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林紫薇  郑萍 《胃肠病学》2011,16(2):112-114
瘘管是克罗恩病(CD)常见的一种并发症,往往导致患者生活质量明显下降.许多临床试验证实英夫利昔对瘘管型CD安全有效.对传统治疗方案无效者,早期规律给予英夫利昔可很好地控制疾病进展和复发.对单药治疗效果不佳者,联合英夫利昔和内外科治疗可提高疗效.本文就近年英夫利昔治疗瘘管型CD的研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

全球结核病的疫情非常严重,尤其是耐多药结核病不断增加,WHO于20世纪90年代就一再呼吁予以重视。解决此世界性难题的首要措施就是积极落实现代结核病控制策略,亦即直接监视督导下短程化疗(DOTS),在此基础上要研发新药,使耐多药结核病的治疗和缩短结核病疗程两个跨世纪性课题有所突破[1]。  相似文献   

目的了解2011年全国81个血吸虫病监测点疫情变化趋势。方法收集2011年全国81个血吸虫病监测点螺情、人畜病情和相关因素的调查数据,分析不同地区疫情特征及变化情况。结果2011年全国血吸虫病监测点血清学检测阳性率以及居民感染率分别为7.78%和0.54%,家畜感染率为0.97%,较2010年均有所下降。2011年81个血吸虫病监测点共查出感染性钉螺面积98.30 hm2,活螺平均密度为0.222 6只/0.1 m2,感染性钉螺平均密度为0.000 3只/0.1 m2,钉螺感染率为0.14%。有螺地带敞放家畜12 422头,比2010年上升46.99%。结论2011年全国血吸虫病监测点疫情较2010年下降不明显。仍需加大家畜传染源控制措施的实施力度。  相似文献   

大黄素诱导急性胰腺炎胰腺细胞凋亡机制的实验研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
潘亮  袁耀宗等 《胰腺病学》2002,2(4):214-217
目的 从凋亡信号传导的角度探讨中药大黄素治疗大鼠急性胰腺炎的分子生物学机制。方法 将44只雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为正常组,非治疗组,大黄素组,以腹腔注射雨蛙肽物方法诱导大鼠急性胰腺炎模型。并于大黄素治疗后6,24,48,72,96小时处死大鼠。应用HE染色比较胰腺组织病理学改变,应用Tunel法检测胰腺细胞凋亡指数,应用RT-PCR技术检测治疗前后凋亡调控基因Bak和BaxmRNA表达。结果 大黄素干预治疗急性胰腺炎后96小时淀粉酶值显低于未治疗组,胰腺细胞凋亡指数显高于未治疗组,凋亡调控基因BakmRNA的表达与未治疗组之间无显性差异。而BaxmRNA的表达显高于未治疗组。结论 大黄素治疗实验性急性胰腺炎的机制可能与干预凋亡调控基因有关。诱导凋亡调控基因Bax表达增强可能是干预凋亡信号传导的重要机制,而与Bak基因表达无关。  相似文献   

包虫病主要是由细粒棘球绦虫和多房棘球绦虫的幼虫引起的严重的人兽共患寄生虫病。在我国,由于受手术复发、死亡等手术水平的限制,药物治疗仍然是目前最主要的治疗方法,每年药物治疗的数量远大于手术治疗数。药物在术前缩小病灶、减轻痛苦,延长患者寿命发挥着重要作用。本文综述苯并咪唑类药物及其新剂型的动物及临床治疗包虫病现况,为探索包虫病药物治疗研究的发展方向提供依据。  相似文献   

With the growing prevalence of diabetes in teens and frequent concomitant problems with adherence, adolescents are a frequent target for diabetes self-management support and education. Due to widespread use of technology among teens in general, the use of serious games, games used for purposes beyond entertainment with the intention to educate and support health behavior for teens with diabetes self-management, is an emerging and promising practice. This report explores games intended for teens with diabetes, how the use of games may enhance clinical practice, and provides suggestions for future research and better utilization of these technologies. Current research on the use of gaming for promoting diabetes management in teens is fairly limited, with some initial support for improvements in both behavioral and clinical outcomes among teens. More research is clearly needed in order to further determine how gaming can best be utilized to impact health outcomes in these teens, as well as potential mechanisms of change.  相似文献   

目的 对结核科护士工作压力源进行调查分析.方法 自行设计调查问卷,采用便利抽样方法,对首都医科大学附属北京胸科医院88名结核科护士工作压力源进行调查.结核科护士平均年龄为(33.04±9.07)岁,工作年限(12.70±9.04)年,每月夜班数(4.25±2.25)个.本研究结核科护士工作压力源问卷分为8个维度,共有61个条目,采用分量法计分.其中,没有压力1分,压力程度一般为2分,压力程度较高为3分,压力程度非常高为4分,可能的得分范围为61~244分,分数越高,表明护士所承受的压力越大.采用问卷调查法,调查前向被调查者说明调查的目的、方法,取得知情同意.由研究者亲自发放调查问卷,30 min后当场收回.本次共发放问卷90份,回收88份,有效88份,有效回收率97.8%.结果 (1)结核科护士压力源总体得分为(154.81±36.03)分.(2)压力源各维度得分从高到低依次是:结核护理专业特殊性的问题(3.07±0.81)分;工作环境及资源方面的问题(2.88±0.81)分;工作量及时间分配问题(2.67±0.78)分;社会环境带来的问题(2.63±0.78)分;护理专业发展方面的问题(2.55±0.74)分;患者护理方面的问题(2.52±0.68)分;护理专业及工作方面的问题(2.45±0.74)分;管理及人际关系方面的问题(1.89±0.64)分.(3)得分排在前10位的压力源条目分别是:长期接触排菌、耐药肺结核患者(3.55±0.78)分;担心自己患上结核病(3.47±0.88)分;同伴被确诊患上结核病(3.36±0.89);担心消毒防护设施的效果(3.28±0.94)分;担心工作中出现差错事故(3.21±0.95)分;工作环境差(3.18±0.92)分;病区拥挤(3.02±1.07)分;收入差距大(2.98±0.94)分;工作量太大(2.97±0.94)分;经常倒班(2.94±1.03)分.结论 结核科护士承受着较高的工作压力,护理管理者应采取有针对性的措施,指导护士积极应对,减轻护士工作压力.  相似文献   

目的从凋亡信号传导的角度探讨中药大黄素治疗大鼠急性胰腺炎的分子生物学机制.方法将44只雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为正常组、非治疗组、大黄素组.以腹腔注射雨蛙肽的方法诱导大鼠急性胰腺炎模型,并于大黄素治疗后6、24、48、72、96小时处死大鼠.应用HE染色比较胰腺组织病理学改变,应用Tunel法检测胰腺细胞凋亡指数,应用RT-PCR技术检测治疗前后凋亡调控基因Bak 和Bax mRNA表达.结果大黄素干预治疗急性胰腺炎后96小时淀粉酶值显著低于未治疗组,胰腺细胞凋亡指数显著高于未治疗组,凋亡调控基因Bak mRNA 的表达与未治疗组之间无显著性差异,而Bax mRNA的表达显著高于未治疗组.结论大黄素治疗实验性急性胰腺炎的机制可能与干预凋亡调控基因有关,诱导凋亡调控基因Bax表达增强可能是干预凋亡信号传导的重要机制,而与Bak 基因表达无关.  相似文献   

Two hundred Hausa primigravidae at Zaria were divided into five groups in a randomized double-blind trial of antenatal oral antimalarial prophylaxis, and haematinic supplements. Group 1 received no active treatment. Groups 2 to 5 were given chloroquine 600 mg base once, followed by proguanil 100 mg per day. In addition, group 3 received iron 60 mg daily, group 4 folic acid 1 mg daily, and group 5 iron plus folic acid. Forty-five percent were anaemic (haemoglobin (Hb) less than 11.0 g dl-1) at first attendance before 24 weeks of gestation, and malaria parasitaemia (predominantly Plasmodium falciparum) was seen in 27%, of whom 60% were anaemic. The mean Hb fell during pregnancy in group 1, and seven patients in this group had to be removed from the trial and treated for severe anaemia (packed cell volume (PCV) less than 0.26). Only five patients in the other groups developed severe anaemia (P = 0.006), two of whom had malaria following failure to take treatment. Patients in group 1 had the lowest mean Hb at 28 and 36 weeks of gestation, and patients receiving antimalarials and iron (groups 3 and 5) had the highest Hb at 28 weeks, but differences were not significant, possibly due to removal from the trial of patients with severe anaemia. Anaemia (Hb less than 12.0 g dl-1) at six weeks after delivery was observed in 61% of those not receiving active treatment (group 1), in 39% of those protected against malaria but not receiving iron supplements (groups 2 and 4) and in only 18% of patients receiving both antimalarials and iron (groups 3 and 5). Folic acid had no significant effect on mean Hb. Proguanil was confirmed to be a highly effective causal prophylaxis. Prevention of malaria, without folic acid supplements, reduced the frequency of megaloblastic erythropoiesis from 56% to 25%. Folic acid supplements abolished megaloblastosis, except in three patients who were apparently not taking the treatment prescribed. Red cell folate (RCF) concentrations were higher in subjects with malaria, probably due to intracellular synthesis by plasmodia. Infants of mothers not receiving antimalarials appeared to have an erythroid hyperplasia. Maternal folate supplements raised infants' serum folate and RCF. Fourteen per cent had low birth weight (less than 2500 g), and the perinatal death rate was 11%; the greatest number were in group 1, but not significantly. A regime is proposed for the prevention of malaria, iron deficiency, folate deficiency and anaemia in pregnancy in the guinea savanna of Nigeria.  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying nitrite-induced effects on thrombosis and hemostasis in vivo are not clear. The goal of the work described here was to investigate the role of xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) in the anti-platelet and anti-thrombotic activities of nitrite in rats in vivo. Arterial thrombosis was induced electrically in rats with renovascular hypertension by partial ligation of the left renal artery. Sodium nitrite (NaNO2, 0.17?mmol/kg twice daily for 3 days, p.o) was administered with or without one of the XOR-inhibitors: allopurinol (ALLO) and febuxostat (FEB) (100 and 5?mg/kg, p.o., for 3 days). Nitrite treatment (0.17?mmol/kg), which was associated with a significant increase in NOHb, nitrite/nitrate plasma concentration, resulted in a substantial decrease in thrombus weight (TW) (0.48?±?0.03?mg vs. vehicle [VEH] 0.88?±?0.08?mg, p?p?ex vivo using collagen-induced whole-blood platelet aggregation (70.5?±?7.1% vs. VEH 100?±?4.5%, p?2 generation was fully reversed by both XOR-inhibitors. In addition, nitrite decreased plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 concentration (0.47?±?0.13?ng/ml vs. VEH 0.62?±?0.04?ng/ml, p?In vitro the anti-platelet effect of nitrite (1?mM) was reversed by FEB (0.1?mM) under hypoxia (0.5%O2) and normoxia (20%O2). Nitrite treatment had no effect on coagulation parameters. In conclusion, the nitrite-induced anti-platelet effect in rats in vivo is mediated by XOR, but XOR does not fully account for the anti-thrombotic effects of nitrite.  相似文献   

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