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目的 探讨胆胰部位结核的临床和病理特征,提高对该病的诊治水平.方法 回顾性分析复旦大学附属中山医院经手术证实的6例胆胰部位结核误诊为恶性肿瘤病例的临床资料.病人均为中青年,临床表现为黄疸、发热及腹痛.术前影像学检查提示局限性胆管狭窄伴近端肝内外胆管扩张;胆胰周围淋巴结结核病人还表现为胆胰周围实质性占位;胰腺结核病人可见胰头占位伴胰周淋巴结肿大;胆管结核病人胆管周围及十二指肠圈软组织影增多.6例术前均误诊癌肿而行手术探查由病理确诊,术后均予抗结核治疗.结果 经随访所有病例胆胰周围肿块明显缩小,黄疸、发热等临床症状消失.结论 胆胰部位结核与胆胰恶性肿瘤具有相似的临床表现和影像学特征,在术前难以鉴别,常需术中或术后病理检查确诊.经手术或内镜进行有效的支撑和引流胆道,术后积极的抗结核治疗是治愈胆胰结核的关键.  相似文献   

胆胰结合部恶性肿瘤辅助诊断方法的选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胆胰结合部恶性肿瘤(Bilio-Pancreatic malignancies)泛指下段胆管癌和胰腺癌,一般均导致胆道梗阻,扩张和胆囊肿大,后者尚有局部胰管破坏及近端扩张,多数患者存在明显肿块,合并肠系膜上血管侵犯,淋巴结或周围脏器转移的情况并不罕见,来自肿瘤自身或因胆胰管梗阻所致的某些血清和分泌液标记物可明显升高,胆胰结合部恶性肿瘤原则上需行以手术为主的综合治疗。但其早期并无特征性表现,临床所遇已有进行性黄疸伴明显消及腹胀,隐痛者多属中晚期,因此,在重视有关临床表现,警惕可能存在本症的基础上,针对其临床病理特点合理运用有关辅助检查及时予以确诊,对减少误诊,漏诊,确定切实可行的治疗方案,提高根治性切除率和改善疗效预后有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的 探讨胰腺结核误诊为胰腺肿瘤的原因及预防方法.方法 通过对8例胰腺结核误诊为胰腺肿瘤患者的临床特点分析,探讨误诊原因及提出正确的诊治方法.结果 8例误诊病例临床表现为:发热5例,腹痛4例,腹部包块3例,黄疸2例,盗汗3例,体重下降5例.影像学提示胰腺肿瘤表现,所有患者术前均诊断为胰腺肿瘤,均行剖腹探查术,术中5例快速切片病理证实为胰腺结核,终止手术.另3例行胰十二指肠切除,术后病理证实为胰腺结核.全部病例术后均接受抗结核治疗.随访2年,无复发.结论 发热、腹痛、影像学检查胰腺有局限性性病灶的患者,应考虑胰腺结核的诊断.应进一步行B型超声或CT引导下细针穿刺检查,从而及时作出正确诊断,减少误诊误治.  相似文献   

硅胶管搭桥内引流治疗恶性肿瘤致阻塞性黄疸106例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨晚期胆道、胰腺恶性肿瘤旁路内引流的治疗效果。方法 对106例不能手术切除根治的胆胰恶性肿瘤所引起的阻塞性黄疸病人,采用硅胶管搭桥旁路内引流术。结果 本组无手术死亡,术后黄疸完全消退达到92%,67例得到随访(63.2%)。术后平均生存期为12.3个月,与同期一组41例切除根治术比较(15.7个月),经统计学处理,无显著差异。结论 搭桥旁路内引流术治疗胆胰恶性肿瘤所致阻塞性黄疸,操作简单、创伤小、术后恢复快,不存在术后长期胆汁外流和终生带管等弊端,引流效果确实、可靠,不失为冶疗晚期胆胰恶性肿瘤可取方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨胰胆逆流在胆囊癌早期诊断中的价值。 方法 对2007年6月至2010年3月北京军区总医院肝胆外科诊治93例胆囊癌的术前影像学资料、术中胆汁淀粉酶水平结合术中探查及手术结果进行综合分析,测定同期(随机抽取)43例行磁共振胰胆管成像(MRCP)检查胆囊结石病人胆汁淀粉酶水平。结果 93例术后病理均确诊为胆囊癌,胆汁淀粉酶为(356.3±296.4)U/L,其中62例胆汁淀粉酶明显高于血清淀粉酶正常上限;29例胰胆合流异常病人中27例胆汁淀粉酶明显高于血清淀粉酶正常上限。 结论 胆囊癌病人中胰胆逆流发生率较高,可能对胆囊癌的早期诊断具有重要的临床意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨壶腹癌并病理性胆肠瘘的临床表现,以提高其术前诊断率。方法:回顾性分析近9年间以壶腹部癌收治入院,术中诊断合并病理性胆肠瘘12例患者的临床资料。结果:所有患者术前临床无阻塞性黄疸的症状及体征。B型超声检查提示壶腹部占位并肝内外胆管扩张,胆囊萎缩,与周围组织粘连,轮廓不清。胆肠瘘均在术中确诊,胆囊十二指肠瘘7例,胆囊结肠瘘5例,瘘口直径为0.4~2.8 cm。4例行根治;8例姑息性手术。术后病理证实均为壶腹癌。结论:对于超声检查有上述发现的老年患者,若临床无阻塞性黄疸的表现,往往反映病理性胆肠瘘存在。  相似文献   

恶性梗阻性黄疸是指胆胰系统肿瘤引起胆管梗阻所致的黄疸,通常为胆道完全梗阻,对全身影响大,术后并发症及死亡率均较高,而术前准备做的好将会降低术后并发症及死亡率。我院1990-1997年共手术治疗肝门部胆管癌16例,本文就这16例恶性梗阻性黄疸病人的术前准备体会报告如下。1 病例资料1.1 一般情况本组男12例,女4例,年龄最小47岁,最大72岁,平均58岁。病人都有进行性黄疸,伴食欲下降11例,呕吐4例,体重下降12例,发热2例。1.2 实验室检查本组对白蛋白(ALB)、总胆红素(TBIL)、谷丙…  相似文献   

甲状腺结核的诊治--附1例报告并国内87例临床分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:探讨甲状腺结核的早期诊断和治疗.方法:报告1例误诊长达7月的甲状腺结核,回顾分析国内经针刺细胞学或术后病理确诊为甲状腺结核的87例患者的临床资料.结果:15例行针刺细胞学检查,余均经手术病理确诊.术前大多数误诊为甲状腺癌、甲状腺腺瘤,少数误诊为地方性甲状腺肿、结节性甲状腺肿、甲亢等.结论:甲状腺肿块伴发热及结核史者应考虑甲状腺结核的可能,细针穿刺活检是协助诊断简便有效的方法.病灶清除及抗结核抗药物局部灌洗、正规抗痨治疗预后好.  相似文献   

胰头肿块型慢性胰腺炎   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胰头肿块慢性胰腺炎术前易误诊为胰头癌,术中发现胰头部肿块,行胰十二指肠切除,经标本病理检查方确诊为慢性胰腺炎.我院于1990年1月~1997年5月曾对术前疑诊为胰头癌134例进行了手术切除,标本病理检查确诊15例为慢性胰腺炎,列为术前误诊病例.由于胰头肿块型慢性胰腺炎的临床表现与胰头癌有许多相似之处.给两者的鉴别诊断带来了不少困难,经病例分析下列病情有助于胰头肿块型慢性胰腺炎的诊断:1.发病年龄较轻,本组的平均年龄较胰头癌低11岁(44.2:59.4岁);2.黄疸程度较浅,血清胆红素低于170μmol/L,经内科治疗可以减退;3.入院前病期较长,平均为17.2个月,而胰头癌为2.2个月;4CA19-9测定,凡CA19-9值  相似文献   

背景与目的:免疫球蛋白G4相关自身免疫性胰腺炎(IgG4-AIP)是一种较为罕见的胰腺炎,可表现为无痛性梗阻性黄疸或胰腺肿块等,与胰腺癌表现相似,术前影像学诊断较为困难,初诊时易误诊。笔者通过回顾1例IgG4-AIP患者的临床资料和诊断经过,并结合相关文献报道,对本病临床特点进行总结,以期为临床工作提供经验。方法:回顾性分析江苏省南通市第三人民医院2023年2月收治的1例误诊为胆总管胰腺段癌的IgG4-AIP患者的临床资料,结合国内外文献对该病的临床病理特点、诊疗过程及治疗方法进行分析总结。结果:患者,男性,78岁;因上腹部胀痛不适伴皮肤巩膜黄染1周入院。入院查体:皮肤、巩膜中度黄染,腹部无阳性体征。磁共振胰胆管造影示:胰头区增大、内见稍长T1稍长T2信号肿块,弥散加权像呈明显高信号,增强中度均匀强化,胰管及肝内外胆管扩张,胰头占位伴胰管及肝内外胆管扩张。通过讨论分析患者临床表现、实验室检查结果以及影像学资料等,考虑胰头部占位性病变合并梗阻性黄疸,恶性肿瘤不除外,认为有手术探查指征,遂行胰十二指肠切除术。术后病理检查确诊为IgG4相关硬化性疾病/IgG4相关硬化性胰腺炎。结论:IgG4...  相似文献   

Tuberculosis of the lymph glands of the neck: a limited role for surgery.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The clinical problem of a neck mass in general and tuberculous lymph nodes in the neck in particular may present a diagnostic dilemma. This retrospective study was conducted to highlight clinical presentation, management, and outcome. PATIENTS AND METHODS: All patients (n = 59) diagnosed with tuberculosis of the cervical lymph node in Irbid governorate during the period 1996 through 2000 were reviewed for standard criteria, in addition to diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. RESULTS: Medical records were reviewed and relevant data were included; all age groups were equally involved with a female/male ratio of 2:1. Most of the patients presented with a neck mass to the outpatient surgical clinic. The diagnosis was made mainly based on the clinical picture and results of the Mantoux test, Ziehl-Neelsen staining, and culture of bacilli. Fine needle aspiration cytology and histologic examination of incisional or excisional specimens are the main objective diagnostic tools. All patients were treated with antituberculous drugs under directly observed therapy short-course regimen with 83% cure rate. CONCLUSION: Tuberculosis of the cervical lymph nodes responds well to antituberculous drugs and the surgical role is limited to guidance in fine needle aspiration, incision and drainage, and incisional and limited excisional biopsy. Major excisional procedures are not without complications and should be avoided.  相似文献   

目的探讨肝移植术后淋巴结结核的临床特点、诊断及治疗方法。方法回顾性分析武警总医院移植研究所1例肝移植术后淋巴结结核患者的诊治过程,并进行文献复习。结果于患者左颌下扪及肿大淋巴结2个;红细胞沉降率增快,c反应蛋白水平增加;腹部CT示腹腔内多发淋巴结肿大,增强后表现为环形强化;颌下淋巴结内液体涂片见到抗酸杆菌,组织病理学检查结果为淋巴结坏死性肉芽肿。抗痨治疗33d后患者临床表现逐渐消失。继续治疗16个月,未见复发。结论肝移植术后淋巴结结核罕见,主要通过淋巴结坏死物涂片镜检和病理学检查诊断;采用对氨基水杨酸异烟肼片+利福喷丁+链霉素+乙胺丁醇+莫西沙星联合用药抗痨方案治疗有效。  相似文献   

目的探讨在腹腔镜胆总管探查取石(laparoscopic common bile duct exploration,LCBDE)一期吻合后立即经胆囊管插管造影的临床价值。方法 2007年6月~2012年10月92例胆总管结石行腹腔镜胆总管探查一期吻合术,吻合后行胆道造影,术中发现胆道损伤、结石残留及时处理。结果术中造影显示74例吻合满意,吻合口漏6例,胆总管下段穿孔5例,右肝管漏2例,结石残留5例。吻合口漏及右肝管漏镜下补漏成功;胆总管下段穿孔5例开腹修补漏口;5例结石残留开腹直视下取净结石。92例术后均无胆漏、腹腔感染。78例随访1~72个月,平均20.6月,无胆管狭窄,2例术后30个月结石复发,1例术后12个月结石复发,EST取石。结论术中胆道造影在腹腔镜胆总管探查取石一期吻合术中可及时发现胆漏、结石残留,避免术后胆漏,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

The clinocopathologic features of seven patients with early bile duct carcinoma are reported. Early bile duct carcinoma has been defined as bile duct carcinoma limited to the bile duct wall. The seven patients included six men and one woman ranging in age from 44 to 77 years. Six patients complained of jaundice and the other presented with right hypochondralgia. Ultrasonography showed a dilated proximal bile duct in the seven with a polypoid mass in three. Computerized tomography showed a dilated biliary tree in the seven together with a polypoid mass in two. Direct visualization of the bile duct with endoscopic retrograde cholangiography and/or percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography showed a polypoid tumour of the bile duct and a dilated proximal biliary tree in all seven. Each of the seven polypoid tumours were well differentiated papillary or tubular adenocarcinoma restricted to the bile duct wall with minimal stromal invasion. There was neither any lymph node metastasis nor perineural invasion. Five of the seven patients were doing well at 24–112 months after a complete resection. One patient died from multiple liver metastases 21 months after intervention. The other patient died from other diseases 138 months after operation. These seven cases can be classified as early bile duct carcinoma due to both the limited invasion and favourable prognosis. The clinical features of the seven patients were quite similar to those of usual bile duct carcinoma. However there are still no proper diagnostic clues for early bile duct carcinoma and these patients represent fortunate cases that clinicians happened to discover by chance.  相似文献   

A 17-year-old boy was operated on for gastric outlet obstruction; laparotomy revealed a mass with nodules in the first part of the duodenum and multiple mesenteric lymph nodes. The histopathological examination of the duodenal mass and the lymph nodes showed caseating tuberculosis. Because of the rarity of duodenal tuberculosis, the case is reported herewith.  相似文献   

目的 探讨避免腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)中胆管损伤的方法。方法 对2014年1月至2015年12月我院收治的676例施行LC的临床资料进行回顾性分析。手术技巧包括:前哨淋巴结定位识别胆囊动脉、Rouviere沟引导定位、Calot三角360°解剖、胆囊板分离、吸引器冲洗钝性解剖、果断中转开腹等。结果 本组患者无胆管意外损伤。手术时间30~110 min,平均45 min。11例中转开腹手术,其中4例因腹腔粘连严重,2例因Mirizzi综合征,1例因胆囊结肠内瘘,4例因术中冰冻病理检查提示胆囊癌,遂中转开腹行胆囊癌根治术。术中见2例少见副肝管汇入胆囊管。术后无大出血、胆漏或再次手术等。结论 合理应用手术技巧能有效避免LC术中的胆管损伤。  相似文献   

A young man with HIV presented with biliary peritonitis secondary to spontaneous common bile duct perforation. Investigation revealed that the perforation was due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis of the bile duct is uncommon and usually presents with obstructive jaundice due to stricture. Bile duct perforation due to tuberculosis is extremely rare. Its management is discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This retrospective study aimed to identify the clinicopathologic features and surgical results of paraaortic node-positive periampullary adenocarcinoma. METHODS: Between 1995 and 1999, 101 patients underwent pancreatectomy with regional and paraaortic lymphadenectomy. Fifteen (15%) patients had histologically proven paraaortic lymph node disease. RESULTS: The 15 patients included 9 (26%) of 34 patients with pancreatic head carcinoma and 6 (17%) of 36 patients with bile duct adenocarcinoma. All 15 patients had locally advanced tumor invading adjacent structures. The 1-, 2-, and 3-year survival rates were 33%, 27%, and 0%, with median survival of 12 months (range 3 to 33). In patients with pancreatic head carcinoma or bile duct adenocarcinoma, survival curve for those without paraaortic lymph node metastasis was significantly better than that for those with involved paraaortic lymph nodes (P = 0.0033 or P = 0.0149). CONCLUSIONS: When the paraaortic lymph nodes obtained from sampling biopsy are histologically positive, radical pancreatectomy with extended lymphatic and soft tissue clearance should be abandoned owing to poor outcome.  相似文献   

Papillary adenocarcinoma of the subvesical duct   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This is, to our knowledge, the first report of papillary adenocarcinoma originating in the subvesical bile duct. A 77-year-old man was referred to our hospital for further evaluation of liver dysfunction. Serum liver function test results on admission included: aspartate aminotransferase, 99 IU/l; alanine aminotransferase, 149 IU/l; lactate dehydrogenase, 438 IU/l; alkaline phosphatase, 992 IU/l; leucine aminopeptidase, 320 IU/l; and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, 593 IU/l. Serum carbohydrate antigen (CA) 19-9 value was high (80 U/ml). Abdominal ultrasonogram, computed tomographic scan, and percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram demonstrated a mass in the common hepatic duct, and dilatation of the intrahepatic bile ducts. A laparotomy was performed on May 14, 1997. The tumor originated in the dilated subvesical duct that joined the common hepatic duct, and projected into the common hepatic duct. The patient underwent cholecystectomy, resection of the subvesical duct and the common hepatic duct, dissection of regional pericholedochal lymph nodes, and Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy. The resected tumor presented macroscopically as a papillary mass measuring 4.0 × 2.0 cm. The pathological diagnosis was papillary adenocarcinoma. The immunostaining positivity rates for MIB-1 and p53 protein were 49.6% and 33.8%, respectively. Received: March 21, 2001 / Accepted: August 1, 2001  相似文献   

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