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正确应用护理模式和护理理论指导护理实践(1)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
胡雁 《上海护理》2007,7(4):5-6
护理学是一门应用性和实践性的学科,护理学作为一门发展中的专业,在实践中已经形成了一系列独特的知识体系,包括一系列的模式和理论。尽管尚在不断完善的过程中,但这些模式和理论对护理实践起到了重要的促进作用。然而正如众多其它学科一样,如何缩短理论与实践之间的距离,一直是各学科努力探索的问题,尤其是绝大部分现有的护理模式和理论均来源于西方社会,[第一段]  相似文献   

本文针对目前我国灾害护理教育存在的课程框架不完善、专业教材匮乏、学科体系不完整、协作网络缺乏的现状进行了分析,提出调整课程,培养师资,编写教材,扩大交流等设想,并对我国灾害教育的发展作了展望。认为要加快发展我国灾害护理教育,应针对现存问题,尽快完善灾害护理教育体系,成立灾害护理学学术组织,开展相关研究,不断探索灾害护理学理论知识和实践技能,探讨并编写统一的教材,借鉴国外经验,促进我国灾害护理教育事业的发展。  相似文献   

护理作为一个发展中的专业学科,除了引进一些其他学科的理论,如心理学、行为科学外,也应建立一个用于指导实践的知识体系,并且也在不断地确定自己的知识体系。20世纪60年代以后由于护理学科发展的需要,护理学也在逐渐建立自己的知识体系,这些知识体系可称之为护理的概念、模式、理论。尽管护理理论问世已经很多年了,但护理理论对于很多护士来说仍然是一件新鲜事物。虽然西方护理理论在指导我国护理实践上起到了一定的作用,但在目前,护理学界对于护理理论和护理实践之间存在着巨大的差距已成为事实。我们在临床的实践、护理学习和教师讲解护理理论  相似文献   

社会的发展、医学科学的进步以及人们对健康需求的不断提高,向传统的护理人才培养模式提出了挑战,护理学是一门实践性、社会性与应用性很强的学科,实践教学在整个教学体系中占有非常重要的地位,所以护理专业学生在掌握理论知识的同时更应注重专业操作技能的训练,并要有将理论知识和操作技能充分地应用到临床实践的能力[1],  相似文献   

护理学是一门应用性、实践性很强的学科,培养和提高护生的实践能力和创造性思维能力始终是护理教学的根本要求。我国高等护理教育经过二十余年的努力,人才培养质量不断提高,当前护理本科生的现状是理论知识扎实,思维活跃,但也存在重理论、轻实践的现象,缺乏理论与实践有机结合的能力。因此在教学改革中注重学生能力的培养和素质的提高不容忽视。  相似文献   

耳鼻喉科护理学作为五官科护理学的重要组成部分,是临床护理教学的主要内容之一,是一门专业性较强的护理学科.这门课的开设适应高职高专护理教育要求,紧跟护理学发展步伐.在教学中既要注重耳鼻喉科专科理论知识的学习,又要培养学生分析、解决临床实际问题的能力,这样才能培养出社会需要的综合素质高、核心技能强的实用型人才.  相似文献   

《内科护理学》是护理专业学生必修的一门非常重要的临床护理专业课,对专科护生而言,由职业教育培养目标决定,通过《内科护理学》的学习,不仅要具备一定的内科护理理论知识,而且要掌握一定的内科临床操作能力,而专科学制只有3年,在《内科护理学》内容不断更新而学制较少的情况下,如何合理安排内科护理学教学内容,使学生理论和实践教学能够恰当结合,已成为护理教师探讨的热点问题之一。笔者通过自己的学习与教学经验,探讨专科护生内科护理学教学内容改革的思路与方法,以期为专科内科护理学的教学提供建议和参考。  相似文献   

护理学科未来发展的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着21世纪第二个十年的到来,护理学科进入新的发展时期.在国家经济结构调整、医药卫生事业改革攻坚的新形势下,护理学科如何适应大环境,借力发展,科学研究和完善护理学科的理论与实践,这些问题亟待探讨,据此提出一些个人思考. 1护理学科体系的不断构建和完善 护理学科作为维护人类身心健康的一门应用型学科,近些年,其学科理论不断发展,知识体系、核心概念、护理理念、服务内涵和外延,以及工作定位等在实践中不断的丰富和变化.特别是近几年,护理学科更是进入一个快速发展时期.  相似文献   

护理教育要注重培养护生的创新能力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高云 《护理研究》2005,19(8):1594-1595
护理学是一门实践性很强的应用科学。护理学的发展进步,不但取决于护理理论水平的提高和护理实践经验的积累,同时也深受护理领域自身的思维方式和创新精神的影响。面对新世纪对护理工作提出的新要求,护理教育已不仅仅是向学生传授专业理论知识、护理操作技能,同时还要注重培养她们的实践能力和创新能力。创新是护理科学完善发展的不竭动力。  相似文献   

以培养创新素质为核心的《内科护理学》教学改革实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《内科护理学》是护理专业的一门必修课,是临床护理学中的一个重要学科。我院的《内科护理学》是我校的校级重点课程,为顺应高等教育的发展和适应现代护理教育要求,我们在本课程的教学中进行了以培养创新素质为核心的改革实践,报告如下。  相似文献   

Strengthened efforts to achieve the United Nations Millennium Development Goals by 2015 are urgently needed. A fundamental step toward achieving these goals is strengthening global partnerships for development. This article describes critical challenges and opportunities in global health and the social responsibility of the nursing profession in this area. Examples and suggestions for nursing action are provided for consideration by those interested in influencing global health. Engaging in global health activities such as study abroad programs, interprofessional exchanges, continuing education workshops, and seminars with a global health focus can have significant implications for nursing education, research, policy, and practice. Equipping nurses with the leadership skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to advance global health is integral in the delivery of effective, culturally relevant health care.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore the nurse leader's role in understanding the impact of American colonialism – specifically racism, a product of colonialism – as a key determinant in shaping the education of nursing students and its influence on practicing nurses. American values have been grounded in its colonialism and continue to be influential in shaping beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, and policies within the United States. Like racism, American colonialism depends on its perceived death for its survival – this is its paradox. Historic roots of the nursing profession evolved within this context of American colonialism which has shaped the lens of individuals who are the leaders and practitioners in our profession. Therefore, it is important to examine strategies that challenge and decolonize the nursing profession and to become an accomplice, clarifying and addressing inclusion/exclusion in our profession's leadership machine including: hiring/promotion practices, confrontation of White silence, critiquing design and dissemination of knowledge development, and fostering widespread change in nursing education/curriculum. Understanding the invisible internalization and manifestation of racism within our profession must be addressed if we are to advance the integrity and quality of education and practice in the nursing profession and to promote equity of healthcare among all individuals in the United States.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To describe the development and process of consensus used to establish essential genetic and genomic nursing competencies relevant to the entire nursing profession in the United States (US) regardless of academic preparation, role, practice setting, or clinical specialty. ORGANIZING CONSTRUCT: Rogers' diffusion of innovation theory applied to the adoption of genetics and genomics as the central science for health care. METHODS: Multiphased national nursing initiative to develop, refine, and establish with consensus essential competencies in genetics and genomics for all nurses. FINDINGS: Genetics and genomics have emerged as the central science for health care in the 21st century, transforming recommendations for nursing education, practice, regulation and quality control. CONCLUSION: The Essential Nursing Competencies and Curricula Guidelines for Genetics and Genomics indicate the minimal criteria for competency in genetics and genomics for the entire nursing profession in the US.  相似文献   

Genetic factors influence the risk for disease, selection of treatments, and overall health of persons throughout the life span. Nurses in critical care practice participate in assessing genetic risks for disease, implementing treatments, educating people about genetic aspects of health and disease, supporting the client's abilities to cope with the information, and assisting the individual and family to make health-related decisions involving genetic information. Opportunities for critical care nurses to become knowledgeable about genetic aspects of critical care nursing exist through academic courses, continuing education, and summer institutes. Recently, new guidelines for the genetic education of nurses have been developed. However, genetic education opportunities are not available to all nurses throughout the United States. Genetic nursing education programs based on guidelines for integration of genetic knowledge into professional nursing practice are needed.  相似文献   

In a large pediatric teaching hospital located in the southwestern part of the United States, few nurses had participated in a formal program that taught the knowledge and skills required for the nurse to care for the patient receiving chemotherapy. In order to enhance the necessary clinical competency of the nursing staff, a Chemotherapy Certification Course was developed for this institution. In reviewing the literature there was minimal information on how to develop such a program. The purpose of this article is to describe the development of this course with the intent that it can serve as a guide in facilitating and implementing such a course in other institutions. As more hospitals adopt institutional certification as a form of continuing education in cancer nursing, perhaps the gap between knowledge and practice will decrease. The institutional certification course will be a significant step toward improving the level of practice of nurses caring for patients receiving chemotherapy. The goal of promoting professional competence will benefit the nurse, the institution, and patients and their families.  相似文献   

This article reviews the status of teaching spiritual care in a public institution of higher education. The resurgence of interest in spiritual care across the United States has spurred interest and expanded theories of spirituality within the nursing profession. Nursing education rose to the challenge of teaching spiritual care theories and interventions to students, despite the absence of policy to guide educators. However, differences between public and private educational institutions have led to variations in the teaching of spiritual care. In addition to the legal implications stemming from the need for separation of church and state, nurses must also be aware of their ethical obligations in order to teach spiritual care concepts appropriately. The accrediting agencies for nursing education programs and hospitals, as well as state licensure boards, foster high expectations for nurses to provide spiritual care. A call for research and policy development to guide nurse educators is also addressed in this article.  相似文献   

Aim This paper outlines the current state of Australian practice nursing, describes the context of general practice and establishes the importance of promoting leadership and management in this setting. Background Australian general practice nurses have emerged as key stakeholders in primary health care. However, their role in leadership and management has been largely invisible. The reasons for this are multifactorial, including the delay to establish a strong professional organization, their negative power relationships with general medical practitioners, limited nursing leadership and poorly defined roles. To date, the impetus for practice nurse growth has been largely external to the nursing profession. Growth has been driven by the increasing burden of chronic disease and workforce shortages. This has further weakened the control of nurse leaders over the development of the specialty. Conclusions The Australian practice nurse role is at a crossroads. While the practice nurse role is a viable force to improve health outcomes, the growing strength of the practice nurse challenges traditional professional roles and practice patterns. Implications for nursing management There is an urgent need to develop practice nurse leaders and managers to not only embrace the challenges of Australian general practice from an operational perspective, but also undertake a clinical leadership role. As clinical leaders, these nurses will need to develop a culture that not only optimizes health outcomes but also advances the status of the nursing profession.  相似文献   

Discrimination towards individuals with disabilities is problematic within nursing. There have been calls to increase diversity in nursing and this includes embracing nurses with disabilities. Increasing diversity in nursing requires increasing diversity among nursing students; in this way, nurse educators are gatekeepers to the profession. Clinical education is a crucial element of nursing education, yet there have been very few studies related to the clinical education of nursing students with disabilities. There have been no studies of attitudes of acute care nurse preceptors toward students with disabilities in the United States. This gap is important as the majority of clinical experiences occur in the acute care environment. Utilizing a focused ethnography, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 acute care nurses with at least two years’ experience precepting students. While positive feelings about nursing students with disabilities were shared, thoughts and behavioral intentions remained negative. Six themes emerged: safety, barriers, otherness, communicating to meet needs, disclosure, and student versus colleague. Attitudinal barriers are the primary barriers faced by individuals with disabilities in becoming and practicing as nurses. Nurses in practice and education must embrace more inclusive attitudes towards individuals with disabilities.  相似文献   

Education of critical care nurses in Norway consists of equal parts clinical practice and theoretical education. The purpose of this study was to investigate postgraduate students' perceptions of the one-on-one, bedside precepting they received during their critical care education. Two focus group interviews with students at a Norwegian university college were conducted, and a thematic cross-case analysis was done. The interviewees characterized high-quality precepting as precepting where proper precepting strategies are applied, right priorities in precepting are made, the preceptor possesses desirable qualities, and there is a good preceptor-student relationship. High-quality precepting of postgraduate critical care nursing students should reflect the complexity of the profession, emphasizing both practical and theoretical knowledge. Strategies resembling both the master-apprentice model and the reflective counselling model should be applied. Postgraduate students’ characterizations of high-quality precepting should be taken into consideration when preparing critical care nurses to undertake precepting within clinical education. Attention should be paid to the difference between undergraduate students and postgraduate students educating for a speciality.  相似文献   

An essential goal of advanced nursing education is creation and dissemination of nursing knowledge; nurses with master's or higher degrees are expected to participate in research activities and publication (McCloskey & Grace, 1990; National League for Nursing, 1992; Yonge, Skillen, & Henderson, 1996). Knowledge based on empiric findings is a major force in nursing today and is changing practice, education, and health policy. Consequently, publication of research findings is vital to the advancement of the nursing profession (Oddi, Whitley, & Pool, 1994;Styles, 1981; Whitley, Oddi, & Terrell, 1998).  相似文献   

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