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Shoulder-related symptoms are very common in rheumatic diseases. For the evaluation of the diagnosis as well as for therapy and prognosis, an anatomic assignment is essential. Clinical investigations alone are often not capable to do this. Ultrasonography is a method to delineate bony surfaces as well as the soft tissues around the shoulder joints statically and even dynamically. For the purpose of rheumatic diseases, ultrasound standard scans help to detect the lesions at the biceps tendon, the bursae, the rotator cuff, the humeral head as well as in the acromial and sternoclavicular joints. Considering the limitations of the method (obesity, frozen shoulder, no findings under bony structures) and knowing the pitfalls and errors of the method, ultrasonography is a reliable, quick and low cost method for the diagnosis of rheumatic shoulder joint pathology. Compared to computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography should be used as a screening method. The following standard scans are suggested for sonographic evaluation of the shoulder: 1) anterior transverse scan and 2) anterior longitudinal scan at the bicipal groove to detect synovitis and tenosynovitis, 3) anterior transverse scan at the coracoacromiale window in the neutral position, 4) at maximal external rotation and 5) at maximal internal rotation to evaluate the rotator cuff, bursitis, synovitis and erosions, 6) anterior longitudinal scan at 90 degrees to the coracoacomiale window at maximal internal rotation to describe these findings in an additional dimension, 7) anterior-lateral longitudinal scan at the anterior lateral acromion to tuberculum majus to evaluate the distal part of the supraspinatus muscle, 8) posterior transverse scan at the fossa infraspinata lateral under the spina scapulae, 9) axillary longitudinal scan to evaluate synovitis, synovial proliferation, erosions at the humeral head, lesions at the glenoidale labrum, 10) anterior transverse scan at the acromioclavicular joint and 11) anterior oblique scan at the sternoclavicular joint to detect synovitis, synovial proliferation, erosion, osteophytes.  相似文献   

Regional musculoskeletal conditions: pain in the forearm,wrist and hand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pain in the forearm, wrist or hand may arise from one of several discrete rheumatic disorders of soft tissues, such as tenosynovitis, or from a non-specific regional pain syndrome. Symptoms are prevalent in the general population and both patterns of illness are well represented. Many epidemiological investigations of prevalence, incidence, causal risk factors, management and prevention exist, although surveys have used a wide variety of case definitions, hampering comparisons. Improved standardized approaches to classification are in prospect and these are described. A synthesis is also attempted of the main findings of existing surveys. A growing body of evidence now links distal arm pain with physical risk factors in the workplace (e.g. repetition, force, duration, short cycle time and awkwardness of posture); some possible ergonomic solutions to occupational arm pain are discussed. But occupational and psychosocial factors are also linked with symptom reporting and disability, and their role in pathogenesis may be important in primary prevention and the management of recalcitrant cases. Some key research questions are proposed aimed at preventing chronicity and disablement from arm pain.  相似文献   

Rheumatologists remain divided on whether they should introduce musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSUS) into their clinical practice. A central issue in the application of MSUS in clinical rheumatology is the need for proof of clinical relevance and improved patient care. There is now accumulating evidence that MSUS improves clinical diagnosis and intervention skills. High-resolution ultrasound is superior to clinical examination in the diagnosis and localization of joint and bursal effusion and synovitis. MSUS is the imaging modality of choice for the diagnosis of tendon pathology. MSUS is seven times more sensitive than plain radiography in the detection of rheumatoid erosions, allowing earlier diagnosis of progressive rheumatoid arthritis. Ligament, muscle, peripheral nerve and cartilage pathology can also be readily demonstrated by MSUS. There is exciting evidence that MSUS may potentially be used by rheumatologists to non-invasively diagnose and monitor not just joint and muscle disease but also nerve compression syndromes, scleroderma, vasculitis and Sj?gren's syndrome. Joint aspiration and injection accuracy can be improved by MSUS, with initial evidence confirming improved efficacy. As the number of rheumatologists performing MSUS increases and the technical capabilities of MSUS improve, there is likely to be a growing number of proven clinical indications for the application of MSUS in rheumatology practice. This paper reviews the evidence for the application of MSUS in rheumatology.  相似文献   

Two main groups of soft-tissue disorders are identified: specific soft tissue syndromes and a non-specific disorder as yet not fully characterized. Specific soft tissue syndromes occur in joint, muscle or nerve and are associated with characteristic symptoms and physical signs. These include epicondylitis at the elbow, tendon disorders at the wrist and nerve entrapments such as carpal tunnel syndrome. The non-specific soft tissue syndrome is primarily described by symptoms of pain but may include muscular symptoms (such as weakness and cramp) or nerve symptoms (such as numbness, pins and needles, and burning). Agreed, validated diagnostic criteria for use in surveillance are urgently required. Biological markers are still sought; both muscle and nerve seem promising for future studies. The multifactorial aetiology of these disorders will be discussed, and guidelines to management will embrace the principles of this model. Treatments aimed at the pain in isolation are most often studied. Psychosocial and environmental influences on the presentation and persistence of pain need further evaluation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to standardise the muscuoloskeletal (MSK) examination of the hand and wrist joints and to determine the sensitivity of this standard exam to diagnose arthritis in comparison to ultrasound (US) findings. A standardised approach to MSK examination of the hand and wrist joints was formulated. It consists of inspection, followed by screening exam based on active range of motion testing, and then using specific techniques to detect clinical swelling and tenderness. The scissor and squeeze techniques for metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints, 4-finger technique for the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints and 2-thumb technique for the wrist joints. Patients aged 18–75?years with symptoms suggestive of inflammatory arthritis for more than 3?months were included in the study from two centres. Two rheumatologists conducted MSK examination, while a grayscale with power Doppler US was performed by two ultrasonographers recording signs of arthritis (effusion, proliferation and hyperaemia) on the same day of visit. Statistical analysis was carried out to compare MSK examination findings in detecting swelling and tenderness to US examination findings. A total of 2,112 joints were assessed both clinically and with US. Using a standard MSK examination by a rheumatologist to detect clinical swelling showed the following sensitivities as compared to US findings: 4-finger technique of 69?% in third PIP, the scissor technique of 74?% in second MCP and 70?% in third MCP, and the 2-thumb technique of 80?% at the wrist joint. The MCP squeeze technique showed sensitivity of 66?% for tenderness. A standard MSK examination with its described techniques is a sensitive tool if used appropriately to diagnose clinical arthritis as compared to US.  相似文献   

As we begin the 21st century, musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSUS) is routinely used by an increasing number of rheumatologists throughout Europe and there is a growing interest in the application of MSUS in rheumatological practice in the UK. MSUS allows high-resolution, real-time imaging of articular and periarticular structures and has the advantages of being non-radioactive, inexpensive, portable, highly acceptable to patients and repeatable. There are a number of critical issues that need to be addressed in order to develop the role of MSUS within rheumatology. These include issues of equipment costs, training and certification and the relationship of rheumatologists and radiologists in advancing the field of MSUS. Rheumatologists must demonstrate the relevance of MSUS in their clinical practice through high-quality research. Emerging technologies such as power Doppler and 3D imaging will further improve imaging capabilities and the range of clinical applications of MSUS systems. This paper reviews how MSUS in rheumatology has evolved and the controversies and issues that rheumatologists must now address in developing MSUS as an indispensable, everyday clinical tool.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic and progressive inflammatory disorder primarily affecting the synovium and is characterized by destruction of bone and cartilage. Early diagnosis and treatment of RA can improve disease outcomes substantially. Magnetic resonance imaging and musculoskeletal ultrasonography may facilitate early diagnosis and aid the targeting of intensive therapy. Magnetic resonance imaging and musculoskeletal ultrasonography also are able to monitor temporal changes in disease activity (ie, synovitis) and damage (ie, erosions). These imaging modalities are likely to be increasingly used in the management of early rheumatoid arthritis to ensure the best patient outcomes, although more work is required to determine their optimal roles.  相似文献   

The utility of musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSK US) is being extensively explored and evaluated amongst European rheumatologists. However, utilization of MSK US by rheumatologists in Canada is much less common. This study aimed to evaluate the current use of MSK US in Canadian rheumatology practice, to determine beliefs and attitudes towards MSK US, and to determine factors that may encourage or limit its use. A 13-question needs assessment questionnaire was developed. All Canadian rheumatologists were invited via e-mail to participate in the survey. The overall response rate was 156/470 (33%). Fifty-one percent of participants used MSK US in their clinical practice. Lack of training appeared to be the main obstacle to its current use. Eighty-three percent believed that MSK US should be performed by rheumatologists and expressed a willingness to learn the technique. Skills offering greatest clinical utility were the assessment of inflammatory arthritis in small joints (i.e., hands (metacarpophalyngeal and proximal interphalangeal joints), wrists, feet (metatarsophalyngeal), shoulders, and ankles. Limited available time, equipment costs, and difficulties with billing were the main obstacles to MSK US utilization in the clinical setting. There is a great level of interest in learning and applying MSK US in Canadian rheumatology practice. The balance between added clinical value and lack of remuneration, equipment associated costs, and time to complete training is the major limiting factor influencing rheumatologists' willingness to take on MSK US. Training programs must be relevant to rheumatologists' needs before MSK US will be adopted into routine clinical practice in Canada.  相似文献   

The current status of ultrasonography in rheumatology.   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10  

The diagnostic value of musculoskeletal ultrasound in gouty arthritis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

原发性胃淋巴瘤超声内镜诊断探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的评估超声内镜(endoscopic uhrasonography,EUS)在诊断原发性胃淋巴瘤(primary gastric lymphoma,PGI)中的价值。方法对18例PGI患者行EUS检查,并对声像图进行分析,将结果与普通内镜与外科手术相比较。结果PGI的EUS声像图表现为表浅扩散型(16.67%)、弥漫浸润型(38.89%)、肿块型(27.78%)、混合型(16.67%);EUS诊断PGI符合率为88.89%,与普通胃镜相比(55.56%),差异显著;EUS对PGI的T、N分期诊断准确性分别达到100%、72、73%。结论EUS诊断PGI符合率高于普通胃镜,并能准确判断肿瘤浸润胃壁深度、侵犯周围器官及淋巴结情况,EUS结合病理检查为诊断PGI的一项有效手段。  相似文献   

Imaging of the hand and wrist in RA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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