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肾小球滤过率(GFR)是评价肾功能的重要指标,有多种测定方法。菊粉清除率及放射性核素双血浆法是测定GFR的金标准。肾动态显像法测定GFR与菊粉清除率、放射性核素血浆标本法测定GFR等具有良好的相关性,被作为临床上测定GFR的金标准。99mTc-DTPA放射性核素显像法可以测量分肾GFR,具有简便、无创及准确等优点,在移植肾活体供体中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

~(99m)锝—二乙三胺五乙酸(~(99m)Tc-DTPA)肾动态显像测定肾小球滤过率(GFR)是目前临床上了解肾小球滤过功能的最好方法之一,其方法简单、切实可靠。我们对30例肾脏损害患者采用~(99m)Tc-DTPA肾动态显像测定的GFR,与同期临床常规检测的BUN、Scr和Ccr进行了相关及对比分析,以探讨~(99m)Tc-DTPA肾动态显像测定GFR在临床判断肾功能改变上的价值。 一、材料与方法 1.研究对象:本院住院患者30例,男21例,女9例,年龄38~83岁,平均58.46岁,其病因为慢性肾炎11例,高血压10例,糖尿病6例,多囊肾2例,慢性肾  相似文献   

苏子庭  李珍  曾仲  刘涛  段键  黄汉飞  林杰 《器官移植》2015,6(5):331-334, 339
目的  探讨活体肾移植供肾肾小球滤过率(GFR)对术后移植肾功能恢复的影响。方法  回顾性分析2009年至2013年在昆明医科大学第一附属医院器官移植中心接受活体供肾移植的108对供受者的临床资料。按供肾GFR数值大小将研究对象分为G1组(GFR < 40 ml/min)、G2组(GFR 40~45 ml/min)、G3组(GFR 46~50 ml/min)及G4组(GFR > 50 ml/min)。比较各组受者术后1周、2周、3周、1个月、3个月、6个月及1年的血清肌酐(Scr)的变化情况, 以及术后1年的人及肾存活情况。结果  与G1组比较, G2、G3、G4组术后2周、3周、1个月的Scr值较低, 差异有统计学意义(均为P < 0.05), 术后1年内人、肾存活情况, G1组超急性排斥反应致移植肾失功1例、重症肺部感染死亡1例; G2组因急性排斥反应导致移植肾失功1例; G3组死于重症肺部感染者1例; G4组1例死于重症肺部感染; 其余患者在随访期间人、肾均存活。结论  活体肾移植供肾GFR值低对术后移植肾早期(1个月内)肾功能恢复有一定影响。  相似文献   

目的 探讨99mTc-DTPA肾动态显像在评价活体肾移植供者肾小球滤过率(GFR)中的应用,并观察GFR水平与供者年龄和性别的相关性.方法 212名候选供者均接受肝肾超声波、肝炎病毒感染以及与受者的血型和组织配型等全面检查,如上述检查符合供肾的一般要求,则进一步行99mTc-DTPA肾动态显像检测候选供者的GFR,如GFR≥1.33 ml/s(1 ml/s=60 ml/min),则认为GFR正常;如1.17 ml/s≤GFR<1.33 ml/s,则行内生肌酐清除率(CCr)检查,如CCr正常,则认为GFR正常,如CCr异常,则候选供者放弃供肾;如GFR<1.17 ml/s,则候选供者放弃供肾.供者选取后,应用等级相关系数分析不同性别和不同年龄供者间的GFR水平的差异.结果 212名候选供者中,GFR≥1.33 ml/s者137名;1.17 ml/s≤GFR<1.33 ml/s者55名,其中31名因CCr异常或其他安全性考虑而放弃供肾;GFR<1.17 ml/s者20名.共有161名候选供者最终被选择为供者供肾,其中男性105名,女性56名,年龄(42.91±11.90)岁(20~62岁).供肾前,男性和女性供者双肾总的GFR分别为(1.51±0.22)ml/s和(1.45±0.18)ml/s,二者间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);不同年龄各组间GFR水平的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),老年(>55岁)和中青年(≤55岁)供者间GFR水平分别为(1.48±0.22)ml/s和(1.49±0.17)ml/s,二者间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).相关性分析显示,供者GFR与其年龄无明显相关性(r=-0.033,P=0.69),男性和女性供者的GFR水平与其年龄也无明显相关性(r=-0.053,P=0.571;r=-0.019,P=0.754).供肾后,所有供者短期内肾功能均恢复至正常水平,未发生肾功能异常和严重并发症.结论 99mTc-DTPA肾动态显像在评价活体肾移植供者GFR中具有较好准确性和可重复性;1.33 ml/s>GFR≥1.17 ml/s者经严格筛选后可作为供者供肾,且预后良好;供者GFR水平与其年龄和性别间无明显相关性.  相似文献   

目的 比较多种肾小球滤过率(GFR)估算方程在亲属活体供肾功能评估中的准确性,找出适合我国人群的GFR估算方程.方法 以44名亲属活体供肾者为对象,以99mTc-二乙三胺五乙酸(DTPA)肾动态显像测定的GFR为参考标准,并以体表面积(BSA)将其标准化(sGFR).将以Cockcroft-GauIt(C-G)方程估算的肌酐清除率(Ccr),C-G方程、改良C-G方程、肾脏疾病饮食调整研究组(MDRD)方程和改良MDRD方程估算的GFR(eGFR),分别与sGFR进行比较,分析其偏差、相关性、准确性和精确性.结果 sGFR为(123±24)ml/min,C-G方程估算的Ccr,以及C-G方程、改良C-G方程、MDRD方程和改良MDRD方程估算的GFR分别为(123±27)ml/min、(104±22)ml/min、(156±28)ml/min、(122±19)ml/min和(138±25)ml/min,其偏差值,MDRD方程最小,两种改良方程的偏差较大;配对t检验及相关性分析,C-G方程的Ccr估算值、MDRD方程的估算值与sGFR的差异无统计学意义,改良C-G方程和改良MDRD方程的GFR估算值与sGFR之间的相关性较好;MDRD方程的准确性最高,两种改良方程的准确性较差;改良MDRD方程、改良C-G方程的精确性稍高.结论 5个估算方程估算的GFR均有不用程度的误差,相对来说MDRD方程的偏差较小,准确性较高,相关性和精确性尚可,但若应用于临床,有必要对其进行适当修正.  相似文献   

^99mTc—DTPA动态肾显像在移植肾监护中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

目的为临床准确评估GFR提供一定依据。方法我们对32例慢性肾脏病患者及5例正常志愿者,用99mTc-DTPA的清除率测定肾小球滤过率(Tc-GFR),同时测定血尿素氮(BUN),肌酐(Scr),24小时肌酐清除率(24hCcr)和采用Cockcroft-Gault公式计算肌酐清除率(Ccockcroft),并进行比较和分析。结果以上指标与Tc-GFR均存在相关关系;它们检出Tc-GFR下降的敏感性分别是50%、58%、69%和80%;24hCcr和Ccockcroft与Tc-GFR的相关性显著优于BUN,Ccockcroft检出Tc-GFR下降的敏感性显著优于BUN。结论传统的指标除BUN外均能一定程度地准确反映GFR。99mTc-DTPA清除率可以准确,安全,有效地测定GFR,适用于某些对GFR精确性要求较高的情况。  相似文献   

目的 探讨活体肾移植供肾肾小球滤过率( GFR)对受体早期肾功能的影响.方法 2006年至2011年在本中心接受活体肾移植172例为研究对象,其中亲属供肾166例(96.5%),夫妻供肾5例(2.9%),帮扶供肾1例(0.6%).术前应用放射性核素99mTC-DTPA肾动态显像测定供体左右肾GFR.供体的双肾GFR为62~148 ml/min,将对象分为供肾GFR≤45ml/min受体76例和供肾GFR>45 ml/min 96例.两组受体的透析情况、冷、热缺血时间、抗体诱导及免疫抑制方案、HLA错配率等基本资料相似.评价患者术后早期肾功能变化情况.结果 两组患者术后急性排斥反应以及肾功能延迟恢复( DGF)发生率差异无统计学意义.与供肾GFR≤45 ml/min组比较,供肾GFR>45 ml/min组的Scr在术后1周、1个月、3个月、1年均较低,其中术后1周的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);术后1个月、3个月、1年的差异均无统计学意义.重复测量的方差分析显示术后1年内两组受体Scr变化差异无统计学意义.结论 活体肾移植供肾GFR高低对受体术后1周Scr下降水平有影响,供肾GFR高者受体术后1周Scr水平低,但是对受体术后早期(1年内)的Scr整体水平及变化趋势无显著影响.  相似文献   

目的:探讨核素肾动态显像法测定肾小球滤过率(GFR)在老年肾癌患者中的临床应用价值.方法:回顾性分析30例老年肾癌患者术前及术后1个月应用99锝-二乙三胺五乙酸(99TC-DTPA)肾动态显像法测定GFR的结果,对健侧肾及术侧残肾进行手术前后的比较,观察其代偿性变化.结果:肾根治性切除组术后健侧肾GFR为(57.6±11.8)ml/min,较术前健侧肾(41.2±7.4)ml/min增加39.8%,但与术前双肾GFR(74.9±12.8)ml/min比较则下降了23.1%.肾部分切除组术侧残肾GFR为(27.8±4.8)mI/min,较术前(36.5±6.4)ml/min减少23.9%,健侧肾GFR手术前后比较差异无统计学意义.结论:采用核素肾动态显像法测定GFR在评估老年肾癌患者分肾功能、选择手术方式及监测术后肾功能方面有重要临床价值.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that predictors of outcome in live donor transplants were likely to differ significantly from deceased donor transplants, in which cold ischaemia time, cause of donor death and other donor factors are the most important predictors. The primary aim was to explore the independent predictors of graft function in recipients of live donor kidneys (LDK). Our secondary aim was to determine which donor characteristics are the most useful predictors. A retrospective analysis was undertaken of all patients receiving live donor (n = 206) renal transplants at our institution between 31 May 1994 and 15 October 2002. Twelve patients were excluded from the analysis. Follow-up was completed on all patients until graft loss, death or 22 November 2003. We explored predictors of Nankivell glomerular filtration rate (GFR) at 6 months by multivariate linear regression. In the 194 patients studied, the mean recipient 6-month Nankivell GFR was 59 +/- 15 ml/min/1.73 m(2). Independent predictors of recipient GFR in at 6 months were donor Cockcroft-Gault GFR (CrCl; beta 0.16; CI 0.13 to 0.29; P < 0.0001), steroid resistant rejection (beta-6.07; CI -12.05 to -0.09; P = 0.006) and delayed graft function (DGF) (beta-10.0; CI -19.52 to -0.49; P = 0.039). Renal function in an LDK transplant recipients is predicted by donor GFR, episodes of steroid resistant rejection and DGF. Importantly, donor Cockcroft-Gault GFR is the most important characteristic for predicting the recipient renal function.  相似文献   

Abstract: Background: Accurate measurement of donor renal function has important long‐term implications for both donors and recipients. In clinical practice, renal function may be estimated by using 24‐h urinary creatinine clearance (urine‐CrCl) and various specifically derived prediction equations. We assessed the suitability of urine‐CrCl and prediction equations for evaluating Chinese kidney donors. Methods: A total of 224 donors who had undergone 99mTc‐diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid glomerular filtration rate (GFR) estimation were enrolled. We evaluated the performance of the Cockcroft–Gault equation (CG‐CrCl), the CG‐CrCl equation corrected for GFR (CG‐GFR), the isotope dilution mass spectrometry traceable modification of diet in renal disease (IDMS‐MDRD) study equation, the new MDRD study equation for Chinese (C‐MDRD 1), the modified MDRD study equation with a Chinese coefficient (C‐MDRD 2), the modified IDMS‐MDRD study equation with a Japanese coefficient (J‐MDRD), and urine‐CrCl in predicting GFR before donation. Results: Of 224 donors selected, 68 were male and 156 were female. Of all the prediction equations, C‐MDRD 1 was the least scattered and most precise. However, predictive performance was poor for all the equations. Conclusion: The performance of urine‐CrCl and all the equations was disappointing, and even the best performing equation C‐MDRD 1 was unacceptable. Considering the potential risk of living kidney donation, other more accurate methods of GFR measurement should be used in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Aim:   We evaluated the performance of serum creatinine based equations to estimate glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in South Asian healthy renal donors.
Methods:   GFR by 99mTc-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) renogram (mGFR) in 599 renal donors was measured. GFR was estimated using a six variable modification of diet in renal disease formula (MDRD1), a four variable MDRD formula (MDRD2), Cockcroft-Gault creatinine clearance (CG CrCl), Cockcroft-Gault glomerular filtration rate (CG GFR) and the Mayo Clinic formula (Mayo GFR). The performance of various prediction equations was compared for global bias, precision (R2) and accuracy (percentage of estimated GFR (eGFR) falling within 15% and 30% of mGFR).
Results:   The mean age was 37.4 ± 11 years and 48.2% were male. The mGFR was 95.5 ± 11.6 mL/min per 1.73 m2. The bias (mL/min per 1.73 m2) was 7.5 ± 0.9, −9.0 ± 0.75, 13.1 ± 0.9, 7.5 ± 0.9 and 23.4 ± 0.76 for CG CrCl, CG GFR, MDRD1, MDRD2 and Mayo GFR, respectively. R2 was 0.082 for CG CrCl and MDRD1, 0.081 for CG GFR and MDRD2 and 0.045 for Mayo GFR. The percentages of eGFR falling within 15% and 30% of mGFR were 50.5 and 80.1 for CG CrCl, 65.8 and 84 for CG GFR, 50 and 74 for MDRD1, 54.3 and 80.1 for MDRD2 and 32 and 63.4 for Mayo GFR. Overall CG GFR performed better in estimating GFR in all subjects.
Conclusion:   The CG GFR equation was better than other equations to estimate GFR in South Asian healthy renal donors. We propose a new equation derived from the regression model in our study population to estimate GFR in a South Asian healthy adult population.  相似文献   

《Renal failure》2013,35(4):576-581

Objective: This study seeks to account for the possibility that single kidney glomerular filtration rate (SKGFR) and donor/recipient (D/R) body surface area (BSA) ratio could act as cofactors for evaluating potential living related donors. Methods: The study population included 204 cases of LKRs with a functional graft that were regularly followed up for more than 2 years. Based on SKGFR and D/R BSA ratio, the recipients were divided into six groups: group A (SKGFR?<?40?mL/min, D/R BSA ratio?≤?0.8), group B (SKGFR?<?40?mL/min, 0.8?<?D/R BSA ratio?<?1.2), group C (SKGFR?<?40?mL/min, D/R BSA ratio?≥?1.2), group D (SKGFR?≥?40?mL/min, D/R BSA ratio?≤?0.8), group E (SKGFR?≥?40?mL/min, 0.8?<?D/R BSA ratio?<?1.2), and group F (SKGFR?≥?40?mL/min, D/R BSA ratio?≥?1.2). The database included donor, recipient, and transplant variables. Renal function of the recipients was recorded at 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, and 24 months post-transplantation, respectively. Results: The declining rate of SCr and graft eGFR in stable periods post-transplantation in group A were always worse than the other five groups, and the difference was statistically significant (p?<?0.05). The declining rate of SCr and graft eGFR in stable periods post-transplantation in groups C and F were always better than the other four groups, and the difference was statistically significant (p?<?0.05). Conclusions: Both SKGFR and D/R BSA ratio should be considered for choosing potential living related donors. Donors with SKGFR?<?40?mL/min and D/R BSA ratio?≤?0.8 should be carefully selected. Satisfactory graft function in donors with SKGFR?<?40?ml could be achieved if their D/R BSA ratio is >0.8.  相似文献   

《Urological Science》2017,28(4):227-231
ObjectiveThis study evaluated the relationship and postoperative glomerular filtration rate (GFR) between the living donors and the recipients in kidney transplantation. A 5-year review of living donor renal transplants in a single transplant center was performed.Materials and methodsFrom January 2010 to February 2015, a total of 49 living donor kidney transplantations were performed at the China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan. The relationship between donor and recipient and graft survival and changes in GFR during a 5-year period in a single center were retrospectively analyzed.ResultsThese 49 living donor kidney transplants represent 68% of all transplants (49/72) that were performed during this 5-year review. The recipients' kidneys were donated from offspring donors (22.4%; mean age, 54.27 years), parent donors (32.7%; mean age, 27.56 years), sibling donors (24.5%; mean age, 37.18 years), and spouse donors (20.4%; mean age, 49.09 years). The GFRs of the recipients were significantly different between these four groups at the last follow-up. The mean last follow-up postoperative GFR of the recipients was 77.71 mL/min for offspring donors, 57.81 mL/min for parents donors, 61.17 mL/min for sibling donors, and 46.30 mL/min for the spouse donors (p = 0.004). Two graft losses were noted in the spouse living donor population due to infection (cytomegalovirus and urinary tract infection).ConclusionThis study shows that the relationship of the donor to their recipient resulted in significant differences in the postoperative GFR and graft loss of the recipients. Recipients' kidneys donated from the spouse had the worst GFR compared to other groups.  相似文献   

Individuals with kidneys having ≥ 2 arteries appear to have an increased incidence of hypertension. Whether kidney donors in whom the remaining kidney has ≥ 2 arteries are at increased risk of hypertension is unknown. Therefore, we studied 3685 kidney donors to determine whether donors left with a kidney having ≥ 2 arteries were at increased risk of hypertension, impaired renal function, or death. Cohorts were assigned based on our practice pattern and the anatomy of the donated kidney. Of the 3685 donors, 1211 were estimated to have a remaining kidney with ≥ 2 arteries. Mean follow-up time for the single-artery group was 14.1 (± 11.0) yr and 15.3 (± 11.2) yr for the ≥ 2 artery group. Six-month hospital readmission rate was 1.4% and 1.2%, hypertension was noted in 22.4% and 21.8% and proteinuria in 9.7% and 9.6%, and estimated glomerular filtration rate at last follow-up was 62 (± 28) and 62 (± 16) for single vs. ≥ 2 renal artery groups, respectively. Our data suggest no adverse clinical sequelae nor any decrease in long-term survival for donors left with a kidney having ≥ 2 renal arteries.  相似文献   

Within 6 months of a kidney transplantation the graft can beregarded as an organ deprived of its innervation. We analysedwhether the transplanted kidney has a diurnal rhythm of itsglomerular filtration rate (GFR) similar to the GFR rhythm thathas been demonstrated in normal individuals and in patientswith nephrotic syndrome. GFR was measured by inulin clearancesevery 3 h during 1 day of bed-rest and identical food and fluidintake per 3 h in seven patients, 4–7 months after a successfulkidney transplantation, and in 10 healthy volunteers. Similarto these healthy subjects, a normal circadian rhythm of GFRwas detected in all but one patient with a maximum of 57 (range45–82) ml/min in daytime, a minimum of 47 (range 36–70)ml/min during the night and a relative amplitude of 21 (range10–41)%. The circadian rhythm of GFR was absent in thepatient with the lowest value of GFR (39 ml/min). In conclusion,GFR has a circadian rhythm in patients studied within 6 monthsof a kidney transplantation, despite the absence of renal innervation.  相似文献   

《Renal failure》2013,35(9):1199-1203

In this study we aimed to evaluate the influence of obesity in kidney and patient survival and graft function. Retrospective cohort study of kidney transplant recipients performed between 2001 and 2009. The body mass index was calculated at time of transplantation, one and five years after. The main outcomes studied were incidence of delayed graft function, new onset diabetes after transplantation, patient and graft survival, and glomerular filtration rate. The prevalence of obesity and overweight patients were 10.7% and 26.8% respectively, with an increase to 16.9% and 32.5% one year after transplantation. Underweight and obese recipients presented a higher incidence of early graft loss. The incidence of new onset diabetes after transplantation was significantly higher at one and five years in overweight or obese recipients at baseline. Overweight and obese recipients presented significantly lower estimated glomerular filtration rate at five years posttransplantation (p?=?0.002). In the Kaplan–Meier analyses no statistically significant differences in patients or grafts survivals were observed. Obese patients have a higher rate of early graft failure and a higher new onset diabetes after transplantation incidence. Also, the finding of decreased glomerular filtration rate is worrisome and perhaps longer follow-up will reveal more graft failures and patients deaths in the group of obese recipients.  相似文献   

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