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Slow frequency GnRH pulses have been proposed to preferentially increase circulating FSH levels by increasing FSH synthesis and pulsatile release. Examination of this proposal using various in vivo models, however, has produced conflicting results. To examine directly the effects of GnRH pulse frequency on the pituitary, we compared the effects of 2.5-nM GnRH pulses administered every 1 h or every 4 h vs. no GnRH, using perifused rat pituitary cells. FSH secretion (total area under the response curve) was 2-fold greater (P less than 0.01) with every hour than with every 4 h GnRH pulses. This difference resulted from the increased number of GnRH pulses and increased (P less than 0.05) interpulse FSH secretion, whereas FSH pulse amplitude was unchanged. FSH beta mRNA levels at the completion of the 11-h perifusion were increased 4.5-fold by GnRH every h (P less than 0.01) and 3.3-fold by GnRH every 4 h (P less than 0.05) above levels in untreated cells. FSH beta mRNA levels were greater (P less than 0.05) at the faster GnRH pulse frequency. Because more frequent stimulation delivered more GnRH during the study, cells were next stimulated with 2.5 nM GnRH every 1 h for nine pulses, 7.5 nM GnRH every 4 h for three pulses to equalize the GnRH dose, or 2.5 nM GnRH every 4 h for three pulses. Interpulse FSH secretion and FSH beta mRNA levels were again greater (P less than 0.05) with every hour than every 4 h GnRH pulses. Interpulse LH secretion, FSH and LH pulse amplitude, and LH beta and alpha-subunit mRNA levels were not different between the groups. GnRH doses of 0.1-10 nM every hour increased FSH and LH pulsatile secretion dose-dependently, but FSH beta, LH beta, and alpha-subunit mRNA levels were similar. In conclusion, our data reveal that reducing the frequency of GnRH pulses from every hour to every 4 h reduces both FSH beta mRNA levels and FSH interpulse secretion, but does not change GnRH-stimulated FSH pulsatile release. We suggest that the finding by others that slow frequency GnRH pulses increase circulating FSH levels under certain experimental conditions in vivo may instead be explained by complex hormonal interactions or changes in FSH clearance.  相似文献   

The hypothalamic decapeptide GnRH is known to regulate the synthesis and secretion of LH and FSH by pituitary gonadotrope cells. The frequency of pulsatile GnRH secretion changes and LH and FSH are differentially secreted in various physiological situations. To investigate the potential role of altered frequency of GnRH stimulation in regulating differential secretion of LH and FSH, we examined the effects of GnRH frequency on expression of the alpha, LH beta, and FSH beta genes. GnRH pulses (25 ng/pulse) were administered to castrate testosterone-replaced rats at intervals of 8-480 min to cover the range of physiological pulsatile GnRH secretion. Fast frequency GnRH pulses (8-min pulse intervals) increased alpha-subunit mRNA concentrations 3-fold above those in saline-pulsed controls (controls, 1.01 fmol cDNA bound/100 micrograms pituitary DNA) and LH beta mRNA by 50% (controls, 0.18 fmol cDNA bound), but FSH beta mRNA was unchanged (controls, 0.38 fmol cDNA bound). GnRH pulses given every 30 min increased all three subunit mRNAs (alpha, 3-fold, LHbeta, 2-fold; FSH beta, 2-fold), and acute LH release and serum FSH concentrations were maximal after this frequency. Slower frequency GnRH stimuli (120- to 480-min pulse intervals) did not change alpha and LH beta mRNA levels, but increased FSH beta mRNA 2- to 2.5-fold, and FSH secretion was maintained. Equalization of the total dose of GnRH given at different intervals over 24 h confirmed the frequency dependence of subunit mRNA expression. Fast frequency GnRH stimuli (8 min) increased alpha mRNA 1.5- to 2.5-fold, while the same total GnRH doses were ineffective when given at slow frequency (480 min). Similarly, LH beta mRNA was only increased by GnRH pulses given at 8-min intervals. In contrast, FSH beta mRNA increased 2-fold after pulses given every 480 min, and the 8-min pulse interval was ineffective. The data show that the frequency of GnRH stimulation can differentially regulate gonadotropin subunit mRNA expression and may be a mechanism that enables a single GnRH peptide to selectively regulate gonadotropin subunit gene expression and hormone secretion.  相似文献   

There is accumulating evidence that the negative feedback actions of testosterone on the pituitary may contribute to the differential regulation of FSH and LH secretion in males. In the present study we measured steady state levels of the mRNAs encoding the gonadotropin subunits in pituitary cell cultures treated with 10 nM testosterone (T) as well as in T-treated pituitary cells perifused with pulses of GnRH to explore further the direct actions of T on the pituitary. T treatment of pituitary cells in monolayer culture for 72 h increased FSH beta mRNA 1.5-fold (P less than 0.05), decreased alpha-subunit mRNA to 45% of the control level (P less than 0.05), and decreased LH beta mRNA to 75% of the control level (P less than 0.05). FSH and uncombined alpha-subunit secretion were increased and decreased by T, respectively, whereas basal LH secretion was unchanged. Treatment with 0.1 nM estradiol, a physiological concentration for males, did not change gonadotropin secretion or subunit mRNA concentrations. Between days 2 and 5 in culture in the absence of steroid treatment, steady state levels of LH beta and alpha-subunit mRNA declined (P less than 0.01) 52% and 61%, respectively, but FSH beta mRNA levels were unchanged. Pulsatile stimulation with 2.5 nM GnRH every 1 h for 10 h increased FSH beta mRNA 2.8-fold (P less than 0.05) and increased (P less than 0.05) alpha-subunit mRNA to 117% of the control level. When cell cultures were pretreated with T for 48 h and then perifused with pulses of GnRH, FSH beta, LH beta, and alpha-subunit mRNA levels were 66%, 74%, and 70% of the value during GnRH alone (P less than 0.05). T treatment also reduced (P less than 0.01) the amplitudes of FSH, LH, and alpha-subunit secretory pulses by 18%, 26%, and 41%, respectively. These data indicate that a portion of the negative feedback action of T is at the pituitary to regulate gonadotropin subunit gene expression. Our data reveal two opposing effects of T on FSH beta mRNA: a stimulatory action, which is GnRH independent, and an inhibitory effect, which is related to the actions of GnRH. These divergent actions of T represent one mechanism through which FSH and LH are differentially regulated.  相似文献   

The role of GnRH in regulating gonadotropin subunit gene expression was examined in adult female rats. Animals were ovariectomized, estradiol implants inserted sc, and jugular cannulae placed into the right atria. On the next day, animals were given GnRH pulses (saline to controls) every 30 min for up to 48 h and alpha, LH beta, and FSH beta mRNA levels measured by hybridization to cDNA probes. To determine the effects of GnRH treatment duration, rats received GnRH pulses (25 ng at 30-min intervals) for 6, 12, 24, and 48 h. FSH beta mRNA was increased (by 92%) after 6 h of pulses and remained elevated through 48 h. alpha mRNA was not increased until 12 h (27% increase) and rose further (57%) by 48 h. LH beta mRNA levels were only transiently increased at 12 h (67%) and values were not different from saline controls after 24 or 48 h. To examine whether the rise in serum PRL which is characteristic of the ovariectomized-estradiol animal model was responsible for the decrease in LH beta mRNA responsiveness to GnRH over longer durations, studies were repeated in bromocriptine-treated animals (0.6 mg sc, twice daily). The results showed similar response patterns for all three subunit mRNAs including the decrease in LH beta after 48 h. A third experiment examined the effect of varying GnRH pulse amplitude (0.5-250 ng/pulse at 30-min intervals) over 12 h. alpha mRNA levels were increased by all GnRH doses greater than 5 ng with maximum responses after 250 ng pulses. LH and FSH beta mRNAs were both elevated by GnRH pulse doses of 0.5-25 ng (P less than 0.05 vs. saline controls). Maximal increases (2-fold) were seen after 5 ng pulses for LH beta and after 15-ng pulses for FSH beta mRNA. These results show that pulsatile GnRH increases FSH beta mRNA more rapidly than alpha or LH beta mRNAs in female rats. In addition, high amplitude GnRH pulses increase only alpha mRNA, whereas both LH beta and FSH beta mRNAs show maximum responses to lower doses. The data suggest that alterations in the amplitude of the GnRH pulsatile signal can exert differential effects on gonadotropin gene expression.  相似文献   

Dexamethasone (Dex), when administered in high doses, has been shown to suppress spontaneous and GnRH-induced gonadotropin secretion, but the level and the mechanism(s) of this effect are unknown. We administered Dex to castrate testosterone-replaced male rats to determine if gonadotropin gene expression is affected and whether Dex differentially influences GnRH-modulated parameters of gonadotrope function: induction of GnRH receptors (GnRH-R) and gonadotropin synthesis and secretion. GnRH was given iv at 25 ng/pulse at 8, 30, and 120 min intervals for 48 h. Rapid GnRH injection frequency preferentially increased alpha and LH-beta messenger RNA (mRNA) responses to GnRH as well as LH secretion. Slower GnRH injection frequencies were required to increase levels of GnRH-R, FSH-beta mRNA, and FSH secretion. Dex selectively inhibited the serum LH, alpha, and LH-beta mRNA responses to GnRH, but not the serum FSH or FSH-beta mRNA responses. Additionally, it augmented the GnRH-induced increase in GnRH-R. We conclude: 1) induction of GnRH-R, gonadotropin synthesis, and secretion require different modes of GnRH stimulation; 2) Dex acts directly on the gonadotrope to differentially modulate GnRH-induced increases in GnRH-R levels, gonadotropin gene expression, and gonadotropin secretion; and 3) GnRH effects upon induction of GnRH-R, LH, and FSH synthesis and secretion are likely to be mediated via different cellular pathways.  相似文献   

Our previous studies on annexin 5, a member of the annexin family of proteins, have shown its expression in the anterior pituitary gland, its preferential distribution in gonadotropes, and its increase after ovariectomy. In the present study, we examined (1) whether annexin 5 is synthesized in gonadotropes, (2) whether its expression is under the control of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), and (3) the effect of annexin 5 on gonadotropin release. Large cells, also called castration cells, appeared in anterior pituitary tissue 3 weeks after ovariectomy. These cells have been confirmed to be hyperfunctioning gonadotropes and are easily discriminated from other pituitary cells without immunostaining. Using in situ hybridization with a digoxigenin-labeled ribonucleic acid probe, enhanced expression of annexin 5 messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) in these gonadotropes was clearly demonstrated. Northern blot analysis showed an increase in the level of annexin 5 mRNA expression 3 weeks after ovariectomy. It was lessened 3 h after the injection of Cetrorelix (GnRH antagonist, 10 microg i.v.). Administration of a GnRH analog [GnRHa; Des-Gly 10 (Pro9) GnRH ethylamide, 0.2 ml of 2.5 microg/ml saline ten times intraperitoneally at 30-min intervals] significantly increased pituitary annexin 5 mRNA. In primary cultures of anterior pituitary cells, recombinant rat annexin 5 stimulated luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) release in a dose-dependent manner. Concomitant administration of annexin 5 (1 microg/ml) and GnRHa augmented the LH and FSH release induced by GnRHa. After a 1-hour incubation, cycloheximide (10 microg/ml) apparently inhibited the LH response to GnRHa, while annexin 5 (2 microg/ml) moderated this inhibition. Further, the antisense oligodeoxynucleotide to annexin 5 mRNA blunted the LH response to GnRHa. It is thus concluded that annexin 5 is synthesized in the gonadotropes under the effect of GnRH, and it is suggested that annexin 5 synthesis mediates at least partly GnRH receptor signaling to stimulate gonadotropin secretion.  相似文献   

The Nal-Glu GnRH antagonist (GnRHA) was given to castrate male and female rats 7 days after gonadectomy to assess the impact of selective GnRH inhibition on the steady state mRNA levels of FSH beta, LH beta, and alpha-subunit and serum levels of FSH and LH. A low dose of GnRHA (125 micrograms/kg.day) given to female rats for 1, 3, or 7 days resulted in suppression of serum FSH and LH levels by 7 days to 50% and 40%, respectively, of ovariectomized control values. LH beta mRNA levels decreased in a time-dependent manner, so that by 7 days, LH beta mRNA levels were less than those in intact controls. There were significant but less dramatic declines in alpha and FSH beta mRNA levels. A higher dose of GnRHA (500 micrograms/kg.day) for 7 or 14 days administered to castrate male or female rats resulted in inhibition of serum LH and FSH to or below levels in intact controls. At this dose, all three gonadotropin subunit mRNA levels fell from castrate values toward or below those in intact controls. Thus, although low dose GnRHA administration suppressed LH beta mRNA more than FSH beta mRNA levels, high dose GnRHA treatment resulted in equal suppression of all three gonadotropin subunits. No stimulatory effects on alpha-subunit mRNA levels were observed with either dose of GnRHA. We conclude that the pretranslational control of gonadotropin subunit biosynthesis is GnRH dependent. Adequate dose and length of administration of the potent Nal-Glu GnRHA results in suppression of both the serum gonadotropins FSH and LH and the mRNAs for FSH beta, LH beta, and alpha-subunit in female and male rats.  相似文献   

Serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), pituitary FSH content and FSH beta subunit mRNA concentrations were measured at 1 to 3h intervals throughout the 4 day estrous cycle in rats. Serum FSH was stable (range 200-320 ng/ml) apart from the biphasic proestrus surge (5 fold elevation) which was present from 1800 h of proestrus through 0800 h on estrus. Basal FSH beta mRNA concentrations from late metestrus through the afternoon of proestrus were 0.10 +/- 0.04 f mol cDNA bound/100 micrograms pituitary DNA. The major increase in FSH beta mRNA began at 2000 h on proestrus, 2 h after the initial rise in serum FSH and peak mRNA concentrations (0.43 +/- 0.08 f mol cDNA bound) occurred at 0200 h on estrus. FSH beta subunit mRNA concentrations were again increased at 2300 h on estrus (peak 0.24 f mol cDNA bound) and remained elevated through 1700 h on metestrus. Pituitary FSH content was transiently increased during metestrus and diestrus, but was elevated at 1000 h through 1900 h on proestrus (peak 5-fold increase). FSH content fell rapidly at 2000 h and remained low until 1400 h on estrus when values again rose. These data show that FSH beta mRNA is increased 4-5 fold during the proestrus FSH surge, and a smaller increase occurs on metestrus in the absence of elevated FSH secretion. The increased concentrations of FSH beta mRNA occurred at different times to the previously reported changes in alpha and LH beta mRNAs. Therefore, the data suggest that different mechanisms are involved in the regulation of LH and FSH beta subunit gene expression during the 4-day estrous cycle in rats.  相似文献   

Serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), pituitary FSH content and FSH beta subunit mRNA concentrations were measured at 1 to 3h intervals throughout the 4 day estrous cycle in rats. Serum FSH was stable (range 200-320 ng/ml) apart from the biphasic proestrus surge (5 fold elevation) which was present from 1800h of proestrus through 0800 h on estrus. Basal FSH beta mRNA concentrations from late metestrus through the afternoon of proestrus were 0.10 +/- 0.04 f mol cDNA bound/100 micrograms pituitary DNA. The major increase in FSH beta mRNA began at 2000 h on proestrus, 2 h after the initial rise in serum FSH and peak mRNA concentrations (0.43 +/- 0.08 f mol cDNA bound) occurred at 0200 h on estrus. FSH beta subunit mRNA concentrations were again increased at 2300 h on estrus (peak 0.24 f mol cDNA bound) and remained elevated through 1700 h on metestrus. Pituitary FSH content was transiently increased during metestrus and diestrus, but was elevated at 1000 h through 1900 h on proestrus (peak 5-fold increase). FSH content fell rapidly at 2000h and remained low until 1400 h on estrus when values again rose. These data show that FSH beta mRNA is increased 4-5 fold during the proestrus FSH surge, and a smaller increase occurs on metestrus in the absence of elevated FSH secretion. The increased concentrations of FSH beta mRNA occurred at different times to the previously reported changes in alpha and LH beta mRNAs. Therefore, the data suggest that different mechanisms are involved in the regulation of LH and FSH beta subunit gene expression during the 4-day estrous cycle in rats.  相似文献   

Kang SK  Tai CJ  Nathwani PS  Leung PC 《Endocrinology》2001,142(1):182-192
Until recently, the primate brain was thought to contain only one form of GnRH known as mammalian GnRH (GnRH-I). The recent cloning of a second form of GnRH (GnRH-II) with characteristics of chicken GnRH-II in the primate brain has prompted a reevaluation of the role of GnRH in reproductive functions. In the present study, we investigated the hormonal regulation of GnRH-II messenger RNA (mRNA) and its functional role in the human granulosa-luteal cells (hGLCs), and we provided novel evidence for differential hormonal regulation of GnRH-II vs. GnRH-I mRNA expression. Human GLCs were treated with various concentrations of GnRH-II, GnRH-II agonist (GnRH-II-a), or GnRH-I agonist (GnRH-I-a; leuprolide) in the absence or presence of FSH or human CG (hCG). The expression levels of GnRH-II, GnRH-I, and GnRH receptor (GnRHR) mRNA were investigated using semiquantitative or competitive RT-PCR. A significant decrease in GnRH-II and GnRHR mRNA levels was observed in cells treated with GnRH-II or GnRH-II-a. In contrast, GnRH-I-a revealed a biphasic effect (up- and down-regulation) of GnRH-I and GnRHR mRNA, suggesting that GnRH-I and GnRH-II may differentially regulate GnRHR and their ligands (GnRH-I and GnRH-II). Treatment with FSH or hCG increased GnRH-II mRNA levels but decreased GnRH-I mRNA levels, further indicating that GnRH-I and GnRH-II mRNA levels are differentially regulated. To investigate the physiological role of GnRH-II, hGLCs were treated with GnRH-II or GnRH-II-a in the presence or absence of hCG, for 24 h, and progesterone secretion was measured by RIA. Both GnRH-II and GnRH-II-a inhibited basal and hCG-stimulated progesterone secretion, effects which were similar to the effects of GnRH-I treatment on ovarian steroidogenesis. Next, hGLCs were treated with various concentrations of GnRH-II, GnRH-II-a, or GnRH-I-a; and the expression levels of FSH receptor and LH receptor were investigated using semiquantitative RT-PCR. A significant down-regulation of FSH receptor and LH receptor was observed in cells treated with GnRH-II, GnRH-II-a, and GnRH-I-a, demonstrating that GnRH-II and GnRH-I may exert their antigonadotropic effect by down-regulating gonadotropin receptors. Interestingly, GnRH-II and GnRH-II-a did not affect basal and hCG-stimulated intracellular cAMP accumulation, suggesting that the antigonadotropic effect of GnRH-II may be independent of modulation of cAMP levels. Taken together, these results suggest that GnRH-II may have biological effects similar to those of GnRH-I but is under differential hormonal regulation in the human ovary.  相似文献   

We have shown previously at the ultrastructural level that morphological changes occur in the external zone of the median eminence allowing certain GnRH nerve terminals to contact the pericapillary space on the day of proestrus. The present study was designed to determine whether the intrinsic determinant of neuronal outgrowth, growth-associated protein-43 (GAP-43), was expressed in GnRH neurons of adult female rats, and whether its expression varied throughout the estrous cycle. To accomplish this, we perfusion-fixed groups of adult female rats at 0800 and 1600 h on diestrous day 2 (diestrous II), at 0800 h and 1600 h on proestrus, and at 0800 and 1600 h on estrus (n = 4 rats/group) and used double labeling in situ hybridization and quantification to compare the levels of GAP-43 messenger RNA (mRNA) in cells coexpressing GnRH mRNA. GnRH mRNA was detected with an antisense complementary RNA (cRNA) probe labeled with the hapten digoxigenin, whereas the GAP-43 cRNA probe was labeled with 35S and detected by autoradiography. In addition, GAP-43 protein was identified with immunohistochemistry in the median eminence. The results show that many GnRH neurons expressed GAP-43 mRNA and that GAP-43 protein was present in many GnRH axon terminals in the outer layer of the median eminence. The number of GnRH neurons expressing GAP-43 mRNA was significantly higher on proestrus (64 +/- 5%) than on diestrous II (40 +/- 2%; P < 0.001) or on estrus (45 +/- 8%; P < 0.05), and the GAP-43 mRNA levels in GnRH neurons also varied as a function of time of death during the estrous cycle. The GAP-43 mRNA levels in GnRH neurons were higher on proestrus and estrus than on diestrous II (P < 0.05). These data show that 1) GAP-43 is expressed in adult GnRH neurons; 2) GAP-43 mRNA expression in GnRH neurons fluctuates during the estrous cycle; and 3) GAP-43 mRNA content in GnRH neurons is highest on the day of proestrus, before and during the onset of the LH surge. These observations suggest that the increased GAP-43 mRNA expression in GnRH neurons on the day of proestrus could promote the outgrowth of GnRH axon terminals to establish direct neurovascular contacts in the external zone of the median eminence and thus facilitate GnRH release into the pituitary portal blood.  相似文献   

Turzillo AM  Nett TM 《Endocrine》1995,3(10):765-768
To test the hypothesis that low levels of estradiol are sufficient to increase concentrations of GnRH receptor mRNA in the absence of progesterone, ewes were ovariectomized and immediately treated with estradiol implants for 12 h to achieve circulating concentrations of estradiol typical of the early (n=5) or late (n=4) follicular phase. Five additional ewes underwent lutectomy, and control ewes were untreated. Treatment of ewes with 1/2 or 1 estradiol implant increased concentrations of estradiol in serum to 3.0 ± 0.8 pg/ml or 6.3 ± 0.3 pg/ml, respectively, and concentrations of estradiol in lutectomized ewes (2.4 ± 0.5 pg/ml) were intermediate. Ovariectomy did not alter concentrations of GnRH receptor mRNA or numbers of GnRH receptors. Treatment of ewes with 1 estradiol implant increased concentrations of GnRH receptor mRNA and numbers of GnRH receptors. In ewes treated with 1/2 estradiol implant, concentrations of GnRH receptor mRNA were intermediate between controls and ewes treated with 1 estradiol implant, and numbers of GnRH receptors were greater than controls. Lutectomy increased concentrations of GnRH receptor mRNA but did not affect numbers of GnRH receptors. We conclude that estradiol stimulates expression of the GnRH receptor gene and numbers of GnRH receptors in the absence of progesterone. However, effects of estradiol on expression of the GnRH receptor gene were clearly evident only when concentrations of estradiol were elevated to levels typical of the late follicular phase.  相似文献   

The effect of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and/or estradiol (E2) on pituitary messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) levels of luteinizing hormone beta (LH beta), follicle-stimulating hormone beta (FSH beta) and the common alpha-subunit were determined in anterior pituitary glands from ovariectomized (OVX) ewes. Hypothalamo-pituitary disconnected (HPD) ewes receiving appropriate hormonal treatment were used to assess the relative roles of GnRH and E2 in directly regulating FSH beta and alpha-subunit mRNA levels. Levels of LH beta mRNA were increased in OVX animals compared with intact controls, and E2 treatment of OVX animals significantly reduced mRNA levels of LH beta and FSH beta. HPD substantially reduced FSH beta and alpha-subunit mRNA levels. Treatment of OVX/HPD animals with pulses of GnRH (250 ng/2 h) for 1 week restored FSH beta and alpha-subunit mRNA to OVX levels. Combined GnRH and E2 treatment significantly lowered FSH beta mRNA levels, but resulted in a rise in alpha-subunit mRNA levels. Treatment of OVX/HPD ewes with E2 alone had no effect on FSH beta and alpha-subunit mRNA levels. These findings indicate that E2 acts directly on the pituitary to negatively regulate FSH beta mRNA levels, and to positively regulate alpha-subunit mRNA levels in the presence of GnRH.  相似文献   

Cycloheximide (CHX) has been shown to mimic the action of inhibin on gonadotropin secretion by pituitary cell cultures. We showed previously that suppression of FSH secretion by inhibin is associated with a rapid and profound suppression of FSH beta mRNA levels. The present study was designed to examine the mechanism of action of CHX and to determine whether inhibin's actions involve new proteins synthesis. Pituitary cell cultures were treated with control medium or medium containing inhibin, CHX, or inhibin plus CHX for 2 or 6 h. At 6 h, secretion of FSH was decreased by inhibin (72% of control), CHX (58% of control), and the combined inhibitors (56% of control). LH secretion was not significantly changed, while that of free alpha-subunit was reduced only by CHX (68% of control). Levels of FSH beta, LH beta, and alpha-subunit mRNAs were measured by Northern analysis. At 2 h inhibin decreased FSH beta mRNA to 49% of the control value. CHX alone had no effect, while CHX plus inhibin produced intermediate levels (77% of control). By 6 h, however, inhibin and CHX each decreased FSH beta mRNA to very low levels (12% and 15% of control, respectively), and in cultures treated with both inhibin and CHX, this RNA was barely detectable. To determine the reversibility of the effects of these inhibitors, cells were incubated with fresh control medium after 6 h. Secretion of FSH and free alpha-subunit remained suppressed 4 h later; recovery was complete by 16 h in inhibin treated cultures. FSH beta mRNA returned to control levels by 4 h in inhibin-treated and by 16 h in CHX-treated cultures. Levels of LH beta and alpha-subunit mRNA were comparable to control values at all times. In conclusion, 1) CHX, like inhibin, suppresses FSH beta mRNA levels, although its actions are less rapid and less rapidly reversible; 2) inhibin requires ongoing protein synthesis for full expression of its inhibitory effects; 3) the synthesis and secretion of LH are much less sensitive to inhibition by either inhibin or CHX than are the synthesis and secretion of FSH; and 4) secretion of free alpha-subunit involves a labile protein(s).  相似文献   

Maintenance of FSH biosynthesis requires ongoing exposure to pulsatile GnRH. Recent data demonstrate that activin also stimulates FSH biosynthesis. We used a perifused pituitary system to examine regulation of FSH beta mRNA levels by pulsatile GnRH and activin. Hourly pulses of 10 nM GnRH increased FSH beta mRNA levels by 3-fold. In the same experiment, continuous infusion of 50 ng/ml activin elicited a 50-fold increase in FSH beta mRNA. This magnitude of response to activin in perifusion was unexpected, as only a 2.7-fold increase in FSH beta mRNA was observed when activin was administered to pituitary cells that were cultured in dishes. Since perifusion columns, unlike culture dishes, are exposed to a continuous supply of fresh medium, we examined the possibility that endogenous factors produced by pituitary cells cultured in dishes were stimulating the cells in a paracrine fashion, thereby precluding the full response to exogenously added activin. The kinetics of FSH beta mRNA expression were examined immediately after pituitary dispersion and at different times after culturing the cells in plates. FSH beta mRNA levels fell rapidly after dispersion to 8% of initial levels and remained low over 8 h. Thereafter, FSH beta mRNA levels increased slowly and exceeded initial levels by the second day of culture. In a parallel set of experiments, when medium conditioned by exposure to plated cells was applied to the perifusion system, FSH beta mRNA levels were selectively stimulated (6-fold). These data suggest the removal during dispersion and subsequent accumulation in culture of pituitary-derived factors that are important for the maintenance of FSH beta mRNA levels. We conclude that activin plays a greater role in the regulation of FSH beta mRNA levels than was suggested by previous experiments employing static culture systems in which autocrine or paracrine stimulation may have obscured the effects of exogenously added activin.  相似文献   

To determine the mechanism(s) of age-related changes in gonadotropin release from pituitary gonadotrophs in male rats, we measured the number of GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) receptor containing cells and expression of GnRH receptor mRNA per cell in the anterior pituitary. An in situ hybridization procedure was performed using young (six months) and old (24-25 months) Wistar rats. An image analysis system was employed for the autoradiographic analysis. The number of pituitary cells increased during aging (approximately 45%, p < 0.01). On the other hand, the number of GnRH receptor mRNA-containing cells decreased (approximately 25%, p < 0.05). The percentage of these cells in old rats decreased to less than a half of that in young animals (p < 0.01). GnRH receptor mRNA per cell in old rats was only 7% lower than in young (p < 0.01). These results suggest that loss of pituitary gonadotroph GnRH receptors and response is primarily due to the loss of gonadotrophs, and that the death mechanism(s) are responsible for decreased stimulation of Gn release during aging.  相似文献   

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