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上海市区居民的膳食营养状况及其对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
于1996年对上海市区居民进行了膳食调查。结果表明:能量的摄入比较充足,每标准人日摄入能量10144kJ,达供给量标准的101.3%;蛋白质摄入量为84.7g,为供给量标准的110.1%;矿物质中,钙的摄入量仅为598.9mg,为供给量标准的72.0%。维生素中,老年组视黄醇当量摄入量不足,儿童和青少年组核黄素摄入量不足。膳食构成,蛋白质提供的能量占总能量的13.9%,优质蛋白超过50%;脂肪提供的能量占总能量的32.8%,超过建议值的高限。上海市区居民的膳食营养状况已发生明显变化:粮食消费呈下降趋势,动物性食物增长迅速;碳水化合物摄入量减少,脂肪和胆固醇的摄入量增加;某些营养素摄入不足和过剩同时存在。迫切需要加强对居民的营养指导,调整膳食结构  相似文献   

为了了解经济因素对河南省居民膳食营养状况的影响,筛选、推荐出符合河南省当前实际较为合理的膳食组成,1992年10月对河南省32个调查点的城市居民359户1223人、农村居民595户2308人进行了家庭状况和膳食调查。结果表明,以家庭收入的评估值由低到高排序为分为三等份,即低收入组、中收入组、高收入组三组,城市和农村都呈现出随着收入的增长,蛋白质、脂肪摄入增高。城市来源于谷类能量为54.6%~63%,随收入增加而降低;动物性食物为12.8%~18.4%,随着收入增加而增高。农村的相应来源则为78%~80.4%,1.4%~2.0%,随经济变化不明显。城市居民营养素来源的百分比为蛋白质12.9%~13.8%,脂肪25.8%~30.4%,农民为蛋白质11.1%~11.8%。脂肪10.5~16.1%。农村居民蛋白质食物来源80%以上来自各类,优质蛋白仅占总蛋白的4%~7%,城市居民谷类蛋白来源为43%~55.6%,优质蛋白占总蛋白的30.4%~43.9%。综合营养素摄入量占RDA的百分比、合理膳食构成要求、我国膳食指南等多方面因素,城市居民中收入组膳食较为合理。该组膳食缺陷是钙、维生素A、核黄素摄入不足,为RDA的5  相似文献   

中国人群膳食营养素及营养状况分析──1989年8省实例研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为了解我国10年经济体制改革后人群膳食结构的改变及身体的营养状况,于1989年对8省的16市24县居民的调查结果进行分析。结果表明,城市和县城居民热能摄入低于郊区和农村。来源于动物性食物的热能,城市和县城占11%~13%,郊区和农村只占5%~9%左右,各类地区来源于动物性食物的蛋白质和动物性脂肪随经济收入的上升而增加。调查人群成人(20~45岁)超重(BMI≥25.0)的检出率在7%~12%之间,消瘦(BMI<18.5)在7%~10%之间。城市和县城居民超重检出率显著高于郊区和农村居民(P<0.001)。低收入组的超重检出率低于中高收入组(P<0.001)。体质指数(BMI)随热能、蛋白质、脂肪等营养素摄入量的增加而升高。  相似文献   

广西城乡居民的膳食营养状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报告了广西第三次营养调查结果,发现城乡居民膳食营养状况差距增大,城市居民动物性食物充裕,日人均摄入蛋白质80.6克,达我国RDA的106.7%,其中优质蛋白占53.7%;而农村居民膳食蛋白南数昨和质量仍处于较低水平。我区卵童由于长期受营养不良的影响,身高发育较差。城乡居民膳食不平衡突出表现在钙和维生素B2摄入量明显低于RDA标准;此外,城市居民脂肪热能已略超过WHO建议的上限。  相似文献   

目的了解荆州市居民生活水平、食物结构、营养状况的变化趋势。方法利用1989、2004年“中国健康与营养调查”资料,分层整群随机抽样80户(城市、乡村各40户),采取连续3d称取每户每天食物消费量和个人询问两种方法进行调查。结果2004年居民谷类、薯类、蔬菜消费量减少,水产品、豆类、肉类、乳类消费量有较大增长,全市居民平均能量来源于谷类食物比例略有减少,豆类比例变化幅度大,动物性食物比例由8.33%上升到16.16%。与2000年膳食目标比,蛋白质供热比偏低,脂肪供能比超标;蛋白质来源于谷类比例下降,来源于动物性食物的比例增加;摄入能量、蛋白质已能满足营养需要,但部分维生素及微量元素摄入不足。2004年全市居民DDP评分值较高,但膳食质量略微提高。结论荆州市居民膳食结构有所改善,应采取有效措施解决膳食不平衡问题。  相似文献   

目的 了解经济因素对城乡居民膳食营养状况的影响,推荐较为合理的膳食组成。方法采用分层多级整群随机抽样的方法,对32个调查点城市居民359户、农村居民595户进行家庭状况和膳食调查。分城、乡两层,每层以家庭收入分低、中、高三组分别进行比较。结果 城市和农村居民之间的膳食摄入存在较大差异,主要表现为城市居民动物性食品、水果等摄入明显多于农村居民,谷类、薯类少于农村居民;且随家庭收入增加,动物性食物、豆类、水果摄入增多。城市居民钙摄入为RDA的53.9%。农村居民的钙、视黄醇、核黄素均为RDA的50%以下。城市居民能量营养素来源蛋白质为12.9%~13.8%,脂肪25.8%~30.4%,农民为蛋白质11.1%~11.8%,脂肪10.5%~16.1%。城市居民优质蛋白质占30.4%~43.9%,农民优质蛋白质仅占4%~7%。结论 城市居民的中收入组膳食营养状况较为合理,其余各组尤其是农村存在较大缺陷。以城市居民的中收入组的食物摄入为基础,提出了河南省居民合理、可行的食物构成。  相似文献   

我国中小学生的膳食营养状况   总被引:50,自引:3,他引:47  
葛可佑  马冠生 《营养学报》1996,18(2):129-133
据1992年全国第三次营养调查资料对中小学生的膳食营养状况进行了分析,结果表明:中小学生能量的摄入量比较充足,平均每人每日为7556~11933kJ(1806~2852kcal),达供给量标准的92.6%~101.3%;蛋白质的平均摄入量为54.0~83.9g,为供给量标准的84.6%~108.2%。矿物质中,钙的摄入量普遍存在着不足,平均每人每日为341~474mg,仅为供给量标准的38.9%~52.5%。维生素中视黄醇当量和核黄素摄入量较低,城市学生能达到供给量标准的59.1%~75.7%;农村学生仅达到48.2%~57.2%。中小学生的膳食构成,城市学生膳食能量的56.4%~63.3%来自谷类,12.1%~17.9%来自动物性食物;农村学生膳食能量的70.4%~75.4%来自谷类,4.0%~7.2%来自动物性食物;来自豆类的能量较低,城市、农村均在2%以下。脂肪的摄入量城市、农村学生差别明显,城市学生膳食总能量的24.4%~27.4%来自脂肪,已接近建议值的高限;农村学生膳食总能量的15.7%~18.5%来自脂肪,还应适当提高。  相似文献   

对分布在湖北省不同地区的806名成人的膳食和体质状况调查的结果表明:成人热能、蛋白质、脂肪平均每人每日摄入量分别为12.05MJ、82.8g和68.89;热能、蛋白质基本满足需要。热能摄入依农村、郊区、县城、城市顺序递减。城市和县城脂肪摄入明显高于郊区和农村,其中城市脂肪摄入比农村多41.2g。男性居民营养素摄入高子女性。随着经济收入提高,谷类食物供给热能和蛋白质下降,而动物性食物供给蛋白质及脂肪上升。另外,随着经济水平的提高,营养不良(BMI<18.5)人群减少,超重(BMI≥25)人群增多,低收入组与高收入组间有极显著性差异(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

青岛市居民膳食结构和营养状况调查   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
目的了解青岛市城乡居民的膳食结构和营养状况。方法利用青岛市首次居民营养与健康状况调查资料,对72个调查点2160户居民进行家庭膳食调查(城市720户,农村1440户),以个人72h膳食回顾结合家庭调味品称重获取膳食信息。结果青岛市居民平均每人日摄入能量9.6810,蛋白质68.3g,脂肪90.8g,维生素C摄入充足;硫胺素和核黄素偏低;钙530.2mg,占推荐膳食供给量(Recommended Dietary Allwance,RDA)的66.3%。膳食能量的47.3%来自谷类,蛋白质的43.5%来自谷类。脂肪提供总能量的35.3%,动物脂肪占膳食脂肪的35.0%。结论青岛市居民平均已摄入了足够的食物,改善居民的膳食模式应以调整不平衡膳食结构为主要目的。  相似文献   

目的通过居民营养调查,分析广东省城市居民膳食能量、蛋白质、脂肪结构现状及20年变化趋势。方法利用2010年广东省居民营养调查数据进行分析。膳食调查采用连续3 d 24 h回顾法,调味品消费量采用"称重法"。全省5个城市共调查3154户7421人,其中大城市1174户3040人,中小城市1980户4381人。结果广东省城市居民每标准人日能量摄入8803 kJ。20年来呈下降趋势。蛋白质与脂肪提供能量比例分别为16.6%和38.0%。从能量的食物来源看,谷类占总能量的36.1%,动物性食物占29.7%,纯热能食物占15.9%。蛋白质摄入量为69.4 g,粮谷类占22.5%,豆及豆制品占3.8%,动物性食物占57.7%,其他食物占15.9%。脂肪摄入量为74.4 g,49.2%来源于动物性食物。结论广东处于经济转型升级时期,城市居民的膳食特点是能量摄入量下降;谷类供能比下降,蛋白质摄入量下降。脂肪摄入量总体下降,但动物性食物摄入和脂肪提供的能量上升。  相似文献   

中国居民膳食能量、蛋白质、脂肪的来源构成及变化   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
目的:分析中国居民膳食能量、蛋白质、脂肪结构现状及变化趋势。方法:利用2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查数据进行分析。膳食调查采用连续3d24h回顾法,调味品消费量采用“称重法”。样本:全国31个省132个县23470户,其中城市7687户,农村15783户,调查人数为68962人。结果:我国居民每标准人日能量摄入9.42MJ(2250.5kcal)。20年来呈下降趋势。蛋白质与脂肪提供能量比例分别为11.8%与29.6%,大城市的脂肪供能比达到了38.4%。从能量的食物来源看,谷类占总能量的57.9%,动物性食物占12.6%,纯热能食物为17.3%。蛋白质摄入量为65.9g,粮谷类占52%,豆及豆制品占7.5%,动物性食物占25.1%,其它食物占15.3%。膳食脂肪摄入为76.3g,39.2%来源于动物性食物。结论:由于我国处于经济转型期,居民的膳食特点是能量摄入量下降;谷类供能比下降;蛋白质摄入量下降;脂肪摄入量,特别是动物性食物提供的脂肪上升。脂肪提供的能量增加。  相似文献   

安徽省城乡居民膳食评价与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对1992年全国营养调查中我省城乡居民进行膳食营养评价,结果表明:城乡居民热能、蛋白质摄入充足,钙、核黄素及视黄醇供给不足,膳食结构不尽合理,与我国2000年膳食目标相比仍有较大差距,城乡居民豆类、乳、蛋、水果等消费不足;居民膳食结构存在一定差异,市民膳食质量较好,农民膳食质量差,特别是蛋白质,来源于动物性食物及豆类的优质蛋白质仅占5.6%。建议促进大豆种植、畜禽养殖,提高大豆、奶、蛋、肉等动物性食物生产与消费,适当发展钙、铁强化食品,大力加强营养教育,指导平衡膳食,达到合理营养、促进健康的目的。  相似文献   

目的了解珠海市居民膳食营养素摄人与膳食结构现况,为制定适合当地实际的营养相关政策,指导居民合理膳食提供科学依据。方法采用多阶段分层与人口比例概率抽样方法,按家庭抽样为单位进行入户调查,以个人72h膳食回顾结合家庭调味品称重获取膳食信息,根据《中国食物成分表2004))计算人均各营养素及能量摄人数据,运用Access建立数据库,采用SPSS12.0进行统计分析。结果完成膳食调查540户(城市330户,农村210户),共1653人,平均3.1人/户;2岁及以上居民中,城市人口占63.04%,男性占46.88%;居民平均每标准人日摄入能量基本达到推荐参考值,为2085.8Keal,占RNI的92.70%,蛋白质的摄入量(84.0g)超过推荐参考值,膳食纤维(9.8g)、维生素B2(0.9mg)、和维生素B2(1.0mg)钙(487.3mg)等摄人量明显低于推荐参考值;每标准人日摄入的豆类(10.8g)、水果(42.9g)、薯类(12.4g)和奶类(41.4g)过低,以农村居民更甚(P〈0.05),畜禽肉类(181.2g)、油酯(39.3g)和食盐(8.8g)则过高,且城乡居民基本一致;碳水化合物提供的能量占总能量比例偏低(43.83%),脂肪提供的能量占比例偏高(40.39%);谷类提供的能量占总能量的比例过低,占33.37%,动物性食物提供的能量占比例过高,占30.54%,蛋白质食物来源中动物性食物已超过60.00%。结论珠海市居民基本营养素摄人得到满足,但膳食营养不平衡,主食消费较低,高脂食物摄入过多,膳食结构不尽合理,应针对性地对城乡居民开展营养健康教育,引导其合理膳食。  相似文献   

1990~1998年中国食物消费与膳食结构   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
王玉英  陈春明  何武 《卫生研究》2000,29(5):288-293
根据1990和1995年国家统计局七省市食物消费数据分析,居民豆类及豆制品消费减少,城市居民动物性食物消费过量,谷类消费下降,其提供热能比低于60%,农村居民食物消费以谷类为主,动物性食物、水果、植物油消费较低。1998年调查住户食物消费结果表明:城市居民动物性食物摄入量随收入增加而大,植物油消费持平,目前膳食结构相对合理,而农村居民仍需增加动物性食物、水果等的摄入量,其中贫困住户的营养状况需要注意。建议加强营养宣传教育,大力促进豆类的生产和消费以改善居民的膳食结构。  相似文献   

李静  王玉 《实用预防医学》2011,18(2):205-207
目的了解现阶段兰州市幼儿园膳食模式和膳食营养状况。方法 采用称重连续5 d进行膳食调查,参照《中国居民膳食指南》及《中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量(Chinese DRIs)》进行评价。结果调查对象膳食结构以谷类、薯类为主,奶类、大豆及坚果类、鱼、虾类摄入不足;三大营养素供热比存在脂肪供能比例低,碳水化合物供能比例高;热量(79.86%)、脂肪(78.16%)、蛋白质(78.67%)、维生素A(78.35%)、维生素B1(78.57%)、维生素B2(57.14%)、钙(39.45%)、碘(12.67%)、镁(75.94%)、锌(60.67%)、硒(73.40%)不足RNI的80%;优质蛋白质、血红素铁的膳食来源比例低;三餐一点供能比例不合适,早餐供能比低,午餐供能比例高。结论幼儿园儿童膳食营养分布和搭配不合理,营养状况有待改善,需增加奶类、鱼虾等海产品、动物性食物摄入量,在早、中餐之间加一餐点,采用"三餐二点"制并合理搭配各种食物,平衡合理的膳食模式有助于提高幼儿园儿童膳食营养质量。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The relative influence of diet and physical activity on body fatness remains uncertain. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to investigate associations of dietary variables and physical activity with body fatness in urban Chinese adults. DESIGN: We conducted a cross-sectional study in 130 weight-stable men and women aged 35-49 y. Subjects were selected from upper and lower tertiles of dietary fat and physical activity on the basis of screening questionnaires. Dietary intake was assessed by weighed food intake, physical activity level (PAL) was calculated as the ratio of predicted total energy expenditure (TEE) to predicted resting energy expenditure, and body composition was measured with the use of (2)H(2)O. Reported energy intake and predicted TEE were validated against TEE determined with the use of (2)H(2)(18)O (n = 73). RESULTS: Body fatness was positively associated with dietary variety (ie, variety of ingredients) (partial r = 0.186, P = 0.039) and frequency of consuming restaurant foods (partial r = 0.237, P = 0.001) and negatively associated with PAL (partial r = -0.307, P = 0.001) in a multiple regression analysis that controlled for sex and confounders. The combined variance accounted for by dietary variety and restaurant food consumption (9.1%) was equivalent to that for PAL (9.4%). Neither dietary fat nor energy density predicted body fatness, but dietary energy density predicted within-subject day-to-day variation in reported energy intake (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Dietary variety, frequency of restaurant food consumption, and PAL significantly predicted body fatness in urban Chinese adults, but dietary fat did not. These findings support previous studies in US adults and suggest that dietary variables other than fat have an important influence on adult body composition.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the nutritional quality of Mexican men's diet and its relation to socio-economic status (SES) and BMI. A random sample of 325 Mexican men, aged 35-65 y and stratified by SES and urban or rural residence, took part in the study. Two nonconsecutive 24-h dietary recalls were conducted in person. Dietary diversity was based on the consumption of 24 food groups. The micronutrient adequacy score that was used as a cut off was 75% of the U.S. RDA (Institute of Medicine) for 13 vitamins and minerals. A prevention score assessed subjects' adherence to 8 WHO dietary recommendations for the prevention of chronic diseases. Dietary diversity and micronutrient adequacy increased with SES status of urban subjects; these indices were also significantly higher among urban poor than among rural poor. In contrast, the prevention score tended to be higher among the poorer urban and rural respondents. Dietary diversity was significantly higher but the preventive score was significantly lower in obese subjects than in normal BMI subjects. There was a positive correlation between diet diversity and micronutrient adequacy (r = 0.34, P < 0.01), whereas dietary diversity and the prevention score were inversely correlated (r = -0.21, P < 0.01). The inverse association of dietary diversity and the prevention score was stronger in rural than in urban subjects. Dietary diversity was positively and significantly correlated with fruit and vegetable intake (r = 0.295, P < 0.001). It was, however, also positively correlated with the percent of energy from total and saturated fat, and cholesterol intake. Therefore, in some settings, higher food diversity may not predict a healthier diet from the standpoint of the prevention of chronic diseases.  相似文献   

The present study aims to describe ultra-processed food (UPF) consumption in a representative sample of French adults and to evaluate the association between UPF consumption and socioeconomic characteristics and nutritional profile of the diet. This is a cross-sectional study using food consumption data from the Étude Nationale Nutrition Santé (ENNS), conducted with 2642 participants (18–74 years old), between February 2006 and March 2007 in France. Dietary data were collected through three 24-h dietary recalls. All food and beverages were classified according to the NOVA classification. The energy contribution of NOVA food groups to total energy intake was presented by categories of sociodemographic characteristics. Linear and logistic regression models were used to estimate the association between the percentage of UPF in the diet with nutritional indicators. The mean daily energy consumption of the adult French population was 2111 kcal, of which 31.1% came from UPF. This percentage was higher among younger individuals, and in the urban area, and lower among individuals with incomplete high school and individuals who were retired. The consumption of UPF was positively associated with the dietary energy density and the dietary contents of total carbohydrates, free sugar, and total and saturated fat, as well as with inadequate dietary energy density, saturated fat, free sugar, and fiber intakes.  相似文献   

Food habits change over time. This paper reports results of nutritional studies among 5-year-old urban black children in 1984 and 1995 in the Johannesburg/Soweto area. The objective was to compare energy, macro- and micronutrient intake of 5-year-old urban black South African children. Dietary intake was assessed by detailed dietary histories in 1984 and food frequency questionnaires in 1995, conducted by trained interviewers. The intake of energy, macro- and most micronutrients was higher in 1995 than in 1984, except for vitamin A, ascorbic acid, copper and iron. Fat intake increased from 52 g/day in 1984 to 95 g/day in 1995. Only biotin and vitamin D fell below 67% of the recommended dietary allowances (RDA) for 4- to 6-year-olds, but mean intakes concealed the high percentage of children that had intakes below the RDA in 1984 and 1995. Urban black 5-year-old South African children consumed a low-fat (30% of total energy), high-carbohydrate (61% of total energy) diet in 1984, but a typical westernised diet by 1995 (fat 41% and carbohydrate 52% of total energy). With these changes, current reliable nutrition information is needed to assess the existing and future health needs of all South Africans.  相似文献   

Young peoples' dietary habits may persist over time. However, few studies have examined the dynamic patterns in urban low-income African-American adolescents' intakes. This study examined these dynamic patterns and their predictors and explored the association between the patterns and BMI over time. Dietary data were collected from 181 low-income African-American adolescents using a 152-item FFQ at baseline and 1-y follow-up. High intakes and high BMI were defined as the top quartile and high-fat intake as >35% of energy from fat. Multinomial logistic regression models were fit to study the association between study variables. Correlation coefficients (0.4 < r < 0.6; P < 0.05) between participants' intakes at baseline and at 1-y follow-up suggested tracking, particularly intakes of energy, fat, fiber, calcium, vegetables and fruits, fried food, and snack food. However, the tracking of percentage of energy from fat and sugar-sweetened beverages was weak (0.2 < or = r < 0.3; P < 0.01). Proportion of agreement (>30%) and k-values (>0.2) also indicated tracking. Adjustment for tracking of energy changed little the observed tracking for other micronutrients and food groups. Factor analysis showed moderate tracking in a Western diet pattern (r = 0.47; P < 0.001) but was weaker in 2 healthier diet patterns (r = 0.31-0.36; P < 0.001). Age, gender, physical activity, and BMI predicted dietary changes (P < 0.05). Adolescents who tracked high intakes of energy, fiber, fried food, and snacks were less likely to track high BMI. Decreased energy and snack intakes were negatively related to tracking of high BMI. Overall, urban low-income African-American adolescents tracked their dietary patterns over time. The tracking was affected by baseline characteristics.  相似文献   

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