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To investigate in more detail concordance between the recently developed Comprehensive Psychopathological Rating Scale (CPRS) and the recently developed Self-Rating Scale for Affective Syndromes (CPRS-S-A), a total of 101 psychiatric out-patients were assessed using these procedures and a diagnostic interview according to DSM-III-R. Depressive and anxiety syndromes were the most common diagnoses on Axis I. Approximately one-third of the patients had a diagnosis of clinical personality disorder on Axis II. The majority of the patients were assessed as predominantly manifesting either Cluster B or Cluster C traits. In general, the correlation between self-and expert-ratings was strong (0.83 for the Montgomery-Åsberg Rating Scale (MADRS) depression subscale and 0.76 for the Brief Scale for Anxiety (BSA) anxiety subscale), but it tended to be weaker in the group of patients with clinical personality disorders. The correlation between the two ratings was also weaker in the group with predominantly Cluster B character traits than in the group with predominantly Cluster C traits or the group with no predominant traits, and weaker in the depressive group than in the anxiety group. However, personality disorder diagnoses were over-represented in the depressive group. The weaker correlations in the groups mentioned above may have been attributable to psychological factors and qualitative differences in cognitive and communicative style. The CPRS-S-A is considered to be a useful and reliable instrument for quantitative rating of symptoms in out-patients. Our results highlight the potential value of using appropriate self-assessment forms as complementary tools in clinical practice and research.  相似文献   

A 28-item behavioral rating scale, the Acute Psychiatric Rating Scale (APRS), was developed using factor-analytic methods for the assessment of functionally disturbed psychiatric inpatients. Fifty-eight staff rated 74 patients on the scale. Seven factorial dimensions were extracted comprising neuroticism, aggression, emotional withdrawal, cognitive impairment, schizophrenia, hypomania and self-injuriousness. The scale was evaluated in 4 different psychiatric inpatient units: two acute admission wards, an intensive care unit and a regional secure unit. Behavioral ratings on the scale were related to several patient demographic and treatment variables, including age, sex, marital status, legal status, length of admission and electroconvulsive therapy. The scale was found to possess a clear factorial structure, good interrater reliability and promising clinical validity for further research use in psychiatric inpatient settings.  相似文献   

The present paper examines Typus melancholicus (TM), which is widely accepted as premorbid personality of depression in Germany and Japan, from the viewpoint of the five-factor model of personality, which has recently been gaining international popularity as the comprehensive model of personality traits. Two measures of TM, von Zerssen’s F-list and Kasahara’s scale, as well as the personality questionnaire for the five-factor model, NEO Five Factor Inventory, were completed for 140 consecutive psychiatric outpatients by their close relatives. It was found that (a) the two measures of TM had good internal consistency reliability, (b) they had reasonable concurrent validity, and (c) TM was characterized by high Conscientiousness, high Agreeableness and, to a lesser degree, high Extraversion. The results were largely in agreement with theoretical prediction and provide further support to the construct validity of the TM measures. Whether combining the three personality traits into one type is meaningful in depicting a particular premorbid personality constellation awaits further empirical examination. Received: 24 April 1997 / Accepted: 12 December 1997  相似文献   

A group of 125 drug abusers admitted consecutively for detoxification and short-term rehabilitation were followed up 5 years after discharge. They were asked about possible suicide attempts in a semi-structured face-to-face interview. Nearly half of the group (45%) reported having attempted suicide at some point in their life. The most common reasons given were the loss of a person whom they loved, and feelings of loneliness. Only three respondents reported using their drug of choice in the attempt(s). The suicide attempters were more often found to have been in child psychiatric treatment earlier, and to have experienced loss of significant others in childhood, than those who did not report attempting suicide. At follow-up the suicide attempters indicated that they experienced more depressive moods and more severe psychological problems than those who had never made a suicide attempt. The importance of assessing the risk of suicide attempts among drug addicts in order to be able to take measures to prevent future suicidal behaviour is emphasized.  相似文献   



Considerable attention has been given to the identification of depression in stroke survivors with aphasia, but there is more limited information about other mood states. Visual analog scales are often used to collect subjective information from people with aphasia. However, the validity of these methods for communicating about mood has not been established in people with moderately to severely impaired language.


The dual purposes of this study were to characterize the relative endorsement of negative and positive mood states in people with chronic aphasia after stroke and to examine congruent validity for visual analog rating methods for people with a range of aphasia severity.


Twenty-three left-hemisphere stroke survivors with aphasia were asked to indicate their present mood by using two published visual analog rating methods. The congruence between the methods was estimated through correlation analysis, and scores for different moods were compared.


Endorsement was significantly stronger for “happy” than for mood states with negative valence. At the same time, several participants displayed pronounced negative mood compared to previously published norms for neurologically healthy adults. Results from the two rating methods were moderately and positively correlated.


Positive mood is prominent in people with aphasia who are in the chronic stage of recovery after stroke, but negative moods can also be salient and individual presentations are diverse. Visual analog rating methods are valid methods for discussing mood with people with aphasia; however, design optimization should be explored.  相似文献   

During the past decade the Montgomery–Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) has been used with increasing frequency to measure outcome in antidepressant efficacy trials (AETs). In characterizing treatment outcome in AETs it is common to define treatment remission as a score below a predetermined cutoff score on the scale. Various cutoffs have been used to define remission on the MADRS. The goal of the present paper is to determine the cutoff on the MADRS that most closely corresponds to the cutoff most frequently used on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression to define remission. Three hundred and three psychiatric outpatients who were being treated for a DSM-IV major depressive episode were rated on the HRSD and the MADRS. A linear regression equation was computed to estimate MADRS scores from HRSD scores. After deriving the regression equation, we computed the MADRS score corresponding to an HRSD score of 7. We also examined the sensitivity, specificity and overall classification rate of the MADRS for identifying remission on the HRSD. Based on the equation from a linear regression analysis for the entire sample, a MADRS score of 11 would correspond to a score of 7 on the HRSD. We repeated the analysis after excluding the more severely depressed patients who currently met criteria for MDD, and based on the equation from this regression analysis a MADRS score of 10 would correspond to a score of 7 on the HRSD. In a complementary analysis, we examined the sensitivity, specificity and overall classification rate of the MADRS at different cutoff points for identifying remission, and found that a cutoff of 10 maximized the level of agreement with the HRSD definition of remission. In conclusion, the regression equation relating HRSD and MADRS scores is dependent, in part, on the range and severity of scores in the sample. To facilitate comparisons of studies using the HRSD and MADRS our results suggest that a cutoff of 10 on the MADRS is equivalent to the HRSD cutoff of 7.  相似文献   

Introduction: We validated the scale for myasthenia gravis (MG) developed at the Neurological Institute Foundation of Milan (INCB‐MG scale). Methods: A total of 174 patients were evaluated with the INCB‐MG and compared with the MG Composite (MGC) as the gold standard. Dimensionality, reliability, and validity of the INCB‐MG scale were studied by principal component factor analysis, Cronbach alpha, and Pearson correlation coefficients; interobserver reliability was calculated by the weighted Cohen K coefficient. Results: Generalized and bulbar INCB‐MG subscales were unidimensional with excellent consistency; the INCB‐MG and MGC scales were strongly correlated. Fatigability assessment was correlated with the INCB‐MG generalized, bulbar, and respiratory subscales. Conclusions: The INCB‐MG scale is a reliable tool to assess MG and is strongly correlated with the MGC. The INCB‐MG scale is a valid tool for every day practice and should be further investigated for its application in clinical trials. Muscle Nerve 53 : 32–37, 2016  相似文献   

Existing scales for rating the severity of blepharospasm (BSP) are limited by a number of potential drawbacks. We therefore developed and validated a novel scale for rating the severity of BSP. The development of the scale started with careful examination of the clinical spectrum of the condition by a panel of experts who selected phenomenological aspects thought to be relevant to disease severity. Thereafter, selected items were first checked for reliability, then reliable items were combined to generate the scale, and clinimetric properties of the scale were evaluated. Finally, the confidence with which the scale could be used by people without high levels of movement disorders skill was assessed. The new scale, based on objective criteria, yielded moderate to almost perfect reliability, acceptable internal consistency, satisfactory scaling assumptions, lack of floor and ceiling effects, partial correlations with a prior severity scale and with a quality of life scale, and good sensitivity to change. Despite a few limitations, the foregoing features make the novel scale more suitable than existing scales to assess the severity of BSP in natural history and pathophysiologic studies as well as in clinical trials. © 2015 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society  相似文献   

In a group of 242 community-dwelling patients with Alzheimers disease (AD), a longitudinal comparison was made of two caregiver-administered instruments for assessment of behavioral disturbance; the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI) and the CERAD Behavioral Rating Scale for Dementia (BRSD). We examined records of the 206 patients with baseline and 12-month follow-up data for the CMAI and the BRSD who also had tests of cognitive (Mini-mental State; MMSE) and global function (Clinical Dementia Rating; CDR and Functional Assessment Staging; FAST). Among 114 AD subjects, the correlation between total CMAI at baseline and 1 month readministration was 0.83 (p<0.0001). In the same subjects, stratified into 5 groups by MMSE scores, the correlations between BRSD baseline and 1-month scores ranged from 0.70–0.89 (p<0.0001). There was high correlation between total scores of both instruments at baseline and 12 months. In addition, all CMAI subscales except Verbally Aggressive correlated significantly with total BRSD score at both time points. At baseline, BRSD subscales for irritability\aggression, behavioral dysregulation and psychotic symptoms and at 12 months, irritability\aggression and behavioral dysregulation correlated with total CMAI scores. Neither scale changed significantly over 1 year, but there was wide individual variation. CMAI and BRSD scores correlated with 1-year change in the FAST, but not with MMSE or CDR (which weighs cognition heavily), suggesting that behavioral disturbance may be more strongly related to ability to manage activities of daily living (executive function) than to other aspects of cognition. The CMAI and BRSD appear to be interchangeable as measures of agitation, with the CMAI possibly more useful for patients who lack language and the BRSD more sensitive to apathy and depression.  相似文献   

The study describes the development of a rating scale for assessment of mobility after stroke. It was based on 74 first-stroke patients, 40 men and 34 women, each assessed three times during rehabilitation. Their median age was 69 years, and they represented all degrees of severity of paresis. Content, construct, criterion and convergent validity were examined, as well as the inter-rater reliability. The final rating scale has three special characteristics: 1) it reflects the regularity in the recovery of mobility after stroke; 2) the sum of item scores comprises the information contained in the 10-item subscores; 3) the score sum is independent of age, side of hemiparesis, and gender of the patient. Latent trait analysis (Rasch) was found to be an ideal model for statistical investigation of these properties.  相似文献   

A daily symptom rating scale (DSRS) was constructed from items previously used in questionnaires and rating scales measuring menstrual symptoms. The DSRS was found to have adequate reliability and validity. The profiles of symptom intensity of 65 women, mainly hospital staff, median age 19, during one menstrual cycle, with particular emphasis on the premenstrual week and menstruation are reported. Significant differences in ratings during the cycle were found. Ratings increased during the premenstrual week and were maximal on the days immediately preceding and following the onset of menstruation. No abrupt decline in ratings was found when menstruation commenced. Results were compared with answers to a menstrual distress questionnaire, previously administered to the same women and the questionnaire results were in good agreement with DSRS results on the day of maximum symptom intensity (the day immediately before or the day immediately after the onset of menstruation.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to validate the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Rating Scale in an elderly psychiatric population. The depression subscale (HAD-D) was shown to relate well to global measures of depression and to be sensitive to changes in the severity of the depression. No conclusion could be drawn about the anxiety subscale of the HAD. The advantages of this observer-assisted self-rating scale in the elderly are discussed.  相似文献   

A total of 144 substance abusers entering consecutively a hierarchical therapeutic community, Phoenix House, Oslo, were followed prospectively 18 months through the entire program. Thirty percent completed the 1-year inpatient phase and 20% completed the total program. Using a structured interview and 3 self-report instruments, the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory, Basic Character Inventory and Symptom Checklist-90, significant differences between dropouts and completers were found in 3 areas of pre-admission characteristics: gender, substance abuse and psychopathology. Completers were characterized by a greater percentage of females, a higher frequency of amphetamine use and a lower frequency of alcohol use and a higher frequency of histrionic and a lower frequency of schizotypal traits than dropouts. The study indicates the importance of paying closer attention to these factors during treatment.  相似文献   

目的 翻译及修订儿童思维形式障碍评估量表(kiddie formal thought disorder rating scale,K-FTDS),并应用于精神分裂症与非精神病性患儿.方法 将K-FTDS进行翻译及修订,并应用于27例精神分裂症和31例非精神病性患儿,评估一致性、特异性和敏感性.结果 K-FTDS的评定者间一致性(Kappa值)为0.71;当设置思维形式障碍总分界限值为0.0115时敏感性为0.852,特异性为0.935.精神分裂症患儿的思维形式障碍评分高于非精神病性患儿(z=565.5,P<0.01).结论 修订后的K-FTDS具有较好的评估者间一致性以及特异性、敏感性,可以用于儿童思维形式障碍的评估并鉴别精神分裂症患儿与非精神病性患儿.  相似文献   

To develop a brief ataxia rating scale (BARS) for use by movement disorder specialists and general neurologists. Current ataxia rating scales are cumbersome and not designed for clinical practice. We first modified the International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (ICARS) by adding seven ataxia tests (modified ICARS, or MICARS), and observed only minimally increased scores. We then used the statistics package R to find a five‐test subset in MICARS that would correlate best with the total MICARS score. This was accomplished first without constraints and then with the clinical constraint requiring one test each of Gait, Kinetic Function‐Arm, Kinetic Function‐Leg, Speech, and Eye Movements. We validated these clinical constraints by factor analysis. We then validated the results in a second cohort of patients; evaluated inter‐rater reliability in a third cohort; and used the same data set to compare BARS with the Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA). Correlation of ICARS with the seven additional tests that when added to ICARS form MICARS was 0.88. There were 31,481 five‐test subtests (48% of possible combinations) that had a correlation with total MICARS score of ≥0.90. The strongest correlation of an unconstrained five‐test subset was 0.963. The clinically constrained subtest validated by factor analysis, BARS, had a correlation with MICARS‐minus‐BARS of 0.952. Cronbach alpha for BARS and SARA was 0.90 and 0.92 respectively; and inter‐rater reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient) was 0.91 and 0.93 respectively. BARS is valid, reliable, and sufficiently fast and accurate for clinical purposes. © 2009 Movement Disorder Society  相似文献   

Objectives: Dementia-specific anxiety scales in the Norwegian language are lacking; the aim of this study was to investigate the validity and inter-rater reliability of a Norwegian version of the Rating Anxiety in Dementia (RAID-N) scale.

Method: The validity of the RAID-N was tested in a sample of 101 patients with dementia from seven Norwegian nursing homes. One psychogeriatrician (n = 50) or a physician with long experience with nursing home patients (n = 51) ‘blind’ to the RAID-N score diagnosed anxiety according to DSM-5 criteria of generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis assessed the best cut-off point for the RAID-N, and the area under the curve (AUC) was calculated. Inter-rater reliability was tested in a subgroup of 53 patients by intraclass correlation (ICC) and Cohen's kappa.

Results: Twenty-eight of 101 (27.7%) met the GAD criteria. The mean RAID-N score for patients with GAD was 16.1 (SD 6.3) and without GAD, 8.8 (SD 6.5) (p < 0.001). A cut-off score of ≥12 on the RAID-N gave a sensitivity of 82.1%, specificity of 70.0%, and 73.3% accuracy in identifying clinically significant GAD in patients with dementia. Inter-rater reliability on overall RAID-N items was good (ICC = 0.82), Cohen's kappa was 0.58 for total RAID-N score, with satisfactory internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.81).

Conclusion: The RAID-N has fairly good validity and inter-rater reliability, and could be useful to assess GAD in patients with dementia. Further studies should investigate the optimal RAID-N cut-off score in different settings.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study aims to examine the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Alzheimer's disease behavioral pathology rating scale (CBehave-AD) and the behavioral profile of Chinese patients with AD. METHODS: Seventy-one subjects with NINCDS-ADRDA diagnosis of probable and possible AD were assessed for validation of the CBehave-AD. A behavioral symptom frequency checklist, the Chinese version of the Blessed Roth dementia scale (CDS) and the Cantonese version of the Mini-Mental State Examination (CMMSE) were used for comparison. An extended sample of 120 AD patients was then evaluated with the CBehave-AD. RESULTS: High correlations between the CBehave-AD and checklist scores were found (paranoid and delusional ideation, hallucinations, activity disturbances, aggressiveness and diurnal rhythm disturbances). The scale also demonstrated satisfactory inter-rater and test-retest reliabilities. The mean (SD) CMMSE score of the 120 patients was 9.4 (7.1). Among them, 32% have delusions, 15% had hallucinations, 54% had activity disturbances, 61% had aggressive behavior, 44% had sleep disturbance, 24% had affective disturbances, 19% had anxiety and phobias. Delusional ideation was significantly associated with hallucinations, aggressiveness, and affective disturbances. Diurnal rhythm disturbances were associated with activity disturbances and aggressiveness. CBehave-AD total scores were not significantly correlated with severity of AD, but individual symptom categories showed different pattern of correlation. Delusions, hallucinations, anxiety and phobias were significantly correlated with dementia staging. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that the CBehave-AD is a valid assessment tool for behavioral disturbances in patients with AD. Variable associations between different symptom categories and dementia staging suggest a need for further exploration of the complex interactions between behavioral and cognitive disturbances in dementia.  相似文献   

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