoplastic (abnormal) arterial development by angiogenesis and obliteration of portal veins results in high attenuation on CT arteriography and low attenuation on CT during arterial portography. These findings are a characteristic difference between early and advanced hepatocellular carcinoma.  相似文献   

Purpose: To determine the frequency of hepatic falciform artery (HFA) occurrence on celiac or hepatic angiograms and elucidate the anatomy and clinical importance.Material and Methods: Among 1,250 patients who underwent celiac or hepatic arteriography, we encountered 25 patients (2%) with a HFA. Prospectively, CT hepatic falciform arteriography (CTHA) was performed in 4 patients. Indigocarmine dye was injected into the HFA in 6 patients to evaluate whether the abdominal skin was stained. Embolization of the HFA before chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma was performed in 4 patients to prevent abdominal wall injury.Results: Among 25 patients, the HFA arose as a terminal branch of the middle hepatic artery in 14 patients (56%) and of the left hepatic artery in 11 patients (44%). The vessel was single in 18 patients (72%) and double in 7 patients (28%). Two vessels ran side by side along the hepatic falciform ligament. On CTHA, the HFA ran within the hepatic falciform ligament and the branches were connected with the liver around the hepatic falciform ligament. After indigocarmine dye injection, the stain of abdominal skin was recognized in all 6 patients. No abdominal wall injury occurred in any of the 4 patients who were subjected to hepatic chemoembolization.Conclusion: HFA is an extrahepatic pathway which runs to the abdominal wall. Before chemoembolization of the middle or left hepatic artery for hepatic malignancy, the HFA should be recognized.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess perfusion patterns seen on slow-infusion MR arteriography using the hepatic arterial infusion system compared with those seen on CT arteriography. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: In 37 patients with liver metastases who had implantable port systems for hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy, slow-infusion MR arteriography using an infusion rate of 10 mL/hr through an implantable port and CT arteriography using an injection rate of 0.7 mL/sec were performed. In 15 of 37 patients, we evaluated enhancement patterns of tumors of the liver and visceral organs using slow-infusion MR arteriography. In all 37 patients, we compared slow-infusion MR arteriography with CT arteriography concerning intra- and extrahepatic perfusion patterns. RESULTS: On slow-infusion MR arteriography performed 10-20 min after initiation of infusion, tumors of the liver revealed significant enhancement with only a slight effect of systemic enhancement. In seven (19%) of 37 patients, intrahepatic distributions on slow-infusion MR arteriography differed from those on CT arteriography. In eight patients, the patterns of extrahepatic perfusion into the duodenum and the pancreas head differed on slow-infusion MR arteriography from those seen on CT arteriography. In addition, strong artifact caused by platinum coils in the gastroduodenal artery interfered with the evaluation of perfusion in the area around the coils on CT arteriography, whereas no imaging artifact was seen on slow-infusion MR arteriography. CONCLUSION: We believe that slow-infusion MR arteriography reflects the actual distribution of infused drugs more accurately than CT arteriography. When clinical complications occur during treatment, slow-infusion MR arteriography should be used to assess perfusion abnormalities.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of our study was to assess the effects of portal blood flow on contrast enhancement in hepatocellular carcinoma lesions on CT hepatic arteriography. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: We examined 43 tumors in 39 patients who simultaneously underwent CT during arterial portography and CT hepatic arteriography for examination of liver tumors and then CT hepatic arteriography with prostaglandin E(1) injection via the superior mesenteric artery. All lesions pathologically confirmed to be hepatocellular carcinomas exhibited portal perfusion defects on CT during arterial portography. Changes in CT attenuation, size, and shape of liver tumors visualized on CT hepatic arteriography after intraarterial injection of prostaglandin E(1) were studied. In addition, changes in CT attenuation of the liver parenchyma surrounding the tumor were measured. RESULTS: The CT attenuation increased significantly after injection of prostaglandin E(1) in 91% (39/43) of the lesions (mean increase from 176.4 to 206.6 H; p = 0.0006, paired t test). The size and shape of the enhanced area generally did not change. The CT attenuation of the liver parenchyma surrounding each liver tumor significantly decreased in 58% (25/43) of the hepatocellular carcinoma lesions (mean decrease from 94.8 to 92.0 H; p = 0.0166, paired t test) and lesion conspicuity increased in 91% (39/43) of the tumors. CONCLUSION: Lesion conspicuity on CT hepatic arteriography between hepatocellular carcinoma and the surrounding liver parenchyma increased because of greater portal perfusion after the prostaglandin E(1) injection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare ferumoxides-enhanced MR imaging with combined helical CT during arterial portography and CT hepatic arteriography for preoperative detection of hepatocellular carcinomas. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Twenty patients with 30 hepatocellular carcinomas underwent ferumoxides-enhanced MR imaging and combined helical CT during arterial portography and CT hepatic arteriography. The diagnosis was established by pathologic examination after surgical resection in 18 patients and by biopsy in two. The MR protocol included fast spin-echo with two echo times, T2(*)-weighted fast multiplanar gradient-recalled acquisition in the steady state, proton density-weighted fast multiplanar spoiled gradient-recalled echo, and T1-weighted fast multiplanar spoiled gradient-recalled echo images. The MR images of all sequences and the paired CT during arterial portography and CT hepatic arteriography images were independently evaluated by three radiologists on a segment-by-segment basis. Diagnostic accuracy was assessed with receiver operating characteristic analysis. RESULTS: The accuracies (A(z) values) of ferumoxides-enhanced MR imaging and combined CT during arterial portography and CT hepatic arteriography for all observers were 0.964 and 0.948, respectively. The mean sensitivities of MR imaging and CT were 93% and 91%, respectively. The differences were not statistically significant. The mean specificity of MR imaging (99%) was significantly higher than that of combined CT during arterial portography and CT hepatic arteriography (94%). CONCLUSION: Ferumoxides-enhanced MR imaging can be used successfully in place of combined CT during arterial portography and CT hepatic arteriography for the preoperative evaluation of patients with hepatocellular carcinomas.  相似文献   

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