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OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of ICD-10 mental disorders among internal medical inpatients, the relation between mental disorder, age, and gender, and the recognition and referral of the disordered patients. METHOD: 294 consecutive medical inpatients were examined with a two-phase design using the SCAN (Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry) for ICD-10 psychiatric diagnoses. Information from questionnaires and interviews with patients, doctors, nurses, and from medical records. RESULTS: The prevalence of current mental disorders was 38.7%, being heavily increased in young patients. Main diagnoses were somatoform disorders (17.6%), phobias (12.9%), substance use disorders (10.9%), and depression (8.3%). Psychiatric consultations were very few. About 38-56% of the cases were recognized by medical doctors and nurses, and only about 20% were in mental health treatment. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of mental disorders among internal medical inpatients is high and increased in young patients and women. Detection and referral are low, and few are treated.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: ICD-10 introduced a new diagnostic category, F23 'acute and transient psychotic disorders' (ATPD), to embrace clinical concepts such as bouffée délirante, cycloid psychosis, psychogenic (reactive) psychosis and schizophreniform psychosis. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the concept of reactive psychosis (RP), equivalent to the ICD-8 298 category of 'other psychoses', and ATPD. SAMPLING AND METHOD: Since January 1, 1994, ICD-10 has replaced ICD-8 as official classification in Denmark. Patients given an ICD-8 298 diagnosis on their last admission in 1992-1993 were identified from the Danish Psychiatric Central Register, and the ICD-8 diagnoses assigned were compared with their ICD-10 diagnoses when readmitted in 1994-1995. RESULTS: Diagnosis of RP was recorded in 19.2% of patients with functional psychoses in 1992-1993, whereas ATPD overall prevalence accounted for 8.7% of those with non-organic psychotic and affective disorders in 1994-1995. Thirty-eight per cent of patients with an ICD-8 298 diagnosis were readmitted during the years 1994-1995. Schizophrenia and related disorders (F2) and affective disorders (F3) accounted for three quarters of ICD-10 diagnoses. The most frequently used ATPD subcategories were F23.3 'other acute delusional psychotic disorders', F23.0 'acute polymorphic psychotic disorder without symptoms of schizophrenia' and F23.9 'acute and transient psychotic disorder unspecified'. A significant majority were female and associated acute stress was recorded only in 5.3% of cases. CONCLUSIONS: ICD-8 298 register diagnosis of RP showed little empirical continuity to ATPD and conformed more to F23.3 acute delusional disorder among ATPD subtypes.  相似文献   

Affective disorders in older inpatients   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: After dementia the group of depressive disorders is considered to be the second most common psychiatric disorder in the elderly. There is dispute regarding whether depression in the elderly differs from depression in the younger age groups by a longer duration of inpatient treatment, a more frequent occurrence of delusions, more cognitive impairment or by a more frequent co-occurrence of physical disease. This study aimed to compare younger with older inpatients with respect to these aspects. METHODS: Retrospective chart review of all admissions to the psychiatric department of a General University Hospital (n=9400) and review of the documentation of 15 348 psychiatric consultations in the years 1990-1998. The clinical diagnoses were made according to the ICD-10 criteria. RESULTS: 15.5% of the psychiatric inpatients in this period suffered from depressive episodes (ICD-10 F31.3-31.5,32,33). The proportion of depressive episodes increased with age, making up 5.4% in the age group below 30 years and 37.4% in the age group of 70-79 years. On the basis of the ICD-10 criteria for the severity of depressive episodes no significant differences could be demonstrated between the younger (< 65 years) and the older inpatients (>/= 65 years). In particular, no higher frequency of psychotic symptoms with increasing age could be found. The length of inpatient treatment did not significantly differ between both age groups. The elder patients showed less suicidal attempts prior to admission and less psychiatric comorbidity, but a significantly higher rate of concurrent physical illness. In 923 inpatients a psychiatrist was consulted by the other medical departments because of a co-occurrence of physical with affective disorders, making up 8.6% of the total seen by the psychiatric consultation service. Here again, the proportion of depressive episodes increased with age. The pattern of the depressive episodes in these patients did not differ from that seen in the psychiatric inpatients. LIMITATIONS: Only clinical diagnoses made by experienced psychiatrists were evaluated. CONCLUSIONS: According to our results older depressive inpatients differ from younger ones only with regard to concurrent comorbidity but not with respect to the duration of inpatient treatment or the pattern or severity of depressive symptoms. They more frequently suffered from physical illness but less often showed concurrent psychiatric comorbidity.  相似文献   

Fifty consecutive psychiatric consultations on 48 patients over an 18-month period in an arthritis hospital are analyzed. The range of psychiatric disorders and their relationship to characteristics of the patient population, such as age, sex, and medical diagnosis, are described. Approximately 2% of patients admitted to the hospital during this period elicited psychiatric consultation. This rate is one-third of the consultation rate of an acute medical and surgical hospital serviced by the same consultants. The relative distribution of psychiatric diagnoses—depression 59%, personality disorders and drug abuse 15%, psychosis 10%, conversion reaction 10%, and “other” 6%—was similar to that encountered in an acute general hospital setting. Although depression was the most prevalent psychiatric problem, it was severe enough to elicit consultation only in 1% of the total hospitalized population; its severity did not correlate directly with the severity of rheumatoid arthritis, the most common medical diagnosis encountered. Neither a particular medical illness nor sex accounted for a disproportionate share of the psychiatric consultations.  相似文献   

The prevalence of somatoform disorders among internal medical inpatients   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
OBJECTIVE: To find the prevalence of somatoform disorders (SDs) among internal medical inpatients and to study the comorbidity with other psychiatric disorders. METHODS: Of 392 eligible consecutive medical inpatients, 294 (75%) accepted to participate and, using a two-phase design, were assessed for ICD and DSM-IV somatoform diagnoses and for ICD-10 psychiatric diagnoses. RESULTS: A total of 18.1% (95% CI: 12.8-24.9%) of the patients fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for an ICD-10 disorder, and 20.2% (95% CI:14.7-27.2% ) for a DSM-IV SD. The prevalence of specified disorders revealed marked differences between the two diagnostic systems, e.g., concerning somatisation disorder (SD), which was more prevalent in the ICD-10 (5%) than in the DSM-IV (1.5%) equivalent. Quite the contrary was found in undifferentiated SD (0.7% in ICD-10 and 10% in DSM-IV). According to ICD-10 criteria, 3.5% had hypochondriasis, 2.6% a dissociative disorder, 3.2% a somatoform autonomic dysfunction, 1.5% had neurasthenia or persistent somatoform pain disorder, and 5% had an SD, unspecified. SDs were more prevalent among younger females. Thirty-six percent of the patients with SDs also had another psychiatric disorder, 11% a depression, and 25% an anxiety disorder. The physicians detected about 1/3 of the cases. CONCLUSION: Somatoform disorders were prevalent among internal medical inpatients especially among younger women.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The Israeli National Psychiatric Hospitalization Registry is a nationwide list of all psychiatric hospitalizations in the country and has been widely used as a source of data for psychiatric research. This study assessed the sensitivity of the diagnosis of psychotic disorders ( International Statistical Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision [ ICD-10 ] F20.0-F29.9) and schizophrenia ( ICD-10 F20.0-F20.9) in the Registry. METHOD: Registry discharge diagnoses of psychotic disorders ( ICD-10 F20.0-F29.9) and schizophrenia ( ICD-10 F20.0-F20.9) were compared with research diagnoses derived from best-estimate procedures based on Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) using structured clinical research interviews, hospital records, and family information. RESULTS: Out of 169 patients meeting RDC for psychotic disorder, 150 also had a diagnosis of psychotic disorders in the Registry, yielding a sensitivity of 0.89. Re-running this analysis for the narrow definition of schizophrenia identified 94 patients who were diagnosed with schizophrenia using RDC; 82 of those patients also had a diagnosis of schizophrenia in the Registry, yielding a sensitivity of 0.87. CONCLUSION: In 87% to 89% of cases with psychotic disorders or with schizophrenia, Registry diagnoses agreed with RDC diagnoses, a rate of agreement comparable with those of other, similar registries. Because a large number of analyses derived from this and similar national registries will be published in the coming years, this constitutes relevant information.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the stability of major psychiatric disorders in pediatric psychiatric clinical populations. The objective of this study was to examine the long-term stability of anxiety diagnoses starting with pre-school age children through adolescence evaluated at multiple time points. Prospective cohort study was conducted of all children and adolescents receiving psychiatric care at all pediatric psychiatric clinics belonging to two catchment areas in Madrid, Spain, between 1 January, 1992 and 30 April, 2006. Patients were selected from among 24,163 children and adolescents who received psychiatric care. Patients had to have a diagnosis of an ICD-10 anxiety disorder during at least one of the consultations and had to have received psychiatric care for the anxiety disorder. We grouped anxiety disorder diagnoses according to the following categories: phobic disorders, social anxiety disorders, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), stress-related disorders, and “other” anxiety disorders which, among others, included generalized anxiety disorder, and panic disorder. Complementary indices of diagnostic stability were calculated. As much as 1,869 subjects were included and had 27,945 psychiatric/psychological consultations. The stability of all ICD-10 anxiety disorder categories studied was high regardless of the measure of diagnostic stability used. Phobic and social anxiety disorders showed the highest diagnostic stability, whereas OCD and “other” anxiety disorders showed the lowest diagnostic stability. No significant sex differences were observed on the diagnostic stability of the anxiety disorder categories studied. Diagnostic stability measures for phobic, social anxiety, and “other” anxiety disorder diagnoses varied depending on the age at first evaluation. In this clinical pediatric outpatient sample it appears that phobic, social anxiety, and stress-related disorder diagnoses in children and adolescents treated in community outpatient services may have high diagnostic stability.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Some researchers in Europe, America and Oceania have recently reported that the incidence of schizophrenia is declining. We investigated changes in the proportion of schizophrenic patients to the total number of patients in two Japanese hospitals during the last decade. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The subjects were patients who first consulted the psychiatric clinic of Jichi Medical School or the psychiatric clinic of Kamitsuga General Hospital between December 1993 and November 1994 or between December 2003 and November 2004. Both clinics accepted new patients without prior appointments. Patients were classified using ICD-10 criteria (F0-F9, G40). The sex distribution of the patients and the mean age at first contact were compared for the two time periods. The proportion of schizophrenia (F2 in the ICD-10 criteria) to the total number of patients was compared for the two time periods after standardizing the populations with regard to age using the "1985 model population in Japan." RESULTS: A decade ago, 398 patients first contacted the psychiatric clinic of the medical school hospital, compared with 958 patients in the recent investigation. A decade ago, 166 patients first contacted the psychiatric clinic of the general hospital, compared with 407 patients in the recent investigation. No differences in the sex ratios of the two groups were noted. The mean age of the patients visiting the medical school significantly increased by 3.5 years (36.9 to 40.4 years), while that of the patients visiting the general hospital significantly increased by 10.0 years (46.2 to 56.2 years). The proportion of schizophrenia patients in the medical hospital decreased from 8.5% to 6.9%, while that in the general hospital decreased from 11.0% to 5.4%. Only the change in the proportion of schizophrenia patients at the general hospital was significant. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION: The facts that the mean age of first-contact patients has risen and that the number of first-contact patients has increased approximately 2.5-fold suggests a change in the composition of first-contact patients in the last decade. We have some reservations regarding the comparison of these two groups. Although the actual number of first-contact patients with schizophrenia increased in both clinics, we found that the proportions of schizophrenia patients decreased in both clinics after standardizing the populations with regard to age. This finding must be investigated in view of other factors, including the overall age distribution of first-contact patients, increases in the proportions of affective disorders and organic mental disorders, and so on.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To test the association between thyroid dysfunction and psychiatric diagnostic group in a large sample of consecutive patients, while controlling for the effects of age, sex, medication and concomitant medical conditions. METHODS: We compared the distribution of psychiatric diagnostic groups according to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision (ICD-10), and of selected psychopathological symptoms in 100 newly admitted psychiatric patients who had genuine thyroid disease and 92 psychiatric patients who had nonspecific alterations of thyroid function with the corresponding items for the whole group of admitted patients (n = 1134) during the observation period. This analysis was then repeated using an age-matched and sex-matched comparison group selected from all admitted patients in a random order. RESULTS: When all admitted patients were considered, the presence of a genuine thyroid disorder was associated with the diagnosis of a mood disorder (ICD-10 category F3). This effect was no longer detectable when the age-matched and sex-matched comparison group was used, indicating a simple effect of these 2 variables. Nonspecific alterations of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) were associated with the ICD-10 diagnostic group F4 (neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders), with demographic variables being similar in this subgroup to those of all admitted patients. These patients also tended to display more symptoms of a mild depressive syndrome. When only patients with nonspecifically decreased TSH concentrations were tested, these findings could not be reproduced. Nonspecifically decreased concentrations of thyroxine and free thyroxine index were found significantly more often in the diagnosis group F1 (mental disorder due to substance use), reflecting results for alcohol-dependent patients. This result could not be replicated using an age-matched and sex-matched control group. CONCLUSION: In newly admitted psychiatric patients with genuine thyroid disease, there was no notable association of thyroid disease and major psychiatric diagnostic groups according to ICD-10, especially depression. This argues against the hypothesis of thyroid disorders being a major risk factor for psychiatric illnesses. Nonspecific alterations of TSH were more frequently seen in patients of diagnostic group F4 and with mild depressive syndromes, possibly representing an altered influence of stress-regulating systems on thyroid function.  相似文献   

A register-based study of 485 children (0-15 years of age) admitted to a child psychiatric hospital from January 1, 1970 to December 31, 1972 who were followed up on December 31, 1986 showed higher rates of admission to psychiatric hospital in late adolescence or young adulthood (i.e. greater than or equal to 16 years of age) than found in an age-standardized general population. Patients with the childhood diagnosis neurosis (ICD-8 300 + 308.00) were found to have higher rates of admission with personality disorders (ICD-8 301.09-301.39 + 301.82-301.99) but not of other diagnoses including neurotic disorders. Patients with the childhood diagnosis of conduct disorder (ICD-8 301.09-301.99 + 308.01) had a higher risk of admission in adulthood with the diagnosis of personality disorders and drug or alcohol abuse. Girls with adjustment disorder (ICD-8 307 + 308.02-308.06) had higher risks of admission in young adulthood with diagnosis of personality disorders and psychosis. No connection was found between the age at first referral and the incidence of admission after the age of 15 years.  相似文献   

We reviewed the medical records of 157 adult (18 years) patients with firmly diagnosed idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) to investigate the extent and the type of psychiatric comorbidity and its relationship to various IGE syndromes and other epilepsy-related neurobiological factors. Forty-one patients (26.1%, 14 men and 27 women, median age: 34.0 years, range: 18-68, mean: 36.5) had comorbid mental disorders according to the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) criteria, with four patients having a dual diagnosis. Mood disorders were the most common comorbid mental disorder (46.7%), followed by anxiety-panic disorder (26.7%). Comorbid psychiatric disorders occurred in all syndromes and in association with all seizure types, and, as in focal epilepsies, seizure control was significantly better in patients without psychiatric comorbidity (40.5% vs 19.5%, chi(2)(1)=5.873, P=0.015).  相似文献   

In the discussion of the increasing costs of health care in Germany the frequent and often times long inpatient treatments of elderly patients are pointed out. Since these patients also suffer from psychiatric disorders very frequently, a psychiatric consultation is required rather often. This study was aimed to evaluate the requirements of a consultation service for elder inpatients. For this purpose all 9363 consultation reports from 1994 to 1998 were evaluated retrospectively. 2152 (31.4 %) of the patients visited by the psychiatric consultation service were over 64 years old. The most frequent diagnoses were organic brain syndrome (ICD-10: F0), particularly senile dementia (ICD-10: F00 - 03), adjustment disorder (ICD-10: F43) and affective disorders, particularly depressive disorders (ICD-10: F3). In 139 patients (6,5 %) a consultation was requested because of a suicidal attempt prior to admission. Our results suggest that in a gerontopsychiatric consultation service predominantly old patients with internal diseases and with the need of psychosocial help are visited and that the specific knowledge of psychopharmacological treatment in multimorbid patients as well as the psychosocial help and legal advice is requested. These aspects should therefore be a special focus in educational programs for a gerontopsychiatric consultation service.  相似文献   

Jäger M  Riedel M  Möller HJ 《Der Nervenarzt》2007,78(7):745-6, 749-52
The defining clinical features of acute and transient psychotic disorders (ICD-10: F23) are an acute onset and a duration of psychotic symptoms not exceeding 1-3 months. Previous empirical investigations show that patients with this diagnosis have a favourable prognosis, but also a high risk of relapses (58-77%). The diagnostic stability in the further course of illness seems to be low (34-73%) with a frequent diagnostic change to schizophrenia and affective disorders being observed. As yet, data from controlled clinical trials regarding therapy do not exist. The implications for the treatment of acute and transient psychotic disorders are discussed with this background.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the extent and quality of consultation-liaison (C-L) activity in Italy, a multicenter investigation was conducted in 17 general hospitals. All of the hospitalized patients referred to C-L psychiatry during a 1-year period were assessed by means of a specific instrument (Patient Registration Form, PRF-SF). Of 518,212 patients, 4182 were referred to C-L services (referral rate = 0.72%). Typical consultations were for female patients (60.1%), admitted to medical wards (71.5%), aged 55-75 years. Most interventions were carried out within 2 days; a minority (22%) were urgent requests. Gastrointestinal and cardiovascular disorders, and unexplained medical symptoms were the most frequent ICD-9 somatic diagnoses at admission. One-third of the patients were not informed of having been referred to C-L and half of them had a lifetime history of psychiatric disturbances. Most frequent ICD-10 psychiatric diagnoses were neurotic, stress-related, and somatoform syndromes (33.1%), affective syndromes (19.4%), and organic mental syndromes (10.7%). Two-thirds of the patients were given only one consultation whereas the reminder received two to four follow-up visits. The rate of transfer to psychiatric wards was low (2.1%). Psychopharmacological treatment was suggested in 65% of cases, and 75.5% of the patients were referred to community psychiatric care at discharge. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   



This study investigated the prevalence of schizophrenia (ICD-10 F 20) and of other non-affective psychosis (NAP, ICD-10 F 21 - F 29) in Sweden. It further assessed health care use, comorbidity and medication for these patient groups.Most studies either have a study population of patients with strictly defined schizophrenia or a psychosis population of which strict schizophrenia cases form a smaller set. The present study permits comparison of the two mutually exclusive patient groups using data at the individual level in the diagnosis of non-affective psychosis, use of health care, medical treatment and comorbidity by diagnosis or medical treatment.


In 2012, data were extracted from a regional registry containing patient-level data on consultations, hospitalisations, diagnoses and dispensed drugs for the total population in the region of Stockholm (2.1 million inhabitants). The size of the total psychosis population was 18,769, of which 7284 had a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Crude prevalence rates and risk rates with 95% confidence intervals were calculated.


In 2012, the prevalence of schizophrenia and NAP was 3.5/1000 and 5.5/1000, respectively. Schizophrenia was most common among patients aged 50–59 years and NAP most common among patients aged 40–49 years.Schizophrenia patients used psychiatric health care more often than the NAP patients but less overall inpatient care (78.6 vs. 60.0%).The most prevalent comorbidities were substance abuse/dependence (7.9% in the schizophrenia group vs. 11.7% in the NAP group), hypertension (7.9 vs. 9.7%) and diabetes (6.9 vs. 4.8%).The parenteral form of long-acting injectable antipsychotics was more often dispensed to patients with schizophrenia (10 vs. 2%).


This study, analysing all diagnoses recorded in a large health region, confirmed prevalence rates found in previous studies. Schizophrenia patients use more psychiatric and less overall inpatient health care than NAP patients. Differences between the two patient groups in comorbidity and drug treatment were found. The registered rates of a substance abuse/dependence diagnosis were the most common comorbidity observed among the patients investigated. The observed differences between the schizophrenia and the NAP patients in health care consumption, comorbidity and drug treatment are relevant and warrant further studies.

The representation of comorbid mental disorders within the German Diagnosis Related Groups-System was investigated. First the complication and complexity level CCL of diagnoses of mental disorders (ICD-10 category F) within the G-DRG-calculation handbooks 2004 and 2005 were checked. Second the revenue based on a fictitious base rate of 3000 with the G-DRG versions 2004/2005 respectively was calculated with and without inclusion of diagnosed comorbid mental disorders of 6610 cases of both medical departments of a hospital of tertiary care level (year 2004). Only F0-diagnoses could lead to a CCL of 3. In 28.2 % of the patients at least one comorbid diagnosis of the category F of the International Classification of Diseases (mental and substance induced disorders) had been coded. Renunciation of the diagnosed mental disorders would have been resulted in a fictitious reduction in revenues based on the G-DRG version 2004 of 93 600 and on the G-DRG version 2005 of 69 000 . The Patient Clinical Complexity Level PCCL was increased 0.15 by the comorbid mental disorders in each year. To achieve an adequate representation of comorbid mental disorders in the G-DRG-system and to ensure a financial survival of psychosomatic/psychiatric CL-services coordinated efforts of psychosomatic scientific societies and hospitals taking part in the G-DRG-calculation sample are necessary.  相似文献   

Within a broader World Health Organization (WHO) collaborative research around the ICD-10 diagnostic criteria for research, the Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO) ICD-10 research coordinating center at the Ain Shams Institute of Psychiatry presented the data collected from 8 Arab centers, which investigated a total of 233 patients using the local psychiatric interview schedules and diagnosed according to ICD-10 criteria. Interrater reliability was found to range between an almost perfect (0.81-1) to substantial agreement (0.61-0.80) (using the kappa coefficient) in diagnosing organic mental disorders, substance use disorders, schizophrenic, schizotypal and delusional disorders, affective disorders and neurotic and stress-related disorders. The categories of psychological development and child and adolescent disorders were diagnosed less frequently and the agreement between raters was lower. Though no culture-bound syndromes were encountered in any of the centers, difficulties in diagnosis using the research criteria were identified in the domain of simple schizophrenia and dissociative versus conversion disorders. These difficulties are discussed in consideration of the experience of our psychiatrists.  相似文献   

This study documents the prevalence of abnormal laboratory findings in schizophrenic patients who were admitted, because of acute disease, to a psychiatric intensive care unit in Japan. Patient laboratory data were evaluated retrospectively prior to treatment. Of 259 male acute schizophrenic patients (ICD-10: F2 group), nearly 10% were dehydrated, 33% had hypokalemia and leukocytosis, and 66% showed elevated serum muscle enzymes. This prevalence was statistically significant compared with that of psychiatric outpatients (F1 group). In addition, these medical problems in the F2 group were as frequent as those in the F1 group, i.e., alcohol and/or psychoactive substance abusers (ICD-10), although the problems in the F2 group occurred less often than in the F1 group. Current medication, obvious complications, or the presence of alcohol and/or psychoactive substance abuse in the F2 group were not major causes of these results. The medical problems significantly improved after 8 hours of fluid therapy. These findings strongly suggest the significance of medical management for acute schizophrenic patients on emergency admission as well as for alcohol and/or psychoactive substance abusers.  相似文献   

Substance use is prevalent in patients with psychiatric disorders and may cause severe symptoms in addition to complicating the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders. The aims of the study were to find the prevalence in use of alcohol, drugs, benzodiazepines, hypnotics, opiates and stimulants, and to find the prevalence of substance use disorders at admission to an acute psychiatric department receiving all admissions from a catchment area. Patients were interviewed about use of medications and intoxicating substances during the last week before admission in 227 consecutive admissions. Urine samples were analysed with the liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (LC-MS) method. Use of substances was determined from reported use and findings in urine samples. Diagnoses were set at discharge according to ICD-10 research criteria. In 81.9% of the admissions, the patient had used alcohol, drugs, benzodiazepines, hypnotics, opiates or stimulants prior to admission. More men used alcohol, cannabis and stimulants, whereas more women used benzodiazepines. In 31.7% of the admissions, 49.5% of men and 16.4% of women, the patients had a substance use disorder (ICD-10, F10-19). Patients with substance use disorders had a shorter stay in hospital than other patients, and patients with no psychiatric disorder other than substance use disorders had a median length of stay of 2 days. Most patients had used psychoactive substances before admission to the acute psychiatric department, and half of the men had a substance use disorder.  相似文献   

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