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In an earlier occupational study the EMG was found to be unchanged during a whole working day. The purpose of this study was therefore to examine EMG changes during experiments in a laboratory environment comparable to occupational work. The surface EMG of the quadriceps muscle of 16 subjects was analysed during 3 experiments: (I) 10% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) sustained for 1 h, and with a constant work intensity of the muscle; (II) 20% MVC for 5 sec alternating with a rest of 5 sec for 1 h; (III) 20% MVC was sustained until exhaustion. In the latter the endurance time decreased with increasing MVC. The results indicated that the methods used in this study can be trusted to reveal changes in EMG due to fatigue in a group of subjects but not in the individual subject. The decrease in mean power frequency (MPF) and the increase in root mean square amplitude (RMS) were most pronounced during the first 10 min of the 10% sustained contraction, indicating a decrease in the conduction velocity along the muscle fibres or synchronization of motor unit firing. In contrast, at 20% intermittent contraction the MPF was unchanged. Between 10 and 60 min of contraction time the increase in RMS amplitudes associated with none or only slight changes in MPF indicated recruitment of new motor units for both types of contraction. The lack of EMG fatigue during a whole day in an earlier occupational study may be because the work performed required varying degrees of muscle force.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on motor unit action potential (MUAP) configuration and recruitment was studied using automatic decomposition electromyography (ADEMG) recordings from a concentric needle electrode placed in the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) muscle of 10 normal adult subjects during isometric contraction. Focally cooling the FDI resulted in prolonged MUAP duration (P < 0.001, ANOVA), a finding congruent with those of Buchthal. Focal ulnar cooling at the elbow resulted in the increased MUAP frequency. In contrast to previous studies, there were no significant differences in amplitude or turns. Greater understanding of normal motor unit electrophysiology is necessary to improve diagnostic accuracy of EMG testing © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Simulation of concentric needle EMG motor unit action potentials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Computer simulations of motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) as measured by a concentric needle (CN) electromyography (EMG) electrode in normal motor units (MUs) indicated that the MUAP amplitude is determined mainly by the proximity of the electrode to the closest muscle fiber. The area and duration of the simulated MUAPs were affected by all muscle fibers in front of the active recording surface but mainly by those that were less than 2 and 2.5 mm, respectively, from the active recording surface. The MUAP area was also affected by the proximity of the electrode to the closest muscle fiber. The number of phases of the simulated MUAPs increased when the dispersion of the arrival times of individual muscle fiber APs at the electrode was increased. Increased temporal dispersion of APs decreased the MUAP amplitude and area slightly but did not affect the MUAP duration. It is inferred that different features of the CN MUAP are determined by the distribution of muscle fibers within different portions of the MU territory and thus provide complementary information about the MU architecture.  相似文献   

Dystrophic muscle shows increase in fibre density, abnormally low jitter in some recordings and more often increased jitter. The cross section of the motor unit has normal length. There are no signs of abnormal volume conduction characteristics. The increased fibre density is believed to be due to localised increase in the number of muscle action potential generators. The findings are compatible with a remodeling of the motor unit due to fibre loss and a reparative process with fibre regeneration and reinnervation.  相似文献   

Changes in responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) during submaximal isometric voluntary contraction (60% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) of the adductor pollicis muscle and the subsequent recovery period have been studied in healthy volunteers. TMS at twice the motor threshold was applied during the sustained contraction, as well as at rest and during short-lasting (2 s) 60% MVCs before and immediately after the sustained contraction, and at 5 min intervals during the recovery period. Both motor evoked potential (MEP) magnitude (peak and area) and silent period (SP) duration in electromyographic activity (EMG) of the adductor pollicis muscle showed a gradual decrease up to the endurance point and an increase thereafter. MEPs elicited at rest immediately after the fatiguing contraction were larger, whereas those elicited later on during the recovery period did not differ significantly from the controls. It is suggested that the changes in responses to TMS, divergent from those in ongoing voluntary EMG during the sustained 60% MVC, indicate complex processes at levels preceding the motor cortex output cells in an attempt to maintain a submaximal contraction of the fatigued muscle. The increase in MEP magnitude after the sustained 60% MVC may indicate residual changes in cortical activity after fatiguing contraction.  相似文献   

This review focuses on the functional relationship between age-related morphological and physiological changes at the level of the motor unit (MU). It is well established that older humans are weaker than younger people, exhibit reduced force control, and have slower neuromuscular contractile properties. Older people may also exhibit a decrease in MU discharge rate, and an increase in variability of MU discharge at high force levels. The matching of MU discharge and contractile properties may be an age-related neurophysiological strategy adopted to optimize motor control, similar to that observed in acute conditions such as fatigue. Because muscle force output is modulated partially by MU discharge behavior, the study of these properties may offer insights into the physiology of muscular weakness and motor function in older people. In turn, this will allow the implementation of optimal exercise and rehabilitation programs to reduce the degree of dependence associated with aging. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Muscle Nerve, 20, 679–690, 1997.  相似文献   

A new method for estimating the number of motor units using a surface EMG triggered averaging technique is described. This method provides an estimation of mean motor unit potential (MUP) amplitude at different leveles of contraction, which can be utilized to estimate the number of motor units in a given muscle. Motor unit count estimated in abductor pollicis brevis (APB) muscle of 11 normal healthy subjects ranged from 131 to 371 with a mean of 246 ± 68. In our preliminary study of patients with lower motor neuron lesions, there was a significant reduction in the number of motor units. We believe our new noninvasive method of motor unit counting is a relatively simple and reproducible physiological technique.© 1995 John Wiley &Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The motor unit firing rate and the power spectrum of EMG in humans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The EMG power spectrum is influenced by many factors such as the conduction velocity of the muscle fiber, the action potential of the motor unit, the number of motor units firing near the electrode, and the recording conditions. Model studies of the relation between motor unit firing rate and power spectrum of EMG have produced conflicting results. To examine this relation in vivo the brachial biceps muscle was examined in 14 controls at a force of 10% of maximum. The motor unit firing intervals were obtained from 164 motor units, sampled with a single fiber electrode. The EMG was sampled at 10 sites in each muscle with a concentric electrode and the power spectrum was obtained using fast Fourier transformation. The mean power frequency of the interference pattern as well as the relative power at 1400 Hz both decreased with increasing motor unit firing intervals between subjects. The study thus indicates that the amount of high frequencies in the power spectrum is greater in a subject with a high firing rate of the motor units than in a subject with a low firing rate.  相似文献   

The consequences of general hypoxemia (PaO2 = 51 mmHg) on two muscle groups (adductor pollicis and diaphragm) sustaining 80% maximal isometric voluntary contraction were studied in healthy individuals. For adductor pollicis, contractions were also executed after 10?s or 3?min rest ischemia. Compared to control, i.e., normoxic, sustained isometric workloads, significant shortening of endurance time occurred only when adductor pollicis contracted under hypoxemic conditions. In both muscle groups, a 3-min ischemia test as well as hypoxemia reduced the rate of changes in integrated surface EMG in a low frequency band and lowered, or did not modify, the rate of change in the high above low frequency ratio. Recovery of normal patterns of EMG changes was prolonged only after the adductor pollicis contracted under hypoxemic conditions. The present data show that both hypoxemia and prolonged rest ischemia reduced the rate of changes in quantitative EMG activity, with the more significant effects being measured under hypoxemia. © 1994 John & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Changes in the electrical activity of the human gastrocnemius and soleus muscles during fatiguing maximal plantar flexions were studied with computer-aided EMG frequency power spectral analysis and intramuscular spike amplitude-frequency histogram analysis. In some experiments, brief supramaximal nerve stimulations of 80 Hz were given at 15-s intervals during sustained maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs). Multiple muscle biopsy samples were also obtained from the gastrocnemius muscle for fiber type determination. The surface EMG frequency spectral analysis showed a highly significant reduction in mean power frequency and root mean square EMG amplitude during sustained MVCs. The intramuscular spike amplitude-frequency histograms showed that the gastrocnemius muscle had a progressive reduction in the motor unit discharge frequency, particularly those with a relatively high amplitude, whereas the soleus muscle hardly showed a reduction in motor unit activity. Reduction in motor unit activity was also found to be more pronounced in gastrocnemius muscles with higher proportions of type II fibers. Brief maximal tetanic stimulations initially matching the MVC failed to increase the contraction force. Similarly, the evoked compound mass action potentials showed little change in the amplitude in subjects with different muscle fiber compositions. Results of this study suggest that during sustained MVCs, force fatigue could not be attributed to a failure of muscle membrane electrical propagation; a progressive reduction in motor unit activation does not result in a functional disadvantage, but may optimize excitation-contraction coupling by avoiding a muscle electrical conduction failure; and the extent of the reduction in motor unit activation seems to be muscle-fiber-type-dependent which may account for the reduction in amplitude and frequency of the surface EMG.  相似文献   

T Y Sun  T S Lin  J J Chen 《Muscle & nerve》1999,22(8):1063-1070
To noninvasively estimate the motor unit size, we present a novel surface electromyographic (EMG) measurement system consisting of a surface multielectrode with four-pin electrodes and a pair of surface-disk electrodes. Surface motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) were recorded with the multielectrode, in the so-called multielectrode surface EMG (MSEMG), which was spatially filtered to localize the sensing area and reduce the noise. In addition, a modified decomposition algorithm, considering the geometrical configuration of the multielectrode, was designed to identify the individual MUAPs in the measured MSEMG. The identified MUAP was subsequently used as the triggering source for the EMG signals recorded by the surface-disk electrodes. From a pool of 34 subjects with neuromuscular diseases and 14 normal subjects, the median amplitudes of surface-disk EMG after spike-triggered averaging, called MSEMG-MUAP, correlated well (r = 0.82, P < 0.0001) with those of macro EMG. Moreover, the MSEMG-MUAP recording during a ramp force contraction exhibited the common size principle phenomenon during motor unit recruitment. The results of this study demonstrate that the MSEMG-MUAP measurement is a feasible approach for estimating the motor unit size from the skin surface.  相似文献   

We evaluated the test-retest reliability (reproducibility) of motor unit action potential (MUAP) parameters in multi-MUAP analysis over time. Reproducibility studies are not available for needle quantitative electromyography (QEMG) performed by the same examiner. Fourteen consecutive individuals (10 men and 4 women) had repeat QEMG at 3 hours after the first examination, and seven (5 men and 2 women) had a repeat QEMG after 4-10 days. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was 87-97% with same-day testing and 52-81% with different-day testing. Size index and firing rate were the most reproducible, suggesting use in follow-up multi-MUAP studies.  相似文献   

Two methods used to estimate the strength of motor unit (MU) synchronization in a muscle are the direct cross-correlation of MU discharge times, and averaging of the surface electromyogram (SEMG) with respect to discharge of a reference MU. Although indirect, the latter approach has the advantage that a global estimate of MU synchrony can be obtained quickly and easily. The two methods are generally regarded as providing equivalent information on the extent of MU synchronization in a muscle, but this proposition has not previously been tested quantitatively. In the present study, we used both the SEMG technique (189 MUs) and cross-correlation of MU discharge (498 MU pairs) to estimate MU synchrony in 28 first dorsal interosseus (FDI) muscles from 16 subjects. Despite considerable overlap in the identity of MUs used to quantify synchrony with each method, linear regression revealed no significant correlation between the estimates of MU synchronization in FDI muscles obtained with the two techniques (r2= 0.04, n = 28). This discrepancy was not due to insufficient sampling of the MU population with the cross-correlation method, although we found evidence for a non-uniform tendency for synchronous discharge in two of 13 motor units providing sufficient data for the analysis. The most likely explanation for the discrepancy between the estimates of MU synchrony is that methodological problems with the SEMG technique limit its accuracy. These problems are difficult to avoid under normal experimental conditions, and we conclude that the SEMG method is not reliable for quantitative comparisons of MU synchrony between muscles and subjects.  相似文献   

Cox DM  Cafarelli E 《Muscle & nerve》1999,22(3):320-328
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a sustained contraction of vastus lateralis on the silent period (SP) in the surface electromyogram (EMG) following direct neural stimulation. Five men and 5 women performed isometric knee extension at 30% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) to the limit of endurance. During the contraction, EMG increased, and superimposed twitch amplitude and time to peak tension decreased, but the SP duration did not change. After 10 min of recovery, MVC had returned to its initial value, and the potentiated twitch amplitude was 70% of initial value, but the SP was now 11% shorter. Based on these results, we hypothesize that during a sustained contraction of 30% MVC, the increase in central drive may have been offset by inhibitory input from the periphery, but after 10 min of recovery the SP was shortened because of increased central drive. This aspect of the SP's behavior should be taken into account whenever it is employed as a diagnostic tool.  相似文献   

Voluntary contraction of hand muscles increases compound muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitudes evoked by submaximal electrical percutaneous cervical stimulation (EPCS). This has been reported to be due to an intraspinal, presynaptic mechanism. We studied the effects of voluntary contraction on hypothenar CMAP amplitudes in 5 volunteers following electrical peripheral nerve stimulation at the wrist, EPCS, magnetic stimulation at the neck and the effects of a conditioning subthreshold cortical magnetic stimulus on CMAPs evoked by EPCS at rest. CMAP amplitudes increased with voluntary contraction of the target muscle, regardless of type or location of stimulus (P < 0.001). No increase in CMAP amplitude occurred when a conditioning transcranial stimulus was employed with EPCS (P = 0.35). Our findings indicate a peripheral rather than central mechanism underlies this effect of voluntary contraction. It is probably related to the recruitment order of motor axons, comparing voluntary activation with electrical or magnetic stimulation. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   



The influence of contraction strength on motoneurone (MN) synchrony is poorly documented. With stronger contraction, more common and/or synchronized inputs might contribute to greater MN drive and generate more synchronous firings. This effect might be counterbalanced, however, by a negative impact of MN faster firing rates on synaptic effectiveness.


Pairs of motor units (MUs) were tested at various force levels, in 2-s sequences. MN synchrony was assessed using the index k′, the synchronous impulse probability (SIP), and the synchronous impulse frequency (SIF) in cross-correlograms. MU inter-spike interval duration and variability, surface EMG activity and force output were evaluated concurrently.


Both SIP and SIF increased with contraction strength, whereas k′ remained unaffected. Faster firing rates and stronger contraction had the greatest effects on SIF.


By testing the same MUs at different force levels, we showed that contraction strength does influence MN synchrony. The enhancement of MU synchrony with stronger contraction suggests an efficient contribution of more common and/or synchronized inputs.


Force output must be controlled when assessing MN synchrony. Normalizing MU synchronous activity per reference spike is preferable to minimize the influence of firing rate. This is particularly relevant for clinical research, in conditions of poorer neuromuscular control.  相似文献   

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